LUE PRODUCTIONS: Top Cook Competition/Comedy Show Recap


What it Do! OMG, if you missed our TOP COOK COMPETITION/COMEDY SHOW Fundraiser on Friday, October 24 then you missed one heck of an event. The night was beautiful, as well as the dishes presented by our three competitors Iesha Nelson, Lawanda Lee, and Lanoris Brown. However, as we all know there can only be one winner. That night Chef Lanoris Brown reined supreme receiving high scores in taste, presentation, skill, and overall performance. Chef Brown, along with his team, came with their A-game on all levels, and he was crowned LUE PRODUCTIONS TOP COOK.

Audience members were able to experience some of the fabulous entrees that each cook made. The competitors had to present a three course meal for a panel of comedy judges. Talk about no pressure.

Chef Lanoris’ meal consisted of the following: an appetizer which was blackened chicken spring rolls. The entrée consisted of stuffed airline chicken breast with a mousseline forcemeat and asparagus, and to top it all off, for dessert he cooked a deep fried granola bar with cream cheese frosting, blue berries and raspberries, and then topped it with whipped cream and powdered sugar. All I have to say is when I get some more pocket change I will defiantly hire him as a personal chef, he’s that good! Congratulations, Chef Brown.

Chef Lanoris Brown graduated from Riverside Culinary Arts where he learned from some of the best in the field. This allowed Lanoris to create his own unique style. His fusion of Soul Food, Mexican, and Asian cuisine mixed with a little bit of French keeps folks wanting more. His desire is to one day be a restaurant owner. He stated that “he wants to see people eating and enjoying his food.”

Until next time and see you next week IE, much love!

Get Your Tickets to See Snoop Dogg!

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg

LAS VEGAS, NV- The holidays are coming up which means it is the perfect time of the year to not only take a mini vacation, but to also treat yourself…at the same time! On November 14 through November 16 the Rock’n’Roll Running Festival will be back in Las Vegas and on Sunday, November 16 at 3 p.m. rap icon Snoop Dogg will be performing during the pre-race.

“Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas has proven over and over again to be one of the biggest and most anticipated running events in the world,” said Josh Furlow, EVP of Global Events for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series. “We are thrilled to continue this legacy in 2014 by announcing Snoop Dogg, one of the most legendary, chart-topping artists of the past two decades, as the headliner for this year’s festivities.”

The festival is the only running event to be illuminated by the neon lights on the Las Vegas Strip. Each of the marathon and half-marathon courses run down both sides of Las Vegas Boulevard, featuring everything from the iconic  ‘Welcome to Las Vegas’ sign to the Fountains of Bellagio with the finish line at the base of the Mirage Volcano.

Weekend activities begin with a free two-day Health & Fitness Expo where all participants pick up their race number, gear bag and t-shirt. This ultimate running resource will take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center on Friday, November 14 and Saturday, November 15.  New in 2014, festival weekend will include the inaugural Rock ‘n’ Roll 5k presented by SLS Las Vegas on Saturday night where runners can take the on Remix Challenge; running two events and potentially garnering three medals in one weekend.

As the event’s official charity, the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America will return with the Team Challenge half-marathon training program. Over the now six-year history of the Rock ‘n’ Roll event in Las Vegas, more than $20 million has been raised for CCFA through the Las Vegas race to find a cure for the 1.4 million Americans living with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

For more information or to register for Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas, visit or follow @RunRocknRoll on Twitter.

Tavis Smiley Visits Valley College

(left to right) Tavis Smiley; Assmeblymember Cheryl Brown, 47th District; and Dr. Gloria M. Fisher, Interim president of SBVC. (Photo credit: John Coleman)

(left to right) Tavis Smiley; Assmeblymember Cheryl Brown, 47th District; and Dr. Gloria M. Fisher, Interim president of SBVC. (Photo credit: John Coleman)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Thursday, October 23, renowned media personality, Tavis Smiley, paid a special visit to San Bernardino Valley College where he enlightened the crowd on different issues within the community. Smiley has received 16 honorary doctorate degrees for his 30 years of dedicated and committed service as a talk show personality, political commentator, activist, author, advocate, producer, and benefactor.

During his speech at Valley College, Mr. Smiley urged both the young and seasoned individuals in the crowd to assist in changing the world to make it a better place. After the event guests were able to take photos and get an autographed copy of Smiley’s latest book.


“Stupid is as Stupid Does!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

“Mama always said, “Stupid is as stupid does” – Forrest Gump


I tell you, too many of us “Believers” get stuck on stupid. We can be orthodox, faithful in our church attendance, givers, read our Bibles, pray regularly and still be stuck on stupid. Jonah was. In the beginning Jonah was stuck on stupid and he hadn’t learned a thing. And if we continue to keep repeating the same stupid sin, then we too are stuck on stupid.  Yes, the truth cuts, but truth never fears scrutiny.


The problem with most of us is that we have an arrested theological development. We go back to the way we always thought and don’t want to be shaken. But as Forrest’s sergeant asked in the movie, “What’s the matter with you? Are you stupid or something?” And just like Forrest, we stand at attention and bark, “Stupid is as stupid does, sir!”

Where am I going with this? Actions speak louder than words. Christian is as Christian does, faith is as faith does, and love is as love does. My friend, if you are still repeating the same sin that you did five years ago; ten years ago or even twenty years ago, and if you’re not growing; if you’re not even baby-stepping spiritually, then you’re probably stuck on stupid. The good news is that you don’t have to stay there. You can grow. You can change… starting today! As the writer of Hebrews challenged, “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Heb. 12:1). God wants all of us to keep growing in grace until He graduates us and takes us home.

You know there is a huge difference between knowing the truth and living the truth. All the things that Jonah said while he was inside the fish were all things that he knew to be true before he set foot on the boat. But even though he knew it, he didn’t live it. Even though he knew all that about God, it still didn’t stop him from running away from God. I tell you at that point we can be a lot like Jonah. We can know the truth about what God has done for us in Jesus, but that doesn’t mean we always live it out. We can know that we have been saved from our sin, but sometimes our lives don’t show it. Jonah never got it. He was stuck on stupid. He never got over his sin of prejudice. He was still bitter and angry as the book closed. He still had a high opinion of himself and he’s hung on to the petty. Jonah never learned the lesson that God was trying to teach him.  How about you? Or are you a modern day Jonah? “Stupid is as Stupid Does!”

Timeless Elegance and Pearl-fect Fashions

2013 Fashion Show

2013 Fashion Show

ONTARIO, CA- The lovely ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Eta Nu Omega Chapter, and The Inland Ivy Foundation are combining timeless fashions and a legacy of elegance through their annual Fashion Show fundraiser. The show attracts over 300 entrepreneurs, educators, public officials, and other professionals from the Inland Empire, Riverside and San Bernardino communities. Entitled “Timeless Elegance… Through Timeless Pearlfection,” the fundraiser will be held on Sunday, November 9 at the Radisson Ontario Airport Hotel located at 2200 E. Holt Boulevard in Ontario.

The audience should prepare to “expect the unexpected” as the models grace the runway in an array of beauty featuring all shapes, sizes and generations.  The show offers timeless fashions as seen through the pearlescent scope of Los Angeles’ top beauty and fashion experts as provided by Franzine Beauty, Model group and Runway production team.

In addition to the show, guests are invited to splurge in a shopping area featuring local small business owners or indulge in hot and chilled hor d’oeuvres and dessert bar. Guests have the opportunity to win a vast selection of door and raffle prizes ranging from vacation stays in Las Vegas and Oceanside to wine-lovers’ basket and designer clutches.

For Tickets please visit For Advertisement and Vendor information please contact Gerri Foxall-Kater and Nellie Moore at

WHAT IT DO WITH LUE: TOP COOK Competition and Comedy Show


What It Do beautiful people of the inland empire! So, I have a question. Is food considered art? Well, in my eyes yes, yes, and yes! Okay you guessed it I’m greedy and love to eat new and exciting foods, and this Friday it’s going down! My company LUE Productions is holding a TOP COOK Competition and Comedy Show Fundraiser! Food and laugher goes hand and hand. I will be your lovely event host. Come out and sample a variety of food and get your laugh on, all at the same time.

Who will be known as the TOP Cook for our LUE Productions 2014 TOP COOK Competition and Comedy Show? We have five cooks in the mix. Come watch as these talented and amazing cooks go head-to-head competing for $100, an internet show interview, a write up in the Westside Story Newspaper, a spot in the final competition, bragging rights, and more! The roster of cooks consists of Iesha Nelson, Lawanna Lee, Kawanna Richardson, Lanoris Brown, and Dee Williams.

The following comedians will have you laughing your butt off! They include, Tamiko Kirkland, Bret As-is, and Ms. Arkansas. The event goes down this Friday, October 24 at 7 p.m. at 114 S. Arrowhead Avenue in San Bernardino. Tickets are on sale now for pre-sale at $8  and it comes with one free drink. Tickets at the door are $10.

For more information, visit

Jack Hill Honoree Service was a Success

Jack Hill has served many years of dedicated service on the library board. (Photo credit: John Coleman)

Jack Hill has served many years of dedicated service on the library board. (Photo credit: John Coleman)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The community gathered together at the Norman Feldman Central Library in downtown San Bernardino to honor a legend within the city. Jack Hill, a public servant and community leader, was honored on Thursday, October 16 for his many years of service to the library board.

Mr. Hill is also a war veteran. He also owned and operated a successful catering business, started the first African American Boy Scout Troop in San Bernardino, and he is the first African American president of the San Bernardino Area of the Chamber of Commerce. In addition, he is a dedicated family man that loves working hard for his community and doing the works of God. More photos coming soon. 

Leadership Redux for This Generation

Hakim Hazim

Hakim Hazim

By Hakim Hazim

“The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating, all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.”

-Frederick Douglass

If we want to continue to be free from societal and self-inflicted limitations, we must return to our ancestral core psyche that enshrined faith, struggle, resilience and devotion to the cause of empowering our brothers and sisters. Those who survived the Transatlantic trip and gifted this country with their progeny were some of the most amazing people to ever walk the earth. They embraced these traits as their only hope and so should we. To be certain, we as a people have made tremendous strides. But it is curious to me that although our history has been replete with great spiritual fervor and passion, we are beginning to leave this out of our approach. Our most accomplished leader today was the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He had a Gospel-oriented, political approach that implemented civil disobedience to achieve liberation for the masses of Black people. It cost him his life, and he gave it, without flinching. No man is perfect and without flaws, but I believe a flawless God chooses flawed people to carry out His will, if they are simply willing to suffer and struggle in order to fulfill His plan.

Given the current state of affairs, can any person of faith truly say this is God’s current plan for us? The incredible strides we made collectively post WWII to the Civil Rights Era slowed to a crawl only a few years afterward. Economic advancement was unleashed, but rife individualism accompanied this progress. What we need is leadership redux. Redux means to return or review a previous time and to glean from its benefits. We were a less self-centered people at one time. Driven by a great cause, we joined in and supported our leaders. The greatness of black leaders was their willingness to risk everything to move their people forward. History shows us that everything from great military campaigns to business ventures begins with risk tolerance. What separates pretenders from the valiant is risk, plain and simple. When it comes to social reform the same is true. Unfortunately, we don’t have men who will risk everything for their wives and families. We don’t have politicians who will risk their political career for the right thing or the people they represent, anymore. We don’t have godly men who will reject church opinion to comb the streets in search of the stray lamb that has little to offer the congregation. And because of this lack of leadership we can’t offer this generation what previous generations offered us. It is incumbent upon us to give them better.

We need to start fighting now and not concern ourselves with the winds of popular opinion. We must preserve the best aspects of our past and not prop up self-absorbed celebrities as the role models for our young. It’s great that many of our athletes and entertainers are making so much money, but we have to make sure their shine does not eclipse the pillars our fathers who made so much of our progress possible. We must remember those who risked being recaptured again into slavery to help others be free; those who sacrificed their lives to set things right, and those who labor still for the promise of what we can be as a people. Leadership redux is the only answer for our current state of affairs.


The Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr. to Deliver Speech at San Bernardino NAACP Dinner

Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr.

Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr.

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-The San Bernardino NAACP will commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act with a keynote address by the Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr. Brown is most noted for his tenure in the California State Assembly as the longest serving Speaker of the House, and most recently, as the first black Mayor of the city of San Francisco.  Earlier this year, the San Francisco Bay Bridge was named the Willie L. Brown Jr. Bay Bridge, in his honor.

As an undergraduate student, Brown was very active in the San Francisco Branch of the NAACP.  On February 4, 2014, he was inducted into the NAACP Legacy Hall of Fame.  As a keynote speaker, Brown mixes passion and practicality to discuss his wins and losses in the world of politics.  With a dynamic, no-nonsense style, his message will stimulate the audience to add value to their community by getting involved with the local branch of the NAACP.

The Annual Freedom Fund Dinner will take place Thursday, October 30 at 6 p.m. at the Hotel San Bernardino located at 285 East Hospitality Lane.  Tickets can be purchased online at


Lessons Learned from Initial Open Enrollment Applied to Major Changes for Upcoming Open Enrollment Nov. 15 to Feb. 15

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Covered California announced it has begun the renewal process for 1.12 million individuals who enrolled in plans in the exchange last year and unveiled substantial new improvements to facilitate enrollment in coverage for 2015.

“Last year, we succeeded in signing up millions of Californians in health coverage through Covered California and Medi-Cal,” Covered California Executive Director Peter V. Lee said. “We learned a great deal in the process, and in this second open enrollment we are building on those lessons using effective and concrete changes.”

The first wave of renewal notices was sent to consumers on Wednesday. Consumers who complete the renewal process will hear from their insurance plans in December. Their selected health plan will send a statement reflecting coverage starting Jan. 1, 2015. Consumers who take no action will be renewed into their existing plan.

Individuals who have health coverage through Medi-Cal renew their coverage throughout the year, on a rolling monthly schedule. Medi-Cal will contact them directly if they need to take action. Unless they are contacted by Medi-Cal, these individuals do not need to go to the Covered California website to renew or apply.

Covered California also provided updated enrollment numbers for 2014 on Thursday. Of the Californians who selected a plan during the initial open enrollment, 1,140,000 (or 81 percent) had their coverage take effect by paying their first month’s premium. Today, a total of 1.12 million individuals have effectuated coverage and will be part of the renewal process. Covered California expects this number to increase as special enrollment continues and as recent enrollees effectuate their coverage, with about 1.3 million Californians participating in the renewal process through the end of the year.

For more information about the enrollment numbers, see the October 2014 “Individual Market Enrollment Report” online at

“This is our very first experience with renewal, and we will learn things during this process just as we learned a great deal about open enrollment during 2013-2014. We do believe many significant improvements have been made that will assist our consumers during both renewal and open enrollment this year,” Lee said.

In the meantime, Covered California continues to gear up for open enrollment, which will begin Nov. 15 and continue through Feb. 15. Open enrollment is the next opportunity for all Californians to benefit from new insurance rules, including the requirement that insurance be offered regardless of health status. In addition, this is the window of time when Californians can buy subsidized coverage starting in 2015.

Covered California has adopted changes, guided by a newly released report titled “Covered California Open Enrollment 2013-2014: Lessons Learned,” to improve consumers’ experience. The report commissioned by Covered California offers an in-depth look at Covered California’s work during the first open-enrollment period. It is available online at

“We know this open-enrollment period will be more challenging in some ways. Consumers will only have three months to enroll, compared with the six months they had last time. This is complicated by our knowledge that many who are uninsured have adapted to a culture of coping and have become accustomed to living without health insurance,” Lee said.

With less than one month before open enrollment begins, consumers can begin the process of shopping for 2015 coverage. They can find out if they are eligible for financial assistance and find out how much a health plan will cost them, by using Covered California’s Shop and Compare Tool (on Covered California also offers a full listing of the plans and their rates in the booklet “Health Insurance Companies and Plan Rates for 2015” (online at

Following are the top lessons learned and the ways that Covered California is improving its work for the coming open-enrollment period.

The volume of consumer interest and interactions exceeded expectations and challenged all systems and service channels. As a result:

  • Covered California will start open enrollment with more than double the number of Service Center representatives — state employed and contractors — to dramatically reduce wait times and help consumers enroll. More than 1,300 representatives will help consumers over the phone, by chat or by processing their paper applications or documents. The majority of these representatives are state employees working in Rancho Cordova and Fresno, but two private vendors — Faneuil and Maximus — will operate call centers to boost capacity during this period. Last year, Covered California began open enrollment with 381 Service Center representatives and ended with 709.
  • While the vast majority of consumers are served in their own languages by Covered California staff, the capacity of the Service Center will be expanded more in order to serve callers in Spanish, Chinese and other languages without the use of interpreters. This year Covered California will have 254 Service Center representatives able to serve consumers in languages other than English, compared with 55 during open enrollment in 2013.
  • Service Center hours — including phone service and online chat — have been expanded to accommodate consumers after hours, with representatives now available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. In addition, the Service Center will be open on many Sundays during open enrollment, including every Sunday from Nov. 16 through Dec. 15.
  • Covered California is working with health plans to make it possible for consumers to make their first premium payment online as soon as they have selected a plan. This will give consumers peace of mind that they have evidence that their payment has been received and that they will have coverage in place.
  • To meet high consumer demand, Covered California spent $22.6 million to upgrade the enrollment portal infrastructure to allow for greater user capacity and speedier page loads so that consumers do not have to return later to complete an application.
  • For self-service, Covered California is redesigning its interactive voice response (IVR) system to handle more consumer calls while decreasing wait times and updating consumers on wait times when they are placed on hold.
  • Covered California is continuing to make significant improvements so that notices consumers receive are clearer, explanations on the website are better — in both English and Spanish — and the consumer experience is more seamless.

Many consumers are new to insurance and need extensive education about health insurance terminology, how to enroll in coverage and how to use insurance. As a result:

  • Advertising this year features real Californians speaking to the ways that coverage has benefited them as a result of the Affordable Care Act, including testimonials from people who were able to get vital care as a result of their coverage. The volume of advertising will taper down in the coming two weeks and then ramp up significantly before open enrollment starts on Nov. 15.
  • Realizing that Certified Enrollment Counselors and Certified Insurance Agents are some of the agency’s strongest connections to consumers, Covered California is giving these valued partners enhanced and expanded tools to educate enrollees, including biweekly webinars, training from subject matter experts, a bimonthly newsletter to highlight best practices and modifications to the enrollment process, and an updated glossary of terminology.
  • This year, Covered California will expand dedicated call lines to help Certified Insurance Agents and Certified Enrollment Counselors help consumers during the application process.

Most consumers relied on a variety of touch points, including in-person assistance, to successfully complete enrollment. As a result:

  • Covered California’s partners will open more than 200 storefronts in retail locations, such as malls, to help serve consumers on a drop-in basis that meets their scheduling needs. Consumers can get help at these sites to enroll, renew and learn more about health coverage options.
  • Covered California will begin the open-enrollment period with more than 12,000 Certified Insurance Agents, 10,000 county eligibility workers, and 6,400 Certified Enrollment Counselors to help educate and enroll consumers. To get free, confidential, in-person assistance, consumers should visit and click “Find Help Near You.”
  • Enrollment of African-Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans will be emphasized and broadened through targeted advertising in relevant media outlets, through Navigator grants supporting in-person enrollment guidance from expert communicators specializing in outreach to underserviced communities, and through engagement of African-American churches to host community-wide enrollment events.

“We are extremely excited about the changes we have put in place, and we look forward to building on the enthusiasm around open enrollment this year as we did last year,” Lee said, noting that more than 70 events are scheduled in the Los Angeles area alone between now and Nov. 15. “The Affordable Care Act is working, and it is changing the lives of people for the better.

“At the same time, we know we have more work to do. We want Covered California to deliver best-in-class customer service, and we know we’re not there yet,” Lee said. “But we’re getting better every week, and we will continue to learn and improve.”

Covered California offers a range of choices of private health insurance plans. Consumers can choose the health plan and level of coverage (Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum) that best meets their health needs and budget.

About Covered California

Covered California is the state’s marketplace for the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Covered California, in partnership with the California Department of Health Care Services, was charged with creating a new health insurance marketplace in which individuals and small businesses can get access to affordable health insurance plans. Covered California helps individuals determine whether they are eligible for premium assistance that is available on a sliding-scale basis to reduce insurance costs or whether they are eligible for low-cost or no-cost Medi-Cal. Consumers can then compare health insurance plans and choose the plan that works best for their health needs and budget. Small businesses can purchase competitively priced health insurance plans and offer their employees the ability to choose from an array of plans and may qualify for federal tax credits.

Covered California is an independent part of the state government whose job is to make the new market work for California’s consumers. It is overseen by a five-member board appointed by the governor and the Legislature. For more information about Covered California, please visit