Neuman Sneed II Named Sir Knight at Social Lites, Inc. 52nd Beautillion Ball

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The Social Lites, Inc. celebrated its 52nd Beautillion Ball on Saturday, March 30, at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino.  Over 300 guests were in attendance to witness five distinguished young men introduced to society naming Neuman Sneed II Sir Knight 2019 and awarding approximately $30,000 in scholarships and gifts to all Knights. Speakers included Alumni Knight Malichi Davis, Sir Knight 2018, and student at Morehouse University; and Alumni Knight, Harry Le Grande, Interim Vice President, Student Affairs at CSU, San Bernardino.  SBCUSD Chief of Police Joe Paulino received the Social Lites, Inc. Community Service Award.       

Sir Knight Neuman Sneed II was awarded a $6,500 academic scholarship, $1,000 scholarship for participating in the “Evan T. Carthen Emerging Leader” essay contest, and named “Mr. Congeniality.” The award included a monetary gift along with receiving electronic gifts to prepare for college.  Knight Jordan Dean-Reynoso, First place was awarded a $3,500 scholarship, $9,000 scholarship for winning “The Evan T. Carthen Emerging Leader” essay contest and provided with additional gifts.  Knight Syree Rucker-Spears, Second place, was awarded a $3,000 Alumni Scholarship and provided with additional gifts. Knight Tynan Currie was awarded $1,100 for earning the President Scholarship in addition to a $1,000 scholarship for participating in the “Evan T. Carthen Emerging Leader” essay contest in addition to other gifts.  Knight Zamir Subero was awarded the $1,000 Perseverance Scholarship in addition to receiving other gifts.  Congratulations to all young men and best wishes for a bright future!

Here’s Why Eritrea has Taken U.S. Rapper’s Death Hard

By Aanu Adeoye, CNN

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK)— VIA CNN— Rapper Nipsey Hussle’s death in a shooting near his clothing store was greeted with shock and disbelief by celebrities and fans alike.

The 33-year-old musician, real name Ermias Davidson Asghedom, was shot dead in an attack on Sunday that also left two others injured.The city of Los Angeles where he grew up and dedicated his life to helping kids break out of the cycle of gang violence mourned his passing.

But somewhere, thousands of miles away in east Africa, Nipsey’s death was felt even more keenly by the people of Eritrea.

His father, Nipsey once said, fled a war in Eritrea to settle in the US.

Hussle visited Eritrea twice in his lifetime: first as an 18-year-old when he spent three months and most recently in April 2018.

With his brother Samiel and their dad, Hussle met the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and sat down with the Ministry of Information’s website for a wide-ranging interview about his life and experiences growing up in Los Angeles in a culture of gang violence.

Then he spoke of his love for Eritrea and his desire to connect with his extended family after fourteen years since his last visit.

“I am here to visit my family and reconnect with my grandmother, my cousins and everybody else,” Hussle said during the interview.

“I love to be here. The people, the food, the culture, and the lifestyle are extremely good.

“During his trip back to his father’s country, Hussle also visited a local textile factory in the capital Asmara to explore business opportunities.

Eritrea’s Minister of Information Yemane Meskel led the tributes to Hussle after news of his death broke.

“Extremely saddened to hear the news of the tragic and untimely death of iconic recording artist/entrepreneur Ermias Asgedom (Nipsey Hussle),” Meskel tweeted.

“RIP & condolences to his family.”

Billion Temesghen, the Eritrean journalist who interviewed him last year, wrote on Twitter: “Eritreans worldwide feel sorrow for the loss of a talented star, a loving family man & a compassionate compatriot. Condolences to us all.”

Hussle’s debut studio album, Victory Lap, was nominated for best rap album at this year’s Grammy Awards.

Mayor Deborah Robertson presented the Public Service Champion Award

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN) RIALTO, CA— Time for Change Foundation’s (TFCF) 17th Annual Awards Gala will honor community champions who go above and beyond to help care for our community and contribute to both the health, and happiness of its members.

Deborah Robertson was elected Mayor of Rialto in November 2012 – the latest achievement in a distinguished public service career that has included 12 years on  the Rialto City Council, leadership positions at the Southern California Association of Governments, the San Bernardino Associated Governments, and more than 20 years with the California Department of Transportation.

Under Mayor Robertson’s leadership, Rialto has gained regional and national recognition for innovation in the areas of public-private partnerships, business development and job creation. A leading voice on regional and national infrastructure issues, Mayor Robertson chairs the Public Health Subcommittee for SCAG’s 2016 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, is a member of the U.S. Conference of Mayors Water Council and Metro Economies, and member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

In addition, Mayor Robertson is a founding board member for the NFL/AFL Youth Life Skills Camp, has hosted the annual State of Women event in Rialto for the past seven years, and was recognized by Assembly Member Cheryl Brown as 47th District Woman of the Year.

“Mayor Robertson is a jewel in the Inland Empire, as a woman in leadership she is empowering other women to continue leading our communities, we are happy to honor her this year with the Public Service Champion Award” said Vanessa Perez, Director of Time for Change Foundation.

Other Award Honorees include:

Carlos and Audrey Martinez with the Dynamic Duo Award, BLU Educational Foundation with the Rise (Restoring Inclusivity in Systemic Education) Award, Johnson Family Child Care with the Childcare of the Year Award, Linda Lindsey with the Lady of Justice Award, Mayor Deborah Robertson with the Public Service Champion Award, James and Rowena Ramos with the Lifetime Legacy Award, Beatriz Solis with the Melinda Gates Inspiration Award, and Dr. Roger Hadley with the Community Health Champion Award.

Time for Change Foundation’s 17th Year Anniversary Gala will take place on Friday, April 12, 2019 at the Doubletree Hotel by Hilton in Ontario, CA from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. To support TFCF’s efforts to help homeless women and children become self-sufficient, thriving members of society you can become a sponsor, purchase an ad in the event program book or purchase a Gala ticket. 

To purchase tickets for the event or to become a sponsor and increase your business’ visibility in the community, please visit our website or contact Vanessa Perez at (909) 886-2994 or by email at

Apple Valley Sailor Leaves for Deployment Aboard USS Bainbridge

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— ATLANTIC OCEAN— Ship’s Serviceman Seaman Apprentice Jaethomas Smith, from Apple Valley, Calif., hugs his wife aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) before departing for deployment April 1. USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) departs Naval Station Norfolk as part of Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group’s (ABECSG) deployment in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th, 6th and 7th Fleet areas of responsibility. With CVN 72 as the flagship, deploying strike group assets include staffs, ships and aircraft of Carrier Strike Group Twelve (CSG-12), Destroyer Squadron Two (DESRON 2) and Carrier Air Wing Seven (CVW-7); as well as Alvaro de Bazan-class Spanish frigate ESPS Méndez Núñez (F 104).

“You Ain’t Fooling Nobody but Yourself – Because You Sho’ Ain’t Fooling God”

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— You see, [Proverbs 15:3] says: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” Those who think they have God fooled are only fooling themselves!

Listen, when the Holy Spirit gives you an opportunity, and He begins to touch your life, and He begins to deal with you and point out areas in your life that you need to change and then bring you to a place of repentance, and you say, “Yes, Lord, I repent, and then you turn back and act the same way, you’ve treated that which is Holy as common. You’ve profaned the Holy. You’ve been touched, blessed, convicted, repented–all these things have taken place–you draw near to God–only to go and do the same darn thang. I tell you, you ain’t fooling nobody but yourself, because you sho ain’t fooling God!

You pray and you weep and you repent and you say, “God forgive me. Cleanse me. Set me free, Jesus, please, Lord, pardon my sin.” Then you go and act the same way you did before.  You are in danger of judgment. How can someone be so active in the church and still be lost? How can you sit in so many worship services, and not grow in your understanding of God? How can you go into the presence of the Holy Spirit and not find conviction? Get yourself right! This is the ultimatum. In God’s message through Isaiah his prophet, the ultimatum is made clear. It is God’s way or it is God’s wrath, the choice is given, the consequences are made clear. “If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the land; “But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” It is as simple as black and white. No gray areas, no need for arbitration, no compromise, no meeting God halfway. It is all or nothing. It is God or the devil. It is blessings or eternal cursing.  [Isaiah 1:18-20]. I tell you, you ain’t fooling nobody but yourself, because you sho’ ain’t fooling God!

We think we are so smart, we think we are able to pull a fast one on God. We ain’t fooling nobody but ourselves.  I tell you, “The time of ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent.” [Acts 17:30]

The conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

UCR Welcomes Phi Beta Kappa Scholar William Chester Jordan

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— RIVERSIDE, CA— William Chester Jordan, an award-winning historian of medieval Europe, is the Dayton-Stockton Professor of History at Princeton University, where he teaches courses on the Middle Ages. On April 18 and 19, he’ll arrive at UCR as part of the Phi Beta Kappa Society’s Visiting Scholar Program, which gives undergraduate students nationwide the opportunity to learn from leading scholars in their fields.

On April 18 from 4 to 5:30 p.m., Jordan will present a public lecture, “The First Crusade and Jewish Martyrdom.” The presentation is free to attend and will take place in room 335 of UCR’s Arts Building. Jordan will present a second public lecture, “The Lorn Land: A Winter’s Tale,” on April 19 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The lecture is also free and will take place in the History Department Library, located in room 1303 of the Humanities and Social Sciences Building.

A prolific author, Jordan will publish his latest book, “The Apple of His Eye: Converts From Islam in the Reign of Louis IX,” this spring. His other recent books include “From England to France: Felony and Exile in the High Middle Ages” (2015), “Men at the Center: Redemptive Governance Under Louis IX” (2012), and “A Tale of Two Monasteries: Westminster and Saint-Denis in the Thirteenth Century” (2009).

At Princeton, Jordan has served as chair of the history department, executive director of the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, and chairman of the Interdepartmental Committee and Program in Medieval Studies. He is past president of the Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages and served as president of the Medieval Academy of America.

Saxey Jazz Evening Features Mark Allen Felton!

Hosted By SoCal Black Chamber/SBVC Black Faculty & Staff

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— SAN BERNARDINO, CA— Saxophonist Mark Allen Felton was impressing folks with his smooth sax sounds before he was in high school. On Friday, March 29 you will be able to share his smooth sax sound, as Mark Anthony Felton, affectionately known as ‘Panther’, brings his horn and talented band to the San Bernardino Valley College Auditorium.

Felton is an accomplished and celebrated saxophonist who has delivered with four well received albums. His fifth album, ‘Soul Real’, is dropping later this month… So those in attendance on March 29th will be treated to an exclusive debut.

Felton points out that this release is different than previous recordings and enthusiastically predicts that fans and soon-to-be fans will love it.

Mark says, “This one is a little more upbeat… And funkier than the last record.”

And though Felton says he really digs the funk. He also says and demonstrates that he loves performing jazz, gospel and obviously soul music.

His ‘hipstrumentals’, as he calls them are sure to hit your senses in all the right places. And many can bear witness.

During his career Felton has played with some of the greats including Grammy Award winner Patti Labelle, the late great Al Jarreau, Bobby Womack, Kirk Whalum to name a few.

On Friday, March 29th, Felton will be performing music from his latest release live in a concert event sponsored by the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce, Inland Cities East and the San Bernardino Valley College Black Faculty and Staff Association. Included in the night’s festivities is a cocktail social from 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. and the concert main event from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.. During the night there will be door prizes, giveaways, and, of course, Mark Allen Felton.

To purchase tickets, visit:

“Who’s that Peeping in Your Window?”

By Lou Yeboah

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— “And the Lord said, [insert your name]! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren [Luke 22:31-32].

Yes, the Devil wants you. He wants to “sift you as wheat.” He wants to expose everything that could bring shame and accuse you before God. Let this be a warning to you. Satan would like to chew you up and spit you out! I tell you, as followers of Christ we must never be so naïve as to think that Satan pays most attention to those who have already surrendered to his demonic powers. No, the opposite is true. It is those who follow Christ and have a reputation for being godly Christians who have Satan on their backs. You better know that you know. And let me just say this, if you have never met the Devil, it is because you and the Devil are going in the same direction.

Satan, the serpent, the Great Dragon, Beelzebub, the ruler of this world, the prince of the power of the air, the evil one, and the adversary, who came to steal, kill, and destroy. Satan doesn’t give a crap about you. He is Satan. And—if you are a follower of Jesus Christ—he hates your guts with a passion. Like a roaring lion he is prowling about seeking to destroy you. You better know that you know!

And be sure of this, Satan is desirous to trip up the preacher, the deacon, the Sunday School teacher and every devoted Christian that he can. He is at work to keep a church fooling around with things that don’t matter while the world goes to hell. He brings friction into the Christian family to cause brokenness and ineffectiveness.  I tell you, there is a lion loose today, and he trying to defeat you, to bind you, to keep you from becoming what God would have you to be. Satan promises the best, but pays with the worst; he promises honor and pays with disgrace; he promises pleasure and pays with pain; he promises profit and pays with loss; he promises life and pays with death. But we can overcome him through our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ as we put on the whole armor of God. I tell you, be watchful! Because our adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” [1 Peter 5:8].

NEVER allow his-sight to see you – search to smell you – chase to catch you – grasp to hold you- tongue to taste you – teeth to crush you – throat to swallow you – stomach to digest you – and never let his lunch be you! NEVER ALLOW HIS- DECEPTIONS to derail you – DELUSIONS to detain you – DISSATISFACTIONS to detour you- DEPRESSIONS to destroy you – and DISAPPOINTMENTS to deny that God lives. The enemy’s schemes are ruthless and cunning. Know your weaknesses. Know where you are vulnerable, know what your Achilles Heel is, because if you don’t, Satan does and he will eat you up and spit you’ out!”

“Therefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.” [1 Corinthians 10:12]

 May God help us to stay alert, awake and anointed in the face of the evil one.

Obituary: Anita Joy Dimery-Riley

July 24, 1927 to March 16, 2019

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Anita Joy Dimery-Riley passed away on Saturday, March 16, 2019 at the age of 91.

Anita was a member of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, where her passion was working with incarcerated youth through Prison Ministry, as well as being a member of the Eula B. Wheeler Mission Circle. She was also active in many community organizations, including Urban League and Adrianettes.

She is survived by her husband, Richard Riley; her son, Charles Slaughter and his wife Tracy; her son, Rudolph Dimery; and her grandchildren Lauren Dimery, Charles Slaughter and Sara Slaughter. She is also survived by her brother, John Watson and her sister Mary Abalos, as well as many other relatives.

Visitation will be held on Sunday, March 31 from 3 p.m. to to 7 p.m. at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church located at 1575 N 17th Street in San Bernardino. The service will also be held at New Hope on Monday, April 1 at 10 a.m. Internment will be at the Riverside National Cemetery on Tuesday, April 2 at 9:30 a.m.

Empowering Books Written by Women of Color

(EMPIRE NEWS NETWORK—ENN)— Women have worked tirelessly to have their voices heard in a male-run society. Through tests and trials, they have pushed their voices to the forefront, shedding light on the injustices constantly thrust against them.

Women’s History Month applauds these successes.’

The month of March is a time to celebrate all that women have accomplished thus far. Yet it is also time to focus on the women’s movements that many are still fighting for.

The way that women go about making sure the world hears their voices and opinions varies. Whether it’s marching, speaking, dancing—there are many ways for women to express their thoughts. More and more women are going about that by writing poems, essays, short stories, and fiction; women are using the pen-to-paper technique to shed light on thoughts, opinions, and injustices.

During March there are numerous female authors who release books. Some of these empowering books written by women of color are focusing on or include current themes found in society today. These authors use their books to demonstrate how impactful words are for gathering support and creating solidarity.

Empowering Books Written by Women of Color March 2019

A Woman is No Man

Etaf Rum’s novel, A Woman Is No Man, focuses on arranged marriage and how that severely affects a young woman’s self-worth. The bravery shown by the female characters leaves something for women across the world to latch onto.

Long Live the Tribe of Fearless Girls

Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls, written by T Kira Madden, is a raw debut memoir about her life as a queer and biracial teenager living in the privileged and racially tense Boca Raton, Florida. Honesty and compassion rip through the pages—and with no apology for it either.


Another novel that has intense ties to the present climate of the United States is Internment by Samira Ahmed. Set in the near future United States, this novel follows a girl and her parents as officials force them into an internment camp for Muslim American citizens.

Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations

This is a bold and wry graphic novel that talks about identity, interracial families, and division—all in the form of questions. These questions are ones many found themselves asking during the 2016 election; specifically, the racial climate of the country is talked of with an odd, but necessary, intimacy.

These books all share a common theme—strong women; women who do not give up even with adversity consistently thrust upon them. Whether it’s books that focus on celebrities and their feminist standpoints (think Beyoncé) or high fiction novels that show the courage and strength of women, there is much to learn from these characters.

Courage is resilient—standing up for what you believe in is of the utmost importance. Without that, where would Women’s History Month be?