Dr. Joy DeGruy
Saturday April 25, From 11am through 1pm
“I’m Starting With… The Man in the Mirror!”
By Lou Coleman
Man, I love that song… The songwriter said, “I’m gonna make a change for once in my life, it’s gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference, gonna make it right…..I see the kids in the street with not enough to eat, who am I to be blind? Pretending not to see their needs… they got nowhere to go, that’s why I want you to know I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways, and no message could have been any clearer, if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change. I’ve been a victim of a selfish kind of love…. I’m asking him to change his ways … you gotta get it right; while you got the time, you can’t close your mind… you’ve got to stop it, yourself! Yeah! The man in the mirror I’m asking him to make that change…!”
I think it would be safe to say that the reason Michael Jackson decided to sing this song was because he “Understood it!” He understood the purpose of life. The exact purpose that you and I were created for…to be our Brother’s Keeper! Jesus says, by our love for our brothers and sisters – a love that forgets self to think of others – All will know that we are His disciples. Support Brother Keeper Mission Project. The testimony of Scripture affirms that helping hurting people is the right thing to do. In Deuteronomy 15:11; 6 we are COMMANDED by God to be openhanded toward our fellow man that is poor and needy. David declares, “Blessed are those who have regard for the weak.” {Psalm 41:1}. Proverbs teachers, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord.” {Proverbs 19:17}. Jesus fed the hungry. He ministered to the sick. He comforted the bereaved. He welcomed the marginalized. We are to do the same. It is what we were created for. It is our intended purpose. And the good thing is there is no shortage of opportunities for us to help the hurting because there are so many of them. It is imperative that we understand the seriousness of what God has COMMANDED us to do… “To love our neighbor as He has loved us.”
Proverbs 4:7 says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all your getting get understanding. James 1:5 says “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him….I tell you the most important thing for us as Christians is to have Spiritual Understanding. When we want to evaluate something, we should ask the Lord to help us understand whatever it is that we are evaluating. Unless we can fully understand it, we might disregard it when we should take its message to heart, or we might take something to heart that we should disregard. Ephesians 5:17 tell us, Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Do yourself a favor: Get Understanding! And when you understand, understand that in the beginning when God made the world there were no needy people. Everyone had sufficiency. But then sin entered the world and it brought ignorance, injustice and inequity. Ever since then there have been people who don’t have enough to eat, who don’t have a place to live, and who don’t have clean water. I cannot emphasize enough that God’s people are called to change that lack by addressing their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Yes, one day Jesus will return and all injustice and poverty and homelessness and illness will be removed. But until that time the church of Christ should be working tirelessly to help those who are in need. This is the outworking of the Cross.
The message is clear. Giving to the needy is right. It pleases God, it helps others, and it is an integral part of the Christian faith. God has charged us with taking care of them. If we don’t, then our discipleship is unbalanced. Support Brother’s Keeper Mission Project,” and remember, nothing matters except that which we do for the Lord. And God says, “The least we do for one of them, we do unto Him.” So in all your getting, get understanding, please! Because when we stand before the Lord to be judged we will be commended or chastised for a series of six (6) activities, those we did or did not perform. One, providing food for one who is hungry. Two, giving drink to a person who is thirsty. Three, providing shelter for another who is a stranger. Four, giving clothes to the person who is naked. Five, looking after the sick and Six, comforting those in prison {Matt: 25:31-46}. You must know that the determining factor in determining our final destiny will be; was we are Brother’s Keeper.
My prayer and plea is for each of us to become the Good Samaritan who was willing to walk the walk and was not willing to just talk the talk. Support “Brother’s Keeper Mission Project” by visiting www.gofundme.com/99b30w and making a donation or send a check payable to: Brother’s Keeper Mission Project, 390 West 5th Street, #408, San Bernardino, CA 92402. The simplest of acts can have impacts far beyond our wildest dreams.
If you would like to join Ministry of Declaration/Truth; The Beautiful Gate Church/Ghana, Africa; Church of the Living God, Temple 208; 2 God Be All The Glory Community; Conduit of Grace Church; Ultimate Worship Church International, and Youth Hope, Inc., as we continue doing the work of Jesus and Greater works, please call (909) 649-8148 or send a message via email to colemanlou@hotmail.com. We are a community sent on a mission together: to keep on doing the ministry of Jesus so that all people and all creation might experience the reconciliation of God. Brother’s Keeper Mission Project – Called and empowered t
The California African American Museum Names George Davis as Interim Executive Director
LOS ANGELES CA- The California African American Museum (CAAM) has named George Davis as interim executive director. Davis will assume responsibility for strategic planning, budget development and management, as well as cultivating and maintaining strategic partnerships and relationships on behalf of the museum.
“My goals for CAAM are to provide strong leadership, improve relationships in the community among elected officials and other entities in Exposition Park, and increase financial support from foundations, corporations and individuals,” says Davis. “Additionally, I will strive to improve CAAM’s brand and relevancy among millennials, as well as improve visitors’ experience at the museum.”
In 2001, Davis founded Davis Broadband Group, a consulting firm that offers expertise to international media and entertainment companies on the distribution of digital content.
Davis was also a senior executive at Sony Pictures Entertainment and Technicolor.
“We look forward to Davis’ governance at CAAM,” says CAAM’s Board President Todd Hawkins. “Given his leadership roles at other corporations and organizations, we are confident Davis will elevate CAAM in our community and beyond.”
Throughout his career, Davis has been heavily active in the community and public sector. In 1999, Davis was appointed to the State board at CAAM and in 2007 was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to the California State Bar Board of Governors. He also served on the board of New Directions, a non-profit whose mission is to empower veterans and their families to help them live productive and fulfilling lives. From 2012-14, he served as volunteer state president at California AARP. In this role he represented the 3.5 million members in California and supported state and national legislative initiatives.
Davis received his MBA from the University of Southern California.
Press Meet and Greet with Charlie Baltimore, Introduction of Kash Doll
BEVERLY HILLS, CA- B.M.B Records, one of the fastest rising empires in the urban music industry will present an exclusive press meet and greet for Charli Baltimore premiering her new video “Bed Full of Money” and introducing Detroit’s fast-rising superstar Kash Doll on Tuesday, April 21st hosted by Luxe Hotel in Beverly Hills at 360 N Rodeo Dr. 7:30pm – 9:30pm.
Each B.M.B artist offers unique styles and perspectives based on real life experience in their music and videos. While Baltimore draws on her creativity to deliver highly regarded, brain pleasing metaphors, Kash Doll is a straight shooter and takes a direct, boss-up approach to communicate her ambitions and bankable talent. They will greet media, DJs, promoters, and entertainment VIPS to discuss their current projects and future plans.
Directed by Jeff Reyes of Echosworld Entertainment, the “Bed Full of Money” video is being serviced to top domestic, international and local outlets as part of a full scale promotion and publicity campaign to promote Baltimore’s anticipated album ETHOS which will follow the success of her Hard 2 Kill mixtape that reintroduced her to the mainstream and earned her a 2014 BET Awards Best Female Hip Hop Artist nomination. The Philly native is thrilled for the opportunity to reveal her latest visual offering. According to the Grammy nominated writer and artist, “We shot for 12 hours in LA in November… by the time we filmed the underwater scene it was 45 degrees, Jeff was such a trooper. After he got in to set up, I just summoned the courage to jump right in.” Baltimore adds “The true divas of the set were the wolves, they had to be pacified because we were running behind their call time!”
Described by Reyes as a visual interpretation of her lyrical wealth; “Bed Full of Money” is much sexier in comparison to Charli’s previous music videos. Reyes’ tapped into his edgy, yet luminous cinematic aesthetic to present an off the grid imagery; a refreshing departure from typical paint by numbers or scenes synced with lyrics.
B.M.B will continue the collaboration with Echosworld Entertainment on its new rap princess Kash Doll’s “Accurate” video. The melodic banger, is a follow up to her popular AV Compton remake of “Run Me My Money”. On Monday, April 20, 2015, Reyes will commandeer another high end production in Los Angeles that will show the world what Detroit already knows about the living doll who sold out St. Andrew concert hall at her 1st concert and regularly sparks frenzy among hundreds of thousands of social media super fans who she affectionately calls her ‘Baes’.
“The creative goal of the ‘Accurate’ video is simple-lay to rest any doubt of her validity,” explains B.M.B CEO, Brian M Brown. “From modeling, to exotic dancing and her transition into acting and rapping, Kash Doll is on point and accurate at everything and anything she aspires.”
Invited media and tastemakers will be treated to a special screening of the “Bed Full of Money” video and have to opportunity to interview and meet Charli and Kash Doll.
To secure VIP credentials, contact Event Producer B.M.B. Entertainment, Trea Davenport, CEO of Trea Day Management & Publicity at trea@treaday.com or 678-327-8281.
What It Do With The LUE: NoFace The Shadowmen
What It Do Beautiful People! It’s no secret how much I love talent, especially unique talent. Last year I had a chance to see an amazing artist that they call, “NoFace The Shadowmen”. When I first met him I was like “Ooookkkaaaay!” I was a little unsure and didn’t know what to expect until he began to play. This man is a genius when it comes to rocking on the keys. His music puts you in the mind of Jimi Hendrix. His funky sound will take into a trance and get you dancing all night long. Growing up an orphan not knowing his parents, he was able to use that hurt and pain to make feel good music for all to enjoy and love.
Performing all over Southern California and beyond he has truly left his musical mark.
“Noface” is the shadow who came to life. His magic is music. Calling himself a “Citizen of the world”, he possesses a style and vibe from both past and future. We don’t know where he came from, but we do know where he is going, everywhere! His bold, unique sound turns air molecules into keys. These keys unlock the hearts, minds and souls of the beautiful listener, allowing them to meet him in a sound. “Born of the dark, I create in the dark. I listen in the dark. There, sounds glow like birds on fire in stormy skies. Orphaned. Without a mask, I am beautiful!” states Noface Shadowmen.
Never judge a book by its cover. Make sure to check him out. Until next week, L’s!
For all Booking and Interviews contact Amy Simpson at bookingnoface@gmail.com, or call her at (951) 722-2677. You may also contact Bigg A – DPG Budeboy Ent RMM LLC at (714) 273-0341.
NofacE @ BXB San Diego
NofacE @ CR15 San Diego
NofacE @ Happier Together Perview
Sheriff, You Don’t Need a Pilot Program! Call Rialto! They Proved Body Cameras Work!
BOTTOMLINE… Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen
The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors ordered the Sheriff’s Department to create a pilot program to determine the effectiveness of using Body Cameras. The recent NBC video of County Sheriff’s Deputies’ violent capture of a “since-released-with-no-charges-filed-against-him” suspect prompts the BOS concern.
Deputies, and all police should wear body cameras. The concern regarding the effect of police wearing body cameras is a mystery to me. Police serving the city of Rialto have been celebrated across America for their effective crime and violence reducing Body Camera Policy.
The Guardian Newspaper published a statement back in November 2013 regarding the Rialto Body Camera Policy entitled, “The College of Policing”, which recently announced plans for large-scale trials of body-worn video in England and Wales, saying Rialto’s experiment showed big drops in the use of force and in public complaints against officers.”
The New York Daily News published a story in August of 2013, written by Nancy Dillion that quoted the Rialto Police Chief regarding the effectiveness of using Body Cameras.
Rialto Police Chief Tony Farrar said he had worried the cameras would have a chilling effect, but found that wasn’t the case:
“The thinking was that some officers wearing cameras might try to hide and not really do their job. We found the opposite,” Farrar said. “We actually had 3,000 more officer-citizen contacts during the year (of the experiment).”
At the same time, formal complaints against his officers plunged 88 percent during the year, he said. And officer “use of force” incidents dropped by 59 percent.
“When you put a camera on a police officer or anyone, the natural human reaction is that you behave a little more professional. You follow the rules a little more,” he said. “On the other side, if a citizen knows the officer has a camera, that person acts and behaves a little bit more professional, too.”
He said the program cost about $150,000 for the initial 54 cameras, the batteries and the software — all supplied by Taser and Evidence.com.
The local proof of positive results coming from the police use of Body Cameras is in! There is little need for the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s department to continue dragging feet regarding Body Cameras. They need to simply call Rialto for advice and consultation!
Mother of Watts, Sweet Alice Harris, Visits San Bernardino

(First row) Dr. Deborah Winn, founder of WWAM; Allen Harris, Father of Watts; Sweet Alice Harris (Mother of Watts); and Aubrey Winn. (second row): Terry Boykins (white tee, second left) and Mama’s Boys (M.O.M.).
SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Saturday, April 11, Sweet Alice Harris, mother of Watts, came to visit and meet with Dr. Deborah, founder of Willing Winn Association and Mission (WWAM Inc.). Men on a Mission and Terry Boykins, Executive Director of Street Positive, was also in attendance at Saturday’s meeting. M.O.M. have been volunteers with W.W.A.M. for about 2 and half years and most of them live on Wall Street in San Bernardino.
During the meeting and lunch discussions and plans were formulated on how start making the streets of San Bernardino safer and to stop some of the violence and prostitution that has been going on in the city for far too long.
The first plan of action will be an I.S.A.H. (It Starts At Home) Juneteenth Block Party, which will be held on the Wall Street, where the home of WWAM sits. Wall Street is one of the most scare streets in the City of San Bernardino. The celebration will start from Baseline and Wall to 16th and Wall. During the event there will be voter registration booths, a local college fair, and much more to assist in getting the lives of San Bernardino’s people back on track to success. In addition, Wall Street of New York will also be making an appearance to Wall Street in San Bernardino. There will also be scholarships available for youth in the neighborhood.
The “I.S.A.H. Juneteenth Celebration” will be a joint effort between WWAM, Street Positive (Terry Boykins), and Sweet Alice. Sweet Alice Harris and her husband Allen Harris are both the parents of Watts. For more information or to be a vendor, please email Deborah Winn at wwaminc92@yahoo.com.
AKA Ambassadors: From Southern California to Southern Africa

Picture reflects those who attended the “Welcome to South Africa” trip including coordinator of the trip Ms. Shalimar Horsely, front row, and 9th person in black top.
Following a presentation to chapter members and two years of prayer and planning, members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Eta Nu Omega San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter, completed its pilgrimage to the Motherland during the month of March 2015 with an itinerary started in London, England, and continued to Cape Town, South Africa, Chobe Safari Lodge, Botswana, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, and Johannesburg, South Africa, along with thirty-nine member group included eighteen Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority members, representing chapters from California, Maryland, Illinois, and North Carolina.
The development of the trip began as a vision of local chapter members, Annette Weathington, Immediate Past President, and Shalimar Horsley, Global Poverty Chairman, both of Eta Nu Omega Chapter who had visited South Africa in 2011 and 2013, respectively, with tour group, Mahogany Vacations, an African American owned travel company. While touring in Africa, the ladies easily noted the beauty and rich culture of the people, but the deprivation in countries where the economies boast some of the world’s highest levels of unemployment, poverty, and medical challenges had a much greater impact. The deplorable conditions were a reminder of Alpha Kappa Alpha’s commitment to address the issues of global poverty; Eta Nu Omega Chapter members eagerly embraced the challenge that Shalimar proposed with the cooperation of Mahogany Vacations owner, Perez Melhado a life changing “vacation with a purpose” was organized by the pair.
Visits to Baphumelele children’s home, founded by Rosalie “Mama Rosa” Mashale in 1989, for orphaned children ages 0-18, and the Iliso Care Society, a soup kitchen founded by activist Vivian Zilo in 2005, provide services to underserved children. Both organizations are located in the Khaylitsha Township where they provide services to underserved children. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority members, the members of the Mahogany Vacation staff, and the other tour guests collectively donated food, clothing, diapers, personal hygiene items, toys and other supplies, as well as monetary donations.
Other highlights of the trip included a visit to Robben Island where President Mandela and other political activists were imprisoned, participation in several African safaris, a tour of Cape Town vineyards, a walking tour through the glorious Victoria Falls, and a visit to District Six, a former inner-city residential area in Cape Town, South Africa, where over 60,000 inhabitants were forcibly removed during the 1970’s by the apartheid regime. Tours of Nelson Mandela’s presidential home, as well as his Soweto home, the Apartheid Museum, and the Iziko Museums Slave Lodge was additional highlights that contributed to the experiences of the group.
Local presiding Eta Nu Omega Chapter president, Tiena Johnson-Hall stated, “Our objective was to do more than tour different African countries, we wanted to witness and better understand the history of the countries we visited and to provide support for two grass-roots projects that were actively making a difference in the lives of the people in those communities. Service to mankind is a key component of Alpha Kappa Alpha’s principle goals, so participating in a cultural tour that included a giving back element is quite rewarding on many levels.”
District Export Council of Southern California presents Afterhours Networking Series Doing Business in Africa
Union Bank Named Banking and Financial Institution of the Year during GLAAACC’S 22ND Annual Economic Awards Dinner
Union Bank was recently honored by the Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce (GLAAACC) with the Banking and Financial Institution of the Year award. The award was presented to Union Bank Managing Director Todd Hollander, who heads the bank’s Business Banking Group, during GLAAACC’s 22nd Annual Economic Awards Dinner. The award recognizes the banking institution that has shown the highest level of responsiveness to the African American and small business community.
The GLAAACC’s 22nd Annual Economic Awards Dinner, held at the JW Marriott at L.A. Live, honored the accomplishments of individuals, small businesses and corporations who are working for the greater good of African American businesses. U.S. Small Business Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet delivered the keynote address
“Union Bank is humbled to be the recipient of such a prestigious award,” said Hollander. “We are committed to the success of diverse business communities throughout our geographies, including in and around Los Angeles, and we are committed to the needs of business owners who are helping drive California’s economy.”