“It’s My Prerogative… I’ll Do What I Want To Do!”
By Lou Coleman
Really … You sound just like the people in the Book of Haggai. Selfish; self-centered. They were only thinking about themselves, building their own houses and planting their crops, and not taking time to build the house of the Lord. Well I want you to know that they found trouble (Haggai 1:6). The Lord was making it known why they were in the condition they were in: sowing much, and bringing little in; eating, but not having enough; drinking, but not filled; clothed, but not warm, having a paycheck but no money! Their need was not being met… “Utterly meaningless, says the Teacher” {Ecclesiastes 1:2}. Perhaps I should remind you of what Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but in the end thereof it leads to death.” Don’t be a fool! Remember the parable of the rich man. He said I’ll build me a barn to house all of my things. This man didn’t take time to consider his ways and make sure his soul was right with God. When he got his bigger barns finished, the Lord said, this night your soul is required of you… Are you sure you want to do your own thang? I wouldn’t want to be one who is carried away wanting to do my own thing and not putting God first. It can only mean disaster. You know many of the “things” written in the Bible are examples, both positive and negative, from which we are able to learn how we are or are not to behave and think before God. A lot of those examples are of selfish people who illustrate the characteristics and consequences having an improper attitude toward self. Cain {Genesis 4.) Ahab (1King 21}… David {2 Samuel 11} …James and John {Matt 20}… the Older Brother of the Prodigal {Luke 15}…just to name a few.
Listen, Haggai message was simple. It was a message of priority: Put first things first. His message was blunt. He pulled no punches and wasted no words. Haggai said stop making excuses, cease being selfish! God sought to warn the people to heed His words. Twice Haggai instructed the people, ‘consider your ways (1:5, 7). Which they did not. Therefore they were rebuked of the Lord because they were selfish and self-centered; letting the house of God lie waste, while every man ran to his own house. They had pushed God out of the center and because of that they suffered in every area. I tell you we too will get a rebuke from the Lord when we don’t do things God’s way. We really should take time to consider our ways. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want God to call for a drought for me as he did for the Jews. He called for a drought upon the land, the mountains, the corn, the new wine, the oil, and upon that which the ground would bring forth. Upon men, upon cattle, and upon all the labor of the hands. The Lord did that. Why? Because of a stiff-necked, selfish, self-centered people. He caused the heaven to be stayed from dew and the earth to be stayed from her fruit (verse 10). All because they wanted to do things their way and not God’s way. God is letting us know just what can happen to us if we refuse to do things His way. He knows how to get our attention. He knows how to deal with us that we might know we’re not doing it the way He wants us to do it. With this strong indictment and devastating predicament, the people realized they had caused their own calamites. The people were ready to evaluate their situation. Yes, we must put aside the things we desire, put aside our self-centered ways, and put the work of the Lord first. The psalmist declared: “I thought about my ways, and turned my feet to your testimonies” (Ps 119:59). Here in Haggai God shows us what happened to His people, and He lets us know why it happened. They didn’t see the need to build the house of God. I tell you we should be building up the house of God, working together to further the kingdom of God. Going out to minister to souls and bringing them into the church, where they can hear the Word of the Lord being preached and get saved, if they haven’t already given their hearts to the Lord.
Out of God’s love and mercy, He sends His prophets and preaches to remind us of His faithfulness – and in turn, to remind us as His people to be faithful and obedient as well. He has given us His Word to sound the alarm. Not only did God warn them, but He also offered promises through His servant Haggai to motivate them to follow Him. Don’t you know that if your priorities are not in order, your life will not be in order? If your priorities are not right, you won’t be right. Listen, you don’t have to pray about what your number one priority in life ought to be. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to discuss it. You don’t have to look for it. You just have to do it. Because Jesus has already told us what our first priority ought to be, “seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Jesus wants the first moments of everyday. Jesus wants the first day of every week. Jesus wants the first part of every paycheck. He wants to be first… Put “Self” to Death {Galatians 2:20}. I tell you, the kingdom of God ought to be the obsession of your life. We are not free to do as we please. We belong to God {Ezekiel 18:4}. Our lives belong to the Lord {Romans 14:7-8} and we live for the will of God {1Peter 4:1-2}. For the whole duty of man is to serve God {Ecclesiastes 12:13}. It’s not about you, but God… Stop being selfish and accept God’s prerogative as a great comfort to your soul. Cease striving, let go, relax and know that He is God. He will be exalted among the nations. He will be exalted in the earth, and He will be exalted in your life. Look to him and be saved. It’s Not Your Prerogative…. It’s God’s Prerogative!