Young NAACP Delegates Hand Out “Blessing Bags” to Unhoused People

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

A delegation of youth and college students added a charitable touch when they participated in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) California-Hawaii State Conference (Cal-Hi State Conference) annual “Legislative Day” in Sacramento on May 20.

The young members of NAACP branches from all over the state attended the daylong event to learn about public policy and participate in the legislative process. They also discussed legislation focused on reparations and environmental justice.

The group’s benevolent gesture involved distributing packages of personal care and hygiene items to the less fortunate and unhoused population in the state capital.

The initiative is the brainchild of Zowee Williamson, the Housing Committee Chairperson for NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference’s Youth and College division.

“These are ‘blessing bags,’” said Williamson, a 15-year-old resident of Stockton. “They are about blessings for people who may need blessings. We wanted to provide resources that people could use to get off the streets. I just see a lot of people – old and young — on the streets who are in need. We look at our community and say, ‘What can we do?’”

The NAACP Stockton Branch’s Youth Council prepared the rose and blue-colored blessing packages in advance and stored them in boxes while participating in the event’s orientation held at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in downtown Sacramento.

All of the members spent the morning going through orientation before visiting lawmakers at the State Capitol and the nearby Capitol Annex Swing Space where temporary offices are set up for legislators while the 73-year-old State Capitol is undergoing a facelift.

“This (is) a great day for all friends and members of the NAACP to gather together,” said Venus Butler, a member of the NAACP Branch of Los Angeles. “This also a day we could recognize the 70th-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on Brown v. the Board of Education.”

The young members dropped off some of the blessing packages to individuals they met as they walked to the facilities three blocks away and handed out a few more on their way back to the hotel.

“It was only about 100 bags but hopefully at future events like this we can give out more,” Williamson said.

According to the National Chapter of the NAACP, the Youth Council and Junior Youth Council are part of the oldest civil rights organization’s local units that provide training and leadership development for young adults under the age of 25.

The Youth and College Division of the NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference is known to perform community work across the state by organizing a variety of workshops, including the thought-provoking “Stop the Hate Mock Trial,” a Youth Focused Dinner, an informational Juvenile Justice Workshop, and a comprehensive Health Forum.

At the NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference’s 36th Annual State Convention in San Francisco last October, Williamson said youth delegates also gave out blessing packages of personal items to the homeless – a popular program at her local branch in Stockton. l

Williamsons’ hope is to get all 57 branches in the state involved and potentially expand the program nationwide among other NAACP Youth Councils.

“It’s just a start,” she said. “Once we have more resources to build it up, we can help get people off the streets, out of the cold, away from pollution. The world will be a better place.”

NAACP Members Push Priorities at State Capitol

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People California-Hawaii State Conference (NAACP Cal/Hi State Conference) hosted its annual “Legislative Day” at the State Capitol and Capitol Annex Swing Space on May 20.

The day of activities is organized to inspire members to participate in the political process at the state level.

“NAACP CA-HI Day at the Capitol provides a platform for our branch members and youth leaders across California to partake in dynamic, collaborative sessions and dialogues with our state legislators who directly impact policy impacting communities of color,” said Rick Callender, President of the NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference.

NAACP members attending the day-long event came from over 50 branches all over the state, including areas of the state with the highest Black populations: Los Angeles, Oakland, San Bernardino, Stockton, San Jose, San Diego, San Francisco and Stockton.

Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson) spoke on behalf of the California Legislative Black Caucus during the morning session. He explained the importance of the oldest civil rights organization, how it is essential to the Black community, and its effect on the legislative process.

“Let me just simply say that I appreciate each and every one of you because America would not be America if it wasn’t for the NAACP,” Gipson said. “I am grateful for the NAACP. Though there are only 12 members of the California Legislative Black Caucus, we would not be where we are today if it weren’t for you.”

The NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference advocates for legislative and policy reforms in areas critical to improving the lives of African Americans and all people who have been historically marginalized or underserved during legislative proceedings.

Representatives of Cal-Hi State Conference discussed six reparations and environmental justice priority bills it supports this legislative season at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in downtown Sacramento before the attendees visited the State Capitol in the afternoon to engage lawmakers.

The six bills are: Assembly Bill (AB) 1827, Low-Water User Protection Act; AB 3089, Formal Apology for Chattel Slavery; Senate Bill (SB) 1050, Racially Motivated Eminent Domain; SB 1403, California American Freedmen Affairs Agency; AB 1567,  Climate Resilience Bond Bills; and SB 867, a measure that proposes to fund projects that reduced fire risk and protects wetlands, waterways, coastal resources, and fish and wildlife populations.

Teneicia Herring, Cal-Hi State Conference’s Government Relations Specialist, and Carolyn Veal Hunter, the Cal-Hi Political Action chairperson, provided an overview of each bill, detailed how a bill becomes law and explained the role of a lobbyists.

CLBC members, Assemblymembers Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles) and Isaac Bryan (D-Ladera Heights) served as guest speakers at the orientation held at the Sheraton Hotel. After that, Callender led the large group, marching three blocks to the State Capitol and nearby Swing Space.

The spacious Capitol Annex Swing Space is a temporary home for legislators and staff while the 73-year-old State Capitol undergoes a $1.2 billion facelift. It is located at 1021 O Street in Sacramento.

“We made it where we were going to have an impact,” Callender said of members of the NAACP meeting with lawmakers. “We made sure that they understand what is important to us.”

Calendar, Cal-Hi State Conference’s Second Vice President Zephanii Smith-Eisenstat, and State Director Lujuana Bivens accompanied the NAACCP members to the Swing Space to meet and discuss bills with legislators and legislative staff.

“This (was) a jammed-packed week for the legislators as they were processing bills (in the Assembly and Senate),” Herring said. “The fact that they were taking their time to meet with us, we asked everyone to be respectful of their time.”

On Monday, June 10, the NAACP Cal-Hi State Conference will hold its  12th Annual Legacy Hall of Fame celebration  honoring our 2024 inductees, Civil Rights icon Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, and film actor Danny Glover.

The event will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Sacramento.

San Bernardino City Council Exercises Severance Provision in City Manager Contract

The Mayor and City Council Have Appointed Rochelle Clayton as Acting City Manager on a Temporary Basis

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— In a special closed session meeting held on May 22, the San

Bernardino Mayor and City Council voted to exercise the severance provision in City Manager Charles Montoya’s employment agreement.

The City Attorney gave the closed session report at the end of the meeting saying, “By unanimous vote of the City Council the City has terminated Charles Montoya’s employment contract pursuant to Section 11.7 which is termination without cause. The council also voted to appoint Rochelle Clayton temporary acting city manager until the council takes further action. This action was taken by a 5-3 vote with Council Member Sanchez, Ibarra, and Alexander voting no.”

Montoya served the city for seven months.

Rochelle Clayton was hired in April 2024 as Deputy City Manager, overseeing the Public Works; Community Development and Housing; and the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Departments.

Clayton is very familiar with San Bernardino as she grew up and raised her family in the City. Clayton also spent seventeen years with the County of San Bernardino in various finance administration roles, including as Deputy Chief.

For the past five years, Clayton served as Assistant City Manager of Menifee, overseeing the Police, Fire, Community Services, Information Technology, Finance, Human Resources, and City Clerk departments.

In other past roles, she served as Deputy City Manager and Administrative Services Director for the City of Banning, the Chief Financial Officer for the West Valley Water District in Rialto, and the Finance Director for the City of La Habra Heights.

Amsterdam-Style Cannabis Cafés Move One Step Closer to Becoming Legal in California

By Bo Tefu, Lila Brown and Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

The California Assembly passed a bill that would legalize cannabis cafes, inspired by Amsterdam-style restaurants and clubs where marijuana is openly smoked.

If the bill passes in the Senate and is signed into law by the Governor, Assembly Bill (AB) 1775 would grant local governments the authority to approve cannabis clubs that make and sell non-cannabis food and non-alcoholic drinks.

Assemblymember Matt Haney (D-San Francisco) said he proposed the bill to benefit small businesses and help them expand their goods and services.

“This is a bill that supports our legal small businesses that just want to diversify their businesses and do the right thing,” Haney said.

The bill allows small businesses to compete with the illegal drug market, Haney added.

“The illicit illegal market is continuing to grow and thrive, while our legal cannabis market is struggling,” he said.

Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed an earlier version of the bill last year to “protect smoke-free workplaces.” The updated version of the bill, however, separates cannabis consumption from other workspaces.

Haney is confident that Newsom will not veto the updated version of the bill. Under the new bill, consumers are prohibited from smoking cannabis in the back of restaurant kitchens and food prep areas to protect non-smoking employees.

Currently, California has four cannabis cafes in operation — two of them are in West Hollywood and the other two in Palm Springs. The cafes are similar to lounges and offer cannabis-infused snacks and prepackaged foods.

However, it is illegal for food establishments to offer alcohol and cannabis under the same roof.

The bill would give city officials the power to approve the cannabis lounges.

“The Depth of Foolishness!”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

Planning for the future without planning for one’s eternal future. How crazy is that! Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. [James 4:14]. You can’t assume that you will even be alive one minute from now. Planning for the future without planning for one’s eternal future. The depth of foolishness!

Man boasts that he is ultimately in control of his life and future. Man says that he is “Master of his fate” the “Captain of his soul.” Lies, all lies! So many people today have become hoodwinked into believing that they are actually in control of their own lives and destinies. They believe that if they just work hard enough, look good enough, position themselves in the right places, or posture themselves in the right ways, that all of their dreams will come true. We hear it all the time our cultural clichés: “I can do anything if I set my mind to it!” “Where there is a will, there is a way!” “You just have to follow your heart!” “It’s my life, I can live it however I want!” All of these lines initially sound good and right, but they are the lies of the devil.  How much control do you think you have over your life? Are you unconquerable? Do you think that you are the master of your own fate and the captain of your own soul? Contrary to the belief that we are all the masters of our own fate and captains of our own souls, the doctrine of the sovereignty of God affirms that the Lord rules over all. All things belong to His kingdom and are under His dominion. Nothing is plainer and express in Scripture than both His reign and the extent of it [Psalm 93:1-2; Psalm 97:1-2; Psalm 99:1; 1 Chronicles 29:11-12; 2 Chronicles 20:6; Psalms 103:19; Nehemiah 9:6].

How easy it is for us human beings to be deceived into thinking that we are in control of our own lives. But no worries, God has ways of showing us that he is sovereign, and we are not! He uses many life circumstances to humble us and remind us that we are not in control.

Humble yourselves,” writes Peter, “under the mighty hand of God” [1 Peter 5:6]. For pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall [1Corinthians 10:12]. As [Ephesians 5:15-16] says—the wise man lives life carefully, not carelessly, for these days are evil.

Every breath that you take, and all your ways is a gift from God— [Daniel 5:23]. For it is the Lord who gives to all life, breath, and all things” [Acts 17:25]. For in Him we live and move and have our being” [Acts 17:28]. Don’t get it twisted!

Being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart; [Ephesians 4:18].

The Depth of Foolishness! Repent- Jesus is Coming Quickly!

California Union Leader April Verrett Elected First Black President of SEIU

By Bo Tefu, Lila Brown and Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the nation’s largest labor unions, elected its first Black president, April Verrett.

The union represents nearly two million members in the public sector, healthcare, and property services.

“By joining together, organizing, and — in many cases — striking, working people are taking power back from corporate interests and using that power to lift up their families and communities.”

Verrett is recognized for spearheading the union’s strategic planning process as the SEIU’s Secretary-Treasurer and she served as president of the SEIU California local chapter in 2015.

Verrett was sworn into her new role on May 20, at a ceremony held during the SEIU convention in Philadelphia. Vice President Kamala Harris gave the keynote address.

Harris and Verrett have known each other for years and worked together during their time as public servants in California.

“April is a leader who is always guided by an uncompromising focus on worker empowerment and their rights,” Harris said.

“What some people need to understand is that care work is physical work,” Harris continues. “It is emotional work. It is a job, and it is a calling, and care workers deserve to be paid fairly and fully for that work.”

The healthcare industry is one of several industries that has been impacted by national strikes following the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Make no mistake: working people are under attack and the stakes have never been higher; but the real challenge and opportunity of leading our union in this moment is meeting the momentum of workers across the country — especially the young people of color who are showing us what’s possible,” Verrett said.

Redlands Unified School District 2024 Graduations

REDLANDS, CA — Redlands Unified School District (RUSD) will see nearly 1,700 graduates cross the stage over the course of six ceremonies from June 3 through June 7, 2024.

All graduations for RUSD schools will take place at the Redlands Bowl, located at 25 Grant St. in Redlands and will be streamed live on YouTube.

Upcoming Graduation Ceremonies and Livestream Links:

This cohort of graduates will be the final graduating class for which the initial COVID-19 State of Emergency and subsequent lockdowns were part of their high school experience. Schools reopened for in-person learning in April during their freshman year of high school.

Graduation photos taken by the RUSD communications department will be available through the RUSD online photo gallery at

For more news and notifications about Redlands Unified School District, visit our website at and follow @RedlandsUSD on Facebook, Instagram, X, and YouTube.

Crafton Hills College Offers Affordable Summer Classes

YUCAIPA, CA– – Crafton Hills College (CHC) announces its summer class schedule, providing an opportunity for prospective and current students to get started or get ahead in their education at an affordable cost.

Summer class tuition averages $150 and includes free textbook rentals. The sessions begin on May 28, June 10, and July 1 and feature five, eight and ten-week courses.

CHC provides a wide range of courses catering to different interests and career paths. Noteworthy class offerings for summer include:

  • Counseling-110: An introduction to career planning for the first-time career seeker. This course explores academic, personal and career goals through assessment and self-exploration.
  • Child Development-105: Examines physical, cognitive, social and emotional development from conception through adolescence.
  • Multimedia-100: Introduction to multimedia technologies, covering principles of design and media production, including digital media for print, screen, animation, interactivity and 3D design.
  • Business Administration-103: This course focuses on human resource management, highlighting the impact and accountability of human resources activities in organizations.

Additionally, students can get ahead on general education requirements essential for transfer with classes such as:

  • English-101: Freshman Composition
  • Biology-100: General Biology
  • CommStudies-100: Public Speaking

Classes are expected to fill up quickly. Students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to secure their spots.

For more information and to apply, visit or call CHC Student Services at 909-389-3372.

California Senate Passes Landmark Package of Three Reparations Bills

By Bo Tefu, Lila Brown and Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Last week, the California State Senate voted to advance three landmark reparations bills authored by Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Inglewood). The bills aim to redress the economic and social injustices stemming from chattel slavery in the American South and more than a century of state-sectioned discriminatory practices that followed the Civil War.

The package of legislation now moves to the State Assembly for consideration.

The historic vote on Senate Bill (SB) 1403, SB 1050, and SB 1331 was held on the Senate floor late in the afternoon on May 21, while supporters representing several reparations advocacy groups observed from the gallery.

“l appreciate my Legislative colleagues who have directly faced this important issue and shown great courage by passing these historic pieces of legislation,” said Bradford. “I look forward to working with the members of the Assembly to similarly pass these bills so we can present them to Governor Newsom for his signature.”

SB 1403 establishes the framework for the establishment of the California American Freedmen Affairs Agency (CAFAA), a state-level department that would administer all reparations activities. It passed with a 30-7 vote.

SB 1050 would offer compensation to Black Californians who lost homes or had their land taken without fair compensation as a result of the racially motivated misuse of eminent domain. It passed with a 32-4 vote.

With a vote of 30-7 on the Senate floor, SB 1331 also passed. It proposes the establishment of an account in the state treasury for the purpose of funding reparations policies approved by the Legislature and the Governor.

Darlene Crumedy, a Bay Area resident and member of the Coalition for a Just and Equitable California (CJEC), is one of the reparations supporters who has shown up at every Senate hearing for Bradford’s compensation bills.

She called passage of the bills “historic and special.”

“Now the work begins in the Assembly, and they are going to pass there, too,” Crumedy said expressing optimism about the bills’ future.

California vs. Hate Campaign: One Year In, Civil Rights Department Shares Wins, Goals

By Bo Tefu, Lila Brown and Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

Last week, the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) shared the results of its California vs Hate campaign, including its online reporting tool and telephone hotline, one year after their launch.

The California Vs Hate digital platform is the state’s first-ever multilingual resource to tackle the surge in hate incidents.

Approximately 1,020 acts of hate crimes were reported through the online tool and hotline, according to data provided by the University of California Berkeley’s Possibility Lab to CRD.

CRD Director Kevin Kish, state officials, media outlets, and community partners from across the state came together to mark the initiative’s first anniversary at a news conference held at the California Secretary of State Office in Sacramento on May 20.

“??This work is only just beginning, but it would not be possible without the advocacy of our community partners and the foresight of our state’s Administration and Legislature,” Kish stated. “With CA vs Hate, we’re doing our part to ensure that when people report they get support.”

CA vs Hate was launched in May 2023 by Gov. Gavin Newsom to offer a safe, anonymous reporting option for victims and witnesses of hate acts. The initiative was a response to a nationwide increase in hate crimes.

In its first year, CA vs Hate had 2,118 inquiries from members of the public seeking assistance and directed people to resources, regardless of whether a report was tied to an act of hate.

The most frequently reported reasons cited were discriminatory treatment (18.4%), verbal harassment (16.7%), and derogatory names or slurs (16.7%). Additionally, most of the hate incidents were reported as residential (29.9%), workplace (9.7%), and in public facilities (9.1%).

Ca vs Hate received 1,020 actual hate incident reports based on the information provided by the individual reporting the act. Of those reports, about four out of six people agreed to follow up for care coordination services, including direct and ongoing support accessing legal aid or counseling.

Nearly 80% of California’s counties were represented in the data, including all 10 of the state’s most populated counties.

The CA vs Hate staff reviewed 560 reports, revealing the primary motivations for bias were race and ethnicity (35.1%), gender identity (15.1%), and sexual orientation (10.8%).

Anti-Black (26.8%), anti-Latino (15.4%), and anti-Asian (14.3%) bias were the most cited reasons for reports related to race and ethnicity, CRD states.

As reported hate crimes have risen in recent years, California has led the charge in responding through increased grant funding, innovative programs, and expansive outreach efforts across state government in collaboration with community-based organizations.

These partnerships — whether through the Stop the Hate Program or Ethnic Media Outreach Grants — are critical to CA vs Hate’s success, according to CRD. As CA vs Hate continues to grow, the program is launching new initiatives and building on existing efforts aimed at enhancing the hotline and online platform’s statewide support network and improving access for all of California’s diverse communities.

A year ago, CRD released preliminary data of a total of 180 acts of hate reported through the resource one month after CA vs Hate was launched. Out of the incidents, 102 were reported over the phone, while 78 were made via the online portal.

“I’m going to highlight that this program is new, and the data should not be treated as representative of all acts of hate in our state,” Kish said. “We have more work to do to reach Californians that might be targeted to earn the trust necessary for people to feel they can pick up the phone and contact the government. We’re not resting on our laurels.”

Kish also announced that CRD is kicking off CA vs Hate’s first-ever billboard campaign to raise awareness about the hotline and a partnership with UC Berkeley’s Possibility Lab to enhance data collection and analysis.

In addition, CRD has recently formed a partnership with California Black Media (CBM). This collaboration aims to bolster engagement within communities that are most often the targets of hate, utilizing the federal Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act grant to ensure these communities have access to resources.

“The support from the California Department of Civil Rights coupled with the California State Library Ethnic Media Grants have strategic, and what I like to say, smart use of federal and state resources that have helped us advance our common goal of reporting and reducing hate crimes in our communities,” said CBM Executive Director Regina Brown-Wilson.

California has increased its grant funding, created innovative programs, and expanded outreach efforts across state government, working in collaboration with community-based organizations.

The partnerships — whether through the Stop the Hate Program or Ethnic Media Outreach Grants — are “crucial and important parts of California’s comprehensive approach to combating hating,” Kish said.

Ethnic media platforms have also been a key component of strengthening the hotline’s statewide support network and improving access to resources for all of California’s diverse communities. CRD Deputy Director Becky Monroe added that ethnic media’s role of communicating with communities through radio, print, and online technology is essential because underserved communities see them as “trusted messengers.”

“We are proud to work with ethnic media because we know that in the past, we have not done justice to those stories. You all do justice to those stories,” Monroe said. “Through this partnership, we are able to effectively reach the communities we want to reach.”

How To Report A Hate Crime:
CA vs Hate is a non-emergency, multilingual hate crime and incident reporting hotline and online portal. Reports can be made anonymously by calling (833) 866-4283, or 833-8-NO-HATE, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT or online at any time.

Hate acts can be reported in 15 different languages through the online portal and in over 200 languages when calling the hotline. For individuals who want to report a hate crime to law enforcement immediately or who are in imminent danger, please call 911.

For more information on CA vs Hate, please visit