Letter to the Editor: To Protect Our Children, California Must Fix Our Water Quality Problem Now

August marked the start of a new academic year as California’s K-12 students headed back to freshly decorated classrooms.

While some parents may welcome the fact that summer vacation has ended, not all parents can be certain their children are safe in our public and private schools. According to recent reports, many low-income families and their children may be exposed to dangerously unsafe water in public schools. This month, reports of high levels of lead in the historically Black neighborhoods of South-Central Los Angeles came to light by a local environmental group. No amount of classroom décor can mask the reality of poor water quality in children’s homes and schools.

That’s why it’s important for state and local lawmakers to address the underlying infrastructural gaps perpetuating the problem – like old water pipes, dams, and spillways – instead of pursuing ineffective solutions that often impose significant unintended consequences for low-income families, leaving them in the same situation they’ve faced for decades.

We believe that everyone has the right to clean water, clean air, and life in a clean, safe environment, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or income.

Environmental Justice is a key part of the California Black Health Network’s Health Equity Framework, and it is why we work to address the root causes of health inequities, sometimes referred to as Social Determinants of Health (SDoH). Research shows that SDoH contribute to 80% of health outcomes. So, improving access to a community’s basic needs, like clean water, can have a significant impact – not only on just health outcomes, but life expectancy as well.

Water quality and safety are nothing new in the Golden State. A decade after California declared access to clean, safe, and affordable drinking water a human right, roughly one million California residents are still forced to rely on poor-quality water served by sub-standard water infrastructure systems. The state’s struggle is underscored by the fact that nearly 400 water systems are at risk of failing new, stringent testing requirements.

A 2020 CALPIRG Education Fund survey found that 53% of reporting school districts tested positive for lead in over 2,100 water fountains at 1,300 schools throughout the state. One school reported lead at 1,100 parts per billion (ppb) in one water fountain while another reported 2,000 ppb in a single classroom’s water fountain. These numbers far exceed the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation of no more than 1 ppb of lead in water.

The problem goes beyond schools, putting even our youngest, and most vulnerable at risk. The lead present in the drinking water at nearly 1,700 licensed child care facilities across California also exceeds the amount allowable for infants and preschool-age children. A sample from one facility tested last year was found to contain a lead level of 290 ppb — 58 times the state limit.

Exposure to lead is dangerous and can impact kids’ ability to learn and grow. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), low levels of lead exposure in children “have been linked to damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, learning disabilities, shorter stature, impaired hearing, and impaired formation and function of blood cells.” This is an unacceptable risk for our children while they’re at school and at home, but it’s an everyday reality for millions of low-income Californians across the state.

To effectively tackle water quality issues, increased funding for water infrastructure projects and less restrictive regulations on bottled water are essential. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal for a $130 million annual fund until 2030 underscores the state’s minimal commitment to improving water systems. However, this investment must be coupled with supportive regulatory frameworks that facilitate, rather than obstruct, access to alternative water sources like bottled water.

This balanced approach must also consider currently available tools for families to mitigate their risk. Ordinances prohibiting the sale of bottled water products, as proposed by multiple municipalities across California and implemented by others in the state, only reduce available supplies of safe drinking water for families at home or children at school. For low-income communities with compromised water quality, bottled water can provide a short-term alternative that is a necessity, not a luxury.

It should not go unnoticed that August also marked Water Quality Month, which highlights the importance of clean water to our “individual health, our collective agricultural needs, and the needs of our environment.”  The irony of children returning to schools with water contaminated by lead during a month recognizing the importance of clean water should not be lost on all any California lawmaker — nor should the irony of banning the very product that offers them a safe drinking option.

In communities and schools across the state, parents and teachers are raising and educating the next generation of Californians. They deserve no less than access to basic needs such as a clean drinking water supply — and it’s up to policymakers to ensure that this happens.

About the Author

Rhonda Smith, Executive Director of the California Black Health Network (CBHN).

“Biblical Truth!”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

Hell is real, and the miseries of Hell are unending [Jude 13; Rev. 20:10]. Hell, a place of outer darkness, and eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth. A place of eternal damnation. A place where God’s wrath is poured out. A place of everlasting destruction. A place where people scream for mercy, have memories, are tormented and cannot escape. [Matthew 8:12; Mark 9:48; Luke 16:23-31; Mark 3: 29; 2 Thessalonians 1: 9; Revelation 9:2; Revelation 14:10]. And this is not some weird prophet seeing a vision of the afterlife; this is Jesus Himself speaking plainly about what Hell is like. That why Jesus says, if your hand causes you to sin, cut if off. For it is better for you to enter life crippled, than with two hands and go to Hell, to the unquenchable fire. [Mark 9:43]. And make no mistake about it, those who choose not to accept God’s gift of salvation will go to Hell. [John 15:6]. Biblical Truth!

I tell you, our lives are finite, and we do not know how much time we have. Delaying the decision to accept Christ is just down right foolishness. [Matthew 25:41]. For the Bible clearly and explicitly teaches that Hell is a real place to which the wicked/unbelievers are sent after death.  Accepting Christ not only secures our eternal future but also brings blessings and a renewed relationship with Him in this life.

As [Dr. Benjamin E. Mays] said so eloquently, “I have only just a minute, only sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, can’t refuse it. Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it, but it’s up to me to use it. I MUST SUFFER if I lose it. Give account if I abuse it. Just a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it.” Heaven or Hell.

O sinner man! Consider the fearful danger you are in. It is a great furnace of wrath, a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath that you are held over in the hand of God, whose wrath is provoked and incensed as much against you, as against many of the damned in Hell. You hang by a slender thread, with the flames of divine wrath flashing about it, and ready every moment to singe it, and burn it apart; and you have no interest in any Mediator, and nothing to lay hold of to save yourself, nothing to keep off the flames of wrath, nothing of your own, nothing that you ever have done, nothing that you can do, to induce God to spare you one moment more [Jonathan Edwards – Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God].

Consider that the Son of Man will send his angels, and they will separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth [Matthew 13:41–42, 49–50].

Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life [Matthew 25:41, 46].

Sinner man [unbelieving man], where would you go if you were to die this very moment?  Are you sure you would go to heaven?

I tell you, “As the world turns from day to day, as we live, we have to make decisions and when we make those decisions, things don’t always turn out the way we’d like them to or want them to no matter what we feel or what seems real, things change. We don’t have a crystal ball to look into to know what our future is going to be. Gone are the days that seem so many years away. Whatever we had, we had [Songwriters: Barry White, Michael Lovesmith].

Oh, sinner man, unbelieving man, don’t wait until it’s too late! The Time is Near! The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Repent before it is too late and get under the umbrella of the Almighty God, NOW! For Jesus will send his angels, and they will separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth [Matthew 25:41, 46].

Remember, the Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.  Don’t delay, the Time is Near! Biblical Truth!

Rep. Aguilar Announces $959,757 for Arrowhead Farms Septic to Sewer Project

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— This week, Rep. Pete Aguilar announced that he secured $959,757 in federal funding for the City of San Bernardino’s Arrowhead Farms Septic to Sewer Project. This critical funding will connect properties within the Arrowhead Farms community to municipal sewer services at no cost to participating property owners, increasing property values for homeowners and reducing the risk of costly environmental hazards associated with septic tanks.

“I am proud to help secure this funding to facilitate the Septic to Sewer Project aimed at raising property values for these homeowners while addressing the environmental risks associated with outdated septic systems,” said Rep. Pete Aguilar. “I’ll continue to fight for more resources to raise the quality of life for working families in the Inland Empire and make our neighborhoods safer.”

“This money would alleviate some of the pressure on our residents, which will provide them with sewer, and a cleaner community,” said Joe Baca, Jr., Fifth District Supervisor, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. “This funding is all the more important for an underserved community like Arrowhead Farms.”

“Thank you to Congressman Aguilar for securing needed funds for this Septic to Sewer project.  This project is the first step toward providing safe, reliable wastewater services for Arrowhead Farms and better water quality for San Bernardino. We deeply appreciate the support of Congressman Aguilar and Supervisor Baca working together to improve local infrastructure and enhance quality of life in our community,” said Miguel Guerrero, General Manager, San Bernardino Municipal Water Department.

The Septic to Sewer Project offers free sewer connections, saving up to $35,000 in construction and connection fees, increasing property value, and reducing or eliminating septic system maintenance costs. Additionally, it will improve public health by preventing pollution from aging septic tanks, which can leak harmful contaminants like nitrates and fecal coliform into the environment. The project eliminates the risk of these hazardous spills and the associated remediation expenses.

In March 2024, Rep. Aguilar helped pass the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024, which included over $17 million in federal investments for 15 local projects across the region Rep. Aguilar represents in Congress.

Rep. Aguilar serves as Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and as a member of the House Committee on Appropriations.

Five Educators Named San Bernardino Countywide Teachers of the Year

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) was proud to honor five outstanding teachers who have dedicated their careers to student success in San Bernardino County. This year’s recipients were recognized during a September 19 ceremony held at the Dorothy Inghram Learning Center in San Bernardino.

“Each honoree’s daily contributions are essential to the overall success of our students, schools and communities,” said County Superintendent Ted Alejandre. “It is such an honor to be able to recognize their dedication, passion and unwavering commitment to shaping the future of our community through education.”

Annually, each of the 33 school districts in San Bernardino County select a Teacher of the Year. The district’s finalist then advances to the county-level review. After submitting their application for consideration, a screening and selection committee narrows down several finalists to compete for the title of California Teacher of the Year. The California Department of Education will announce the 2025 California Teacher of the Year awardees in October 2024.

The County’s awardees consistently go above and beyond for their students, inspiring a love for learning and creating positive, nurturing and welcoming classroom environments. Their dedication to education is a true testament to the spirit of the California Teacher of the Year award and sets a shining example for educators everywhere.

In addition to their individual awards, the five honorees also received a check from SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union in the amount of $250.

To learn more about this year’s award winners, visit www.westsidestorynewspaper.com and look for this article.

San Bernardino Valley College Receives Approval for First-Ever Bachelor’s Degree in Water Resources Management

San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) faculty and administrators meet with California Community Colleges (CCC) and San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) leadership during the historic CCC Board of Governors meeting at San Bernardino Valley College on September 23, 2024.

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) is proud to announce the official approval of its new bachelor’s degree in water resources management, a landmark achievement for the college and the community. The California Community Colleges (CCC) Board of Governors granted the approval during their historic, first-ever meeting at SBVC on September 23, marking a significant milestone for the institution and its students.

“We are thrilled to receive approval for this groundbreaking program,” said SBVC President Dr. Gilbert Contreras. “This degree will not only equip our students with the specialized knowledge and skills required in the water resources management field, but it will also position SBVC as a leader in addressing critical workforce needs in our region. By offering this degree, we are opening doors to high-wage, in-demand careers that will benefit both our students and our community.”

The bachelor’s degree in water resources management is designed to prepare students for leadership roles in the vital and evolving field of water management. Focusing on sustainable practices and advanced technologies, the program will address the growing demand for skilled professionals who can tackle complex challenges related to water supply, quality, and infrastructure.

“This program is a testament to SBVC’s commitment to educational excellence and community impact,” said Melita Caldwell-Betties, chair of the water supply technology program at SBVC. “Water is one of our most precious resources, and this degree will give students the expertise needed to make a difference. We are excited to launch this program and support our students in becoming future leaders in this critical field.”

The program’s approval comes at a crucial time for the water industry, which faces significant challenges due to an aging workforce and a looming wave of retirements. According to a recent SBVC regional labor market analysis, over 30% of water industry employees in the Inland Empire are expected to retire within the next 10 years. The new bachelor’s degree program will play a pivotal role in addressing the regional skills gap and providing trained professionals to fill these positions.

The Inland Empire is one of the top regions in the nation for water-related careers, offering high salaries and strong demand for qualified candidates.

Graduates of the program will be prepared for a variety of high-demand roles, including:

  • Leadership positions in water supply utilities
  • Water and wastewater treatment plant management
  • Regulatory agency positions focused on water quality and environmental protection
  • Groundwater and conservation district leadership
  • Watershed and river basin authority management

SBVC is hoping to begin enrolling students in this innovative new degree program by Fall 2026.

SB Symphony to present Movies with the Maestro on October 26

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— October 26th, the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra will present a 3 p.m. matinee performance of “Movies with the Maestro” featuring some of Maestro Anthony Parnther‘s favorite film and television music including some of the scores he has personally led on the session stages of Hollywood.

“When I’m not here in San Bernardino with our world-class orchestra, I have the distinct pleasure of leading the Hollywood Studio Symphony on many of the most beloved film and television franchises on the planet,” explained Maestro Parnther. “This annual concert has quickly become a San Bernardino Symphony staple and it is great to see so many people from throughout the region excited to experience the incredible music of American television and cinema!”

The repertoire will include selections from Aladdin, Hocus Pocus, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Chariots of Fire, Ghostbusters, Transformers, The X Files, The Body Guard, and more. As always, patrons are encouraged to get into the spirit by dressing as their favorite movie star or bringing their light sabers to conduct along with the Maestro when selections from Star Wars are performed. In addition, this year the Symphony has added a special trick-or-treat time for all the young ones in attendance.

Shared Symphony Board of Directors President Donna Marie Minano, “This is absolutely one of the most fun and exciting concerts of the year! I encourage everyone to get tickets while they last and join us for the liveliest party in town!”

Tickets and Location Details

Tickets are available at $20-$100 per seat and may be securely purchased online at www.sanbernardinosymphony.org or by telephone at (909) 381-5388 Monday through Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Seats for children and students with ID are just $15 and may be obtained with the purchase of an adult seat.

Movies with the Maestro will be held at the historic California Theatre of the Performing Arts, 562 W. Fourth Street in downtown San Bernardino. Doors open at 2 p.m. for this 3 p.m. show. Free, lighted parking is available directly across from the venue and is accessible via D Street.

Community Leaders Honored at LWVSB Citizens of Achievement & Civic Engagement Ceremony

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— On a beautiful afternoon on Sunday, October 6, 2024, at the Sterling Natural Resource Center in San Bernardino among over 130 guests witnessed Stacey Barnier, Niki Dettman, Geraldine “Gerri” Foxall-Kater, Nefertiti Long, and Tansu Phillip receive the Citizens of Achievement Award and American Association of University Women (AAUW) of Redlands receive the Civic Engagement Award at the League of Women Voters, San Bernardino Area 49th Citizens of Achievement and Civic Engagement Awards Ceremony.

League of Women Voters need to ensure all citizens are registered and has information needed to cast a vote. Their action plan is to identify resources and training to support engagement in voter registration, voter education, and get out the vote efforts.

To learn more about the League of Women Voters of San Bernardino, please visit: San Bernardino Area | MyLO (lwv.org)

Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson’s Bill AB 1877 Signed into Law, Offering Youth a Fresh Start in Adulthood

SACRAMENTO, CA– – Governor Gavin Newsom signs Assembly Bill 1877, a critical step toward justice for California’s youth. This legislation focuses on sealing juvenile records, providing young people with the opportunity to rebuild their lives without the lingering burden of past mistakes.

AB 1877 underscores the importance of offering a fresh start to individuals who have demonstrated rehabilitation and growth. Under the new law, juvenile records will be sealed if the person has not been convicted of certain serious offenses. This will allow young people to pursue education, employment, and housing opportunities without the shadow of a juvenile record holding them back.

“This legislation recognizes that a single mistake in their youth should not define a person’s future.

By sealing juvenile records, we open doors to brighter futures and empower young people to fully reintegrate into society,” said Assemblymember Dr. Corey Jackson. “Everyone deserves a fair chance to contribute positively to their communities, and AB 1877 ensures that second chances are not just for a privileged few but for every young person who has earned it.”

AB 1877 requires the automatic sealing of qualifying juvenile records and ensures that individuals are notified when their records have been sealed. It also protects the integrity of sealed records while allowing access in specific legal circumstances, such as for exculpatory evidence in criminal cases.

By focusing on rehabilitation and reintegration, AB 1877 aligns with California’s commitment to justice reform. The bill prevents barriers to success by allowing young people to move beyond past missteps and embrace a future filled with opportunity.

“Everyone benefits when our youth succeed. AB 1877 is a reflection of California’s dedication to justice and fairness for all, especially for those who deserve a chance to turn their lives around free of systemic barriers,” Dr. Jackson added.

Assemblymember Corey A. Jackson represents Assembly District 60, which includes the cities of Moreno Valley, Perris, Hemet, San Jacinto, a small portion of Riverside, and the unincorporated areas of Mead Valley, Good Hope, Nuevo, and East Hemet and is committed to promoting equity and opportunity for all Californians.

Tragic Case of Suspected Domestic Violence Underscores Need for Changes to Native American Missing Persons Alert and Tribal Law Enforcement Authority

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—Assemblymember James C. Ramos (D-San Bernardino) today expressed his condolences to the family of a missing Morongo Band of Mission Indians tribal member and concern about issues expressed by her family  involving the investigation into her case.

“I wish to send my condolences to the family of Amy Porter whose family found her on Sunday morning in a desert area near the side of Interstate 10 in Yucaipa. It is my hope that the investigation is thorough and conducted in an appropriately timely manner.” He added, “I also hope that my legislation is signed to clarify and improve use of the Feather Alert and public safety on tribal lands.”

The Feather Alert is a public alert system similar to an AMBER or Silver alert and is overseen by the California Highway Patrol (CHP). It is used in the state when Native American are missing.

Porter’s family had been searching for her for a week and had requested the use of the Feather Alert and a speedier law enforcement search. Family and friends eventually launched their own search.

Ramos observed, “Ms. Porter’s family has raised questions about the delay in initiating the investigation into her disappearance and why the Feather Alert was not employed more quickly.”

The lawmaker added, that he authored three bills, now before the governor, that sought to address the questions raised by family members. The measures are:

  • AB 1863 which seeks to streamline the Feather Alert requesting process and would allow a California Tribe to directly request the public alert and would require that the CHP respond to a law enforcement agency or tribe’s request to activate a Feather Alert within 48 hours of receiving the request. The Feather Alert has been active since Jan. 1, 2023, and California was the third state to enact the public alert. Ramos authored the legislation in 2022 that created the notification system here in California. Proposed changes to the Feather Alert were made in consultation with tribal leaders, CHP, Department of Justice (DOJ) and local government representatives. Ramos held roundtable discussions around the state and an informational hearing to increase awareness about the new program and hear from stakeholders about how the system was working and what changes would make it more effective. That hearing was followed by further discussions with tribes and law enforcement.
  • AB 2138 would create a three-year pilot program allowing tribal law enforcement under specified conditions to obtain state peace officer status. Ramos, in an op-ed this spring, and at a roundtable discussion with tribes, lawmakers, and researchers heard why peace officer status would increase public safety on tribal reservations and their neighboring communities. A federal law known as Public Law 280 (PL 280) enacted in 1953 withdrew federal responsibility, in large part, for public safety on tribal lands. In the op-ed, Ramos wrote that PL 280 “eliminated federal support for law enforcement and courts, except for limited and specified expenditures. This has resulted in widespread confusion among tribal, local and state law enforcement agencies.” Peace officer status for tribal law enforcement officers would hasten response times and give greater investigatory power to tribes for criminal cases occurring on reservations often located in rural and isolated areas.
  • AB 2695 would require the DOJ to collect and disaggregate domestic violence crime data so the state can better determine the scope of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous People crisis from the information that local law enforcement submits to DOJ. If AB 2695 is approved, local law enforcement would be required to note whether the crime was committed on tribal land. California is fifth in the nation in the numbers of MMIP unresolved and uninvestigated cases. Ramos stated, “While Ms. Porter’s case did not occur on tribal lands, she was a tribal member and her case may have involved domestic violence. It is important for us to understand the when and where about crimes as well as the who so that we can respond more effectively and proactively to increase safety.”

On Your November Ballot: Prop 33 Will Allow Calif. Cities and Counties to Enact Rent Control

By Edward Henderson | California Black Media

Many cities in California limit the amount a landlord can raise rent each year. However, for nearly 30 years the state has imposed its own limits on the authority of local governments to enact rent control policies.

Landlords across California are currently allowed to set their own rental rates when new tenants move in. Prop 33 would repeal the state law (the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act) prohibiting cities and counties from capping rents on single-family homes, condominiums and apartments built after 1995.

By repealing the act, the initiative would allow cities and counties to limit annual rent increases on any residential housing and limit the initial rent for a first-time tenant. Any local laws currently inoperative under Costa-Hawkins would take effect upon its repeal.

The initiative would also add language to California’s Civil Code prohibiting the state from limiting “the right of any city, county, or city and county to maintain, enact or expand residential rent control.”

Justice for Renters, which is sponsored by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, is leading the campaign supporting the ballot initiative. Proponents of the proposition focus their campaign on a popular slogan, “the rent is too damn high.” Nearly 30% of California renters spend more than half their income on rent – that percentage is higher than that of any other state except Florida and Louisiana.

Representatives from the Yes on Proposition 33 campaign could not be reached for direct comment. However, Presidential candidate Kamala Harris recently showed her support for the proposition in an ad earlier in August.

“We applaud Vice President Harris’s support of rent control. Here in her home state, voters have a golden opportunity to expand rent control by voting Yes on 33 this November,” said Susie Shannon, campaign director for the Yes on Proposition 33 campaign in a press release. “Kamala joins the California Democratic Party and over a hundred California elected officials in the movement for relief for renters. Her embrace of rent control definitely increases the momentum for Prop. 33.”

Opponents of Prop 33 argue that rent control would worsen the state’s housing crisis by lowering property values and disincentivizing developers from building new housing. This would also drive prices up for existing rental units, they point out. California Black Media (CBM) spoke to Nathan Click of Click Strategies on why he opposes the proposition.

“We’re in a housing crisis as a state, and this is the exact wrong way that we should go about addressing it. Prop 33 has already been rejected twice by California voters, by nearly 60% in 2018 and 2020. They’ve rejected nearly identical measures. Non-partisan researchers at MIT have shown that measures like Prop 33 will result in an average reduction of home values of up to 25%.”

NAACP California/Hawaii State Conference President Rick L. Callender also opposes the proposition due to the impact he believes it will have to communities of color.

“Proposition 33 will hurt communities of color and exacerbate our homeless and housing crisis,” said Callender in a release. “Homeownership has been an essential path to wealth generation for Black and Brown families, and Proposition 33 will simply hurt individual homeowners, making it harder for Black and Brown families to build generational wealth.”

A “yes” vote supports:

  • Repealing the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (1995), thereby allowing cities and counties to limit rent on any housing and limit the rent for first-time tenants and
  • Adding language to state housing law to prohibit the state from limiting “the right of any city, county, or city and county to maintain, enact or expand residential rent control.”

A “no” vote opposes repealing Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, which prohibits rent control on single-family homes and houses completed after February 1, 1995.