Alfred Banks Stays Upbeat, Resumes Music Career 

By Percy Lovell Crawford

NEW ORLEANS — Catching COVID in January was a devastating ordeal for New Orleans rapper Alfred Banks. When the pandemic arrived in 2020, it nearly ended everything that Banks had worked for his entire life.

The pandemic essentially ended a seven-year relationship and his 9-5 job. Several tour dates, shows and collaborations were canceled. Ironically, the pandemic forced him to focus solely on his music — for the first time in his life.

And fate was on his side.

Following a stint of delivering food for Uber Eats Banks landed on his feet and is touring the country again.

Banks fills Zenger in on his return to music.

Zenger: Are you satisfied with your latest project: “The Range 2”?

Banks: What I’ve been doing lately is showing my range as an artist and the different genres I can do. I feel like I accomplished it pretty well. It’s a series. The first one had four songs and this one has six. I’m spreading out even more with the range. The reaction has been dope. I just started a tour a couple of days ago, and I’m excited by the way people received it.

After suffering through the lows of COVID, Alfred Banks is relishing the highs of touring. (Alfred Banks)  

Zenger: How far do you plan on going with this particular series?

Banks: I have no idea at the moment. As long as I’m in this mode, whatever hits me is what I do. There’s only one project I have been planning for a while, and it’s coming out later this year. Outside of that, I create from inspiration. I’m not a guy that writes to just write. I also don’t think that far ahead. I go with the flow. I may do two more installments, I may do one more, I may not do anymore. It depends on what mood I’m in.

Zenger: You seem to be in a great place right now, but that wasn’t the case two years ago. The pandemic really did a number on your personal life and career.

Banks: I caught COVID in January [2020]. It sucked. Physically, it was bad, so to make it past that was really cool. The pandemic wasn’t a good time for me. I was in a long-term relationship that ended. I had a day job at the time that ended because of COVID. I had 60 to 70 shows lined up — they all got canceled. My entire livelihood, my entire life, got uprooted, and I had to start from scratch.

It really forced me to get back to the basics of what got me the name I have. I had to grind. From 2016-2019, I didn’t have to make as many phone calls as I used to. I didn’t have to send as many emails. I didn’t have to DM as much as I used to. People were just reaching out and locking me in for events. These tours and festivals were just happening naturally. COVID shut everything down. I had to figure things out. I was able to bounce back from it.

I am grateful for that experience. I didn’t take music for granted, but now I definitely don’t take it for granted. Before COVID, I wasn’t a rapper for a living — now I am. It took the pandemic for me to really make things happen. June made my second year of being a full-time musician. I’m blessed. I took a bad situation and made it work.

Zenger: Sometimes, you don’t realize how strong and resilient you are until you have no choice. Did you surprise yourself by how much you overcame?

Banks: I really did surprise myself. I’ve been through a lot in my life. I went through so much in those seven months, but then you fast-forward to about 2021, and Hurricane Ida hit New Orleans. I had to deal with that on top of the pandemic. All of those things, grinding it out and working my butt off every single day to make it happen and keep the dream alive.

For me to be standing tall now says a lot about my character. At any point I could have gone another way and started doing something else. I believed in my music enough to know this wouldn’t be forever. I know the connection I have with my fans is deep. Those relationships were strengthened during the pandemic.

New Orleans rapper Alfred Banks demonstrates his musical range on his new project: “The Range 2.” (Alfred Banks)

I surprised myself by the way I was able to overcome so much, especially a doing it by myself. Now, being on with PR Amplified, having a beautiful publicist [Angelique Phipps], an incredible manager, incredible teammates, and booking agents really gets me going again.

Zenger: At one point, you delivered meals for Uber Eats, right?

Banks: Indeed. From May 2020 to about July 2020, I was doing Uber Eats on a bicycle. I was making $50 to $60 a day just to try to keep things going during the pandemic. During that time, I was still recording and do features when people would reach out. I remember being in an Uber one time specifically headed to do this big feature. It was honestly because the bread [money] was perfect. To know that somebody would think that much of me to put me on a record, the emotions flowed through me.

It all caught up to me, and I just cried in the Uber. It let me know that I would make it through this bad situation. Uber Eats was a lifesaver. It helped me get back on my feet. It helped me stay focused, and let me know that I had something. From that point, I was able to jump back into the shows. Now, I’m back on tour. My first tour in three years and these are the things I was able to get back to because of that hard work.

Zenger: Since you have experienced the lows what does the highs feel like?

Banks: The highs feel amazing. Just last night, I did a show in Dallas with Devin The Dude, and the night before, I was in Austin, same situation. These are the type of things that I don’t take for granted, and it feels amazing to be back doing these things on these bigger stages, introducing my music to fans. Also, having people from Houston, Dallas and San Antonio drive out to see my performance is an amazing feeling.

Seeing these people come to my shows with my merch on… I had a young lady come to the show who printed her own T-shirt. It feels incredible to know that even after all I’ve been through, people are still in tune with what I got going on. That’s a blessing.

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Black Property Owners: Law Requiring Landlords to Pay Tenants Is “Ill Conceived”

By Aldon Thomas Stiles | California Black Media

A recent federal appeals court decision opens the door for the state and several California cities to pass laws requiring landlords to pay one month’s rent to a tenant after they’ve been evicted.

The law, AB 1482, authored by former Assemblymember David Chiu, who represented the 17th District (San Francisco) until October last year, passed the Legislature in 2019 and took effect in 2020. Among other things, the legislation caps yearly rent increases to 10% for areas without rent control and provides financial assistance for tenants who were evicted because an owner of the property moved in.

San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Long and Los Angeles all have laws on the books or proposals in the pipeline requiring landlords to pay to evict tenants.

As of July 1st, California’s eviction moratorium ended. Reports are that evictions are on the rise in some California cities, like Sacramento, for example.

Velma Marie Poplar, the owner of a property in Compton with 10 units and 10 families, says that this law is ill-conceived, and it will particularly hurt struggling Black property owners who do not have a lot of money saved up to absorb unanticipated expenses.

“I don’t think this is a good idea right now because these are hard times for us as well,” said Poplar, explaining some of the challenges landlords face.

“I don’t think it’s fair that a landlord has to pay a tenant to move out,” she continued.

Poplar says her financial struggles during the COVID-19 pandemic has been interfering with her and her husband’s ability to build generational wealth for her Black family.

“Right now, we’re barely making ends meet during the pandemic ourselves. We’re spending a lot of money that we had saved before COVID because you still have to maintain the apartments,” said Poplar.

She said many large real estate management companies may be able to afford to pay tenants a month’s worth of rent, but most small property owners cannot.

“The laws are not made for small business owners, they’re made for big businesses; either you’re rich or you’re not and the rich can outlast people like me,” Poplar emphasized.

In California and many other states, lawmakers responded to the global COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on renters by enacting protections for tenants whose abilities to earn money may have been impacted by local health and safety guidelines.

Poplar claims that some tenants have been taking advantage of those protections.

“During COVID-19, a lot of their incomes had not changed yet they refused to pay rent,” said Poplar.

She claims that 4 of her 10 tenants have not been paying rent due to the eviction moratorium and other pandemic related ordinances.

Although many Californians facing eviction have applied for the state’s COVID-19 rent relief-program, the process takes time, renter advocates say.

According to the California Department of Housing, over the last 15 months, $4 billion in financial support has been disseminated to 340,000 renter households.

“California ran the largest and most successful eviction protection and rent relief program in the country,” said Gov. Gavin Newsom. “340,000 families weren’t evicted because of this, and the overwhelming majority of assistance went to very low-income households. Homelessness prevented, public health protected, families stabilized.”

While rent is on the rise in the Sacramento area, Poplar said she has not raised rent on her tenants because she “knows the tenants can’t afford it.”

She also said that her taxes go up every year.

“Anyone who isn’t paying rent is getting evicted after COVID-19 is over,” said Poplar. “If I don’t catch up with everything I need to catch up with, my bills, I’m going to lose what I’ve worked so hard for in the last 17 years.”

She said that she’s worried the banks will take her and her husband’s property if they cannot continue to afford it due to pandemic related income loss.

“I would lose everything,” said Poplar.

According to reports, the lawsuit related to the court’s decision to uphold the rent payment law was filed by Better Housing for Long Beach and they are considering appealing to the Supreme Court.

California Ed Chief Tony Thurmond’s Equity Initiatives Gain National Recognition

By Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

California is the winner of the 2022 Frank Newman Award for State Innovation.

The nation’s preeminent education award for innovation, it recognizes a state for enacting reforms or implementing programs that go beyond marginal or incremental changes to improve student outcomes on a large scale.

According to the Education Commission of the States, California is being recognized for “its coordinated approach to educating all students from preschool to postsecondary, with explicit attention toward whole-child supports and services, as well as its historic financial investments to ensure educational equity.”

In his press release announcing the win, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond said, “This is an incredible honor, and while the work continues, we’re proud of this national recognition that shows how California is improving educational outcomes for its students, closing equity gaps, and transforming education for students from pre-kindergarten to adulthood.”

Gov. Gavin Newsom, whose administration has made funding public education a priority, acknowledged receiving the award by saying, “California is transforming education from pre-kindergarten through to college and beyond, empowering students and families with more supports, more choices, and more opportunities. This award recognizes the hard work that’s gone into this transformative change by leaders throughout the state…. and the winners here are California’s kids and parents.”

The Newman Award announcement coincided with school districts finalizing their 2022-23 budgets which were due at their County Office of Education by June 30. Their budgets are bolstered by the highest level of funding in state history for all K-12 education programs – $128.6 billion is being allocated. Per pupil spending is $22,893 an all-time high.

The award recognized California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) as one of the nation’s most equitable formulas. LCFF allocates more resources to school districts educating low-income students. In this year’s state budget, school districts are receiving a $9.0 billion increase in ongoing LCFF funding, a 13% base increase over 2021-22 rates.

The award noted that in the last two years, California has approved increases to the LCFF allowing school districts to add more teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals, and other student support providers.

A letter nominating the state for the award read, “… [W]e believe there is no other state doing as much to advance educational equity for its neediest students as California is doing today.”

Since taking office in 2019, Thurmond has championed and created initiatives taking into consideration the unique needs California’s students. In order to achieve equity and transformative change he has promoted mental health programs, community schools, literacy, expanded learning programs, professional development, anti-racism training, and universal schools and universal meals programs.

Thurmond told California Black Media (CBM) that, “Starting out my goal was to figure out how to support Black students wherever they are in the state.” His Task Force on Closing the Achievement Gap has been the source of a number of recommendations advancing equity for all students.

Task Force recommendations include:

Supporting literacy as a strategy for closing the gap. In 2021 Thurmond launched a campaign committed to ensuring all students read by third grade by 2026. This effort includes securing funds for literacy supports and school libraries as well as for family engagement supports for literacy. This year’s budget includes $250 million to be spent over 5 years to hire literacy coaches and reading specialists for low-income elementary schools, and to implement evidence-based literacy strategies for preschool through third grade students and their families.

Diversifying the teacher workforce. Thurmond developed and sponsored AB 520 (Mike Gipson, D-Carson), which called for expanding male educators of color. This bill was embedded into the 2021 budget which allocated $350 million in residency grants for teacher preparation programs with an emphasis on diversifying the teacher workforce. $184 million in new funding for teacher residencies is included in the 2022-23 budget and eligibility is expanded include to counselors.

Expanding funding for Community Schools. In 2019 Thurmond wrote and sponsored AB 1196 (Gipson) to fund Community Schools. In 2021, Thurmond worked with Newsom on a proposal to expand community schools. The 2021 budget allocated $3 Billion for Community Schools and the California Department of Education (CDE) is currently implementing the community schools’ strategy. An additional $1.13 Billion was authorized in this year’s budget.

Providing professional development to help close the achievement grant. Thurmond helped to secure $1.5 Billion in Educator Effectiveness Grants to support professional development for educators to help close learning gaps. CDE has awarded the Educator Effectiveness Grants and is working with districts to implement this strategy.

Expanding mental health programs. Thurmond sponsored SB 1229 (McGuire, D-Healdsburg) which would fund $25,000 grants to add 10,000 mental health clinicians to serve California students. Provisions of SB 1229 have been folded into the 2022-23 budget legislation as part of teacher and school counselor residency programs. The current Golden State Teacher Grant Program is expanded to include mental health providers authorizing them to receive grants up to $20,000.

Expanding Pre-school programs. Thurmond sponsored AB 22 (McCarty, D-Sacramento) a bill that guarantees Universal Transitional Kindergarten. Thurmond and CDE are now implementing the policy. This year’s budget expands transitional kindergarten eligibility and rebenches the Proposition 98 Guarantee to $611 Million to accommodate enrollment increases. Also, $383 Million is approved to reduce the adult-to-student ratio for transitional kindergarten.

Expanding Dual language immersion programs. Thurmond wrote and is sponsoring SB 952 (Limón, D-Santa Barbara) a bill that helps schools expand into dual language immersion programs. This bill is a priority bill for the Latino Caucus.

Piloting implicit bias programs. Thurmond secured $10 million in the 2021 state budget for funds for districts to provide anti-bias training.

Reducing chronic absenteeism. Thurmond secured grant funds to provide Oakland and Inglewood Unified School Districts resources needed to contact families with chronically absent students.

The Education Commission of the States will present California leaders with the Newman Award at the 2022 National Forum on Education Policy being held July 13-15 in Washington, D.C.

High Desert Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway Happening Thursday, July 21

Grab your kids and head down to the High Desert Drive-Thru Backpack Giveaway which will be held from 8 a.m. until noon on Thursday, July 21, at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds in Victorville! This is for low-income qualifying students with proof of designated High Desert residence in Apple Valley, Lucerne Valley, Barstow, Victorville, Hesperia, Oak Hills, Silver Lakes, Oro Grande, Phelan and Pinon Hills. Registration is required. Visit for the link.

SBCUSD Holds Back to School Extravaganza July 21

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- The San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) is holding its second annual Back to School Extravaganza on Thursday, July 21 at Court Street Square in San Bernardino.

The event is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and features community organizations and vendors all focused on helping families prepare students to return to and succeed in school. Sponsors include San Bernardino Valley College, OmniTrans, IEHP (Inland Empire Health Plan), Dignity Health, Loma Linda University, Molina Healthcare and AmazonAir.

Families can enjoy free entertainment and participate in raffle drawings as they learn about services that can help children stay in school and overcome obstacles to academic success. SBCUSD departments will be on hand to provide information and guidance on the District’s English-learner programs, after-school programs, special education services, student wellness and support services, and more. Community vendors will be giving out free school supplies, dental supplies, and information on how to access free and low-cost health and financial resources.

Attendance is limited to the first 1,500 families to RSVP at or by calling the Family Engagement Office at (909) 880-4057. Court Street Square is located at 349 North E Street in San Bernardino. OmniTrans bus routes, including the sbX Green Line, have stops at or near Court Street Square.

Riverside, San Bernardino County Sanitation Workers Authorize Strike

CORONA, CA—- Close to 200 sanitation workers employed by Waste Management at facilities in Chino and Corona have voted unanimously to authorize a strike against the company. This step follows multiple contract bargaining sessions with the company since the workers’ contract expired in April. Little progress has been made in addressing worker concerns, including fair treatment and constant harassment on the job. These essential sanitation workers have worked throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure that communities throughout San Bernardino and Riverside Counties were kept clean and safe. CLICK HERE for photos.

These hard-working men and women are members of Teamsters Local 396 based in Covina, California, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which represents thousands of Waste Management workers across the United States. These workers, who have made it clear that their preference is to reach a fair agreement with the company rather than strike, serve cities in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, such as Corona, Chino, Norco, Chino Hills, and Eastvale. If a contract is not ratified soon, this region’s cities could see a waste hauling disruption impacting thousands of residents and businesses.

“I’ve been a dedicated Waste Management worker for over 14 years, doing my best to keep my community clean and safe. Throughout the pandemic, this has meant putting my health and well-being at risk to do my job as an essential worker,” said Luis Barba, a driver at Waste Management Corona, California. “While Waste Management calls me and my colleagues ‘heroes,’ the company doesn’t treat us that way. They don’t even treat us as human beings or valued employees. We cannot put up with this any longer. While we are doing everything in our power to avoid a strike, Waste Management needs to be held accountable to a fair contract and bargaining in good faith.”

“As a driver for Waste Management, I have had the opportunity to serve on the frontlines of the City of Chino, and I have been proud to do so. In turn, I only ask for fair pay and a voice on the job. Still, Waste Management refuses to negotiate a fair contract with me and my fellow Teamsters,” said Alfonso Camargo, a driver with Waste Management in Chino, California. “We have voted to authorize a strike vote because Waste Management needs to do better and start supporting its essential workers.”

In 2021, Waste Management’s CEO’s total compensation totaled over $13 million. The CEO’s pay was hundreds of times the average worker’s pay. Rather than investing profits into higher wages, benefits, and safer working conditions for its essential workers, it has continued to raise the salaries of overpaid executives. Meanwhile, waste and recycling collection continues to be America’s 5th most dangerous job.

Additionally, instead of investing its profits in its workers and services to the community, the company has apparently used its expendable cash on currying favor with local cities the company aims to do or already does business with. A recent example is in the City of Eastvale, where the city received an 8 million-dollar retention bonus back from Waste Management as part of the City renewing its waste hauling franchise agreement. With transactions like these and no respect from Waste Management, you can understand why Waste Management Teamsters at the Chino and Corona facilities are frustrated that even though the company is willing to spend millions to curry favor with politicians who approve Waste Management’s contracts, it continues to drag its feet when it comes to reaching a labor agreement that treats its workers fairly and with dignity.

“Teamsters at Waste Management across San Bernardino and Riverside Counties are sending a strong message that they are ready to do whatever it takes to secure a fair contract. Waste Management needs to take negotiations seriously to ensure that these essential heroes who work hard to keep our cities clean and protect our environment get a fair contract,” said Ron Herrera, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 396.

“You’ve Been Given Notice!”

By Lou Yeboah

Get yourself together, repent at once, and act as you did at first, or else I will surely come and remove your lampstand out of its place- [Revelation 2:5]. I will come in and sweep your house clean, says the Lord. Repent while it is still daybreak!

Listen, as God through Pilate gave Israel one last chance before consigning the nation to perpetual judgment. [John 19:8-16] He is giving you one last chance to repent.  The parable’s lesson in [Luke chapter 13] is that mercy and grace are available to all who will come to Christ IN TIME. Because eventually time runs out. ]Hebrews 9:27]. This is an urgent call to use the second chance wisely. This is a judgmental word filled with overtones of grace. [Luke 13: 1-9]. Don’t be like the self-righteous, prideful Jews who were horrified at the demand for repentance. How could they acknowledge sinfulness and the validity of God’s condemnation? They compared themselves to others who had met with unfortunate disaster and judged themselves to be worthy of God’s favor. But Jesus turned the tables on them once again as He pressed home the urgent need for repentance. As a nation, this was their last chance to repent. Don’t you wait until it’s too late! There is a season and time for everything. [Ecclesiastes 3:1-8].

Listen, this is where the rubber meets the road. This is where it comes down to the wire. For Jesus says in [Revelation 2:21] “And I gave her time to repent, and she did not repent.” Understand that it is only the forbearance of God that stands between you and eternal damnation. You are living on borrowed time. Opportunity to repent does not last forever. For He said to the vineyard-keeper, “Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree without finding any. Cut it down! [Luke 13:7]. I tell you; God’s patience won’t last forever. “Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, the unrighteous man his thought, let him return to the Lord and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” [Isaiah 55:6-7].

Listen, no one likes to be commanded to do anything. But here is a command from Almighty God that applies to every man, woman, boy and girl born on this planet. God says you must repent. No excuses will be accepted. If you do not obey God’s command, you will someday face a divine court-martial. Don’t take the grace of God for granted, make use of this opportunity to repent. “Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, people of Israel? For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!” [Ezekiel 18:31-32].

“But if they do not listen, they will perish by the sword and die without knowledge.” [Job 36:8-12]. You’ve been given notice! Repent while you still have a chance!

Young talent is What It Do!

By Lue Dowdy | LUE Productions

Calling All Youth Artists in the Inland Empire and neighboring cities. Can you sing, dance, rap, play an instrument, or recite poetry? This Saturday is the last day to audition for LUE Productions $1000 Summer Youth Talent Showcase and Competition.

Do you have a talented youth or know of one? Please let them know about this amazing opportunity taking place Saturday July 30th in San Bernardino. Must be 19 and under to participate. Want to model? Well, you’re in luck we’re looking for event models to rip the runway.

1st Place Winner- $500
2nd Place Winner- $300
3rd Place Winner- $200

Audition Location:

Women’s Club of San Bernardino 503 W 31st St, San Bernardino, CA 92405

Audition Time:

2:30 PM

Contact information:

Brian Park selected as Rialto’s new fire chief

RIALTO, CA— The City of Rialto is pleased to announce the hiring of Brian Park as its new Fire Chief, effective July 27. Park, who has served as the Division Chief of Operations and Acting Fire Chief since 2019, brings 25 years of firefighting experience, almost all of it with the Rialto Fire Department.

His appointment followed a national recruitment.

“Brian Park’s experience, leadership and local knowledge will serve us well as he and his team build on the Rialto Fire Department’s outstanding reputation. His appointment as Chief comes at an exciting time for our city, and we look forward to working together to further establish Rialto as a model for public safety,” said Mayor Deborah Robertson.

Said Mayor Pro Tem Ed Scott: “Brian has distinguished himself as a leader and dedicated community servant. His decades of service to Rialto have been exemplary, and we are confident that he will continue to provide our great Fire Department with the leadership we’ve all come to expect.”

Park was a Crafton Hills College paramedic student when he initially joined the Rialto Fire Department in 1997. After a brief stint in Barona, he returned to Rialto as a full-time firefighter/paramedic in 1999 and was promoted to Fire Captain in 2007 and Battalion Chief in 2012.

Park was a Crafton Hills College paramedic student when he initially joined the Rialto Fire Department in 1997. After a brief stint in Barona, he returned to Rialto as a full-time firefighter/paramedic in 1999, and was promoted to Fire Captain in 2007 and Battalion Chief in 2012.

Park holds a bachelor’s degree in Fire Service Administration and is pursuing a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. He is one of the few fire chiefs in California to hold both a California State Fire Marshal Executive Chief Fire Officer (ECFO) certificate and a Chief Fire Officer (CFO) credential from the Center for Public Excellence.

Park is currently President of the San Bernardino County Fire Chiefs Association, serves as the CAL OES Zone 1 Coordinator for the Operational Area and has played an instrumental role in the regional response to COVID-19 as a member of the interagency Incident Management Team (IMT).

“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as Chief, and am grateful to the Mayor, City Council and City Manager for their support and confidence. My approach is one of collaboration, communication and community service, and I look forward to working with all stakeholders to ensure the City’s public safety mission,” Park said.


Loveland Bible School Ends Friday

Theme: “Make Waves- what you do today can change the world around you”

The entire community is invited to Loveland Church’s vacation bible school on July 13-15th, 2022 from 6PM to 8:45PM. It’s free. It’s fun for the entire family; ages 3- 103. There will be music-games-crafts-bible study- and food offered each night. This years’ theme is “Make Waves” “What you do today can change the world around you.” At this year’s VBS, families will learn that how to change the world around them. When you put your trust in Jesus, you can make waves, because of God’s spirit living inside of you. At Loveland we are on a mission to restore God’s people.

For more information or to register go to   Contact Karen Joy at the church office at 909-356-5683. Thank you. Pass the word.