Lou Coleman
By Lou Coleman
Yes, this life’s journey is tough. It gets hard sometimes and it makes many of us want to just walk away, give up. But the devil is a liar! We have come too far to give up now! I decided that come hell or high water, I will not give up! I will not throw in the towel! The struggle has been too hard and certainly too long, but like Paul, I am pressing towards the mark of a higher calling. I’m reminded of the woman in the Scriptures that had an issue of blood for 12 years. Twelve years of suffering in her life. But one day, Jesus came to town; she pressed her way through the crowd and touched the hem of His garment. She was healed instantly. So to Hell with the Devil and his tactics! I’m going to keep on keeping on and I want to encourage you to do the same. Keep pressing and don’t let anybody, anything, situation or circumstance, stop you from pressing towards your blessing. I understand things will stand in your way. I understand that people will mistreat you, and they will lie on you. I understand that things didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to or the way you thought they should have. I understand that you are tied, but keep pressing because God is getting ready to bless you. Be steadfast, don’t give up. Be steadfast, don’t grow weary. Be steadfast, and don’t faint at life’s obstacles.
Scripture tells us that Job faced the crisis of his life. He had lost his entire family, all his possessions, everything. And his body was covered with boils from head to toe. He had come to a place where he could not take any more suffering. And he cried out (Job 6:4, 8-9) and said, “I have only one request – to die! I’ve had it, God. Cut me off!” Scripture testifies that Job had no known sin in his life. He stood as perfect as any man could be before God. And yet God allowed him to go through such despair that his life became unbearable (Job 7:3-4). Job was in anguish because his problems were unsolvable! He couldn’t reason his way out of them. He was completely at wit’s end. Tied and ready to give up, but knew quitting was not an option!
I believe I am speaking to a number of Godly people who love Jesus with all their heart – and who are at a point of deep despair! Perhaps like Paul, you are being pressed beyond measure – tested beyond your endurance. Your strength is nearly gone, and you are on the brink of giving up. You see no way out. You want to run, but there is no place to go. So- how do you get out of it? What is the way to victory? All I can tell you is how God continues to bring me out. Five important truths He has given me: One, don’t think you are experiencing some strange, unique battle. On the contrary- you are in good company! Recall Job, Jeremiah, Elijah, David, and Paul – even me, God says. What you are going through is common to believers throughout the centuries (1 Peter 4:12-13). Why it seems that when you give your life to the Lord, all you get is suffering in return. No one, within the church or without, has ever understood how a loving God could allow those who have given their all for Him to go through such times of trouble and despair, but what we do know, is that everything works for the good of those who loves Him. Two, when you think you can’t go on another hour – when everything looks absolutely hopeless – cry out to God with all that is in you, “Lord, help!” {Psalm 55:16-18) (18:1-6) (30:2-3) (72:12.) Three, dive into God’s Word, lay hold of your special promise, take it into your secret prayer closet and hold God to it. (Matt 7:9-11) (Ephesians 3:20)…Take this promise to God every day, saying, “Father, You said, you’ll do above everything I ask. Today I’m asking You to answer my prayer.” Four, trust the Holy Spirit, who abides in you. The Father has sent His Spirit to reside in your heart. But you have to acknowledge the Holy Spirit within you! You’ve got to believe that when you cry out, the Holy Spirit abiding in you will answer. That is the secret, plain and simple: As you face your present hour of sufferings and confusion, turn everything over to the Holy Spirit. Say to Him, “Holy Spirit, You know the way out of this mess. I don’t, it’s completely beyond me. So, I’m resigning, right now. And I give up direction of my life to You. And lastly, five, always know that no matter what, God got you!
Listen; Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David and many more struggled, they fought, but they made it. They won. They kept the faith. They laid aside every weight and sin; and endured until the end. They completed the race. They didn’t just start the marathon, they finished the marathon. We too must finish what God has started in us. We can’t quit now. As Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.” We can’t give up now. Decide to “Live Radical” for God. Trust Him. It is only that you do not understand that heaven has commenced an action in your favor and God is at work in your life. We may not know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. His Word in Ps 30:5 says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” There is hope. Keep trusting God. Keep travailing, keep giving, keep rejoicing, and keep fighting until the victory is won… Hold on! God will bring His promises to pass. I tell you, there are incentives, promises and rewards to those who do not grow weary in doing good. I tell you, Quitting is not an option!
Start declaring and decreeing that it’s your time! You see, the Bible has much to say about the important role our words play in our lives, and all the more when we are speaking the Word of God over our situation. Speaking out your possession of the Word of God will bring about the desired change! Remembering, God’s Word does not return void and He watches over His Word to perform it (Isaiah 55:11 Jeremiah 1:12). In other words, it is His job to bring it to pass and your job to release the Word into your life by declaring, decreeing and proclaiming. All we have to do is speak in agreement and He performs it. Reflect back over creation and remember how many times God said, “Let there be!” Obviously speaking has great relevance and power. God has given us an abundance of building blocks in the Word and we can choose to use them or not, to speak life or not. Regardless of which we choose to do, speak life or speak death, the Word is clear. We will eat the fruit produce by our labors, our words. Declare decree and proclaim it’s your time to receive. To God be the Glory!