Photo Recap: Community Action Partnership and Young Visionaries Giveaway Over 1,000 Turkeys for Thanksgiving

RECAP Written by John Coleman, Community Photographer

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) and Young Visionaries Youth Leadership Academy provided 1,000 Turkeys and Food Boxes to needy families in San Bernardino County.  Approximately 2,000 people attended the Turkey Giveaway and Resource Fair which was held at CAPSBC on Saturday, November 18.

“The CAPSBC Food Bank has been serving San Bernardino County since 1984.  Every year we provide thousands of holiday food baskets, in addition to our regular food operations serving 40,000 households per month.  $19 million in food went out in 2016 and that number will be even higher this year.  San Bernardino County suffers some of the highest levels of poverty in the nation, and this food is greatly needed,” stated Patricia L. Nickols-Butler, CEO of CAPSBC.

Fifty-seven (57) community organizations, county agencies and nonprofits were on hand at the event Resource Fair providing information, goods and services to assist low-income families.  In addition, approximately 100 volunteers provided vitally important assistance.  All in all, hundreds of people who care about struggling San Bernardino County families, came together to make the holidays a little brighter for their neighbors in need.

The CAPSBC Food Bank continues its mission for the upcoming Christmas holidays providing thousands of additional holiday baskets for those needing food assistance.  If you are interested in supporting the CAPSBC Food Bank in its efforts to fight hunger and malnutrition in San Bernardino County, you may make a check payable to CAPSBC and mail to 696 S. Tippecanoe Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408, or a secure donation can be made on our website at:   If you would like to volunteer, please e-mail: or fill out a volunteer form at

What It Do With The LUE: LadyMV and Royal Rose Winter Fashion Show


By Lue Dowdy

LadyMV and RoyalRose Winter FASHION SHOW is WHAT IT DO. This Sunday, November 26, Lady MV is celebrating fun,  figured women during the month of November.

I’m calling all my fashionista’s who are looking for something fun to do after Turkey day. Yolanda Magnum and ‘NeNe’, CEO and Founder of LadyMV and RoyalRose Clothing, along with her entire team are ready to serve it up on the runway.

Beautiful models of all shapes and sizes from all over will be showcasing collections by talented fashion designers.

Lady MV Winter Fashion Show will consist of cocktails, networking, and special guest appearances from Love And Hip Hollywood stars Masika and Moniece and live performances.

Make sure you get your ticket for this EPIC EVENT. Please visit their facebook for more details. Until next week L’s!

‘A Christmas Carol’ Comes to San Bernardino Public Library

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-      Christmas Carol: Ebenezer Scrooge… Jacob Marley… Bob Cratchit… Tiny Tim… The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. These are characters we have come to love and welcome into our homes and hearts.  Celebrate the holiday season at the San Bernardino Public Library as Broadway and film actor Duffy Hudson, (without the aid of props or costumes while playing all 46 characters), brings this magical tale to life.  

The San Bernardino Public Library will host this performance of “A Christmas Carol” on Saturday, December 9 at 3 p.m..  It will be held in the Bing Wong Auditorium at the Feldheym Central Library at 555 W. 6th Street in San Bernardino. 

Duffy Hudson is an actor, director, writer, teacher and filmmaker. He has performed in hundreds of plays and has directed over 300 theatrical pieces, including workshop productions with Brooke Shields, The Three Sisters with Jessica Lange, Don Johnson and Tatum O’Neal, and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf with Marlo Thomas. Since turning his attention to film and television, he has performed in numerous commercials, including the award winning, Men in Black series for Penn Station. Feature film credits include among others, Tattered Angel, Canvas the Night, Skin Complex, and The Greater Good. 

Duffy tours the US with his one man shows of Edgar Allan Poe, Albert Einstein, George Burns, Houdini, Audie Murphy, Dr. Seuss, and A Christmas Carol.

This FREE 75-minute show is ideal for the entire family.  Contact Linda Yeh at (909) 381.8238 or visit for more information. You can also follow the library on Facebook at or Twitter at

For more information about Duffy Hudson visit

Mt. Rubidoux Presents, “The World Needs You” Musical

RIVERSIDE, CA- The Mt. Rubidoux SDA Church presents:  The World Needs You: A Christmas Musical Recognizing the Greatest Gift to Man.  This event will be taking place at the Mt. Rubidoux SDA Church located at 5320 Victoria Avenue in Riverside on December 9 at 7 p.m.

Christ came during a time of hopelessness, spiritual darkness, division and political unrest. A time not unlike the struggles we experience today: wars and famine, distrust of our civil leaders, hate, division, earthquakes, fires, and hurricanes, sweep across our nation like never before! It is more evident that the same Christ who was gifted to the world when it needed Him most, is the same Christ we need now!  Come join us for this spectacular musical dramatization as we recognize God’s greatest gift to man.

For every ticket that is bought, the church will provide one to someone who is not a member of the congregation.  They want to encourage attendance from individuals who live in the Riverside and San Bernardino counties.  This is a push to introduce Christ to people who are seeking truth and peace during these troubled times.  Community members can expect VIP treatment, free food following the concert, and information about our church if they are led to join our family.

The event will feature; Genesis Kelly, LaDon Daniels, Kevin Carrington, Bijan Slack, Octavia Pace, and the Mt. Rubidoux SDA Choir.  All proceeds go to disadvantaged persons from group homes, men and women shelters, transitional housing and surrounding neighborhoods.

To purchase your tickets, please visit  For more information, please visit

This is an event that you do not want your family to miss!

New Technology Aids Fire Department in Respiratory Arrest Calls

REDLANDS, CA- The Redlands Fire Department has deployed eight new laryngoscopes with fiber optic cameras, allowing them to deliver state of the art, cutting edge service to the Redlands community. 

Laryngoscopes are on every frontline fire company and can be used on all adult respiratory arrest responses. This pioneering technology gives medics direct visualization of the patient’s vocal cords and records the intubation process so that it may be attached to the Electronic Patient Record.

What makes this state-of-the-art equipment so beneficial to the Redlands community is that it enables easier and faster intubation of the airway in a patient who isn’t breathing. The camera allows the paramedic to see the exact placement of the tube. The combination of visualization and recording provides a tremendous advantage to the paramedics and, ultimately, the patient. The recording is then transmitted straight to the hospital so the treating doctor can see exactly how the tube was placed facilitating better patient care. Video records can be reviewed for training and ongoing quality improvement purposes. 

The Redlands Fire Department experiences approximately 50 calls each year in which this device will allow for better patient outcomes.

Millennial Professional, Ta Lease Morrow, Leads Upland Publication as CEO/Publisher

Ta Lease Morrow

Ta Lease Morrow

ONTARIO, CA- On Saturday, November 18, the co-publisher of the Inland Valley News, Ta Lease Morrow, 31, was installed as the CEO/Publisher. The installation announcement was made during the 20th Annual Celebration of Excellence Awards held at the Double Tree Hotel in Ontario.

In passing the baton to his daughter, outgoing Publisher Tommy Morrow has paved the way for Ta Lese and her team to innovate and broaden the scope of communications for the brand.

Let’s continue to promote and encourage the next generation of leaders. Kudos Ta Lease.

Diana Ross’ Grandson Stole the Show During Her AMA Performance


By Rebecca Shapiro, Huffington Post

Another star was born Sunday night when Diana Ross turned her American Music Awards performance into a family affair.

The icon accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award surrounded by her family, and she even invited her grandchildren on stage to dance as she sang, “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” during a stellar performance.

It didn’t take long for audience members at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, and those sitting at home, to notice Ross’ grandson dancing his heart out.

Ross’ grandson also hugged the singer when she accepted her award, saying into the microphone, “I’m so proud of you!” He later closed out the awards show by taking another moment to tell his grandmother that he was proud of her, and to let the crowd know that he loved them too.



Buckle Up This Thanksgiving and Stay Safe Everytime

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- As millions of travelers flood the roads this Thanksgiving, the San Bernardino Police Department is partnering with the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) and law enforcement across the state to share an important lifesaving reminder: Buckle Up–Every Trip. Every Time. San Bernardino Police Department will be conducting driver safety operations throughout the Thanksgiving holiday season.

During the 2015 Thanksgiving weekend, 301 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes nationwide, and 53 percent were not wearing seat belts at the time of the fatal crash, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).  California accounted for 42 of those fatalities.  Nighttime proved even more deadly, with 57 percent of Thanksgiving weekend crashes occurring at night nationally.  Much like drunk driving, these deaths represent needless tragedies for families across America.  Many of these deaths could have been completely prevented with the simple click of a seat belt.

Year after year, families are devastated when news arrives that a loved one is killed on their way to Thanksgiving festivities. These stories are just unacceptable when over 50 percent of the deaths involve an unrestrained occupant.  Especially when it’s known that seat belt use is one of the simplest ways to stay safe while riding in a vehicle.

NHTSA estimates that proper seat belt use reduces the risk of fatal and serious injuries. In 2015, approximately 13,941 people survived crashes because they were buckled up.  If everyone had worn their seat belts that year, an additional 2,804 lives could have been saved.  NHTSA’s research also reveals that males are more likely to be unbuckled than females in a fatal crash, and that younger drivers are also at greater risk of being unbuckled.

San Bernardino PD’s goal for the ‘Buckle Up—Every Trip. Every Time.’ seat belt awareness campaign is to save lives.  This campaign reminds Thanksgiving travelers, and all drivers, about the importance of buckling up–every trip, every time.  Thanksgiving should be a happy time, not a tragic one.

Additionally, OTS statewide data reveals that of the 42 killed during the Thanksgiving weekend, 18 were alcohol involved deaths. While alcohol remains the worst offender for DUI crashes, The San Bernardino Police Department supports the new effort from OTS that aims to drive awareness that “DUI Doesn’t Just Mean Booze.”  Prescription medications and marijuana can also be impairing by themselves, or in combination with alcohol, and can result in a DUI arrest. 

Never drink and drive and whether you’re a passenger or the driver, riding long distances or short, buckle your seat belt.  Doing so ensures everyone arrives safely to their Thanksgiving destinations.  Remember: Buckle Up–Every Trip. Every Time.

San Bernardino Public Library Board President Dr. Clark named Best California Library Trustee by the California Public Library Advocates

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- As a child growing up in San Bernardino, Dr. Milton Clark’s weekly Saturday visits to the central library on Arrowhead to read started him on a path of academic achievement that culminated in his earning a Ph.D. and a distinguished academic career as a faculty member for more than 30 years before retiring as the Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies at Cal State San Bernardino.

He has also returned his fondness for public libraries and their value in communities such as San Bernardino by serving on the San Bernardino Public Library Board of Trustees since 2005 and as its president since 2007. That time period marked a decade of the city’s economic challenges since the national economic crash of 2008 that culminated in San Bernardino filing for bankruptcy in 2012.

The economic challenges SBPL faced in that timespan resulted in several budget cuts which threatened the closure of the Howard Rowe, Dorothy Inghram and Paul Villaseñor Branch Libraries in 2009, 2012 and 2014.

Dr. Clark’s leadership and advocacy working with the other trustees has been instrumental in keeping those libraries open, according to San Bernardino Public Library Director Ed Erjavek. The members of the SBPL Board of Trustees are city residents who volunteer their time without compensation to administratively govern the library with the funding amount allocated by the Mayor and City Council.

His leadership and advocacy were honored earlier this month as he was named the Best California Library Trustee for outstanding service to a specific library system by the California Public Library Advocates (CPLA) during an awards dinner at the California Library Association’s annual conference in Riverside. CPLA seeks to strengthen California libraries through advocacy and education.

“Dr. Clark is most deserving of this honor since I doubt there’s a Library Board President in the country who has done as much in advocating for their library system in the last decade, “ said Erjavek, who nominated him for the award. “His leadership and passion for library service in San Bernardino have been instrumental in helping to preserve library service in this community. I tell people he is the finest Library Board President in America. He was the right man to lead the Library Board of Trustees during this last challenging decade in San Bernardino.”

“I’m not sure what motivates the other Board members, but my passion for this institution is deep rooted.  I grew up in San Bernardino, and as a young child, I used to walk to the library on Saturday morning and lose myself among the stacks of books.  Those visits to the library gave me a glimpse into a broader world than the one to which I was confined living in the de facto segregated city of San Bernardino,” Clark said, when reminiscing about his childhood in his acceptance speech. Among the dinner attendees were California State Librarian Greg Lucas, family and friends of Dr. Clark, and Board Vice President Carolyn Tillman and Secretary Val Lichtman. Dr. Tom Rennard is also a member of the Board.

“In part, because of the library, I went on to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in English at California State College, San Bernardino,” he continued.  “I subsequently went on to earn a Master’s degree and then a Ph. D at UC Riverside.  Because San Bernardino had a Public Library, the world of opportunity was opened up to me. It is my duty, my responsibility, and my honor to make that same amazing resource available to the citizens of my city, young and old.”

SBPL had an annual budget of almost $3 million and 31 full-time staff position in 2008 before the national economic crash but the budget had been reduced to a little over $1.7 million in 2014 when the library was facing a proposed cut of $1 million, which would have not only closed the branch libraries but even operations at the Feldheym Central Library might not have been possible with a budget cut of that size.

Thanks to the leadership and advocacy of Dr. Clark and the other library board members and an alternative budget proposal from Erjavek – the library was allocated almost $1.4 million of annual funding for FY 14-15 by the Mayor and Common Council which resulted in full-time staff being reduced to 10 and zero city dollars for books and library materials but at least the weekly 37 public service hours at Feldheym and the 20 weekly hours at each of the three branches were retained.

Erjavek wrote in his nomination: “He has volunteered his time waiting to speak (often for more hours sitting on hard plastic chairs than he would care to recall) to the city’s mayor and city council at many a budget meeting during the last 10 years to give a voice for the voiceless for the importance of library service in this community.  Dr. Clark is keenly sensitive to continuing library service to the underserved and underprivileged who are many in this city and those who may not have the means to go to another library if their neighborhood branch closed.”

High Desert NAACP Chapter Holds Annual Freedom Fundraiser Banquet

VICTORVILLE, CA- On Friday, November 3, the Hilton Garden Inn in Victorville hosted the NAACP Branch 1082 Annual Freedom Fund Dinner. The evening featured a delicious full course meal, exciting musical sounds by local band Willie Cockrell “Strings ‘n Things”. The event was ‘sold out’ as many community members, leaders and organizations gathered in recognition of the NAACP, the nation’s oldest civil rights organization.

NAACP President Bill Thomas warmly welcomed everyone, as Jiles Smith was introduced as MC for the evening. A few noted representatives and organizations in attendance included Supervisor Robert Lovingood, Delta Sigma Theta, NCNW, San Bernardino Sherriff’s Department, Burning Bush Church, Emmanuel Temple and First Missionary Baptist Church.

Shonda Scott, an entrepreneur, community leader and activist was introduced by Windsor Richmond, Anthem/Blue Cross Field Sales Manager, as keynote speaker for the evening. Scott is the CEO of 360 Total Concept, a corporation based in Northern California that provides services to organizations needing support with program management, communications, contract compliance, logistics and general management. 

Scott, passionately shared her journey as becoming involved in community service during her early years. Raised by her father, a college professor and mother a retired Navy Officer, they each instilled in her the importance of serving her community and making a positive difference. 

Scott commented, “Though I was too young to vote, my parents would often have me ‘phone bank’ and distribute flyers” along with many other miscellaneous tasks”. Scott humbly performed her duties that would later define her attitude and approach to politics. The early on work ethics experience attributed to Scott’s career lead to serving alongside great leaders such as Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Senator Kamala Harris including working with Pres. Barak Obama’s Whitehouse platform committee.

Scott encouraged the audience, specifically the youth to become in her words “Disrupters” in their communities. Further clarifying her statement, she closely described the meaning, “”Disrupters” as prioritizing justice, equality and the integrity of the political process, not to settle for the ‘status quo’. She further stated, “Dr. Martin Luther King was a ‘Disrupter’, Rosa Parks, John F. Kennedy and many other great historical leaders that made tremendous strides to better our nation”. “We would not be where we are today without these prolific “Disrupters”. It is a reality that we have to cultivate the next generation to maintain what many have fought and died for. Scott continued to comment regarding today’s youth saying, “If we are hosting events and the room is not half filled with young people or if we are not teaching our youth wisdom and knowledge on how to become positive “Disrupters”, then their outcome is our fault, and that’s the truth”. 

Shonda Scott is the embodiment of an empowered woman, who grew up in an ordinary family and made extraordinary developments in her career. She is an ‘Agent of Change’, dedicated to serving her community, as she inspires and influences us all. Concluding her speech, she exited the stage amid a standing ovation. 

An exciting highlight for the evening was the introduction of youth from the Millionaire Minds Kids Program and other young achievers. Standing onstage, they each had an opportunity to share their education and career goals/achievements. Their impressive career choices included accomplishments with obtaining degrees in the various fields of Medical, Engineering and Legal Studies.

An Inspiring student commented that her sibling, a previous NAACP recipient, was not in attendance due to her on- duty employment as a Pilot for a major airline carrier. They each vowed to continue being positive “Disrupters” of their generation as they took photos with speaker Shonda Scott.

Former NAACP Scholarship Recipients Attorneys, Phyllis Morris-Green, San Bernardino County Public Defender and Garner C. Morris, Jr. Deputy District Attorney, Santa Clara, CA were acknowledged. Both have excelled immensely in their chosen fields. 

Peggy Moore, Chair for the NAACP Scholarship committee was introduced by MC-Jiles Smith.   Acknowledging the past recipient’s success stories, Smith thereby challenged the audience, requesting donations to assist students with their future academic scholarships. Eager and generous hands began to spontaneously wave checks in the air donating contributions that will create college access and success for many motivated youth and young adults. 

Award recipients were recognized for their outstanding community service; Charley and Evelyn Glasper- (Political and Educational Achievement); Cara Denise Hutson (Judicial Excellence); Regina Weatherspoon-Bell – (Community Service).

The NAACP wishes to recognize and thank these outstanding sponsors for the event, Platinum Sponsors-The GEO Group, Frontier Communications, Gold Sponsor-Edible Arrangements.

Table Sponsors included Attorneys Jim Terrell/Sharon J. Brunner; Burning Bush Church; City of Adelanto; Delta Sigma Theta; Emmanuel Temple; First Missionary Baptist Church; Mr. & Ms. Rick Hudson; Mr. & Ms. Garner Morris; San Bernardino County Sheriff Dept.; NAACP President Mr. & Ms. Bill Thomas; Mr. & Ms. Charley Glasper; Mrs. LaVern Scriven; Ms. Yolande Culbreth; Ms. Gloria Roberts.

Special thanks to Mrs. Terry Thomas, Chairperson of the Freedom Fund Banquet and her outstanding committee. 

On behalf of High Desert/Inland Valley News, we wish to applaud NAACP-High Desert Branch 1082 for their outstanding efforts in making the Annual Freedom Fundraiser Dinner a great success!