Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital cures sickle cell patient through their first stem cell transplant

Successful program brings sickle cell disease treatment to the Inland Empire

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— LOMA LINDA, CA— Doctors at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital recently conducted the institution’s first stem cell transplant in a sickle cell disease patient, effectively curing her of the inherited blood disease. The successful procedure offers hope and accessible treatment to those suffering from the disease in the Inland Empire and surrounding regions. Children’s Hospital doctors had worked for nearly a year to build a program focused on helping hematology patients, specifically those with hemophilia and sickle cell disease.

Akshat Jain, MD, pediatric physician specializing in hematologic disorders at Children’s Hospital, said he is pleased with the outcome of the transplant and what it means for future patients suffering from sickle cell disease.

“We created a successful program so children and their families suffering from this disease don’t need to look elsewhere for treatment — it’s available to them right here in the Inland Empire,” Jain said.

The procedure was also Children’s Hospital’s first haploidentical transplant, meaning the stem cells donated — by the patient’s father — were only half a genomic match to the patient’s own stem cells. The transplant team infused the father’s cells directly into the patient after conditioning chemotherapy to replace the unhealthy blood-forming cells.

The patient, 11-year-old Valeria Vargas-Olmedo, had lived with sickle cell disease since birth. Her family began seeking treatment last year after she became incapacitated, unable to continue daily activities such as attend school, get in a car or even walk. Doctors said she had debilitating chronic pain, bone loss and bone necrosis.

“She is now disease free and can go back out into the world to do what an 11-year-old should be doing,” Jain said.

Clara Olmedo, Valeria’s mother, said, “Firstly, we want to thank God. We also want to thank Dr. Jain and his entire transplant team. Finally, thanks to Valeria’s father — he did everything he could in order to save her life and give her health through being a donor. My daughter is much more animated now — she’s begun walking, she’s eating and gaining weight, she’s happy. Little by little she is living a normal life like before.”

Sickle cell disease causes a shortage of red blood cells and thus an oxygen deficiency in one’s body. This can cause chronic pain and other serious complications, such as infection, acute chest syndrome and stroke. Without oxygen, any organ has a high likelihood of dying off.

Jain said the disease is generally found in populations like those in the Inland Empire, such as Hispanic and African American populations.

Jain said he and his team treat approximately 250 to 300 sickle cell patients in Children’s Hospital’s comprehensive sickle cell program — more patients than in some of the largest programs on the west coast.

The Vargas-Olmedo family wants to encourage others families who are struggling with sickle cell disease. “For the parents who see the news of this transplant and deal with this sickness, I hope they are encouraged and know that Children’s Hospital is a great hospital,” Clara Olmedo said. “There are many good doctors, professionals and excellent nurses. I encourage them to ask more questions about this procedure and our experience. They’ve helped us tremendously, and we have our trust in them.”

“Somebody’s Watching You!”

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Think you’re getting away with something; you ain’t getting away with nothing! I want you to know that there is a God that sits high and looks low…. “From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth – he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do [Psalm 33:13-15]; Proverbs 15:3]. Thinking you’re getting away with something; you ain’t getting away with nothing! God knows all about you. God is watching you, and the God of justice will judge both the righteous and the wicked according to what they have done.

What difference does it make to know God is always watching you? Knowing God is watching should make you think twice about doing wrong. If someone is keeping an eye on me, my behavior improves; and the fact that the Bible warns that the people, who are not conscious of God and commit evil with wicked thoughts, will be tormented in the lake of fire forever and ever.

When you know somebody is watching you, you tend to think twice before doing something you ought not to. That’s just human nature, isn’t it? If you’re on the interstate running 90 miles/hour, you tend to slow down when you see a state patrolman. Why? Because you know if he sees you, he will pull you over and give you a ticket. Knowing somebody is watching you makes you think twice about doing wrong. Make no mistake about it, God see all the good things people do, but also all the evil things people do as well. There is no way to hide our dirty deeds from the Lord. You better know that you know! I tell you Scripture was written to warn and to encourage. Consider yourself warned!

In the beginning when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, what did they do? They hid. Somehow they thought they could hide their disobedience from the Lord. But God already knew where they were and what they had done. He’d seen it all. In the days of Noah and his famous ark, the Bible clearly says [Genesis 6] then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. I want you to know that God’s vision hasn’t dimmed one iota since the days of Noah.  God not only sees the evil deeds we do, but also the evil thoughts in our minds, and the evil desires of our hearts. He sees what we do behind closed doors, the things we do in the dark, the things we try to hide from everybody else. He sees the thoughts we try to cloak behind our smiling mask of hypocrisy, the thoughts we never share with another soul, the thoughts that would shock the people who closest to us, if they really know what we were thinking, how we are feeling. He sees the secret desires of our heart: the covetousness, the envy, the jealousy. You cannot hide what you do from the Lord. You cannot escape the eyes of God. He is watching you, when you do what’s wrong, and when you do what’s right. So the next time you are tempted to cheat, lie, or steal, or do anything that’s not right, remember: God is watching you!

Luke 8:17 warns us, “For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything secret that will not become known and come to light” so we won’t get away with sin.

Zachariah 4:10 – “The eyes of the Lord run to and from through the whole earth.”

Job 34:21 – His eyes are upon the ways of man and he sees all his doings.

Proverbs 5:21- For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord and He ponders all his goings.

Numbers 32:23 – …you may be sure that your sin will find you out.

Let us never forget the fact that we serve a God who sees everything. Somebody’s watching you!

Walter’s Children’s Charity Classic raises more than $257,000 for Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital

Playroom in new hospital tower to be named in charity’s honor

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— LOMA LINDA, CA– Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital received $257,500 from the Walter’s Children’s Charity Classic Committee on March 26. The funds will support Vision 2020 – The Campaign for a Whole Tomorrow and the construction of the new Children’s Hospital tower.

Funds were raised at this year’s 23rd annual Walter’s Children’s Charity Classic golf tournament. The committee has raised more than $4 million over the past two decades.

During the check presentation, Scott Perryman, senior vice president and administrator for Children’s Hospital thanked Walter’s Automotive Group for their generosity.

“I want to express my gratitude for this amazing partnership, and its impact on the community,” Perryman said. “Your organization just gives and gives. I continue to be amazed by your spirit of generosity.”

Steve Kienle, president of Walter’s Automotive Group and founder of the committee, expressed his joy in being able to support children throughout the community.

“If we’ve done anything at all, we’ve helped one child,” Kienle said. “For us, it’s the love of doing what we do for the children. There are so many worthy causes in the Inland Empire, but for us, there’s no cause more worthy than supporting the children at Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.”

Raise Up and Walk for Sexual Assault

Majestic Hearts’ 1st Annual 5K Walkathon in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK–ENN)— INGLEWOOD, CA— In the cannabis culture, April 20 (known as, “Four-Twenty”) is an International holiday of cannabis consumption. However, this year Majestic Hearts will raise awareness about sexual assault. The organization will host its 1st Annual 5K Walkathon in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month to raise $5K toward its shelter and counseling programs. Taking place at Darby Park in Inglewood, from 8 – 11 a.m. (registration opening at 8:45 a.m.), Majestic Hearts will educate attendees about the subject matter, while raising funds to assist and enrich the community. 

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives.

“This alarming statistic must be exposed and it’s our organization’s duty to ensure the community is properly educated,” says Majestic Hearts’ Founding CEO, Kanishia L. Jackson.

“We must also take in to account that this statistic is solely based on reported data. There are numerous victims/survivors who have never reported their sexual abuse encounter(s). It’s an uncomfortable subject that needs to be addressed,” she concludes.

The event will be hosted by comedienne and founder of LesTalk Radio (@LesTalkRadio), Chelley Chelle and food will be catered by WoodMasters Smoked Meats & Fixings (@WoodMastersSMAF). The fundraiser will attract male and female attendees ages 18-75 who have been affected by sexual assault personally, or byway of a loved-one. Registered attendees will receive a Majestic Hearts medal and a water bottle from B.A.L.L. (Build A Lasting Legacy: @BuildALastingLegacy), founded by Pinique Singleton, one of Majestic Hearts’ continued supporters. 

“Sexual assault is not just a woman’s issue,” explaines Wendy Talley, Majestic Hearts’ licensed therapist of KW Essential Services (@KWEssentialServices). “The physical pain of sexual assault eventually goes away, but the heart and the mind will never forget,” the Licensed Clinical Social Worker further exclaims. Talley will be providing additional insight about sexual assault at the event. Her expertise will provide attendees with the tools needed to identify and cope with sexual assault.

Register, today to reserve your perks! Registration is $35 per person and children (under 18) are free! Go to www.majestic-hearts.org to RSVP.

Community Activists, Caregivers Held Action Demanding Supervisor Dawn Rowe Prioritize Health and Well-Being of Seniors and People with Disabilities

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK–ENN)—JOSHUA TREE, CA—On Monday, community activists, caregivers, and seniors and people with disabilities visited San Bernardino County Board of Supervisor Dawn Rowe’s district office in Joshua Tree urging her to support the county’s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program — an in-home care program that low-income seniors and people with disabilities depend on to survive. While a group of activists went inside the office to speak to Supervisor Rowe, others leafleted outside to bring public awareness of the efforts to hold County Supervisors accountable to the well-being of seniors and people with disabilities.

The action, planned by IHSS caregivers who are members of SEIU Local 2015, is the first action targeting Supervisor Dawn Rowe and comes after activists shut down parts of Arrowhead and Fourth at a rally outside the Board of Supervisors meeting last month demanding that the county support and invest in the county’s IHSS program that over 30,000 seniors and people with disabilities currently rely on to survive.

“The county has refused to support the in-home care that our loved ones depend on,” said Kim Evon, Executive Vice President of SEIU 2015. “Supervisor Rutherford event went so far and told caregivers that the county has other priorities. Well, our priorities are the seniors and people with disabilities that need the IHSS Program to survive. We will continue advocating for and demanding that the county prioritize the care our loved ones need and deserve.”

San Bernardino County’s IHSS Program allows low-income seniors and people with disabilities to receive life-saving care in the comfort of their home from people they trust. Caregivers provide services such as: bathing, toileting, administering medication, and accompanying care recipients to critical doctor appointments.

“Providing a livable wage to our in-home caregivers is not only cost effective for the County but good for our local economy,” said Sara Lee, a Joshua Tree resident and educator.  “Too often, our politicians push for development projects that provide short term jobs for out-of-district workers that end up threatening our local economy and environment.  By investing in long term healthcare workers, we not only provide local sustainable jobs that can help our residents get off government assistance but can also provide cost savings and loving and humane care for those with disabilities and our growing senior population.  A contract with a livable wage is the right thing to do for our workers, for our seniors, for our local economy and the County’s bottom line.”

Activists plan on targeting the district office of every Board of Supervisor in the coming months. They are determined to continue to hold actions until the Board responds to their demands.

The action at Supervisor Rowe’s office was live streamed on Facebook here: SEIU 2015

TFCF’s, “Oh, the Places She’ll Go!” Gala a Remarkable Success!

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK–ENN)— ONTARIO, CA— Time for Change Foundation (TFCF) held their 17th Annual Awards Gala, “Oh, the Places She’ll Go!” on April 12, 2019 at the Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, CA.  What a beautiful sight it was to see the community come together in honor of local heroes, and to recognize the homeless women and children that have triumphed over trials!  

For 17 years TFCF has created a true pathway for these women and children to reach self-sufficiency. The event welcomed back alumni from over 15 years that have held onto the skills learned while at TFCF, some achieving Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, other watching their children graduate from college.  “Oh, the Places She’ll Go!” highlighted the new heights these women have been able to achieve. Events like our gala enable us to highlight the successful journey of these resilient women and the obstacles they have overcome. 

Founder, Kim Carter stated, “We believe in the women! We believe in their ability to come back from devastation and no matter what, a second chance is deserving!”

In light of the amazing accomplishment throughout their 17-year history, TFCF celebrated and more importantly acknowledged the many local heroes who make daily contributions to our society. This year’s honorees included: Carlos & Audrey Martinez – Dynamic Duo Award, BLU Educational Foundation – RISE Award Restoring Inclusivity in Systemic Education Award, Johnson Family Child Care – Child Care of the Year Award, Linda Lindsey – Lady of Justice Award, Mayor Deborah Robertson – Public Service Champion, James & Rowena Ramos – Lifetime Legacy Award, Beatriz Solis – Melinda Gates Inspiration Award, Tim Evans – Ramos Family Spirit Of Compassion Award, and Dr. Roger Hadley – Community Health Champion Award.

Since its humble beginnings in 2002, Time for Change Foundation has demonstrated a remarkable determination towards ending homelessness for women and their children. 

Time for Change Foundation’s 17th Year Anniversary Gala took place on Friday April 12, 2019 at the Doubletree Hotel by Hilton in Ontario, CA. It was an awe-inspiring, and truly wonderful night for all. To find out more about future events, please visit www.TimeForChangeFoundation.org or contact Vanessa Perez at (909) 886-2994 or by email at vperez@timeforchangefoundation.org.

We accept all forms of donations. To see how you can help make a difference visit us on the web at www.TimeForChangeFoundation.org.

The mission of Time for Change Foundation is to empower disenfranchised, low income individuals and families by building leadership through evidence-based programs and housing to create self-sufficiency and thriving communities.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Celebrates Social Worker Awareness Month

Photos and write up by John Coleman, Community Photographer

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) celebrate the month of March, annually, as Social Work Month,  & hold an event where they give recognition to a special individual Social Worker, a Social  Work Educator of the Year, or exemplary Social Service Agency/Organization of the Year.

For over 60 years  the non-profit Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County has worked with & on behalf of low income people throughout the county;  providing support,  advocacy,  and empowerment,  towards the goals of self reliance and economic stability.

The Inland Empire (Riverside/San Bernardino) Region, California Chapter, National Association of Social workers (NASW)  was proud to recognize & honor the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County for the “Community Agency of the Year Award”.

[PHOTOS] ‘Brother’s Keeper’ Film Premiere Red Carpet

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— LOS ANGELES, CA— Local celebrities graced the red carpet for the Los Angeles film premiere of “Brother’s Keeper” in Hollywood at YES Studio. The independently produced film is about two adopted brothers who battle different mental illnesses, accidentally commit murders and in the process of hiding their crimes, they find their true identity. A story of power, control, love and hate, sometimes the only options become deadly. The cast included Andre K. Jefferson (Writer, Executive Producer), Delila Outlaw (Associate Producer), Olando Graves (as “Devin”), Angela O’Leary (as “Char”), Ursa Gifted Major (as “Trey”), Dominique Marsell (as “Det. O’Neal”), Shelley Meche’tte (as “Mama Eva”), Andrew Davis II (as “Skillz”), Delmiko Blair (as “Luke”), Terrell Sahale (as “Det. Kirkpatrick”), Megan Orth (as “Det. Marshall”), Jamie Lynn Franklin (as “Sonja”), Irina Aylyarova (as “Sidney”), Oscar “Ofoesho” Roberts (as “Nate”), Parenthysis Gardner (as “Naomi”), Janine R. Lancaster (as “Regina”), and Terrell Finister (as “Darnell”).

(Cast of Brother’s Keeper) Photo credit: Vladimir Yazev.

Chante’ Bowser (STX Film “The Best of Enemies”), Loren Lott (CBS “The Young and The Restless”), Cierra Brooks (BET “The Grand Hustle”), Julie Dell Phillips (ID “Murder Among Friends”), Taaha Shah (AMZONOV “Made In Heaven”), Travanti Quinn Waller (Studio City), Nikita Francois (Issa Rae’s Dumped), and Travanti Quinn Waller (HBO’s TBS) are just a few celebrities that came out to support the film.

Special thanks to Carol Spears (Keller Williams Realty South Bay), Kimberly Fomby Jefferson (Sucre Couture), Anthony Keith Jefferson Jr., John Spears, June Stone, and Donna Lipscomb for sponsoring this event.

For more about the film, visit www.brotherskeeperthefilm.

Celebrating the Life of ‘Nipsey Hussle’: A True Community Activist, Icon and Game Changer

By Naomi K. Bonman

LOS ANGELES – The community celebrated the life of a true change agent. The life celebration of Ermias Joseph Asghedom, better known to the world as Nipsey Hussle, was held on Thursday, April 11 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The center holds 21,000 and it was packed out with every seat filled.

The three-hour long service was a pure reflection of all that Nipsey represented during his 33 years on Earth –from the unity and array of the floral arrangements, to the words that each family member and close friend spoke, to the performances. The service began with a prolific photo of Nipsey Hussle on display with his song, “Victory Lap” playing as family, friends, the Nation of Isalm and the community gathered in the stadium. “Victory Lap” was indeed the perfect song that defined Ermias’ life.


Torres Announces Nearly $750,000 Justice Department Grant Awarded to Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to Combat Human Trafficking

Grant will fund the Los Angeles County Human Trafficking Task Force Program; since 2015, the task force has made 1,624 arrests in connection to human trafficking activities and rescued 324 victims
Torres previously led efforts to secure nearly $70,000 in federal funding to fight human trafficking and prostitution in the Inland Empire

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— U.S. Representative Norma J. Torres (D-Pomona) announced that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has awarded a $749,982 grant to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to combat human trafficking. The grant will fund the Los Angeles County Human Trafficking Task Force (LACHTTF) Program to develop, enhance, and implement collaborative approaches to identify victims of human trafficking within the County, investigate and prosecute sex and labor trafficking cases at the local, state, and federal levels and address the individual needs of victims through the provision of comprehensive array of quality services.

“Human trafficking isn’t something that only occurs in faraway places, it’s happening in our own backyards every single day. To crack down on this horrible crime, we need to ensure that our local law enforcement agencies have the resources they need to put perpetrators behind bars and keep our communities safe,” said Congresswoman Torres.

 “This support from the Department of Justice will enable the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to enhance its already successful efforts to thwart human trafficking in the Inland Empire and provide survivors with the justice and services needed to help them reclaim their lives. Local agencies should take advantage of the training opportunities available to them by joining this task force—it’s the first step to make certain that this vital program continues.”

“I would like to thank Congresswoman Norma Torres for her tireless work in the field of combatting the scourge of human trafficking. Her bipartisan efforts as part of the Congressional Human Trafficking Caucus have helped secure funding for this very important law enforcement and humanitarian effort,” said Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva. 

“Today’s grant award will help continue to fund the Los Angeles Regional Human Trafficking Task Force.”

Last year, Torres led a bipartisan group of Members of Congress in a letter to the House Committee on Appropriations calling for $50 million in funding nationwide for DOJ grant programs that support anti-human trafficking task forces, such as the LARHTTF. Torres is also a member of the Congressional Human Trafficking Caucus. She previously helped secure nearly $70,000 in DOJ grants to combat human trafficking and prostitution in the City of Pomona.

Torres is a member of the powerful House Appropriations and Rules Committees.