Seeking Applications for California Teachers of Year Program


SAN BERNARDINO – Districts, charter and private schools, as well as professional organizations from San Bernardino County, are encouraged to submit applications for the annual California Teachers of the Year program for 2015, which is organized through the California Department of Education. The deadline for applications is August 8, 2014.

The program highlights educational innovation, student learning and the rewards of teaching for the more than 17,000 teachers who work in the county’s 33 school districts with more than 411,000 students.Program information, including the application form and instructions, can be downloaded at

Completed application materials should include one original, printed on single-sided paper, as well as an additional 25 copies that are printed double-sided. Applications should be sent to Nancy Johnson, staff development specialist in Human Resources for San Bernardino County Superintendent at Schools, at 760 E. Brier Dr. in San Bernardino, 92408. For more information, call (909) 386-9570.

San Bernardino High Offers Low-Cost Sports Physicals

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SAN BERNARDINO, CA- San Bernardino High School is offering $10 sports physicals for middle and high school students, regardless of family income, on Wednesday, July 16 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cash payment, student immunization records, and a parent or guardian signature are required at the time of the physical. Call Jamie Rios at (909) 881-8217 for more information.

Black Rose, Humanitarian of the Year and Community Service Awards Banquet

2011 Awards Recipients

2011 Awards Recipients

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation, Inc. will be celebrating its 25th Annual Black Rose, Humanitarian of the Year and Community Service Awards Banquet on Friday, September 12 at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino.

This is a community event in which individuals and/or businesses of the community are recognized by their peers and the community for giving back beyond what could be expected as well as serving as a fundraising event to help provide scholarships for students who live in San Bernardino and Highland and attend San Bernardino City Schools, Aquinas, and Loma Linda Academy.

Applications are now being accepted for potential nominations. If you know someone or a business deserving to be recognized as an unsung hero for volunteer efforts over and above job related activities, please take the time to complete an application which can be downloaded at and submitted to or Troy Ingram at, or mailed to The San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 7288, San Bernardino, CA 92411. The deadline for submitting nominations is July 31, 2014.

2014 Youth Awards is Accepting Scholarship Applications


SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The 2014 Youth Awards presented by the Hispanic Heritage Foundation is coming to you this fall.  The Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards offers educational grants in several categories to qualified Hispanic/Latino high school seniors. Recipients are eligible to receive an educational grant ranging from $1,000 to $3,000. Students are also eligible to be selected as a national recipient and receive a laptop computer and an all expense paid trip to attend the National Youth Awards ceremony!

Categories for scholarships include Business and Entrepreneurship, Education & Math, Healthcare Science, and Innovation & Technology. If you’re looking for scholarship money, be sure to apply online at by September 15, 2014. (By Noelle Lilley)

Celebrity Hairstylist, China Upshaw Gives Summer Hair Tips

Celebrity hair stylist, China Upshaw

Celebrity hair stylist, China Upshaw

Its summer time, it’s hot and sometimes we just don’t know what to do with our hair in order to keep cool. Below are a few summer hair trends that are recommended by celebrity hairstylist China Upshaw.

  • First trend: Shorter hair is better for the summer because it’s cooler. It’s already hot during the summer and having a bunch of hair to deal with is the worst.
  • Second trend: naturally curly bobs for the summer are also great!
  • Third trend: really high buns are in for the summer.
  • Fourth trend: Going to a lighter hair color during the summer is the best time to do it.

About China:

China Upshaw is a celebrity hairstylist from sunny California with over 10 years of experience in the celebrity hair styling industry. She currently has a salon home with the world famous Kimble Hair Studio in West Hollywood, and is one of the stars of WE TVs LA Hair which is currently in its 3rd season and shows every Thursday at 9 p.m..  Some of Upshaw’s clients include Chante Moore, Robin Givens, Kelly Rowland and Necole Bitchie.

To stay up to date on China’s endeavors, follow her on twitter @chinaupshawhair and Instagram @chinaupshaw.


Save the Date: Pastoral Installation and Community Celebration

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RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA- You are cordially invited to the Pastoral Installation and Community Celebration of Pastors Samuel and Tamika Casey on Sunday, August 3 at 4 p.m. The theme is “Pastors Given from the Heart of God”, coming from Jeremiah 3:15. Join New Life Christian Church of Fontana at Immanuel Praise Fellowship in Rancho Cucamonga to commemorate and celebrate the Lord’s doing. Attendees are also encouraged to purchase an advertisement, sharing a message to the Pastors or promoting their business and service. Enjoy a time of fellowship and worship! (By Noelle Lilley)

Southern California HBCU Reunion is Back!

HBCU Reunion

ALTADENA, CA- Get ready this summer for the annual Socal HBCU Reunion on Saturday, July 12. Hosted by the California HBCU Alliance and the County of LA Parks and Recreation, the Socal HBCU Reunion is an event created to share the culture of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and to build networking opportunities for students and alumni.

The reunion will have incoming HBCU students, current HBCU students and of course HBCU Alumni. There will be multiple activities throughout the day including food trucks, vendors, HBCU competitions and more. Be sure to bring blankets, chairs, and umbrellas. The reunion will be from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Loma Alta Park located at 3330 Lincoln Avenue in Altadena (91001). For more information, you can contact the committee chair, Nicole F. Calvery, at (626) 676-7309. (By Noelle Lilley)

Making Dreams Come True Through Fashion

Fashion Show

By Naomi Bonman 

LOS ANGELES, CA- We all have that one big dream that we wish to accomplish. That dream that will change lives. This is what Creative Director of Fashion Speaks, Joshua Washington, envisioned in his dream, and it came to reality on Tuesday, July 8 with the help of the Los Angeles Urban League of Young Professionals and Cricket Wireless. This was the 3rd Annual fashion show that Washington has hosted entitled, “LA-In-A-Day”, held at the Los Angeles Supper Club in Hollywood.

“With the production of this third installment, we remain firm in our commitment to provide a prominent stage for young designers to showcase their talents”, LAULYP President Abby Harris stated.

‘From the Beach, to the streets, to the office suites’ fashion show is all about giving back. Partial proceeds from the show are donated to support the youth empowerment programs of LA-based non-profit, C.L.I.M.B., Inc. Cosmetics of the show were donated by Ashley Reed of Mary Kay and hair creations were by Hair Republic located in Hesperia, California.

The hosts for the evening were fashion blogger and LAULYP member, Sharick LaMay, and actor Leo Brecken-Ridge. The two vibed well together as they introduced top designer brands which included Zalez Studio, Nour Amini Haute Couture, Drobe, J. Loren, Merlin Castell, Diamond Doll Collection, Krammer & Stoudt, Candy Coated Swimwear, and Nikki Kouture. Prior to the fashion show, celebrity and special guests walked down the red carpet for photo and press opportunities.

For more information on how you can become involved with the Los Angeles Urban League of Young Professionals, please visit

“We’ve been WARNED!”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

1st Warning.…. Jesus went into the Church and threw out the money-changers, overturned tables, and cast out those who had used the temple of God in vain for their own betterment and gain. Jesus went to set the Church in order. “My house shall be called the house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.”

2nd Warning……On the appointed day after His death, burial, and resurrection Jesus ascended into the Heavens and sat at the right hand of the Father in glory. But before Jesus relaxed Himself, He called for an old Apostle exiled on Mt. Patmos. Jesus called for John, the Revelator. Jesus told John to come on up, and bring a pad and pen because he needed to write letters to the “Seven Churches.”

Final Warning.…… “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

“The Church of today is filled with whimpering, jealous, defeated Christians.  They are worldly, selfish and cold because they are in bondage under the power of the Devil’s emphasis on their flesh, and the Church won’t preach against it.  Instead of the call of the Church, people hear and give in to the call of the people.  Instead of love for the Father, it is lust of the flesh.  Instead of fishing for men, they are fishing for materialism.”  God says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Church,God is looking for a Church without spot or wrinkle.”  He’s looking for someone to have a committed Spirit. He needs people that are willing to be the Salt of the Earth, to change the world, not to be changed by the world. Bottom-line: God needs people who will, Keep the main thing the main thing,” and the main thing is Jesus. Don’t you know that you will have to appear before the judgment seat of God and give an account of yourself?  On that day, I wonder, how many will be able to say that, “The life I’ve lived, will speak for me?”

We have been warned. We have been given notice.  Even though we don’t know and will never know the exact time, day or hour Jesus teaches us that the signs of what God is about to do will be clear. He methodically lists those signs in Luke 21:8.  We could almost keep a checklist: Wars – ?…Rumors of Wars – ?…Famine – ?… Disaster – ? Earthquakes – ?… Pestilences -? …Conflict in Families – ?… Increasing Wickedness – ?… Fearful Events and Great Signs in Heaven arising – ?… Believers arrested and Hated – ?…False Teachings – ?… matter of fact goes ahead and put a “Double- ?” on that last one.”  You know the people of Nineveh were warned to repent. We’ve been warned too. We’ve got to be ready in that hour, in that moment. The Church must be ready. You as an individual must be ready. It pays to heed Warnings, because Warnings comes before Destruction!

Perhaps I need to remind you about Moses and the burning bush; Israelites 40 years in the desert; Samson capture by the Philistines; David when he lost his kingdom; Jonah when swallowed by the whale; King Herod, the Jewish leaders, and the nation of Israel, Pilate, Rome, and all who rejected Jesus, rejected the truth of God, and thereby condemn themselves to an early grave; Paul on the road to Damascus after being blinded by His glory; The thief on the cross had to be sentence to crucifixion before he would listen. Where will you have to be before you will listen? Will God have to allow some tragedy in your life so you will listen? Jesus said in Rev. 3:20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me.”

Throughout the Bible God has always given mankind a chance to repent. He would send a warning through one of His messengers. God is still sending warnings. “He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.”

“So You Want to Play Russian Roulette…Really?”

Lou Coleman

Lou Coleman

By Lou Coleman

Don’t you know that the ultimate—and severest—consequence of SIN is “DEATH “(Romans 6:23). “This not only refers to physical death, but to eternal separation from God in Hell” (Isaiah 59:2). Russian roulette is a gambling game. A potentially lethal game of chance. You need to know that you are walking a very dangerous path today. You are playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun and one day you are going to lose everything, because the Russian roulette you are playing is Spiritual and it is more dangerous, more tragic, more condemning, and more deadly than any kind of Russian roulette played with a man-made weapon. God has made it very clear that the Consequence of Sin is Death,” but “The Gift of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus.” The only reason you are not in Hell today is because of God’s grace and mercy. But don’t you know that at any moment, God could sever the golden thread of life and you would plunge into a Christ-less eternity, where you would be lost forever. So are you sure you want to play this deadly game?

“What is my point?” Let me make my point clear. While it is highly unlikely that anyone reading this article has ever or will ever be foolish enough to play Russian roulette with a revolver, I believe there are many who, this very moment, are “Playing Russian roulette with their Soul!” And when I refer to “Playing Russian roulette with your Soul,” I am referring to those who gamble on their eternal destiny by either being Ignorant of or ignoring what the Bible says about how to be saved from your Sins and go to Heaven. Paul made it abundantly clear that Sin has Consequences: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7). The late great Tupac Shakur once said, “You live By the Gun, You die By the Gun.” What a tragedy when men play Russian roulette with God!

And you call yourself a Christian (Ministers included) but you play with “Sin” like a cat plays with a mouse. You go through life “Claiming” Christianity but living like the Devil. You “Toy” with God, not considering that your life is even a vapor that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away. Playing Games with God is a very dangerous situation. Living in and Out of Sin is a very dangerous situation. Toying with other people’s salvation to justify your own rotten filthiness is a very dangerous situation. Don’t Play Games with the God of your Salvation! Don’t Play Games with Sin! Because God’s Law of Harvest cannot be broken,and you cannot neglect God’s law without consequences (Heb. 2: 2-3).

Although this message has been preached for 2,000 years. It has been ignored by most of those that have heard it. It is still being ignored in this day. It will be ignored during the dark days of the Tribulation, but as an Ambassador for Christ it is my duty to remind you of the “Final Proclamation” (Revelation Chapter 14). Many people will be saved, thank God for that, but many, many more will be lost. The people in the Tribulation will refuse to hear the 144,000 evangelists. They will refuse the preaching of the two witnesses – but here again the promise and the call of the Gospel is presented to you, John 3:16; John 7:37; John 11:28. –  Where will you be five seconds after death? Quit playing Russian roulette with Death! Quit playing Russian roulette with God!

 The consequence of suppressing the truth is that God gives the sinner over to “The Sinful Desires of Their Hearts,” “Shameful Lusts” and “A Depraved Mind” (Romans 1:24, 26, 28). I tell you, it is a fearful thing to be “Given Over” to your own destructive ways. God has made it clear that “The Soul Who Sins Will Die” (Ezekiel 18:4).  What shall you do?’” The answer, simple yet profound: “Repent!