Martyrs: Sheppard’s stop killing His sheep
By Ashly Broussard
God is raising up prophets to boldly declare “enough is enough.” (Ezekiel 34:1-10 ). I urgently warn those that use the pulpit to display their position of power instead of declaring the Word of God to “ REPENT”. The Bible warns the leaders that take this role that our punishment will be far more severe (James 3:1). Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. Are the leaders in your church operating in The Way of Love? Well lets take the “ Love examine” to examine ourselves, starting with: 1 Corinthians 13:4, “Love is PATIENT.”
In 2 Peter 3:9, the Bible tells us about God not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. His patience isn’t the same patience I see exercised within the body of Christ. Its more a slap on the back. I heard one pastor bragging about how his congregation is consistently changing. Not because it was evolving, but because the sheep were leaving. What happened to us going after that sheep as Jesus told us through the parable in Luke 15:1-7? Souls are out there perishing because we don’t want to take the time to tarry anymore. But who cares, as long as its not us that’s lost right? I agree with this statement I heard one preacher say: Pastors are sending more people to hell than all the drug pushers, crips and bloods. Secondly love is KIND. How kind is it of God not to have forfeited His covenant with our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is so easy for a brother/sister to renege on a promise within the body of Christ, and act nonchalant like the past is the past. STOP making promises to the congregation when your not even for certain of that being God‘s providence. That’s what’s so awesome about Our God, He’s not a man that He should lie. (Psalm 33:9 For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded and it stood firm.)
Thirdly, It does NOT ENVY. This is something I can write about all day long, but I have to be careful that I don’t fall into a trap. Elders in the church, when you see younger men/women come into the knowledge of God, and their hit by the fire of The Holy Ghost, why hate on them? Did you forget what brought you into the church? If God has taken someone from the back of the pasture, to place them in front in such a short amount of time, this is something to rejoice in, not to be intimidated by. He said In the last days His Spirit would be poured out on all flesh. Stop telling the young people that they don’t have the Holy Spirit because they don’t fluently speak in tongues. They may not be able to sing like and Angel, but they might be able to discern the spirit of a false prophet. And besides that I’ve sat around elders who “professionally” spoke in tongues in church, but outside the building had potty mouths. Fourth, it does NOT BOAST. It seems seeking Gods hand is better than His face. If you don’t have a jet, a mansion, $2 million in the bank, or your not on a TV reality show, then you don’t have the Holy Spirit. One leader on a church committee board that I’ve attended ,was so spiritually proud that when I corrected her in love with a scripture, she began insulting me about my age. But one thing I’ve learned early on in trusting God is that, if I walk in humility, I will not be humiliated.
So if you are offended by this article please do not respond with hate letters because I will not read them. This also can cover the Fifth in showing Gods Love, it is NOT PROUD. Sixth is NOT RUDE. To use something someone sat down and told you in secret about something they may have been wrestling with, in your Sundays sermon, shows a lack of respect for that person trusting you, and it shows the lack of respect you have for The Father in His House. Honestly, we don’t have to wait for Sister So-In-So or ( the church gossipers ) to sit beside us and slander a brother/sister in the church, the pastor will be doing it for them in their next sermon. Why? Because they are superior to those in the pews, and they can do whatever they want because of their positions. But The Bible says in Psalm 105:15 and 1 Chronicles 16:22 touch not my anointed ones. Those that preach from pulpits, aren’t Gods only anointed ones. There are those that are seated in the pews ( in training ) suppose to be getting fed, but were being starved, polluted and infected. Why? Because of custom. Something that has been practiced for thousand of years by formalist or hypocrites. Jesus said in John 21:15-17 FEED MY SHEEP. If we claim to be that house built on a rock, then we shouldn’t be wavering around what the word says, but doing exactly what is in it. Next, it is NOT SELF–SEEKING.
I recall sitting down with a pastor to tell Him where I felt the Lord was calling me for my ministry, and I felt as if I had been auditioning him on a talk show. What started off as a mutual conversation easily shifted to me, me, me, and my, my, my. I remember leaving their feeling what a waste of time. Following that, it is NOT EASILY ANGERED. Everywhere I look I see shepherds killing His sheep. I cannot be the only one who has seen or heard about leaders getting ready to fist fight in the parking lot at the church. Then we try and justify our actions by saying that we are not to the point of turning the other cheek. ( Luke 6:29 ) Come on Saints of God! Jesus didn’t swing back or insult anyone when He was getting beat for us.( Isaiah 53:7 ) Instead He said “ Father forgive them, because they don’t know what they’re doing. ( Luke 23:34 ) We wrestle not against flesh and blood , but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this dark world. STOP KILLING HIS SHEEP. How can we claim to love God but hate each other? God is LOVE! Love does NOT DELIGHT IN EVIL. We don’t have to repay evil with evil just because we may feel hurt by the way someone may have responded to us or even may have looked at us. So what if they didn’t acknowledge you in front of the congregation. Since when did we become man pleasers? Forgive them brothers and sisters, and “ REPENT”. Do we really want to have to stand before God and explain to Him why unforgiveness shouldn’t be a reason for us to get cast into Hell? Lets stay away from the things God clearly hates and turn our minds to what pertains to Him and His Kingdom. In Addition to all of thee above, Love rejoices with the truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. The Truth is The Living Word of God. Everything we need to know about God’s love is in His Word. A reason to fear God is for the things we understand about the Bible. Not what we don’t understand. Everyone’s role is important. From the greeters, ushers, tithers, and worshipers. Lets stop despising one another and enter His courts with praise, and His gates with Thanksgiving! God cannot be mocked. Lets stop being the New Age Pharisees and live as Christians! REAL CHRISTIANS! Stop putting The Sovereign God in a Sunday and Wednesday box and live each day as if He were returning.” REPENT” for The Kingdom of Heaven is near. May God bless the readers.
Ashly Broussard 24, has been writing since 2007. Only possessing a High School diploma, she depended on her gift as a writer to pursue a rap career in the music industry. After the lose of one of her sisters she gave up the lifestyle of prostituting, exotic dancing, drugs, and alcohol to find the Lord. Now she uses the gift of writing to inspire children and adults alike to honor God and to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.