“Don’t You Go Into Another Year Bruised and Battered!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Paul said: “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life…” (1 Timothy 6:12). I don’t know what kind of fight you’ve been putting up in the past year, but the Spirit says you have been so overwhelmed at times that you’ve lost your fight. You’ve become a weak, passive soldier of the Cross – discouraged, wounded, and perplexed; but now it’s high time for you to get back up and fight the good fight of faith. I pray that this message from the Holy Spirit will put the fight back in you – that once more you’ll be fearless against the devil’s weapons.

You know when the prophet Hosea wanted to warn Israel about their cowardly spiritual condition, he reminded them of their father Jacob. The crux of his message was, “You’ve become weak, passive. And now the enemy is over-whelming you! You claim to be Jacob’s seed – but I want to show you how far you’ve strayed from his example. I want to show you how Jacob prevailed – how he had power with God!” He told the Israelites this about Jacob: “He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had power with God: Yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication unto him: he found him in Bethel, and there he spake with us;” (Hosea 12:3-4). Hosea’s message to them was very simple: “Here was a man greedy for God, hungry for everything God had for him!” Jacob came out of the womb in a fighting mood, greedy for the blessings of God! Yet it wasn’t the double portion of his father’s wealth that Jacob was after; it wasn’t the promise of the land. No, Jacob wanted something more. He wanted the blessings of God so he could be in the lineage of the Messiah! And he wanted the priestly blessing. This meant not only being priest of the clan – it also meant being able to bless others! [Genesis 27]

I want you to know that Jacob’s hand on Esau’s heel was a powerful statement! It said: “I will not be held by sin’s grip – I am more than a conqueror! I will lay hold of all that is of Satan and resist, fight, and be victorious! I want God’s hand on me!  I want His blessing at any cost.” I tell you Jacob had a made-up mind. He had determined that no one was going to stop him from receiving God’s blessings not even his own brother. I also want you to know that Satan has a plan of destruction for your life and he is not just going to lie down, roll over and let you be what God wants you to be. He is working over-time to distract you and to delay the fulfillment of your promises. He is working over-time to side-line you, to kill, steal and destroy your life [John 10:10]. You need to realize that there are Princes of Persia in the spiritual realm working to prevent you coming into the revelation and reality of your destiny. Therefore, you need to release spiritual warfare and pray. Scripture tells us that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but demonic powers and principalities. Know your authority and be vigilant about it.

In closing I want you to know that Jacob spent years fighting to get and keep the blessings of God; and that same desire ought to put the fight back in you. Throw off your passive, defeated countenance. Cast aside all feelings of defeat – and stand up and fight! Right now God is saying, “Come on, and fight!” – Because He loves you! He wants you to claim all His blessings. Rise up in faith and lay hold of His promises. Stand up and fight! You have His strength – use it! It is time that you tell the devil to Hell with you and take back what is your. Proclaim the victory that Jesus has already won for you on the cross. I tell you for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Those are the words of the preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes. This is a time for new beginnings, a time to say goodbye to the past year and welcome the new. Don’t you go into another year bruised and battered!



Brains Before Bullets, Think It Out, Don’t Shoot it Out!

CoverChess Front (1)By Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson, Founder and President of Be Someone, Inc.

Several years ago I found myself at a crossroads in my life.  If not for a helping hand at just the right time, I might not be here to offer these words of advice and encouragement.  I definitely fit the description of an “at risk” youngster.

I was an inner-city tough guy.  That was my life, my culture.  It defined me.  I wasn’t worried about my future.  Future? Ha!  My future was today, tonight.  Tomorrow was never a sure thing.

So what happened?  How did I escape?  Why am I now preaching against the life that once looked so “cool”?  For this column, let’s just say a very special teacher saw something in me that I didn’t even see.  He taught me the game of chess and with that simple act, he saved my life.  I owe him so much and one way I’m paying him back is by living every day to save other young people who are in trouble or potentially stand to make poor decisions.

We are surrounded by so much pain and heartache.  You can’t turn on the news without being faced with a litany of domestic violence, carjacking, robberies, and kidnappings.  Violence is something that has always plagued this world. It is so important to learn that hostility gains you nothing in life. Peaceful compromises are the way to solve your dilemmas. Why is the world so angry? Perhaps we will never know the answer to that.

Using the game of chess, I founded an organization several years ago based upon a simple premise:  Be someone, not something. Your actions speak louder than your words, and that is often forgotten. There is no reason in this world why two people cannot sit down with a game of chess or something similar and use their mind power to put hostility and sore feelings behind them. Use creativity and your mind in a unique way to solve your differences. Violence gets you nowhere but behind bars.

Taking someone else’s life is one of the most unholy sins a person can commit. Consider what that family has to go through and what yours will go through knowing that you did this. Did you see the recent story in Chicago?  A beautiful young lady who had recently performed at President Obama’s inauguration in Washington was shot and killed by gang members firing weapons indiscriminately.  Think of the pain and heartbreak.

Remember this simple statement, “Brains before bullets, think it out, don’t shoot it out!”  I teach this and my students are hearing me but I need to reach more young people than those I’m able to meet in my classes.

Everyday lives are taken for no reason at all or for something menial. No matter what it is, a gun is never the answer to solving your problems.

I have dedicated my life to teaching young people that they can succeed.  They can make the right choices that will lead them places they have only dreamed of going if someone can reach them.  I believe God gave me that ability and capability.

This is my message to young people:  Learn how to take charge of your life.  I want to help you do that. I have guided and mentored many young people who others have given up on.  I offer a calm voice and a steady hand that has weathered numerous tests.

I believe every child has the potential to succeed.  That’s what guides my presentations and my classes.  Take my instruction and use it constructively in your everyday life to become that upstanding citizen that you desire to be. Be a success, not a casualty. You can be productive in life, you can go places, and you do have support to help you get there.

So many young people forget that life is beautiful and if your chance to take advantage of all it has to offer is taken away either by your own hand or another’s; you will live with many regrets. Let’s have more successes and challenge your mind, put the guns away!


Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson was an at-risk young person growing up in Birmingham, AL, when a teacher taught him the game of chess demonstrating to him that for every move – either on the game board or in the game of life – there are consequences.  It changed his life.  He went on to become an Alabama State Trooper and later founded Be Someone, Inc., an organization devoted to teaching young people there are consequences for their actions and that they can choose to succeed in life.  He not only teaches classes but delivers motivational speeches around the country. Please invite international speaker Orrin Checkmate Hudson to energize your next event by visiting www.besomeone.org.


Are you a pig or a pearl? Author T’ana Phelice releases new women’s empowerment book

T'ana Pigs and PearlsWritten by Naomi K. Bonman

RIALTO, CA- Women go through so much in life, especially our young Black women. With recent movies, such as For Colored Girls, women are now feeling the urge and need to step out of their comfort zones and confront their fears in telling their stories in a means to help other women. This is the premise of why T’ana Phelice started writing The Jaded Diamond series.

Phelice’s second book, Pigs & Pearls under the Jaded Diamonds collection explores the lives, trials and tribulations of five women: Veronica, Precious, Nicki, Tia, and Samantha. They each  are used to beauty and scandalous behavior getting them ahead, but God has other things in mind. Twisted affairs leave a couple of the ladies praying for redemption, while true love leaves one facing tragedy, and another with what she has finally become worthy of. Each of them are at a crossroads that will test their faith, or restore the strength that they didn’t know they had. Some will make reality of their dreams, while others refuse to face reality all together.

Pigs & Pearls is definitely one that will have you laughing, crying, screaming, and chatting it up with your closet girlfriends as you flip through pages and recognizing characters and traits that resemble your own life. In a world where women are bombarded by the false misconceptions of what they should be through media and TV, this book is needed to uplift and give our women encouragement to heal their lives and the lives of those around them.

The book is now available for pre-order via tanaphelice.com and will launch January 2016. There will be a special release celebration and book signing on Saturday, January 30 at Raquel’s Jazz Lounge in Rialto. Raquel’s is located at 134 S. Riverside Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376.

Please RSVP today and pre-order the book for $20. You will be able to have your book signed at the event. RSVPs can be made at www.tanaphelice.com.

San Bernardino County Diversion Program Only Helps Rancho Cucamonga Offenders

By Renea Wickman

Last Tuesday, the Inland Empire Concerned African American Churches held a community forum with the San Bernardino County Public Defender and District Attorney’s office. The topic of discussion was the diversion program for non-violent misdemeanor offenders. It was implemented as an effort to reduce the case loads of misdemeanors by upwards as 25 percent.

The diversion programs is a four month program at a cost of $400 run by the private company Corrective Solutions. To qualify for the program you must be charged with a misdemeanor, have no prior record, live in Rancho Cucamonga, pay $400 for the Corrective Solutions program and volunteer for the program.  The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors approved the program last month.

The issue that concerned the African American community included a number of things. The issues at hand are the program’s cost of $400 run by a private corporation; other possible costs could be incurred for drug testing, alcohol and drug classes, anger management classes and other classes if suggested by the Judge, DA or Public Defender to complete the program.  The DA says the cost of $400 to low income families is on a sliding scale, but not the additional classes that may be required. In addition, concerns that the program only applies to Rancho Cucamonga residents and those who have no prior criminal record were also raised because the African American community has a disproportionate number of community members with prior convictions. The DA also mentioned that it is at the discretion of the DA and Public Defender if a person with a non violent record can be allowed to voluntarily enter the program. For this reason the concern was that fair discretion is rarely given to an African American in the criminal court system. Lastly, the concern was that the community members of the City of San Bernardino would best benefit from such a program. However, the DA stated that Rancho Cucamonga had the most misdemeanors of any city in San Bernardino County. The IECAAC asked the Public Defender and District Attorney’s representatives to include racial stats of all qualified cited individuals weather they volunteered for the program or not.

If the program is completed the individual would not have any record of the charge what so ever on their record. The DA added that the program is a pilot program and reviewed every six months and will last 3 years. If you have more questions or concerns about the Diversion Program you can contact the San Bernardino County Public Defender and District Attorney’s Offices.

What It Do With the LUE: Bernice Celeste

Bernice Celeste

Bernice Celeste

What up my I.E. peeps and everybody! Singing Sensation Bernice Celeste is What It Do with the LUE this week. When it comes to raw talent, this young lady has it hands down. I was mesmerized the first time I heard Bernice sing and play. You can’t help but to fall in love with her angelic voice. So here’s more on my girl. Enjoy!

Bernice Celeste is a 21 year old singer/songwriter born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. At the age of 10 her family relocated to the States where they lived in New Mexico, Texas, and South Carolina. Along the way her passion for singing grew immensely that the time came when she asked her parents to relocate back to Los Angeles in order to pursue her dream. As an independent artist, Bernice is progressing to be the next big solo artist in the industry. The songs she writes about are either life experiences or events witnessed throughout her life. Bernice first started singing at age 7; throughout her school years she was involved in choir. She began playing the guitar at age 14 which she self-taught and at a later time she took guitar lessons. By taking lessons, it helped her to write her own lyrics.

Her unique sound is that of a mixture of Pop/Acoustic. Growing up her music influences were given by her parents and grandparents who listen to music like R&B, Oldies, Motown, Beatles, Classic Rock and 80’s Pop. During her middle and high school years she was influenced by Alternative Rock, Folk and what was popular on the top 40’s. For the last 6 years she has been performing throughout the Los Angeles, Orange and Inland Empire counties. She has also performed in venues like The Cinespace, The Roxy, The House of Blues, Aqua Lounge and The Pomona Fox Theater Lounge. She had the pleasure of singing the National Anthem for the Inland Empire 66ers Minor League baseball that is in her hometown.

Bernice has performed at community events and foundations from The Britticares for the CHLA foundation, to one’s that deal with cancer awareness, battered woman, and underprivileged young girls, to feeding the homeless in her own community. Bernice has featured as a special guest on several internet radio stations including, The 3 Guys Rant, David Alcarez Talent show, CGD Live Radio, The Heart Of, and Monivision Live. She recently was contacted and is having her new single, “Falling Fast” in rotation at the Coyote Radio which is one of the biggest internet radios in Southern California and country!

You can catch her performing live for the kids Tuesday, December 22 at Ribs located at 2360 Sterling Avenue in San Bernardino at 2 p.m. for LUE Productions and Drac Entertainments special event, “THE GIFT of GIVING”. Keep an eye out for this up and coming artist you won’t regret it!! Until next week – SAN BERNARDINO STRONG & L’z!

Letter to the Editor: My Condolences to San Bernardino From China

Penny Li

Penny Li

By Penny Li, ??

My condolences go out to the victims’ family of the December 2, 2015 horrific incident.  I am from China and I have come to San Bernardino for two weeks for the purposes of requesting for the City of San Bernardino to Re-instate the Sister City program for China.  This trip was planned much before the horrific incident.

The December 2 act of cowardice could not deter our motivation to build a bridge between our two cultures.  We propose for the city to reinstate the Sister City Program for China, allow international exchange participants to volunteer for the city of San Bernardino to help share the language and culture, and for San Bernardino to support the newly created International Business Expo, which has been initiated by Keith McCarter of McCarter University for the purposes of encouraging cooperation between our Chinese company participants and your local businesses.

I and a few of my colleagues will be speaking at the December 21 city council meeting to request for the city to place these items on the agenda.  These plans were submitted to the city far before December 2 and we believe that now, more than ever, is a good time for the city to consider making positive international connections to create positive international programs to enhance the future prospect of success for the companies and citizenry here within.

We wish to invite all members of the public to come listen to our short presentation and feel free to offer your support of our plans and project.  Lastly, unlike many other proposed programs, this program will not cost the city one red cent, but it has the potential of bringing elevated profits to the city directly, indirectly and to its businesses.  We will appreciate your support and again, we wish to offer our condolences to the victims of December 2.



KhyKel Music Enterprises and the Beat Series Present the “Music is a Part of Everyday Life” Toy Drive

LOS ANGELES, CA- Music is a part of everyday life! We hear it on TV, radio, even the sounds of traffic produce music. With music all around us, Torrey Adams, founder of KhyKel Music Enterprises and The Beat Series, has started an initiative to expose children to the positivity of music by way of the “Music is a Part of Everyday Life” Campaign.

On Tuesday, December 22, they will contribute to the initiative with a toy drive giving to non-profit organizations, which include House Full of Toys, the Boys and Girls Club of Carson, the Fernando Pullum Community Center and Christ Centered Community Church. Not only will the event tie music to everyday life, but it will also show children the importance of philanthropy.

Held at the Carson Community Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the first annual “Music is a Part of Everyday Life” Toy Drive will include engaging elements such as a talent contest, a photo booth, live performances and more. All attendees are urged to participate in the philanthropic efforts by bringing an unwrapped toy, canned goods, or used musical instrument(s) and/or equipment to donate to any of the participating non-profit organizations.

The campaign was kicked-off last month with a music workshop hosted at Imperial Square Music Studios in Santa Fe Springs, CA. The workshop educated the attendees on the behind-the-scenes magic that happens during the music-making process. All in attendance learned about music terminology, the dynamics of the studio (from its geometric layout to the placement of the instruments) and participated in a live recording session. The next workshop is scheduled to resume early 2016.

Bringing Love to Mourning Families for the Holidays

VICTORVILLE, CA- On Sunday, December 20, Recording Artist Justified and Men of Faith In Action, will be teaming up with non-profit organization Living Life After Death, which out to Families who are in mourning after losing a loved one.

“It’s rough during these holidays without my wife,” Justified stated. “I know my kids go through it, and I just want to be a blessing to this charity and help them raise money so they can continue to bless other families going through what I’m going through.”

Together, Justified and Living Life After Death, will be hosting a Holiday Giveaway at the High Desert Performing Arts Center located at 15615 8th Street in Victorville. They are excepting the community to get involved and come out with unwrapped blessings to bless the less fortunate. Although this is typically a toy drive, Justified and partner Terry Boykins, CEO of Street Positive, want to encourage people to bring out a blessing that can bless other households during this season, these items include the basic necessities, such as toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, baby supplies, and more.

During the event tickets will be sold for the “Dinner with Dad” event that will be held on Thursday, January 7 at Hometown Buffet located at 14689 Valley Center Drive in Victorville from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Street Positive has agreed to pay for up to 100 children’s meals for “Dinner with Dad”. For each ticket sold at the holiday giveaway event, up to four children’s meals will be covered accompanied by the adult with the dinner ticket. Justified has a strong faith that the community will come out and support both of these events and be a blessing to the City of Victorville.


Our Friend, Our Brother, Our Village Chief…Your Trees Yield Much Fruit!



Obituary Written By Carl Dameron

Ratibu Shadidi (William Henry Jacocks) joined his ancestors on Thursday evening, December 10 at Kaiser Hospital in Fontana.  Ratibu is survived by his wife, Wilmer Amina Carter of nearly 35 years.  They were joined as one in 1984 and reaffirmed their marriage in 1994.

Jacocks is remembered for his vision and passion, which will continue through his wife Amina, his children, Anye Imani; Malaika Jacocks Dameron (Kamau); Jamala Shaw (Rubani) and eight grandchildren:  Tariki (Shani), Daima (Shiane), Amina 2 (Darian), Shaila, Akiba (Tayah), Halisi (Darius) Nia, and Miadi (Braelynn).  His brother, James; sisters: Jean, Catherine, Odessa and many other loving relatives.

Ratibu was the co-owner of Elegant Floors and Creative Businesses Services with Amina. Ratibu was also an entrepreneur, author, lobbyist and political consultant. He is a published author of “Incidents, Struggles, and Devine Intervention: Memoirs of Ratibu Jacocks.”

Ratibu was also a community activist, Sunday School Teacher for more than 30 years; Chair, Inland Area Kwanzaa Group; Treasurer, Westside Action Group; Distinguished Toastmaster; Life Member – National Council of Negro Women, Inc.; Longtime Travelers Aid Volunteer, Ontario Airport; Member – Black History Parade Committee; Member – Martin Luther King Breakfast Committee; Black Student Union Advisor  at Bloomington High School; attended the 1995 Million Man March; Tumanini Teacher at San Bernardino Valley College and coordinated Saturday Morning Speakers – a youth speaking club.

Ratibu is predeceased by his Parents, James Alfred and Annie Mae Jacocks. The services are at new Hope Missionary Baptist Church at 10 a.m. on Thursday December 17.  New Hope is located at 1575 west 17th Street in San Bernardino.

In lieu of flowers the family asks for donations to the Wilmer Amina Carter Scholarship Foundation, P.O. Box 332, Rialto CA 92377.


“A House is Not a Home!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Don’t get it twisted!  Don’t fool yourself and don’t be fooled. Unless your house is built by wisdom and established by understanding, your house is not a home. [Proverbs 24:3] And just so that we are on the same page, I want you to know that I’m not talking about your physical house, I’m talking about your spiritual house. You see in [Matthew 7:24–27] Jesus tells a parable that compares and contrasts two builders: one wise and one foolish. One man built his house on the sand while the other built his house on the Rock. In this context, building on the sand speaks of people who hear the Gospel, but instead of believing the Gospel and coming to faith in Jesus, they believe they can build their lives on the shifting sands of human philosophy, wisdom, opinion, and religious achievement. They are driven by outward, religious appearances and faith in themselves, rather than faith in Jesus. People who build their house on the sand hear the Gospel and believe its general message, but they choose to follow God on their own terms. To them, His Word is open to interpretation. If He commands them to do something they will obey if they choose to. If they don’t like it they won’t do it. People who build their house on the sand they build the house of their lives on self-will, self-fulfillment, self-sufficiency, self-satisfaction, and self-righteousness. Theirs is a works based religion that has the appearance of being right but that lacks the power to save the soul. As [2 Timothy 3:5] says, “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof…” People who build their house on the sand believe they can pray a prayer, sign a card, join a church, and all will be well. People who build their house on the sand can turn it on and off like flipping a switch. They can be in today and out tomorrow.

But then while one man built his house on the sand, the other dug deep. He dug until he reached the bedrock and built his house on the Rock. The Rock does not move. It is unchanging and stable. Building on the Rock speaks of people who hear the Gospel and believe it to the point that they build their lives on it. People who build their house on the Rock understand that Jesus alone has the power to save their souls. People who build their house on the Rock hear God’s Word and they conforms their lives to it. People who build their house on the Rock, they hear the truth about Jesus and they believe it. They embrace it. They yield to it. The message changes their lives. What God tells them to do in His Word, they do. What God warns them not to do, they avoid. They pay any price, walk any path, and do anything the Lord tells them to do. They love Him, honor Him, and obey Him. I’m talking about people who build their house on the Rock.

I want you to know that the parable tells us that the rain came, the flood followed, and the wind of destruction blew. This image is not just about some storm in life. This is the image of judgment. In the end both houses were subjected to a terrible storm of judgment. One house stood, the other was totally destroyed. The house that was built on the sand could not face the withering judgment of God, and it collapsed. Jesus said, “And great was the fall of it.” This means that the house was utterly destroyed. There was nothing left to show for the life lived within it. Everything was destroyed and swept away as if it had never existed. But as far as the house that was built on the Rock. It experienced the same storm. The rain, the flood and the wind “beat upon” the house. This house was battered, but it stood against the storm that was thrown against it. This house was shaken, but it did not fall. It stood on a firm foundation, and it weathered the storm. I want you to know that there is a storm coming; a day of judgment; a day when every person will face God.  I ask you, how is your foundation? If you haven’t built your house on the Rock, today is today. What is your life; but a vapor that appears for a while, and then disappear. Establish your firm foundation today!