“You Know, One of the Most Intriguing Aspects about God is…”

By Lou Yeboah

His choice to occasionally reveal what will happen in the future, and when He does, like trumpeters on the castle wall, as someone chosen by God as a watchman, I must proclaim the full counsel of God, which includes both sovereign wrath and supreme love. So for those of you wondering why I’m always talking about repentance and destruction, I cannot pick and choose what it is that I must speak about. As a watchman, addressing the wrath of God is never optional —it is a divine mandate. God demands it! Why? Because an essential part of God’s moral perfection is His hatred of sin. Like I said before, always to me first and then to whomever may receive it.

Listen, we are not living in ordinary times. We are nearing the end of an age. A world-shaking crisis is inexorably building and will, in the near future, explode the appearance of normalcy that still pervades. The progression of disturbing news stories that you may read about or hear about in the News, is not random and inconsequential. In fact, they foreshadow remarkable key trends and specific events that will change everything we are familiar with very soon! Open your eyes to understand the significance of today’s news and where it is all leading. For as the Apostle Peter wrote about Bible’s prophecies: “So we have seen and proved that what the prophets said came true. We will do well to pay close attention to everything they have written, for, like lights shining into dark corners, their words help us to understand many things that otherwise would be dark and difficult.… For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God” [2 Peter 1:19–21].  I speak not on my own accord, but the Holy Spirit. That time will be the worst time of trouble this earth will ever experience [Matthew 24:21; Jeremiah 30:7; Mark 13 Luke 21; Ezekiel 36, and Daniel 12, and elsewhere.

Therefore, Jesus commands us to watch and to be ready. “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” [Luke 21:36]. Our entire life is about to change.  Soon, mankind will suffer through the most devastating, bloody war in human history—called, in biblical terminology, the “Great Tribulation.”[Matthew 24:21-22]. We are now approaching that time, and these things are now being revealed. [Daniel 12:10,].

If you consider yourself a follower of Jesus, then you should pay close attention to His instruction to you: “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” [Luke 21:36].

Here is what the prophet Jeremiah said about this same time: “Now these are the words that the Lord spoke concerning Israel [whose modern descendants include the United States, Great Britain and other nations of northwestern Europe] and Judah.… For thus saith the Lord: We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. Ask now, and see, whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor, and all faces turned pale? Alas! For that day is great  so that none is like it…” (Jeremiah 30:4–7).

“Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” [Matthew 24:30].

“For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” [Revelation 6:17]


He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. [Revelation 22:20].

CSUSB launches School of Entrepreneurship first in California

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- With the start of the 2020 fall semester, California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) will launch the School of Entrepreneurship, the first of its kind in California. The unique program, one of less than 15 existing worldwide, will boost the university’s already highly successful entrepreneurship program.

The School of Entrepreneurship, housed in the Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration, further places CSUSB as a leading entity in the growing field of entrepreneurship education, said Mike Stull, a professor of entrepreneurship and director of the university’s Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship, who will serve as the school’s director.

“Establishing the School of Entrepreneurship is an important step for CSUSB and the Jack H. Brown College as it evolves and innovates to meet the needs of students and the local community,” said Stull. “We envision a substantial positive impact, as it will further cement the JHBC reputation as a leader in the field of entrepreneurship education and increase the college’s ability to engage with the local business community in terms of relationships, collaboration, and resources.”

As a school of entrepreneurship, it will oversee and coordinate eight major academic programs in entrepreneurship with over 20 full- and part-time faculty, Stull said.

Cal State San Bernardino President Tomás D. Morales said he was pleased to give the final approval to establish the School of Entrepreneurship, which had been championed at the department, college, Faculty Senate, and by the provost.

“The School of Entrepreneurship represents a truly wonderful and pioneering example of our mission here at Cal State San Bernardino in offering our students a challenging, yet rewarding, educational experience,” Morales said.

“The school’s offerings and dynamic faculty will inspire our students to succeed and help prepare them for life after graduation where they will become our future business leaders and leading entrepreneurs.”

“Our entrepreneurship program has evolved to the point where it makes sense for it to control its own destiny as a distinct academic discipline,” said Lawrence Rose, dean of the Jack H. Brown College. “As a school, the program will gain greater visibility and collaboration campus wide. It will be able to innovate and engage different stakeholders across campus structures. Faculty recruitment will become easier, and employers will better understand what hiring a graduate from the School of Entrepreneurship can contribute to their organizations. I also strongly believe this will allow us to deepen our partnership with the community, bringing significant resources and collaborations that will benefit all parties.”

The creation of the School of Entrepreneurship will significantly raise the university’s profile in recruiting potential students and reinforcing its efforts to become a “destination” program that draws students from beyond the Inland Empire region, Stull said.

“Students are looking for programs that are leaders and innovators in the educational field and have the ecosystem that will support their goal to create new ventures or become innovative change makers in their career field,” Stull said. “CSUSB checks all the boxes in that regard – an innovative, well-established program that is going to the next level by creating a school of entrepreneurship.”

For the existing CSUSB entrepreneurship faculty, the designation will provide an advantage in applying for external research and grant funding. It will also create a significant competitive advantage as the school recruits for top faculty talent. The designation also allows for more interdisciplinary collaboration on campus and the potential for joint faculty appointments with fields such as art, natural sciences, social sciences and education.

The school will add to the university’s entrepreneurship program’s already high profile within the inland region with potential employers, donors and other organizations, which in turn enhances support for startup ventures as well as job and internship opportunities for students in the school, said Stull, who added that the hope is that this will attract more local professionals and entrepreneurs to support the school as mentors, guest lecturers and adjunct faculty.

The CSUSB entrepreneurship program is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the leading accreditation for business academic programs worldwide and has evolved and grown substantially since it was launched in the early 2000s.

Enrollment has grown from fewer than 20 students in fall 2002 to its current total of 265 students.  Program officials believe strongly that the entrepreneurship academic program could nearly double in five years.

This growth will be fueled by increasing interest in entrepreneurship among students from all different fields. In fall 2020, CSUSB is welcoming its largest ever freshman class in entrepreneurship, and the school is launching several new initiatives including a dedicated graduate degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, collaborative entrepreneurship academic programs with Art, Liberal Studies and Education and unique new courses such as The Improvisational Mind, a collaboration between entrepreneurship and theater arts faculty. 

“We believe strongly that the entrepreneurship academic program can reach 500 students by 2025,” Stull said. “Supporting this potential growth is the fact that entrepreneurship expanded to our Palm Desert Campus in fall 2019 and is currently implementing a wide range of new courses and programs that appeal to students from every discipline on campus.”

As entrepreneurship has grown at CSUSB, the greater academic field of entrepreneurship has also grown and evolved to become recognized through research and programs as a distinct discipline in the field of business. These trends, coupled with the anticipation of future growth and development of the program, resulted in the unanimous decision by the CSUSB entrepreneurship faculty to propose the establishment of a new academic unit representing Entrepreneurship. The school, developed and approved over a three-year process, ultimately received unanimous approval from the Jack H. Brown College, the university Faculty Senate and CSUSB President Tomás Morales.

Stull said as entrepreneurship continues to evolve and grow as a distinct academic discipline, legitimate programs that aspire to national and global recognition are establishing distinct Schools of Entrepreneurship within their respective academic colleges. Universities such as Florida State University, Oklahoma State University and Drexel University are among the early adopters in establishing schools. 

“Becoming the first School of Entrepreneurship in the state of California enables us to extend our existing brand as a top entrepreneurship program and continue to be an innovator both locally and within the CSU system with regard to entrepreneurship education,” Stull said. “Potential students will be drawn to CSUSB as we practice what we preach – innovation, growth and applying the entrepreneurial mindset to achieve impact.”

Mike Stull, director of the CSUSB School of Entrepreneurship is available for interviews. Contact Joe Gutierrez at the CSUSB Office of Strategic Communication at 951-236-4522 or email joeg@csusb.edu.

About Cal State San Bernardino

California State University, San Bernardino is a preeminent center of intellectual and cultural activity in Inland Southern California. Opened in 1965 and set at the foothills of the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains, the university serves more than 20,000 students each year and graduates about 4,000 students annually. The university offers more than 70 traditional baccalaureate and master’s degree programs, education credential and certificate programs, and a doctorate program in educational leadership. Every one of its academic programs that is eligible has earned national accreditation. CSUSB reflects the dynamic diversity of the region and has the most diverse student population of any university in the Inland Empire. More than 80 percent of those who graduate are the first in their families to do so.

For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, contact the university’s Office of Strategic Communication at (909) 537-5007 and visit https://www.csusb.edu/inside.

Crafton Hills College’s Summer Bridge Program Transitions Students from Adult School into College Scholars

Students enrolled in the program developed networks of support and received instruction on digital literacy, time management, study skills

YUCAIPA, CA—- More than two dozen students from local adult education institutions completed Crafton Hills College’s Summer Bridge Program, an online course designed to prepare students for a successful college experience.

The program is part of Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), a state and college-funded program to uplift underrepresented and marginalized students and help them succeed in higher education. Most of the students in this year’s program were recent graduates of the Redlands Adult School and Yucaipa Adult School.

The program is part of Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), a state and college-funded program to uplift underrepresented and marginalized students and help them succeed in higher education. Most of the students in this year’s program were recent graduates of the Redlands Adult School and Yucaipa Adult School.

“This year’s Adult Summer Bridge Program was a little different from prior years obviously because we couldn’t meet in person,” Troncoza said. ” But it was just as meaningful and impactful.”    

Modules within the course focused on traditional study skills like notetaking and time management but also reflected how the educational landscape has shifted in the era of COVID-19. Students learned how to use distance learning tools including video conferencing, online collaborative software, student email and more.  Students enrolled in the program took virtual trips to local universities, including University of California Riverside, University of Redlands and California State University, San Bernardino. 

For more information on the Summer Bridge Program, visit https://www.craftonhills.edu/adult-education-program/index.php

VIDEO: Talk Show Host Wilmer Leon Warns: Don’t Write Off Trump

Nationally syndicated talk show host and author Wilmer Leon believes despite what most political polls are saying and making history at their convention, Democrats still face an uphill battle to defeat President Donald J. Trump in November’s election.
The host of Sirius/XM’s “Inside The Issues” says there are flaws in Democrats’ political strategy and the prospects for voter suppression are real.
He also believes many of the policies are already in place that are designed to deny and discourage minorities the chance to vote or not to have their votes counted.
As the author of “Politics: Another Perspective,” the political scientist and former Howard University professor gives the Republicans credit for their ability to “stay on message” and their marketing strategy gives them an edge in the race.

He joins Mark Gray in this edition of “The Gray Area” podcast to discuss how the last two months of the 2020 campaign will affect the future of the nation.
(Edited by Allison Elyse Gualtieri.)

The post VIDEO: Talk Show Host Wilmer Leon Warns: Don’t Write Off Trump appeared first on Zenger News.

Why is the U.S. Lagging Behind the World in Managing COVID?

By SUNITA SOHRABJI/EMS Contributing Editor

The U.S., which has both the largest number of infections and deaths from COVID-19, is lagging far behind other countries which have far fewer resources, concluded three eminent physicians and global health experts speaking at news briefing for the nation’s ethnic press.

Speakers at the briefing, organized by Ethnic Media Services, included Dr. Ashish Jha, Director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, Dr. Tung Nguyen, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and Dr. Nirav Shah, senior scholar at Stanford University’s Clinical Excellence Research Center.

The U.S. leads the world in both COVID infections and mortality rates. 5.3 million U.S. residents have been infected, while more than 167,000 have died. Nguyen said the number of new infections had jumped by a staggering 66 percent over the past five weeks.

“America may have the worst response of any country in the world to this pandemic,” said Jha, noting that there is an incredible amount of misinformation spread through social media and a lack of leadership.

“We’ve had leadership both at the federal level and at many state levels that have largely adhered to that misinformation and promoted that misinformation. They have failed to take science as the primary guiding principle,” he stated.

“This is almost all about biology and math and if you decide you’re going to ignore both the biology and the math of this virus, it is unlikely that you’ll end up doing very well and that’s what we have seen pretty consistently,” said Jha.

He dismissed notions that authoritarian countries do better, citing Russia and Brazil, which are pandemic hot-spots.

Jha discussed why some East Asian countries have been effective in controlling the spread. Vietnam, which has had just a handful of deaths, took on the virus early, banning travel to and from China, and instituting a very aggressive contact tracing regime. South Korea has relied heavily on testing, while New Zealand has been aggressive with lock-downs. Japan has not done a lot of testing, but has had universal masking.

Jha castigated the U.S.’s “half-hearted” approach to the pandemic, stating one approach must be deployed effectively. “You don’t have to be a wealthy country to do well,” he said. “Take the virus seriously and let biology and math drive the decision making.”

Shah, who also serves on the Health and Human Services Secretary’s Advisory Committee on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2030, said the U.S. is making a false choice between lives and livelihoods. “You can have both,” he said.

Shah discussed early warning systems — smart thermometers that allowed for home testing with results immediately delivered to a database via the Internet to determine COVID hot-spots. He advocated for broad and efficient testing, noting that, currently, U.S. residents must wait for at least five days for COVID test results to come back, at which point they are inefficient. Low-cost rapid antigen tests could deliver results in about 15 minutes, he said.

The U.S. must also become more effective in quarantine, said Shah, noting that some countries remove infected people from their families and put them up in hotel rooms to control spread in tightly-packed families.

Data reporting must become more effective, said Shah, noting the U.S. is doing a “horrible” job of daily reporting infection and mortality rates. In late July, hospitals were told to use a new platform for reporting data, administered by HHS. The old platform was administered by the Centers for Disease Control.

The new system has been plagued with inaccuracies. “We really need to start to think about a fundamentally different approach to this that protects privacy and still allows for public health to do its work,” said Shah.

About 169 treatments and 39 vaccines are currently in the pipeline, but neither therapies nor a vaccine will be available on the marketplace until at least the summer of 2021, said Shah.

“I’m not going to be getting on a flight to Russia and rolling up my sleeve for their vaccine,” said Shah. Russia announced Aug. 11 that it had developed the world’s first COVID vaccine at the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow. Critics of the vaccine noted it has only been tested on 76 people.

A number of studies are looking at the re-purposing of the BCG vaccine, which is widely used in India and other Asian countries as a prevention against tuberculosis.

Shah suggested that vaccines need to be tested on at least 30,000 people before determining efficacy.

Nguyen, the founder of the Asian American Research Center on Health, discussed the findings of a new study released by the CDC Aug. 14: “Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The study found that 40 percent of the 5,000 people surveyed said they had experienced mental health issues during the pandemic. Almost 11 percent had considered suicide.

Young people between the ages of 18 to 24 reported alarming rates of mental health issues and self harm. 75 percent of young people surveyed reported experiencing some form of mental health disorder during the pandemic. An alarming 25 percent had thought of suicide.

22 percent of essential workers and 30 percent of unpaid caregivers had considered suicide, according to the report.

Nguyen said that the mental health epidemic will worsen in the coming months. “I’m now viewing the covid-19 pandemic as being more than about a single disease caused by a single virus.”

“We are witnessing the beginning of associate epidemics, such as mental illness, bad outcomes in many other diseases, and a terrible change in the social determinants of health such as income, employment, and housing,” he said.

Crafton Hills College Foundation Receives Grant from Inland SoCal United Way to Support Students Impacted by COVID-19

The funds received by the CHC Foundation from Inland SoCal United Way will directly support students through emergency assistance grants 


The Crafton Hills College Foundation received a grant for $12,500 from Inland Southern California United Way to support Emergency Assistance funding for Crafton students impacted by COVID-19. Inland SoCal United Way was created through a merger of Inland Empire United Way and United Way of the Inland Valleys.

Its COVID-19 fund was established to respond to the pandemic by relieving hardships for vulnerable working families, due to quarantine or disruption of income, and to support the coordination of community relief efforts. 

“We at Inland SoCal United Way are delighted to be able to award grants to local nonprofits like Crafton Hills College Foundation who are dedicated to supporting the individuals in our community,” said Lisa Wright, President of Inland SoCal United Way.

“We understand that our new normal is a challenge, but Crafton Hills College Foundation is rising to that challenge and we are extraordinarily proud to be able to assist in their efforts.” 

The funds received by the CHC Foundation from Inland SoCal United Way will directly support students through emergency assistance grants. To be considered for the one-time funding of up to $500, students must submit a completed application and supporting documents, have completed a minimum of 12 units at the College, be currently enrolled in a minimum of six units, and be in good academic standing.    

“At Crafton, we are taking a holistic approach to help students recover from this pandemic with hotspots and Chromebooks available for check out, a food bank and grocery vouchers, and through direct support with emergency assistance grants to help with individual hardships such as rent, utilities, and transportation costs, ” said Dr. Kevin Horan, President of Crafton Hills College.

“This funding will enhance CHC’s strategic efforts in supporting students during this difficult time,” continued Horan. “With this help, students are more likely to succeed in their educational goals and we are so grateful to Inland SoCal United Way for their assistance.”    

If you would like to help support the Inland SoCal COVID-19 Fund, please call United Way at 951-697-4700. For more information about the CHC Foundation or to support Crafton students, visit www.craftonhills.edu/foundation

PAL Center Awarded United Way Grant

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—– The PAL Center,  a local San Bernardino non-profit organization located in the heart of San Bernardino and Muscoy,  has been serving the Inland Empire with a variety of community programs for over 35 years.

They were among several COVID-19 front line organizations that shared in an Arrowhead United Way funding drive-thru on Thursday, August 13th at United Way Headquarters.

Dwaine Radden Sr., the PAL Center CEO, stated: “It is always great when your organization and staff are recognized with a grant for making a difference in your community.

Cars were lined up for blocks filled with community leaders to participate in this historic first funding drive-thru hosted by the Arrowhead United Way.

United Way President, Gwen Dowdy Rodgers, said: “Arrowhead United Way has always been the beacon of light for our community and during COVID-19 we continue to serve those in need along with organizations dedicated to our community during these unprecedented times    

We supported 30 local agencies affected by COVID for a total of $285,000 because of generous donor support. The Arrowhead United Way team reached out locally and to the mountain communities to make these awards.

While we continue to stay safe and maintain social distance, our Marketing lead, Christopher Ortiz, and the staff felt we could do a safe drive through check presentation, and a follow up virtual check presentation for those unable to make the drive-thru celebration. Most of the organizations were able to join us in the drive-thru celebration.” 

Radden, saluted President Gwen Rogers and the Arrowhead United Way Team, for keeping funds in our community and making sure local non-profit organizations were included in this grant. He said, “This grant will provide all of us working on the front line with funds to continue and expand needed services for our families and community.”

Visit PAL Center at www.palcenter.org, or social media Facebook, and Twitter. To make donations, or to learn more about their programs and organization, call (909) 887-7002

Visit Arrowhead United Way website and Facebook and follow up on social
Media to donate.

The PAL Center,  a local San Bernardino non-profit organization located in the heart of San Bernardino and Muscoy,  has been serving the Inland Empire with a variety of community programs for over 35 years.

They were among several COVID-19 front line organizations that shared in an Arrowhead United Way funding drive-thru on Thursday, August 13th at United Way Headquarters.

Dwaine Radden Sr., the PAL Center CEO, stated: “It is always great when your organization and staff are recognized with a grant for making a difference in your community.

Cars were lined up for blocks filled with community leaders to participate in this historic first funding drive-thru hosted by the Arrowhead United Way.

United Way President, Gwen Dowdy Rodgers, said: “Arrowhead United Way has always been the beacon of light for our community and during COVID-19 we continue to serve those in need along with organizations dedicated to our community during these unprecedented times    

We supported 30 local agencies affected by COVID for a total of $285,000 because of generous donor support. The Arrowhead United Way team reached out locally and to the mountain communities to make these awards.

While we continue to stay safe and maintain social distance, our Marketing lead, Christopher Ortiz, and the staff felt we could do a safe drive through check presentation, and a follow up virtual check presentation for those unable to make the drive-thru celebration. Most of the organizations were able to join us in the drive-thru celebration.” 

Radden, saluted President Gwen Rogers and the Arrowhead United Way Team, for keeping funds in our community and making sure local non-profit organizations were included in this grant. He said, “This grant will provide all of us working on the front line with funds to continue and expand needed services for our families and community.”

Visit PAL Center at www.palcenter.org, or social media Facebook, and Twitter. To make donations, or to learn more about their programs and organization, call (909) 887-7002

WaBa Grill Opens Third Colton Location

COLTON, CA—-WaBa Grill, one of the nation’s leading healthy rice bowl chains, is excited to announce the opening of its third Colton location, marking WaBa’s 67th restaurant in the Inland Empire. Owned by longtime franchisees and husband and wife team Manuel and Lupe Ruiz, the new WaBa Grill features a drive-thru and is located off North Pepper Ave. and West Valley Blvd., across the street from Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. To provide some relief to guests, WaBa Grill is offering free delivery for orders placed via the WaBa Rewards App or WaBaGrill.com through the end of the year.

“We’re proud to open our doors making WaBa Grill accessible to even more Colton locals who depend on WaBa for delicious and healthy meals options, like our new Family Feast that feeds four,” said Manuel Ruiz. “Although dining rooms are closed, our menu items are prepared following enhanced safety measures and then perfectly packaged to be enjoyed on the go.”

Along with takeout, curbside pickup and free direct delivery via the WaBa Rewards app and www.wabagrill.com, guests may also access the brand and place orders through any of WaBa Grill’s third-party delivery partners: DoorDash, Grubhub, Uber Eats and Postmates. With nearly 200 locations throughout California and Arizona, WaBa Grill offers better-for-you options packed with flame-grilled protein, healthy grains and fresh vegetables. Protein choices include fresh, never frozen chicken, marinated ribeye steak, wild-caught salmon, jumbo shrimp and organic tofu which guests may add to any bowl, plate or salad and then customize with a variety of flavorful sauces including the fan favorite WaBa sauce.

Ruiz continued, “WaBa Grill has been a go-to healthy dining destination for more than 14 years and we’re happy to continue growing the brand throughout Southern California. It’s our goal to play an active role in the Colton community while providing guests with more nutritious options to feed themselves and their families.”

The newest Colton WaBa Grill is located at 403 N. Pepper Ave #200, Colton, CA 92324, and can be reached at (909) 533-4350. Daily hours of operation are Sunday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Friday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. For additional information about WaBa Grill or to find your nearest location, visit www.wabagrill.com.

Lessons from the Democratic National Convention 2020

By Hermene D. Hartman

The shouting is over. The 2020 Democratic National Convention was well crafted, programed and designed. The Democrats told the stories of the candidates.

President Bill Clinton reminded us of another time when he was President. Hillary Clinton reminded us that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris could win by 3 million votes and still lose. Trust me she knows what she’s talking about.

President Barack Obama gave us a strong and forceful lesson on constitutional law. He powerfully presented in unprecedented terms how Trump as President, just didn’t have it. He pulled no punches. He stated, “I never expected Trump to embrace my vision or continue my policies, I did hope (for the sake of our country) that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously.” “Trump has shown no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get more attention he craves.” He said that Joe and Kamala will rescue the economy and deeply cared about Americans, together they would get the pandemic under control.

Michelle Obama gave it to us middle of the road, southside girl style, stating the facts of the case and telling it like older generations use to say “T-I-S!” Wearing a “Vote” necklace, Michelle called Trump by his name and said “Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country.” We watched a moving documentary on democracy.

Vice President Hopeful Kamala Harris

The highlight of the convention was the introduction of Kamala Harris. We heard of her background being raised as a Black woman born of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father. Her mother, a biologist and cancer researcher, raised her and her sister as a single parent, and her father left the family when she was 5 years old. Her mother is deceased. Her dad is an economics scholar and was the first Black male to gain tenure at Stanford University.

Kamala Parents: Shyamala Gopalan and Donald Harris

As we listened and watched Kamala accept the Democratic nomination for vice president, we wondered if we were watching a future president. She could make astounding history as the first woman and the second Black in the Oval Office. Wow. This could really happen in our lifetime. A lady from Howard University could possibly lead the White House. Hello to all of the AKA’s.

Harris meets ambivalence with some Black men as they question her deeds as a prosecuting attorney in California. She locked many of them up. She will be questioned, yet she was only doing her job. But, would you rather have Trump? That’s the legitimate question.

Dr. Jill Biden will make her very own history as First Lady, community college professor and super mom if Joe’s elected president. She promised that she wouldn’t leave her students, not even for the job at the White House. She will be the first First Lady with outside employment. Let’s see how that works and who enrolls next semester.

Finally candidate, former vice president Joe Biden. Joe presented himself in a strong speech, perhaps the best in his 47 years of public service. It wasn’t a convention speech but felt like a fireside chat. He was compassionate, elegant, dignified and real. He told his story about his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania where he knew real life causalities, from his Dad’s loss of job, to the accidental tragic death of his first wife and daughter.

His political journey has been from being the youngest Senator to being possibly the eldest President. When he lost his first wife and daughter in a tragic car accident in 1972, he commuted to work every day via Amtrak to and from Washington, DC every day (the trip’s about 90 minutes) and tucked his kids in bed nightly, as they got through the pain. He did this for 36 years. He lost his son, Bo, to brain cancer. You could hear Biden’s pride of his son the solider, as he went into public office, yet the agony lingers as he tell us, you never get over it. If you don’t identify with that, you are heartless.

During his speech, Biden pulled at your heartstrings as he spoke about his personal stuttering. He introduced to a young boy he met on the campaign trail, with the same problem. Biden told the 13-year-old boy how to conquer his speaking issue. “Kids like me are counting on you to elect someone we can all look up to” he said.

The convention was staged beautifully. It was different. It’s messages deliberate. Zoom was used at its best especially during the home spun roll calls. No fanfare, no balloons or confetti, no applause, no tears, and no cheers. Taped speeches were controlled and purposeful as they were delivered with everyone talking straight to the American public, from their living rooms to ours. It was cozy, casual and comfortable.

As perfect as the Democratic National Convention was, its speakers missed a few things. They missed telling us their plans on what they will do with program and policy for the future of America. Many of them ran against Trump, but did they run for a Democratic platform? We assume it will be better with Biden’s seniority and his lovely family but what should we expect? In the days to come we need to hear the Biden-Harris platform and not just see pretty faces and storytelling.

What about the eradication of racism in this era of Black Lives Matter? What about the economy, as we face a changing face of culture with the pandemic? What about police reform? What about education? Kids have missed a full year of school. We need to hear policy positions.

I like the idea very much that the future Vice President is in place. Kamala will represent a new generation. She will be groomed to assume office if need be. I like that Biden knows his way around the White House from his vice presidency days. I like the fact that he knows the Senate and can cross the aisle to get things done. I like his seniority very much. He can hit the ground running with vigor and energy as an expert surgeon. Experience matters. Biden’s experience matters.

Enters Trump…

And now comes the movement of Trump. He plans on appearing all four days of the Republican National Convention. His talks will be bold, pompous, filled with greatness and illusions of grandeur. His will be a scene from a patriot play that speaks in code to the ways of yesteryear, filled with America great slogans.

The rose garden has a new look for the television screen. Trump will tell us with boundless optimism how great he is, as he plays the political hand that has destroyed the Republican Party. He takes us backwards to a place we won’t go, as he disrupts even the post office. He challenges the system in a bold crazy way with his lovely fashionable family at his side as main speakers of the Trump parade.

His presidency is a virtual reality show. The last three years of his presidency has been flawed and Trump will tell us of the many hoaxes during his last three years.

Trump is not to be discounted, ignored or dismissed. He is ruthless and enjoys the attention of being president. He’s nothing but outrageous – from challenging birthing and calling people out of name. It’s nothing but a good hand of playing “signifying monkey.” His tactics work for him, because they are so daring. He’s like the drunk in the bar that everybody laughs and listens to, but nobody puts him out. They do nothing but give him another drink so that he can be more outrageously offensive.

Trump is not to be under estimated. He is a master of the media. He is bold. He’s an escaped convict running desperate. He’s a pied piper. All of his men have been jailed for their wrongdoing. Trump will pardon them as he can. Trump is telling us loud and clear if he loses it will be because the Democrats cheated. Perhaps the U.S. marshall will be called to remove him from the White House.

Trump with his many conspiracy theories, tells us that the post office will fail us, especially with mail-in votes. So what does he do? He removes the mailboxes off the streets and destroys the sorting machines. He has no fear. He tells us that even if he looses, he will not leave the White House. We look in disbelief and wonder, what on earth will he do next as he mounts his campaign for a second term. How much more offensive can he be? What other lunatic tactics and alien-like methodology will he use in a second term? Mrs. Obama has warned that it could get worse. This will only add to more fodder for books written about his ill and zany ways.

These are amazing times that we live in. As society changes daily, we watch old ways become new. We watch with fright and astonishment as we cope with a world pandemic, that the leader of the free world cannot embrace. He tells us it will be all right eventually, rather than pay attention to the science of the matter. Yet Trump will try and take credit for everything once a cure is found for COVID-19.

As we pray, we better damn sure get out to vote, at all cost. The vote is the only thing we can do to save America. Vote Trump outVote for Joe Biden. We HAVE to save our democracy. America’s at stake, please STAY woke.
The best thing that can happen to American democracy is to tell Trump “You’re FIRED!”

VOTE. Please share.

Metrolink Announces Kids Ride Free Weekends Beginning Saturday, August 29

Promotion allows families to take an affordable, safe rail trip to explore the region – without sitting in traffic 

LOS ANGELES – After months at home, SoCal families are looking to add some enjoyment to their weekends, and Metrolink has just the ticket – a free ticket for kids. Beginning Saturday, August 29, Metrolink is introducing Kids Ride Free on weekends anywhere Metrolink travels across six Southern California counties.

“After being cooped up we know folks are ready to change their routines with fun, yet safe, activities for the entire family,” said Metrolink Board Chair Brian Humphrey.

“When you ride the train, the journey is a part of the experience and we want families to enjoy a special and affordable train experience as they explore the many outdoor activities we all love about Southern California.”

With the Kids Ride Free on Weekends promotion, up to three children 17 years old and under ride free when accompanied by a fare-paying adult. And on weekends, each adult pays just $10 to ride Metrolink anywhere each day. 

Southern California is rich with places families can safely visit while still following health experts’ recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Metrolink provides rail service in six counties, so there’s no shortage of fun and safe places to go, without having to fight traffic to get there.
Some ideas:·      

Load the family bicycles in the bike car (there’s one on each train) and head out to explore SoCal by bike.·      

Take a trip to LA Union Station and take a self-guided walking tour (or bike tour) of Historic Downtown LA.·      

Bring some art into your lives: take a train to one of the many destinations showcased in Mural Map LA and see some spectacular street art that makes Southern California so special. 

Take a train to Riverside and take a self-guided tour of historic downtown, which is a 15 minute walk from the Downtown Riverside Metrolink Station.·      

Bring your surfboard and ride to the San Clemente Pier for a day of surf and sun.

Metrolink is a comfortable way for families to travel, with spacious double-decker trains and windows that allow families to enjoy the beautiful mountain, ocean and city views we can often miss while sitting in freeway traffic. On-board amenities include a variety of seating configurations – including face-to-face seating and tables perfect for groups – and a restroom and two hand sanitizer stations on each train car. Plus, there’s a bike car on every train, so families can load up their bicycles and bike to their final destinations. Bike cars can also accommodate surfboards, beach and picnic gear, strollers and wagons, everything needed for a fun day out.

“The Metrolink experience is centered around the needs and enjoyment of our customers – all of them. So, our service and amenities are as well suited to families as they are to a traditional commuter,” said Stephanie Wiggins, Metrolink CEO.

“We are thrilled to be able to offer families a safe and exciting experience that’s also affordable, particularly in these uncertain times.”

Safety is foundational at Metrolink, so face masks are required aboard Metrolink trains and on station platforms. And Metrolink has implemented enhanced deep cleaning protocols including the use of an electrostatic sprayer that mists each train car with hospital grade disinfectants every day, and an expanded Clean Care Crew that cleans, wipes down and disinfects trains throughout the day.

Plus, families can be assured that there’s plenty of space for social distancing by using the online tool How Full is My Train? where riders can check any train’s recent ridership levels. To see all the ways, Metrolink is working to keep team members and riders safe, please visit metrolinktrains.com/cleancommute

Kids Ride Free every Saturday and Sunday while the promotion lasts. Adults can purchase a $10 Weekend Pass at ticket machines or by using the mobile app – a contactless way to purchase a ticket. No need to purchase tickets for the children; they simply board the train with their parents. 

For more information on Kids Ride Free Weekends and to learn about area destinations to see by train please visit metrolinktrains.com/kidsridefree.