“Get the Mote Out of Your Own Eye – How About That!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” [Matthew 7:4].  I want you to know that in my years of ministry I have seen church folks judging each other, criticizing each other, running each other down, talking on the phone about each other and the list could go on and on. Just because you say you know the Lord, dress up on Sunday, go to church, read Scripture, sing and shout does not mean you are totally right with God. You do all of these activities on Sunday then turn right around on Monday and judge and criticize one another. That should not be! We are to have judgment that only comes through the Spirit of God. We have wrongly judged another person and have sinned in the process. In our rush to judgment, in our haste to make sure someone else takes the blame, in our zeal to find the guilty party, we have violated the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” The words are simple and clear. They are plain and unambiguous. But because they are familiar we tend to forget about them. Listen, we are not to be faultfinders.  Proverbs 11:12 tells us, “It is foolish to belittle a neighbor; a person with good sense remains silent.”  The Message is even more pointed: “Mean-spirited slander is heartless; quiet discretion accompanies good sense.” Don’t you know that faultfinding is the “venom of the soul?” It destroys your joy, drains your happiness, and prevents you from having close friendships. Truth be told, you criticize others in order to bring them down to your level. Or worse, you try to tear them down to prove they are really beneath you. What a spiritual vulture you are. Like the vultures of the air that live off dead, rotting flesh, you thrive on the mistakes and sins of others. You ought to repent!

Jesus said, “Judge not!” But oh, how we break this command: Blowing small things all out of proportion; Maximizing the sins of others—their faults, foibles and their petty ways. Coming to quick, hasty, negative conclusions; Making mountains out of molehills. Getting involved in situations where you should not be involved. Passing along critical stories to others; having a strong bias to find others guilty; adding aggravating remarks when telling a story. Dismissing an unkind remark by saying, “I was only joking.” Saying something critical and then trying to cover it up. Being unkind and then quickly changing the subject. Telling too many people about what others have done to us; Taking pleasure in condemning others; Telling the truth in order to hurt, not to help; Putting others down in order to make yourself look better; Minimizing your sins while magnifying the sins of others. That’s why Jesus said in verse 5, “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” Judge not lest you shall be Judge!”

Hey, who can argue with Jesus—right? The verse is taken to mean nobody has the right to judge anybody for anything at any time. The problem… The verse has a context. When Jesus spoke these words on the slopes surrounding the Sea of Galilee, He wasn’t saying never to judge. He simply warned about doing it the wrong way—by telling us how to make judgments the right way. And believe me, it ain’t easy. Christian love is not blind. God never says, “Ignore the faults of others.” But He does say, “Take care of your own faults first.” Look in the mirror! Ask God to show you your own sins. The familiar words of Psalm 139:23-24 come to mind: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” If we would pray that way and mean it, we would do a lot more confessing and a lot less judging. And that my friend is God’s message for us today!

“Verdict: 6-1… In Favor of SBETA!”

Lou Coleman (left) and Executive Director of SBETA, Mr. Ernest B. Dowdy, Jr. (right)

Lou Coleman (left) and Executive Director of SBETA, Mr. Ernest B. Dowdy, Jr. (right)

By Lou Coleman

As a Christian, what do you do when life is coming down on you hard; when there seems to be no way out? When you are worried or afraid? When you are in distress? What do you do when you are facing such monumental obstacles? How do believe beyond your ability to understand how your problems can be solved? The answer lies in the Word of God.

In [2 Chronicles 20] Jehoshaphat was the King. As King everything would fall on his shoulders. When a great multitude came against Judah to do battle, Jehoshaphat determined to seek God for help. Key Verse: 17 Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you.

The reason I am writing this is to remind you that the battle you are facing is not yours, but God’s. Yes, the battle is the Lord’s, but we have a part – and that is to trust and believe His promises in the face of hopelessness and what seem to be impossibilities.  Faith demands that we turn over all our problems – all our critical situations, all our fears, all our anxieties – into the hand of the Lord.  When we have done all we can do and we know our battle is beyond our power, we must submit all into His hands.

If you will hold fast to your faith – trusting Him, resting in His promises, rejecting all lies of Satan coming into your mind – then expect God to come by His Spirit into your situation and bring an expected end to your particular battle.  He will move heaven and earth to deliver you and make a way.  The way out is to trust, trust, trust!  “He makes wars to cease” (Psalm 46:9).

I want you to know that God’s testimony was on the line at the City Council Meeting on Monday, September 21st in reference to whether or not the City will continue to run SBETA or the County. God had made promises to the nation of Israel.  Jehoshaphat claimed the promises that God made. On this day the Executive Director of SBETA, Mr. Ernest B. Dowdy, Jr., claimed the promises that God made. Jesus said, “Come to Me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest,” (Matt 11:28). “I am with you always, even to the ends of the earth,” (Matt. 28:20). He said that His words will not pass away (Mark 13:31). He said that He would raise you up on the last day. (John 6:40). He said that whatever you asked in His name would be given to you. (John 14:14).  Because of whom God is and what He has already done for you, you can trust Him even more for the future and have no fear that He will continue to uphold you, love you, and continue His wonderful loving plan in your life. To God Be All The Glory! United We Stand…. Divided We Fall!

2nd Annual Comedy for a Cure Raises Awareness on Sickle Cell Disease

Comedy for a Cure

By Naomi K. Bonman

LOS ANGELES, CA—Like the old saying goes, laughing is a good source of medicine. It has the magic tip in making one forget about their current worries. On Sunday, September 27, The Mentortainment Group will be collaborating with Sickle Cell Disease Foundation of California, AEOM PR, AND Crack Em’ Up Comedy to present the 2nd Annual Comedy for a Cure: A Benefit and Awareness Show for Sickle Cell Disease. The show will be held at The Comedy Store located at 8433 W. Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood.

The host for the night is comedian and sickle cell survivor, Six Foota Slim. He will be telling his story as well as keeping you entertained between each set of comedians. Those that will be blessing the stage for the evening include London Brown, HBO Ballers; Edwonda White, Def Comedy Jam; and DC Ervin, NBC Last Comic Standing. In addition to laughing your butt off, there will also be a special what’s Da Count Awards Presentation as well as a red carpet hour hosted by Lacora Stephens.

Patrons interested in attending must be 21+ to enter the building. You can get your tickets now and save 5 bucks at $25 or purchase your tickets at the door for $30. A portion of the proceeds will benefit The Sickle Cell Disease Foundation of California. For more information, please contact Melinor Moore at nmoore@aeompr.com, Nichelle Murdock at nichellemurdock@gmail.com, or Kelvin Taylor atthementortainmentgroup@gmail.com.

The Word Book Fair Comes to the Inland Empire

The Word Book Fair

By Naomi K. Bonman

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA- Calling all readers, authors, and book lovers! 3 Women Voices will be presenting a day filled with enlightenment and, knowledge on Saturday, September 26. Renowned authors from in and around the Inland Empire will be gathering together to speak, sign their books, and enlighten guests at Rancho Cucamonga Central Park, David Dreier Hall (East & West) located at 11200 Base Line Road in Rancho Cucamonga. The event will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Featured guest and authors include: Angela Alexander, Lori Bryant, Annette Hubbard, Susan Goodson, Lisa M. Black, Torrian Scott, Eliza Shansey Green, Don Coffeen, Shamilla Pennington, and Alex Byron. In addition to words of encouragement and enlightenment, there will also be entertainment from Comedian Mel Austin and Gospel Recording Artist Marlo Wells.

Jack & Jill of America Foundation co-sponsors free college fair

PASADENA, CA- Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. is co-sponsoring a free college fair at the Pasadena Convention Center on Wednesday, September 30 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Local students and parents will have the opportunity to meet with over 200 college and university representatives. They can attend college prep workshops on SAT versus ACT, college sports recruiting and writing a personal essay for college applications.

Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. is the philanthropic arm of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.  Since 2008, the Pasadena Chapter of the organization has brought representatives from several colleges, including historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), to Pasadena to expose more area residents to a broader array of college options.  The Jack and Jill-sponsored events have always included information regarding admission requirements and financial aid.

“While we are an organization for mothers, when we started out, it was our fathers’ auxiliary that took the lead on organizing our college fair,” says Annette Starks, Foundation Chair for the Pasadena Chapter.  “As our event grew, we moved the venue from Polytechnic High School to Pasadena City College to the Pasadena Convention Center.”

In recent years, Jack and Jill has expanded the number of students reached by partnering with Pasadena Unified School District on the event.  Additional sponsoring partners for this year’s event include the City of Pasadena, Pasadena City College, Pasadena Educational Foundation and Pasadena Learns.

The Good News Coffee House Tour Kicks off in Riverside

RIVERSIDE, CA — “Life in His Hands” Christian Newspaper will launch the first of many evenings bringing music and a message to different coffee houses throughout the Inland Empire. The first stop of The Good News Coffee House Tour is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Saturday, September 26, at Daily Brew Coffee House, located at 2955 Van Buren Boulevard in Riverside.

“There is something about the casual atmosphere,” says Pastor Chris Thompson. “There are many people who don’t go to church who may be more comfortable starting their Christian walk at a local coffee shop, especially when they can ask questions one-on-one.”

Each evening will begin with a time of praise and worship led by local worship leaders. A message will be given, and followed by a chance to ask questions. Each night of the “Good News Coffee House Tour” will focus on taking the gospel to the public in a casual environment.

Additional Saturday evenings throughout the fall and winter are now booking. For more information about tour, please visit LifeinHisHands.org/tour.

Obituary: Ida Elizabeth Verrett Newell

Ida Elizabeth Verrett Newell

Ida Elizabeth Verrett Newell

Ida Elizabeth Verrett Newell, 76, of San Bernardino, CA, passed away on September 4, 2015 in Moreno Valley, CA. Born in New Orleans, LA on November 14, 1938; she was the daughter of the late Leo Sr. and Lilla Verrett and sister to the late Darryl, Gloria, the late Leo Jr., Lynn, Merlin and the late Michael Kevin.

She graduated from J. S. Clark High School, New Orleans, LA, in 1956 and married the late Cleve Newell, Jr. in 1959. They lived together in New Orleans, LA, and gave birth to their first son, Cleve III in 1960 before relocating to San Bernardino, CA. Their second son, Tyrone LaMarr, was born in 1962.

In addition to being a full-time mother, she earned her Associate Degree from San Bernardino Valley College and dedicated herself to St. Anthony School and Church where she was the President of the Parent and Teacher Association and head coach of the girls’ basketball team. Ida loved music and dancing and was an avid sports fan.

For recreation, she enjoyed bowling, watching thoroughbred horse racing and hanging out at casinos and with her dearest friends. After her sons completed college, Ida dedicated herself to community service where she was elected to the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area Committee and worked for Catholic Charities and the City of San Bernardino.

She is survived by her sons, Cleve III of San Bernardino, CA, and Tyrone LaMarr of New York, NY; two sisters, Lynn Riley and Gloria Moore, both of Shreveport, LA; one brother, Merlin Verrett of New Orleans, LA; dearest friends Maria Wilson of Rialto, CA and Cynthia Green of San Bernardino, CA; and many other relatives and dear friends.

The Memorial Service was held on Monday, September 21 at Mark B. Shaw Mortuary, 1525 N. Waterman Avenue in San Bernardino.

Learn the Art of Franchising at the largest Multi-Cultural Franchise Expo collaboration in 2015

Multicultural Franchise Expo Ad

The Multi-Cultural Franchise Expo will be on Thursday, October 15 and Friday, October 16, 2015. All are invited out to participate in this year’s expo where a dynamic list of industry speakers, plus practical Franchise-related education, finance and real estate sessions for franchisees and business owners seeking to learn more about franchise opportunities come together.

Your participation as a sponsor, an exhibitor with a booth and or a keynote speaker, will help bring together franchisers, investors, trainers and the public at this premier event with the largest pool of culturally diversified franchise buyers in Southern California.

The expo starts at 9 a.m. on Thursday, October 15 with workshops, bank interviews, business plan training, and seminars. Friday October 16, 2015 starts with workshops from the IRS, the board of equalization, SBDC centers, tax assistance professionals and EDD training. There will be hundreds of exhibitor’s through-out the two day event.

This Multi-Cultural Franchise Expo will be the leading franchise event of the year in the Southern California region. We have teamed up with several chambers of commerce including the Hispanic chamber of commerce, The Asian business association, The Black Chambers of Commerce, The Veterans business association, and many city and government officials. Join us at the Ontario Airport Hotel & Conference Center, as we bring together all of Southern California, for your opportunity to present your offer to many potential franchisees.

For a detail schedule of event and sponsorship information contact 951-250-3999 or visit www.MultiCulturalFranchiseExpo.com

“Either You Are or You Ain’t!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

And don’t nobody know better than you which you are. So what you need to do is be honest with yourself and stop playing; and stop thinking that you are fooling everybody else; because you know what they say… You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. So do yourself a favor and just admit that you like what you are doing. You like the way sin makes you feel.  Don’t worry we all are to some extent a hypocrite. Everyone has their own little treasure box… guilty as charged; and if you say that you are without sin, then you are unsaved and calling God a liar [1 John 1:8-10]. God calls all men sinners [Romans 3:10, 19-23]. Let God be true and every man a liar! Listen, as I told you before,  God has called me to teach against sin, not people. I teach against sin, many times stepping on my own toes as well.  It is “Woe is me! For I am undone” as [Isaiah 6:5] said, and as Paul said “Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.” [1Tim 1:15] so as [Ephesian 4:15] encourages us “Express the truth in all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, and living truly.  Refuse to wear a mask and play games. Set yourself free!  Be honest; because if you don’t live authentically, you live a lie. You live phony. You try to be somebody you’re not. And that becomes comical. [2Cor 4:2]. Tell the truth and make the devil mad! You or either a Saint or an Ain’t! I’m talking to the almost Christians. “Almost thou persuades me to be a Christian [Acts 26:28]

I tell you it is a tragedy that the church is as carnal as can be. But then again, there is nothing new under the sun. In [1 Corinthians 3:1-3] they were just as carnal back in New Testament times; yet the world has never witnessed apostasy as we are seeing it today everywhere. I want you to know; God is not pleased! Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. [James 4:4].  How sad; the same mentality that drive the world today has invaded the church. We live in a day of half-hearted service, when people serve the gods of self, materialism, recreation and pleasure more than they serve the God of Heaven. Shame on us! Listen, it’s time to get right with God and have a pure heart. It’s Time to Stop Playing Church!  God wants you to know today that He is still Lord of Lords and King of Kings; and one day He is coming back for a church without spot or blemish and like He called Israel back to Himself on Mount Carmel, He is calling you back to Him today.

You know in [1King 18:21] Elijah Challenged the People – A Question – Simply put, “How long are you going to waiver or vacillate between two ways of life?” These people were guilty of trying to hold hands with God and Baal. They wanted the best of both worlds! My friend that will never work! You might as well come to understand right now that divided allegiance is as wicked as open idolatry! This is proven by Christ’s condemnation of the church at Laodicea, [Rev. 3:14-22]. A person is either for Christ as he is against Him! You cannot be neutral! You cannot occupy the middle of the road! Jesus said it this way, “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathered not with me scattered abroad. [Matt. 12:30].  I ask you…. Where do you stand in regard to Christ?

I want you to know that Elijah presented the people with the problem. He told them that they were being contradictory. If God is Lord, then Baal cannot be. If Baal is Lord then God cannot be. Elijah told them there was room in the universe for only one Lord and one God! They were challenged to choose who they will follow. This is the same challenge before you right now. Many who claim to love the Lord are also holding hands with the world, the flesh, material possessions or whatever. This is a contradiction! Either God is Lord or He isn’t. If He isn’t, then those other things you hold to must be. The bottom line is this: you have to make a choice! Who will you serve? Who is really the Lord of your life? You can’t have it both ways! If you say you love the Lord and deny Him by your life, you actions and your activities, then you really don’t love Him at all! Be honest with yourself!

I leave you with a divine and profound paradox.  We are all sinners who miss the mark and who are in need of God’s lavish grace to forgive us and save us.  And the other side of the paradox is this:  “I beg you, I plead with you, and I implore you:  Lead a life worthy of the high calling that you have received in Jesus Christ.” As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

Cora Jackson-Fossett Joins LAGRANT COMMUNICATIONS as Senior Advisor

Cora Jackson-Fossett

Cora Jackson-Fossett

LOS ANGELES, CA- LAGRANT COMMUNICATIONS, an integrated marketing communications agency, recently announced Cora Jackson-Fossett as a senior advisor. Fossett will be the liaison between key decision makers in the City of Los Angeles and LAGRANT COMMUNICATIONS.  Her work for the City of Los Angeles has earned her five L.A. Area Emmy nominations for producing videos/DVDs about public works activities and operations.

“I’ve known Cora for close to 30 years, as a friend and former client,” says LAGRANT COMMUNICATIONS CEO Mr. Kim L. Hunter. “We have a long standing history based off trust and I look forward to having her as senior advisor for the agency.”

Prior to joining the agency, Fossett worked for the City of Los Angeles for more than 25 years, bringing significant expertise in community and media relations. She served as the public director for the Los Angeles Department of Public Works, in which she planned, developed and executed media relations, community outreach, employee communications, marketing communications and much more.

Fossett is an active member in her community where she serves as the director of the public relations commission at Brookins Community AME Church as well as the religion editor and staff writer for the Los Angeles Sentinel newspaper. Cora has also been  commended for her work through various awards, including 3rd place for best church page by the National Newspaper Publisher’s Association in 2014, Fire and Ice Fashions Outstanding Orator Award in 2014, National Association of University Women Hall of Fame Award in 2011, and Los Angeles Business Journal’s 2008 Women Who Make A Difference award among many others.

“I’m excited to join Kim and his team.  I look forward to the contributions I will help make to the multicultural communities and the city of Los Angeles,” said Fossett, former public information director II for the Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation.

Cora earned a bachelor’s degree at Indiana University, completed graduate courses at Columbia College, and received an honorary doctorate in Philosophy from California University of Theology.