Lou Coleman
By Lou Coleman
What I’m going to say today is going to tick some of you off. The more churched you are, probably the bigger problem you’re going to have with this message. Many of you will probably ask when you are done reading it, if you decide to finish it; just who does she think she is? The answer to your question: “Tell them that I AM sent you, and then tell them why!”… …There are many who teach and many who believe that if you have said, “The Sinner’s Prayer” that you’re, “Goin’ Up Yonder to be with your Lord.”… That you’re going to Heaven… That your ticket has been purchased… Well, in {Matt. 7:21-23} Jesus makes one of the most startling statements in the entire Bible. ..He says that not everyone who claims Him as Lord will be saved… He is telling us that there will be some people who will think they are saved, but who, in fact, are still lost and headed to Hell. Many religious people, including some believers in Jesus, will learn that they too will be lost. Jesus makes it clear that not all who profess Him possess Him. A mere profession of Jesus as Savior is not enough to save! A person may believe in the doctrines of the faith. They may be sincere and good. However, merely saying you know Jesus is not enough to save your soul. Belonging to the church, being a good person, doing religious things, etc., are all good, but none of them can save the soul. That’s tough, but we need to be honest. “Everybody Talkin’ Bout Heaven Ain’t Going There!” {Matthew: 7:13-14}.
You know as Jesus drew near to the end of the Sermon on the Mount, He takes the time to remind men of the seriousness of their salvation. He wanted all who heard Him to be sure that they were genuinely converted. I want you to know that is only my desire for each of us. Sadly, however, many will suffer in eternal condemnation because they refuse to believe the Lord’s teaching about who will be saved and go to heaven. Jesus tells us that entering heaven will not be easy. This is a surprise to most people, because they have been taught that the way to heaven is easy. They’ve been taught, “All you have to do to be saved is believe in Jesus.” I tell you, there is a great difference between what men teach today and what Jesus taught then. Jesus tells us that there are not many people going in through this strait gate and narrow way. He says, “Few there be that find it.” This too, is a surprise to many folks, because they believe that most people will be saved because most people believe in God. While it may not agree with what most have been taught and believe… it is clear and easy to understand. Jesus says we must DO the Will of God. We must not just believe in God, but we must also believe God! We must believe God enough to Do His Will. Here, Jesus clears up the matter of what brings salvation to a life. He says that people are saved by “Doing the will of His Father.” That is the problem with the teaching of many who are false prophets and teachers today. They are telling people that all one must do is believe in Jesus in order to be saved. They say we are saved by “faith only.” This is a false teaching. God has never said it, but men teach it. In fact, we have seen that Jesus has said just the opposite. I tell you we can tiptoe and dance all around the truth until our feet are sore and calloused, but it will not change the truth, it will not open the doors to heaven one millimeter , and no one more person will enter in… Heaven is prepared for those… who are prepared.
Here is the dividing line: Those who DO the Father’s Will! {James 1:22-25}. Only those who come on God’s terms will enter Heaven… What is God’s terms…. God’s terms for entering Heaven are confession, repentance, and a genuine trust and commitment in Jesus alone. Many people want to go to heaven but are unwilling to do these things…They want to do either one or the other. Many people think they are going to heaven, but they have not admitted they are sinners, they have not turned from an ungodly life, and they have not genuinely trusted in Jesus alone for salvation and really put Him first in their lives. There are millions of people who claim to believe in Jesus, who use His name, who call Him “Lord,” expecting heaven but will only receive hell. The fact is clearly stated by Jesus who said many will say, “Lord, Lord,” who will not enter the kingdom. It’s a strange thing but it is something that has to be emphasized. If there is the slightest doubt in your heart that you aren’t genuinely converted, you need to repent of your repentance. I tell you “Everybody Talking’ Bout Heaven Ain’t Goin’ There!” …Who report are you going to believe? Man or Jesus?
Listen, our obedience to Christ is a very serious decision and must not be taken lightly. It must be on the Lord’s terms as laid out in the Scriptures and not on our terms. We have already seen in {Matthew 7:13-14, 21}, only a few will be saved, and many will be lost, and only those who DO the will of the Father will go to heaven. There is no other way. No single condition, that God imposes, can be ignored. God has no non-essential commands. The only source of information on what God has truly said can only come from the Bible. We must seek God’s answer on the matter in “what saith the Lord.” It’s not shocking for Jesus first words to His disciples in the book of Matthew to be, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” In the days that followed, he taught them that He “came to seek and to save what was lost,” and He told them that just as the Father had sent Him into the world, He would send them into the world. Subsequently, we are not surprised when the last words of Jesus to His disciples are, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.” This is God’s will in the world: to create, call, save and bless His people for the spread of His grace and glory among all peoples. This will is not intended to be found; it is intended to be followed. We don’t have to wonder about God’s will when we’ve been created to walk in it. We have no need to ask God to reveal His will for our lives; instead, we need to ask God to align our lives with the will He has already revealed. God’s will for us as disciples of Jesus is to make disciples of Jesus in all nations…The problem of confusion on this matter is because men, preachers, and denominations have appealed to human logic and reasoning instead of simply consulting God on the matter. Prove it to yourself. Read what Jesus says…. {Matt.7:13-15; 22:14; 13:24-30; 13:36-43; 22:14}… {Mark 3:34-35} … {1Tim 2:1-4}… {1Thes 5:16-19}… {John 7:17 – 8:30-32}… {Roman 8:27; 12:2}… {2Corin 8:16 -13:5}… {1Pet 2:13-16 – 3:17 – 4:19}… {2Peter 1:10}… {Rom 6:17-18}… {James 1:22-25}… {1John 2:16-17}… {Ephesians 2:8-9}…. because “Everybody Talking’ Bout Heaven Ain’t Goin’ There… Uh-Oh!”