SBVC Ranked One of Best Online Community Colleges in California

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- San Bernardino Valley College is once again ranked among the best community colleges in California. SR Education Group, an educational research publisher, just released its inaugural ranking of the Best Online Community Colleges by state, and SBVC ranked #12 in California. 

SR Education Group considered retention and graduation rates, percentage of online enrollment data, and the number of online associate degrees offered.

“Community colleges offer some of the most affordable degrees in the country,” SR Education Group CEO Sung Rhee said in a statement.

“With a growing number of these degrees becoming available online, we wanted to let prospective students know about these great, accessible options near them. By providing these resources, we hope to help more people reach their educational and professional goals.” 

The ranking acknowledges SBVC’s offerings of associate degrees in various fields, including Administration of Justice, Anthropology, Liberal Arts, Philosophy, Sociology, and more. Students can also pursue a variety of online certificates, where all remote students have the opportunity to still participate in free tutoring sessions through the campus writing centers.

For more information about San Bernardino Valley College, visit

Two SBVC Student Athletes Named ‘Athletes of the Year’ in Foundation Awards

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)—- SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- The SBVC Foundation recently announced distance runner Michael Ramirez as the Male Athlete of the Year, and women’s soccer player Karen Jacobs as the Female Athlete of the Year.

Ramirez was the fastest Wolverine at the State Championships, as he earned All-American honors by finishing tenth. He has committed to Chico State in the fall, and is the SBVC’s nomination to the PCAC Scholar Athlete of the Year.

Jacobs was the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference’s player of the year in 2018, leading the team on offense with team highs in goals (18) and assists (13). Jacobs has committed to continue her soccer career at Louisiana State University-Alexandria in the fall.

Congratulations to these SBVC Wolverines!

For more information about San Bernardino Valley College, visit

“You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet… Says the Lord!”

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— If you think the locust plague was bad, if you don’t repent, I tell you, “you ain’t seen nothing yet!” Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the Lord your God; and cry out to the Lord. Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming. It is near! A day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess; that great and dreadful day of the Lord, who can endure it? Who will remain standing when it comes? 

Think of how Revelation 6:15 describes the terror of those who face it. “Then the kings of the earth,  the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.  They called to the mountains and the rocks,  ‘Fall on us and hide us  from the face of him who sits on the throne  and from the wrath of the Lamb!  Or consider how 2 Thessalonians 1:7 describes how God will pay back those who trouble Christians. “This will happen when Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus…” I tell you, if you don’t repent, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Listen, although God is merciful and longsuffering, He will not remain silent forever. Read what He said in Jeremiah 15:6, “You who have forsaken Me,” declares the LORD, “You keep going backward so I will stretch out My hand against you and destroy you; I am tired of relenting!”

I tell you, it takes a fool to ignore the warning and plow straight ahead to the awaiting judgment.  Make no mistake about it, as Malachi 4:1 says, Behold! Look! This day is coming indeed! Be on the alert for it! Be viligant! For the Bible is so very clear on this. There will indeed be a final day of judgment. There is no doubt about it. Joel warns that “the day of the Lord is near.” Four other prophets in four different centuries gave the same warning (Isaiah 13:6; Ezekiel 30:3; Obadiah 15; Zephaniah 1:7,14). In each case, the day of the Lord was imminent, and was a day of divine visitation wherein the wrath of God would be poured upon the ungodly.

The Only Hope…“Yet even now,” says the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mournings; and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love…” Joel 2:12–14…Turn back to God and find salvation instead of judgment. That was the message back then. And so it is today.

“A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.” Proverbs 22:3

A City that Believes in the Impossible

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)—- SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- The San Bernardino Pastors United (SBPU) in association with community leaders and the faith based community, will have another Community Block party on Saturday, July 27 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.  at San Bernardino High School, located at 1850 North E St, San Bernardino. The theme of this block party is taken from Matthew 19: 26, “with God all things are possible”.

As the City of San Bernardino continues to recover, the SBPU continues to engage the community and fill in the gape as needed. The pastors believe as spiritual leaders they must show love, and demonstrate helping thy neighbor, and being there for one another. The Churches of San Bernardino continue to stand together in solidarity and continue to teach residence how to fish. With God, and resources combined, each person pulling their weight toward recover, all things are possible.

At the event, there will be free food, free groceries, free shoes, free backpacks for kids, free clothes and free health checks, job resources. The host church is S B Community SDA Church, Dr. Jerrold Thompson, co-host 16th St SDA Church, Dr. Andrea King, Senior Pastor will deliver a life changing message. Please register by phone, or go to our website to register. We are expecting thousands to attend the event try to register.  We are asking the community to join us, as we remain strong, providing:  “Healing, Change, and Progress” to the City of San Bernardino, for more information call 909-353-7977 or contact the S B Community SDA church at 909-883-2400 email Thank you. Pass the Word!

Navy SAR rescues Donner Summit rock climber

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)—- NAVAL AIR STATION FALLON, NEV. — The Longhorn Helicopter Search and Rescue (SAR) team from Naval Air Station (NAS) Fallon conducted a night rescue at Black Wall near Donner Summit on Thursday, extracting and airlifting an injured rock climber.

“The survivor had been rock climbing on a very steep cliff face when he sustained his injuries,” said the crew chief, Petty Officer 2nd Class Jacob Glende, from Spencerport, New York. “The terrain did not afford any opportunity to land, and we quickly understood why the ground rescue crew had called the Longhorns for this kind of mission.”

After local fire and rescue personnel arrived on scene to stabilize the climber, who had multiple facial and arm lacerations as well as injuries to his back, the ground rescue team determined the cliff was too steep to carry him safely down to the ambulance in a rescue litter. At 11:00 p.m., the ground team requested helicopter extraction of the patient, and the Longhorn SAR duty crew was recalled to launch for the life-saving mission.

“The Longhorn SAR team consistently trains to accomplish these exact kinds of rescues,” said Lt. Cary Lawson, the SAR mission commander and Loma Linda, California, native. “Our crew was conducting training for situations just like this on the very night we got the call. Our main concern was to arrive on scene as quickly as we could and get the survivor to much-needed medical attention without delay.”

A crew of five departed Fallon at 11:45 p.m. Wednesday for the 97-mile transit to the victim’s location. After arriving on scene, the crew quickly spotted the climber’s location due to flashing lights and radio communication with the ground rescuers. On the ground was the Truckee Fire Protection District and the Nevada County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Ropes Team who were able to free the climber suspended by his ropes 200 feet above the ground. No landing site was available due to the sheer steepness of the mountainous terrain.

Hovering 10 feet from the cliffside, the Longhorns deployed a helicopter inland rescue aircrewman (HIRA), Petty Officer 1st Class Kyle Kurzendoerfer, from Arlington, Texas, via a 200-foot rappel to the survivor’s location at 12:40 a.m. While the helicopter circled, the HIRA performed an expedited medical assessment of the survivor with the ground personnel and prepared the climber for a hoist extraction. The helicopter returned to extract the victim and Kurzendoerfer together via hoist from a 150-foot hover.

“Our crew performed exceptionally tonight,” Kurzendoerfer said. “Everything went incredibly smooth, from the transit to the turnover of the patient — and it was because the entire crew was well-trained and firing on all cylinders as an effective team.”

With the patient and HIRA safely onboard the aircraft at 12:54 a.m., the crew provided in-flight care —with the assistance of aeromedical flight surgeon Cmdr. Chris Joas, from Centennial, Colorado, onboard — during the 31-mile transit to Renown Regional Medical Center. The aircraft was given priority handling from Reno Tower and landed in the grass at Pickett Park across the street from the hospital at 1:09 a.m. The patient was turned over to Renown emergency room staff at 1:15 a.m.

“The hospital staff was very professional. They were ready and waiting with all hands on deck for the survivor when we arrived, leading to no delays in patient care,” Joas said.

The crew consisted of Lawson, copilot Lt. Drew Bilton-Smith, from Boise, Idaho, Kurzendoerfer, Glende, and Joas.

NAS Fallon received a request for immediate life-saving response with military aircraft from the California Office of Emergency Service (CALOES) via the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC); the California Office had received a 911 call about an injured rock climber on Donner Summit.

This rescue, which required expert skill in helicopter mountain rescue techniques, was the second rescue of 2019 for NAS Fallon SAR and the 18th in the last five years. This Navy SAR unit operates three MH-60S helicopters as search and rescue/medical evacuation platforms for the Fallon Range Training Complex in Nevada.

Pursuant to the National SAR Plan of the United States, the unit may also be used for civil SAR/MEDEVAC needs to the fullest extent practicable on a non-interference basis with primary military duties according to applicable national directives, plans, guidelines and agreements.  Specifically, the Longhorn SAR team may launch in response to tasking by the AFRCC for inland missions, or in response to tasking by the NAS Fallon commanding officer for all other aeronautical and maritime regions when other assets are unavailable.

Community youth participate in OPERATION FIT – a free summer wellness camp offered by Loma Linda University Health

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— LOMA LINDA, CA— Kids ages 9-15 will be participating in Operation Fit – a week-long camp that teaches healthy eating habits and active living. Through a series of dynamic, educational and interactive activities, campers will gain the tools they need to make better choices about food, physical activity and their lives. Each camper will also learn how to demonstrate those choices to their families and friends.

Members of the media are invited to come out on Wednesday, July 17 to interact with the kids and have a front-row seat to their education on health and fun fitness. Bring your sneakers to play and learn with the kids for a hands-on experience!

Some of the activities include:

-Nutrition labels lesson: Each child looks at various labels and determines if food is healthy

-Group fun fitness stations: Including badminton, soccer, pickleball, dance, food prep, wallyball, calisthenics, and dodgeball

The event will be held on Wednesday, July 17 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Loma Linda University Drayson Center, 25040 Stewart Street, Loma Linda.

Be part of the youth-led art exhibit at the Los Angeles County Fair

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— POMONA, CA—- This year the Cooperative Economic Empowerment Movement (CEEM) will have a youth-led art exhibit at the Los Angeles County Fair (LACF) during the weekend of September 13-15th. This year the LACF is highlighting Pop Culture, and CEEM will feature all youth artists to showcase their visual and performance art. We would love to have students from your schools, organizations and communities featured in the art exhibit and/or stage performances. We also have a “Kids Zone” where we will have art classes and information about community partners available to parents and children. Please let me know if you have students and adults that would like to feature their art (sculptures, paintings, drawings, poetry/spoken word, dance, music, etc.). If you would like additional information about the art exhibit or kid zone please feel free to contact at

African American and Black Voters Needed for Citizens Redistricting Commission

Learn how to apply July 13 and 14 at community meetings in San Diego and San Jose; Applications close August 9

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—-ENN)— African American and Black community members need to apply for a commission that will draw California’s voting districts to ensure all communities are fairly represented over the next decade, said Sean Dugar of California Common Cause.  

Since applications opened in June for the 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission, about 6 percent of applicants have identified as Black or African American voters, according to theCalifornia State Auditor’s website. About 7 percent of the state’s voting-age population identifies as Black or African American.  

The Citizens Redistricting Commission is required by law to have 5 Republicans, 5 Democrats and 4 unaffiliated or independent voters. But Dugar said it is imperative that the applicants and selected commissioners represent not just political diversity, but all the diversity of the state.  

Without such diversity, commissioners could draw districts that dilute the political power of certain communities by slicing them into different voting areas. Commissioners who are dedicated to fairness and equity are encouraged to apply before the deadline of August 9. 

“California voters aimed to end racial and partisan gerrymandering when they set up the citizens redistricting commission a decade ago and that goal continues today,” Dugar said. “This is your chance to shape California’s future by drawing fair district boundaries that serve the best interests of all of the people of California.”   

The outgoing commission is majority voters of color and is viewed as the best citizens redistricting commission in the nation. The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, a leading research center at Harvard University, awarded the California commission the 2017 Roy and Lila Ash Innovation Award for Public Engagement in Government. Commissioners used a $100,000 grant award to support the replication and dissemination of the California model in other states where gerrymandering suppresses voters.  

How can I learn more? 

Join Sean Dugar of California Common Cause and our allies for informational meetings on how to apply.  

What: San Diego Counts 
When: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, July 13 
Where: Balboa Park Club, Santa Fe Room, 2150 Pan American Road West, San Diego 
RSVP to San Diego 

What: All Things Redistricting 
When: 1-4 p.m., Sunday, July 14 
Where: SEIU Local 521, 2302 Zanker Road, San Jose 
RSVP to San Jose 

What is the 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission?  

Every 10 years, after the federal government conducts the census, California must redraw the boundaries of its congressional, state senate, state assembly, and state board of equalization districts so that the districts correctly reflect the state’s population. The 2020 Citizens Redistricting Commission is the entity that will draw all the district lines.  

Why do we have a Commission?  

California voters authorized the creation of the commission when they passed the Voters FIRST Act in 2008 and stripped the power to draw lines from politicians and gave it to the people. In 2010, the Voters FIRST Act for Congress added the responsibility of drawing congressional districts to the commission. The goal was to end racial and partisan gerrymandering in California.  

Who can serve on the Commission?  

The Act requires applicants meet these minimum eligibility requirements:

  • Registered to vote since July 1, 2015  
  • Have been registered without a, or “independent” of any, political party (decline-to-state or no party preference) or registered with the same political party since approximately July 1, 2015 
  • Voted in at least two of the last three statewide elections  

How do I apply for the Commission?  

You may submit an application to the California State Auditor through before August 9, 2019. Applicants who meet all of the qualifications for serving on the commission, and do not have a disqualifying conflict of interest, will be invited to submit a supplemental application containing additional information about their qualifications.   


“If You Would Search Through the Scriptures Like You Search Through Facebook and Social Media Your Whole Life Will Change for the Good… I’m Telling You!”

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Because you see every time we encounter the Word of God, an unseen world of spiritual forces go to work. We don’t usually think about this, since our experience—for instance, reading the Bible —feels so patently mundane. But read Jesus’ first parable in Matthew 13 and you’ll gain a renewed sense of weightiness for the moment when your life and God’s Word intersect.

I tell you, God’s Words are powerful. It took just a handful of them to create the entire known universe. If those Words are taking root in you, that same power will be at work in your life. But naw, you rather search Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, My Space, Linked-In and a whole slew of other social networking websites. “These social networks were originally created to give people a means to communicate and stay connected with others.  But what started out as a novelty has now turned into a serious addiction for many. These electronic tools that are supposed to help us stay connected have actually caused us to become more disconnected than ever before. If you don’t believe me, look around the room at your next family gathering or at the next social event you go to, and take notice of how many people are staring at their SmartPhones or Tablet screens, totally disconnected from everything that is going on around them. This addiction has even created a whole new problem in our Churches . Many are now looking at their SmartPhones instead of the Scriptures during the worship services.   They are tuning into their social media messages and tuning out the message from God’s Word.” I tell you, “Although God overlooked the ignorance of earlier times, He now commands all people everywhere to repent.”

Listen, God’s Word is the foundation of our lives. The Christian life, from start to finish, is utterly dependent on the grace of God. Not only do we come into spiritual life by sheer grace, but it is in divine grace that we continue on. It is by God’s grace that our soul survives through many trials, is strengthened for everyday life, and grows into greater maturity and health. I tell you, you can either follow the counsel of the world or the counsel of the Word. But Psalm 1 tells us that we should make God’s Word our delight and meditate on it consistently – day and night. I pray that through the teaching of this message today that if you are not regularly reading and studying the Word of God you will began to make God’s Word a regular diet for your life.

For He says, “Consider the sower who went out to sow. As he was sowing some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and ate them up. Others fell on rocky ground, where there wasn’t much soil, and they sprang up quickly since the soil wasn’t deep. But when the sun came up they were scorched, and since they had no root, they withereed. Others fell among thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them. Still others fell on good ground and produced a crop: some 100, some 60, and some 30 times what was sown. He who has an ear, let him hear [Matthew 13:3-9].  And as you read through this, think about which type of soil you relate to and how receptive you are to hearing the truth of the gospel. For I tell you, “Everything else will pass away, [Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like ] “but the Word of God stands forever” [Isaiah. 40:8].

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on

his law he meditates day and night. – [Psalm 1:1-2]

“Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts.” – [Jeremiah 15:16]

Nine Weekends of Genuine German Music

Infectious Bavarian Tunes by Four German Bands Fill Big Bear’s Fall Months

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— BIG BEAR LAKE, CA—- Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest steps up its game with an entertainment lineup that brings more Bavarian-style oomph, or in musical terms oom-pah-pah, than ever before. The 49th Annual Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest is pleased to announce it will feature not two, not three, but four different bands direct from Germany in a nine-weekend stretch that spans from September 7 to November 2, 2019. This marks the first-time ever that Southern California’s number-one-rated Oktoberfest will have four different German bands perform live in the same season. Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest’s audience is treated with a unique blend of traditional German polkas, sing-alongs and of course the Chicken Dance, but will also get its fair share of classic rock covers, country hits and today’s dance favorites. All four German bands help create the same vibe and pageantry of the original Bavarian Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

“We want to give our guests a little slice of Bavaria right here in Big Bear Lake,” said Monica Marini, director of Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest. “Instead of taking that long expensive flight to Munich, Germany, they can take a short trip up to Big Bear to experience a truly authentic Oktoberfest celebration.”

The first German band that is slated to take the stage at the 49th Annual Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest is Franken Power Express direct from Hammelburg, Germany. The energy of this band is certain to stir up a lively atmosphere September 14-15 and September 21-22. Frankenrebellen Express performs the next two weekends September 28-29 and October 4-5. This band that hails from the Franconia region of Bavaria sings with thick German accents and delivers a fun-style of party music. Die Bohmische Straßenmusikanten, from the eastern province of Bavaria, brings its unique style of Bohemian brass music during Oktoberfest’s peak weekends October 12-13 and October 19-20. Die Bohmische Straßenmusikanten combines street music, fast-paced rhythms, Bavarian folk standards and contemporary pop hits. Goldeisen, a nine-piece band that also resides in Bavaria, returns by popular demand. Goldeisen plays pulsating German-tunes that are certain to get patrons out of their seats and onto the dance floor on October 26-27 and at Oktoberfest’s special encore event Saturday, November 2. The Express Band, Southern California’s premier German band performs the first weekend September 7-8.

Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest – 3 Different German Bands                                2-2-2-2-2

Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest delivers a genuine Bavarian-style celebration with alpine scenery and heritage that sincerely reflects the spirit of the original Oktoberfest, even serving the very same beer poured at Munich’s Oktoberfest! There are two full service bars located inside the Convention Center and four different bier gartens (beer gardens) outside, including the Craft Haus, which provides a variety of micro brews and craft beer, ideal for beer connoisseurs. The food is very authentic to German tradition, too. The bratwurst and knockwurst is from a German butcher in Los Angeles, and fresh apple strudel as well as pretzels are delivered weekly from a German bakery in Downey!   

Fun competitions and contests at Oktoberfest include log sawing, stein carrying, shoot & yodel, a version of beer pong, and stein holding. Children’s fun and games include kiddy mug holding matches and an enhanced kids’ play area with five different giant inflatables. Dance troupes perform customary dances, and festivalgoers get into the action by flapping their arms and clucking away to the Chicken Dance.

The 49th Annual Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest begins Saturday, September 7 and runs for nine consecutive weekends (Sat. & Sun.) through Saturday, November 2, 2019. The weekend festivities takes place at Big Bear Lake Convention Center, located at 42900 Big Bear Blvd. Big Bear Lake Oktoberfest kicks off with American’s Hero weekend on Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8, offering free admission for all past and present military, fire fighters and law enforcement. Tickets to all 2019 dates go on sale Thursday, August 1, 2019. It is highly recommended to pre-purchase tickets in advance, especially October dates. For more details regarding tickets, Burgermeister / Uber-Bugermeister Party Packs, and general information, log on to, or Facebook, or call 909-585-3000.