Trustee Joseph Williams Selected as President of San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustee

RIALTO, CA – The San Bernardino Community College Board of Trustees elected officers for its 2017-18 academic year at its annual organizational meeting last week. Representing District 2 (Rialto and Muscoy) Trustee Joseph Williams was elected to serve his first term as President of the Board of Trustees.

“It is an honor to be selected by fellow Governing Board Members to serve as President and I’m humbled of the opportunity to help continue fostering a community college that embraces diversity and provides a world-class education to prepare our future Inland Empire workforce,” said Joseph Williams. “I am excited about this opportunity and I am most interested increasing student success. It’s my desire to see textbooks become more affordable; increase the number of people with at least a middle skill credential and ensuring our tax dollars are spent on academic initiatives and infrastructure that will continue making our colleges the jewel of the Inland Empire.”

?Joseph Williams was appointed to fill a Board of Trustees vacancy in 2013 and then elected to the position in November, 2014.

As Founder and CEO of the Youth Action Project (YAP), Joseph Williams has served youth and adults of the Inland Empire for nearly two decades. YAP empowers youth and young adults in development of the skills and habits needed for economic and social success. YAP integrates youth popular culture in its program to engage positive dialogue, decision-making, and actions that will improve educational and workforce outcomes.
?Prior to founding YAP, Joseph Williams was employed with the County of San Bernardino for nine years, working for the Department of Behavioral Health, the Workforce Development Department and the Sheriff’s Department.

He currently serves as a Executive member of the California Workforce Develop Board and the California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, and the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board.

Joseph served as the SBCCD Student Trustee when he was a college student, has Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and is currently completing a Masters of Arts in Social Impact from Claremont Lincoln University.

To learn more about Joseph Williams, visit

What It Do With The LUE: Another Year Gone

By Lue Dowdy

Another year gone is WHAT IT DO! Having people that truly believe in you and support you is the best feeling in the world. Sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader or roaring squad. Don’t be afraid to encourage and motivate yourself to higher heights. This year I’ve had the pleasure to feature and highlight several talented artists in the Inland Empire. I count it a blessing to be able to provide a platform and share their stories.

I’d like to thank Mr. Wallace Allen, one of my mentors, for allowing me to be a part of his amazing team at the Westside Story Newspaper; for believing in my vision. Until next year L’zzz high in the air and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

2016 Holiday PSA Food Drive Raises More Than 1,800 Lbs. of Food for The Den

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Students, faculty, and staff from 31 different departments and organizations at Cal State San Bernardino came together to contribute to the 5th Annual Holiday PSA Food Drive benefiting The DEN Food Pantry, providing emergency nourishment to students in need.

?The food drive campaign ran from Nov. 18-30, 2016 and generated more than 3,800 individual items weighing in at 1,814 pounds.

Bryant Fairley, the associate director for the Office of Student Engagement, which oversees the DEN, was overwhelmed with the campus involvement and the outcome of the campaign.

“The students seem to face more challenges now than they have in the past and the food comes at a perfect time. The campus community has become more involved this year in helping these students with the challenges they face and we couldn’t be more grateful,” said Fairley.

The campaign was coordinated by students in the 243 Strategic Communication class in the communication studies department, with help from Coyote Advertising, Coyote Radio, and The DEN. As an incentive to participate, CSUSB departments were offered a sponsored public service announcement on Coyote Radio in exchange for donating at least 50 nonperishable food and hygienic items.

“I’m very proud of students in the Comm 243D course who went above and beyond to make this campaign a success. Also, I’m humbled by the generosity shown by our campus this year, more than tripling the amount of donations in 2015,” said Jacob Poore, instructor of the class, and manager at Coyote Advertising.

Students were thrilled to see the overall support and engagement the campus community showed throughout the campaign.

“With all donations benefiting The DEN, we hope to extend a hand of friendship to all CSUSB students needing extra help this holiday season. The class hopes to have touched the lives of the students and families that the donations will reach this holiday season and are excited to see what the campaign will bring in its sixth annual year,” said Kimberly Orozco, Two43 class student.

For more information on Cal State San Bernardino, call (909) 537-5007 and visit

Step N’ Style 2017- Fashion Show Soiree

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Young Women Empowerment Foundation will host their second annual Scholarship Fundraiser at the Shandlin Hills Golf Club, 3380 Little Mountain Drive, San Bernardino, CA 92405, on Friday, January 6 from 8 a.m, to 12 a.m. YWE invites family, friends, and community supporters to this augural event that focuses on raising funds to help deserving students financially as they prepare to go to college. YWE suggest a pre-sale donation of $30.

This year’s fashion show theme is “Classic” and the designer wear will reflect that idea. The soiree will feature Inland Empire’s very own “The Fellas and Ladies 1st” as well as special guest appearances. The event will be hosted by Pastor Sam and Tamika Casey. What better way to start your new year by giving back and having fun at the same time. There will also be light refreshments, appetizers, entertainment, and opportunity drawings.

Before the main event there will be a pre-VIP Happy Hour hosted by the Black Chamber of Commerce- Inland Empire. Join us and meet the designers and local business leaders. Additionally, there will be a special guest book signing by Dr. Margaret Hill. Come for the networking opportunity and stay and enjoy an evening of high fashion, dancing and social interaction.

Topson Down is the special guest designer of the evening. They provide a wide variety of top of the line clothing for the models to strut their stuff down the cat walk. Topson Down has a fantastic online boutique, Sheek, which carries anything a customer desires. The Sheek Boutique is an online boutique that provides women with trendy styles and comfortable clothing at an amazing price. The Sheek Boutique customers are real women of all shapes and sizes. They love to build relationships with women to help them with their wardrobe and encourage them to be confident in who she is and what she wears.

Step N’ Style Fashion Show Soiree event sponsors include: Black Voice Foundation, The Bigger Picture Photography, The FELLAS, Ladies 1st, Young Visionaries, LUE Productions, OFU Productions, Kimmie’s Cakes. Topson Down and The Sheek Boutique.

Please join us and encourage and invite family and friends to register and attend this noteworthy opportunity focused on helping deserving students excel and enjoy a unique, and memorable fashion show like no other. Tickets are limited, be the first and sign up today.

Tickets available at or for more information contact or call 909-965-0810.

“It’s Over Now!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

I’ve had enough; Jesus says….The Charade… Pretending to Love Me… No More! It’s Over Now! Depart from Me, you worker of iniquity.”

Can you imagine those words falling from Jesus lips? “You don’t know what to say. You close your eyes to hide the pain you feel inside because you know that truly, it’s over now.” No More Charades! No More Pretending! For some people, this will come as the shock of their lives. They had expected to be in the kingdom, but they will be forced to walk away into the judgment. I tell you, it’s a good thing though, that none of us “church going “Christians” will ever have to hear those words. I mean, there‘s no way that Jesus would turn you away is there? You do serve Him, right? You do love him right? You do worship Him as the one and only true God, right? You do understand the necessity of being sincere and faithful in one’s worship and service to God, right?” Because of all the scripture that comes to mind, perhaps the saddest one of all is found in [Matthew 7: 23.] Here Jesus tells us that at the second coming, there will be some people who will fully expect to ascend to heaven with Him in the clouds of glory, but He will have to tell them; “….depart from Me, I never knew you.”

How terrible is this warning to the false prophets, apostles, pastors, teachers, bishops, elders and evangelist, who have prophesied, who have really preached and taught and who expect to go to heaven, but yet, will wake up in Hell, Jesus says; because everything they do is done for men to see [Matthew 23:5]. They are like whitewashed tombs which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside is full of dead men’s bones… On the outside [they] appear to people as righteous but on the inside [they] are full of hypocrisy and wickedness. Hypocrites! Their primary concern is projecting the right image. They make sure they walk right, dress right, and talk right. But oh, on that great day, the Day of Judgment, they will be commanded to depart into everlasting shame and torment! Multitudes of people who expect to go to Heaven will go to Hell. Thousands of “good” people, “moral” people, church members, even church workers, will find themselves lost when they expected to be saved, condemned when they expected approval, cast out of Heaven when they expected to be received into eternal bliss. Jesus’ words cut to the quick. “I never knew you.” Can you imagine…. It’s Over Now!

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” [Deuteronomy 30:19]

Diaper Drive To Serve Many Women And Children Thanks To Sam’s Club’s Generous Donation

RIALTO, CA – The National Council of Negro Women’s Inland Empire Section’s 1st Annual Diaper Drive sparked Sam’s Club’s generosity as local stores donated 2,000 diapers and giveaways to help victims of domestic violence.

A few months ago the NCNW I.E. Section reached out to its long-time community service partner, Option House that provides shelter and assistance to victims of domestic violence. Wanting to do more than provide ongoing financial support, NCNW leadership asked Option House what more can they do to help.

“They told us how badly they needed diapers for the babies and toddlers staying with their mothers,” explained NCNW I.E. Section Member Gerri Foxall-Kater. “Diapers and other toiletries may seem like a basic need, but for the women dealing with such traumatic situations and still trying to care for their children with little or no resources, well we understood how important filling this need would be.”

Thanks to the generosity of the Sam’s Clubs of Ontario and Riverside the NCNW I.E. Section’s 1st Annual Diaper Drive was a huge success. The Sam’s Club of Riverside donated 2,000 diapers and the Ontario store provided emergency snack bag giveaways each with a back-up diaper for families on the go. On Saturday, December 10, the day of the drive, Sam’s Club also participated. Alex Garcia, marketing coordinator from the Ontario Sam’s Club was at the Bethune Center in downtown Rialto greeting residents, handing out giveaway bags, and thanking each new Sam’s Club member who signed-up that day with $20 a gift card.

“We are honored to be part of this event,” said Garcia. “Sam’s Club understands how important is it to give back, especially through this opportunity to help women and children who are displaced from their homes due to domestic violence and other hardships. We are glad that our donation will help Option House and others.”

“We at Sam’s Club looks forward to continuing our partnership with the NCNW,” he added.

Thanks to all the donations received NCNW’s first annual drive collected nearly 3,000 diapers, along with baby wipes and feminine hygiene products for Option House residents and other homeless women and children.

To learn more about the local NCNW’s activities, meetings, and events visit us on Facebook at NCNW Inland Empire Section@NCNWIESection or Instagram and Twitter @NCNW_IESection.

Christmas and Kwannza Shopping With BOB: PC Productions

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Nuri Freeman will gladly and expertly repair or even custom build a guitar especially for you or whomever. The young entrepreneur restores, repairs and builds guitars, speakers, amplifiers, keyboards, mixers and more.

He has been in business in some form or another from his childhood. His father is Marwan, the well-respected Bass Guitar player and owner of “Lia’s Got Good Cense” Imported Body Oils.

“I learned to work hard and to be dependable’ as a result of working with my father, and that pays off for me every day” says the creative owner of PC Productions.

Nuri’s shop is located in the Discount Mall in San Bernardino at Ninth Street and Waterman Avenue. Call Nuri at (951) 288-0819.

Visiting Nuri will also take you to “Lia’s Got Good Cense” home of hundreds of different scented body oils, located across the aisle from PC Productions.

Christmas and Kwanzaa Shopping With BOB: Hasan’s Accessories

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- African art and jewelry can make great gifts. Rashad Hasan and his wife Patricia have collected and sold African art and accessories for nearly 30 years. Their product line is varied and provides you access to both general and very exclusive items. According to Hasan, “You have not shopped until you have looked through the art, jewelry and nic-nacks that Pat and I have selected and stashed in this shop, just for you!”  

Hasan’s Accessories is located in the Discount Mall located at Ninth Street and Waterman Avenue in San Bernardino. Call Rashad Hasan at (951) 315-1292.

District Grants PAL Charter a Middle School

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On last Tuesday, December 13, the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) unanimously approved the material revision for the PAL Center and PAL Charter Academy to expand their grade levels to middle school.  Since taking the helm in 2014, CEO Dwaine Radden, Sr., continues to execute, and exceed expectations by making Dr. Mildred Dalton Henry’s vision a reality; shaping a school environment conducive to learning, and meeting students’ needs. 

Under the leadership of founder, Dr. Henry, the PAL Charter Academy became the first Charter in San Bernardino County in 2000 and is still “growing” strong. PAL Charter Academy will now serve 6th through 8th grade students in the upcoming 2017 – 2018 school year.  And it is with great excitement that the PAL legacy will forge on for generations to come. “Go Bulls!”

What It Do With The LUE: LUE Productions Out On The Town

By Lue Dowdy

LUE Productions out on the town is WHAT IT DO! This time of year you’re guaranteed to find holiday parties, cocktails, fashion, and cheer in every city. Congratulations to LA Live for another successful event.

Our team had the opportunity to attend a red carpet star studded Holiday Toy Drive /Gala held by the Brigade LA. From the time we walked in the door it was snap, snap. Major celebrities were in the building such as actress Christina Millian, former NFL player for the San Diego Chargers Shawne Merriman, NASCAR Driver Jessie Iwuji, Track & Field Olympian Will Claye, and several more.

The evening consisted of a fashion show installation featuring Lights Out Brand by Shawne Merriman and an art exhibit by Michael Farhat and Art Mobb. The music was on point thanks to the sexy female DJ, DJ Sweesh. Guest’s were able to participate in free raffles and receive free giveaways. Complimentary Margaritas were also provided by Gaviata Tequila, along with food samples from Comfort LA an organic catering company and ice cream you deserve by Gresescent.

I’d like to thank Ashley Covarrubias, founder of The Model Experience, for allowing The Westside Story Newspaper and LUE Productions to cover such an amazing event. The Model Experience was launched back in 2012. The Model Experience is a model development firm that focuses on creating unique opportunities and experiences for emerging models. For more information please contact the company via email at

Until next week L’z! (Photographer: F.W. Photography/ Interviewer: Deeveatva Foy / Writer: LUE Dowdy)