“Wisdom Shouts in the Streets!”

By Lou K. Coleman

She cries in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she utters her words, saying, How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and how long will the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? [Proverbs 1:20-21]. Don’t you know that dismissal of God’s messages led to disastrous outcomes. [Proverbs 29:1]. For every violation of the law and every act of disobedience is punished [Hebrews 2:1-2].

Wisdom shouts in the streets; Do not ignore the warnings because before God sends down a judgment against a people, He always sends a warning and when a warning is given, it also come with instructions on what to do to prepare for the destruction.

Listen, massive changes are coming. Wars will be fought on a scale never seen before, and weapons of mass destruction will be used. The level of nuclear devastation from the events of this Fifth Trumpet is prophetically revealed to destroy a third of the United States, which also means the death of over one hundred million people. “One Woe is past, and behold, there are two more Woes coming after this” [Revelation 9:12]. And it is at this juncture that the world is warned of even far greater destruction that will follow. [Revelation 9:13-16]. I know this is unimaginable, but it is soon going to come to pass. Do not ignore the warnings. Wisdom Shouts in the Streets. Warning comes before destruction. Heed the warnings.

Just as God warned the people of the impending doom through Noah, in Noah’s time, most people will ignore the warnings. Noah preached to the people for 120 years, trying to warn them of what was going to happen, but none would listen. They mocked and ridiculed him as he gave the warning. They laughed and insulted as he constructed the ark. The people would not believe Noah and because they did not believe it, the flood came and took them all away. [Matthew 24:30].

Wisdom Shouts in the Streets…. Heed the Warnings of God!






L.A. Mayor Bass Announces L.A. Police Chief Moore’s Retirement

By Tanu Henry, Lila Brown and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

On January 12, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass held a press conference to announce the retirement of LAPD Chief Michel Moore, who will officially step down at the end of February.

Moore will be retained on contract as a consultant during the transition to a new chief.

“I want to thank Chief Michel Moore for his more than 40 years of service to the people of Los Angeles, and for his partnership in bringing homicides and violent crime down over the last year,” said Bass at the news briefing.

Bass remained even keeled although Moore was pressured to resign by a coalition of clergy and community leaders after a Los Angeles Times investigation revealed that he ordered detectives to investigate the merit of Bass’ scholarship at USC while she was running for mayor in 2022.

“If LAPD Chief Moore has directed detectives to investigate our mayor, Mayor Karen Bass, based on a personal agenda, we are asking him to resign immediately,” said the Rev. K.W. Tulloss in December, according to an L.A. Focus report.

Tulloss, who is the Pastor of Weller Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles and President of the Baptist Ministers, Conference, added,” If he does not resign? We’re asking that the L.A. Police Commission to immediately remove him.”

At the news conference there were no signs of tensions between Bass and Moore.

“Amidst a national police-recruiting crisis, LAPD also saw more than 1,000 applicants to its academy in a single month, which is the highest number in years. I have directed the immediate launch of a nationwide search for LAPD’s next chief, which will include significant community input and consultation with law enforcement officers and experts, said Bass.  The appointment of an interim chief will be made by the Board of Police Commissioners.”

Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute From the office of Assembly Majority Leader Emerita, 50th District, Eloise Gómez Reyes

As we come together to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, let us reflect on the enduring legacy of a visionary leader who championed justice, equality, and unity for all. Dr. King’s tireless efforts in the pursuit of civil rights have left an unforgettable mark on our nation’s history, inspiring us to strive for a society built on the principles of inclusion and equity.

In the spirit of Dr. King’s teachings, it is crucial that we continue the journey towards creating a community where diversity is celebrated, and every individual is afforded the respect and dignity they deserve. Our commitment to fostering an environment of inclusion is not only a tribute to Dr. King’s dream but a pledge to uphold the values that bring us closer as a society.

Let us use this day as an opportunity to rededicate ourselves to the principles of justice and fairness. By working together to break down barriers and promote understanding, we can build a future that embraces the richness of our differences and ensures equal opportunities for all.

Thank you for joining me in commemorating Martin Luther King Day and embracing the ongoing journey towards inclusion and equity.


Four Black Californians Among 10 Inductees Into State’s 17th Class of Hall of Famers

By Tanu Henry, Lila Brown and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

On January 11, Gov. Gavin Newsom, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and the California Museum announced inductees into the 17th Class of the state’s Hall of Famers.

Among this year’s 10 inductees — both groups and individuals — are four Black Californians: Former San Francisco Mayor and California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown; award-winning filmmaker Ava Duvernay; Federal Judge and civil rights leader Thelton E. Henderson; and basketball Hall of Fame player and broadcaster Cheryl Miller.

Other 2024 inductees are: master chef and “mother of fusion cuisine Helene An; computer scientist and “father of the internet Vincent A. Cerf; all-female pop punk band The Go-Gos; Chicano Rock band Los Lobos; former U.S. Secretary of Defense and Congressman Leon E. Panetta; and artistic director and choreographer Brenda Way.

This year’s honorees join 150 other Californians who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame.

“The contributions of this newest class of the Hall of Fame will have an impact on California – and the nation – for generations to come. Through their boundless qualities and trailblazing achievements, these visionaries embody the spirit of California and will continue to inspire millions more,” Newsom said in a press release issued after videotaped announcement last week.

First Partner Siebel Newsom also welcomed the “spectacular new group of trailblazers.”

“With a penchant for challenging the status quo, these individuals wholly reflect the courageous, ambitious, and bold spirit of California, and have made an indelible mark on our state, nation, and world,” she said.

Inductees are selected annually by the Governor and First Partner.

Annual Kingdom Day Parade Continues Legacy for the 39th Year in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES, CA—- “Can’t stop, won’t stop, going to the promised land” was the theme of the 39th annual Kingdom Day Parade, honoring the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. 

Organizers say the Monday, January 15 event is the world’s largest and longest-running King celebration, and a beloved Los Angeles tradition. The music-filled, lively procession traveled west on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and down Crenshaw Blvd., ending near Leimert Park, where the celebration continued all day long with a community festival.

Monday’s parade, one of many community activities going on across the southland, took place on what would have been the 95th birthday of King. Civic leaders, marching bands, cultural dance groups, Greek and service organizations and more joined in the festivities.

Annual Black Caucus MLK Jr Breakfast Uplifts King’s Legacy; Need to Generate Wealth

By Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey? |? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?

On January 11, the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, at a breakfast celebration held at the Grand Ballroom of the Town and Country Event Center in downtown Sacramento.

The annual CLBC event was attended by about 200 people, including members of the Legislature from diverse backgrounds, community leaders, staffers from the State Capitol, among other attendees.

“It was an honor to host this year’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day breakfast. The California Legislative Black Caucus put on another lively event with great discussion on ways we can honor Dr. King’s legacy and uplift all Californians,” CLBC Chair, Assemblymember Lori A. Wilson (D-Suisun City), posted Jan. 11 on the social media platform X.

At the breakfast, Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), a member of the CLBC, served as the master of ceremonies at the breakfast held four days prior to the date that would have marked King’s 95th birthday on Jan. 15.

CLBC members Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) provided the invocation and Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) led the Pledge of Allegiance. Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Inglewood), Vice Chair of the CLBC, shared a message from members of the Black Caucus.

Bradford revealed a little unknown fact about Dr. King’s name. He was born Michael King, Jr., on Jan. 15, 1929. In 1934, his father, a pastor, traveled to Germany where he was inspired by Protestant Reformation leader Martin Luther, Bradford said.

“As a result, King, Sr. changed his own name as well as that of his 5-year-old son,” Bradford shared.

To the delight of the audience at the event, sponsored by Vertex Pharmaceuticals, vocalist Nia Moore-Weathers performed a powerful rendition of the Black National Anthem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” a hymn written as poem by National Association for the Advancement of Color People (NAACP) leader James Weldon Johnson in 1900.

Wilson held a 30-minute fireside chat with guest speaker Kwame Anku about Dr. King’s life, achievements, and vision, and the importance of building wealth in Black families and communities.

Anku is the founding managing partner and chief investment officer of Black Star Fund, an early-stage venture capital fund. He got the idea to start the fund on the urging of Roger “Prince” Nelson, the singer, songwriter, multi-music instrumentalist who passed away in 2016.

Anku was named the 2022 Entrepreneur of the Year by Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and was also among 21 distinguished recipients of the prestigious Aspen Ascent Fellowship awarded by the Aspen Institute. He said King’s famous 1963 address at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., the “I Have a Dream speech,” could have been more aptly titled “America, It’s Time to Look in the Mirror” reflecting its core messages of accountability and denied justice.

“We’re telling ourselves how great we are but we’re not living up to the promise that we’ve made to ourselves because that’s the bedrock of what we do when he said we have come here today to cash the check,” Anku told Wilson. “So, we’ve come to cash the check because this check guarantees us the riches of freedom and the security of justice. So now we’re not just cashing that check. Now, we are writing those checks.”

This year marks the 57th Anniversary of the CLBC. For nearly six decades, the CLBC has been a key advocate for issues such as fair housing and the prevention of homelessness.

Historically, the coalition of Black lawmakers has actively resisted redlining in banking and insurance in California, and fought against apartheid in South Africa, among other issues.

The CLBC plans to continue the legacy of Dr. King by developing legislation around its current priorities, which include pursuing reparations for eligible Black Californians, criminal justice reform, environmental justice, and helping to ensure greater access to education and enterprise for African Americans. During the 2024 legislative session, the CLBC aspires to secure funding for critical programs and organizations working to enhance the lives of Black Californians.

There are 12 members of the CLBC serving in the California Assembly and Senate.

Rare Unpublished Letter By Lord Byron Discovered In UK Mansion

By Isobel Williams

An exceptionally rare letter from the original “Wild Child” and poet Lord Byron that has never been published before has been discovered in a country house. The letter was found in a mansion in Gloucestershire, where it has remained for decades and therefore has never been seen by the public before.


Lord Byron is the most infamous poet of the 1800s for his work spearheading the Romantic Movement and his controversial personal life. He was rumored to have had a child with his half-sister, affairs, debt, and also a pet bear.

He travelled widely in Europe living for seven years in Venice, Ravenna, and Pisa after he was forced to flee England due to being threatened with lynching over his failed marriage, scandalous affairs and huge debts,


He died aged 36 in 1824 after contracting a fever whilst leading a campaign against the Ottoman Empire in the Greek War of Independence.

A portrait of Lord Byron. SWNS.


The letter has come to auction along with one from 18th century Swiss philosopher, composer, author and political theorist Jean Jacques Rousseau, surprisingly also discovered in the UK.


Chorley’s auctioneers discovered this rare letter on a routine valuation day, brought in by an owner who had no idea what they were in possession of as it was written in French.

After further inspection and translation experts authenticated the letter and signature as being from the political influencer of the Age of Enlightenment Rousseau.

A portrait of Jean Jacques Rousseau. SWNS.


He was writing to Prussian diplomat Monsieur Le Chambrier to ask for help with a woman’s plight following a fire.

The letters are set to make a combined £7,500 at auction in the Spring. Lord Byron’s letter is the only letter ever written by him to Major John Cartwright, an English politician and political reformer who served under Lord Byron’s father in the navy.


He petitioned for parliamentary reform for most of his life which is how he got the well-known title as the ‘Father of Reform’. The letter is an apology from Byron for canceling plans with Major Cartwright at the last minute on June 26, 1813.


It reads: “Dear Sir, It is with great regret I find that it will be necessary for me to leave London tomorrow morning – and thus be prevented the pleasure I had promised myself in meeting you & Sir F. tomorrow.


“I was not aware of this till the Post came in this morning, which must be my apology for not acquainting you with the circumstances before. I am truly yrs B,” said the letter.

The letter from Jean Jacques Rousseau. CHORLEY’S VIA SWNS.


This letter is estimated to make between £1,500-£2,500 at Chorley’s Auctioneers when both letters go up for sale on March 20, 2024. “The discovery of a letter featuring two such important historical figures in Britain is thrilling, as both contributed so much to our society and the Britain we know today,” said Werner Freundel, Director at Chorley’s.


“This letter shows a human insight into Byron’s extraordinary character and knowing the background to his life at the time, makes it all the more interesting.

“We hope that it is purchased and retained in its present condition, hopefully in the public eye, for many years to come.”


Rousseau’s letter, from the 3rd of February 1763, reads: “I have the honour Sir while begging you to grant my freedom to present to you the expression of my most respectful homage and my highest consideration while assuring you at the same time that I am your humble and obedient servant Jn Js Rousseau”


The amazing find is estimated to make between £3,000-£5,000 at auction. “Letters involving Rousseau are exceptionally rare, so for one to be found in the UK is highly unusual and for this reason we anticipate a lot of interest, not just from here, but from abroad,” said Freundel.


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Catalog From Auction Of Princess Diana’s Dresses To Sell For Over $6K

By Izzy Hawksworth

A catalog from an auction of Princess Diana’s dresses that was held just two months before her death is expected to sell for up to $6,000.


Diana, the Princess of Wales, belonged to the royal family of Britain. Her sons, Prince William and Harry, were born to her as the first wife of Charles III, the Prince of Wales. She became a global figure thanks to her advocacy and glitz, which also brought her enduring fame.


The limited edition book is from the ‘Dresses’ from the Collection of Diana, Princess of Wales’ auction, where over 79 designer gowns raised £2.57 million for charity.


Diana represented the Queen in events throughout the Commonwealth countries while serving as Princess of Wales, carrying out royal responsibilities on her behalf. The media praised her for taking a unique approach to her charitable efforts.


The auction took place on June 25, 1997 – just two months before she died in a car crash in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris, France. Limited edition, purple, Moroccan leather-bound catalogs were created for the auction, which soon became a collector’s item.


The 250 books were all signed and personally numbered by Princess Diana and she also inscribed that the ‘wonderful’ sale was inspired by Prince William.


“The inspiration for this wonderful sale comes from just one person… our son William,” wrote Princess Diana.


The number 104 catalog will be sold alongside an official invitation to the auction and other related papers, including the printed sale results. It’s expected to fetch £3,000 to £5,000. Elena Jackson, vintage fashion specialist at Ewbank Auctions, described the book as a ‘treasured keepsake’ that is in ‘excellent condition.’


“This is a wonderful reminder of what a caring person the late Princess of Wales was, and just how skilled she was at creating an event of this type for the benefit of the vulnerable,” said Princess Diana.


“This treasured keepsake of one of the final acts of charity that she brought to the world has been kept in excellent condition and is very rare indeed,” she added.


Luxury items from designers Louis Vuitton, Yves St Laurent and Hermès will also be going under the hammer on January 26. Designs by leading names in British fashion, including Ossie Clark, Zandra Rhodes, and Biba will also be up for sale.

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?Crypt Spot Next To Marilyn Monroe And Hugh Hefner Up For Auction?

By Dean Murray

A bizarre auction sees a crypt next to Marilyn Monroe and Hugh Hefner going under the hammer. The chance to spend eternity with the stars comes at a price, however, with Julien’s Auctions saying the has an estimate of £158k to £316k ($200k – $400k).


The one-space mausoleum crypt is located in the Corridor of Memories, at Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park & Mortuary in Los Angeles.

It is situated one row above and four spaces to the left of Monroe’s lipstick-stained crypt, which continues to be visited by Monroe fans from all over the world who continue to make pilgrimages to the cemetery to pay respects to her.

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner purchased the crypt to the immediate left of hers in 1992 and was interred there shortly after his death in 2017.

In a 2009 interview with the Los Angeles Times, he stated, “Spending eternity next to Marilyn is an opportunity too sweet to pass up.” Among the other show business legends interred at the park are Natalie Wood, Farrah Fawcett, Ryan O’Neal, Truman Capote, Twentieth Century Fox president Darryl F. Zanuck, Monroe’s Some Like It Hot costar Jack Lemmon, and Billy Wilder, who directed Monroe in The Seven Year Itch and Some Like It Hot.


Monroe died at the age of 36 on August 4, 1962. Baseball legend and Monroe’s ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio, organized a private funeral for her that took place in the cemetery chapel on 8 August. DiMaggio is reported to have chosen this location because Grace Goddard and Ana Lower, who had both helped care for Monroe as a young girl, had been buried there.

Hefner purchased the crypt to the immediate left of Monroe’s in 1992 and was interred there shortly after his death in 2017.


In a 2009 interview with the Los Angeles Times, Hefner stated, “Spending eternity next to Marilyn is an opportunity too sweet to pass up.” Also to be auctioned are Marilyn’s gown from 1955’s The Seven Year Itch ($100k-$200k) and Hugh Hefner’s classic smoking jacket and silk pajamas set (estimate: $2,000 – $3,000)


The Property From The Life And Career Of Marilyn Monroe takes place 28-30 March in Los Angeles live and online.


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California Concealed-Carry Law Blocked … for the Second Time

By Tanu Henry, Magaly Muñoz and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

Senate Bill (SB) 2, California’s controversial conceal-carry permit law that took effect Jan. 1, has been blocked for a second time now.

SB 2 prohibits gun owners from carrying their concealed firearms at most public places and gatherings, including religious institutions, banks, hospitals, parks and other venues.

On January 6, a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals lifted a temporary hold on a lower court injunction that blocked the law. This most recent decision upholds a Dec. 20 ruling issued by U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney that blocked the law.

Before that, on December 22, Attorney Gen. Rob Bonta filed an emergency motion appealing Carney’s decision. A three-judge panel of a different 9th Circuit Court Appeal granted Bonta’s request, allowing the law to take effect, at least temporarily.

The same day, the law was blocked from taking effect, Gov. Newsom’s office shared the findings of a new survey that reports California’s gun laws are working.

Conducted by Everytown USA, a gun safety advocacy group, the survey ranks California and New York at the top of its list for having the lowest rates of gun violence.

“We compared gun policy across the country, scoring every state on the strength of its gun laws and comparing it with its rate of gun violence,” the introduction to the report reads.

“In states where elected officials have taken action to pass gun safety laws, fewer people die by gun violence,” it continues.