High School Seeks Sponsors for Annual Mr. Cardinal City Competition


2014 Mr Cardinal group07

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On April 5, thirteen young men from San Bernardino High School (SBHS) will attempt to demonstrate that they have the Cardinal City virtues of justice, fortitude, school spirit, and charity. The contestants, all SBHS juniors, will take to the Sturges Center for the Fine Arts, 780 North E Street in San Bernardino, stage at 6 p.m. to compete for the title of Mr. Cardinal City 2014-2015. Mr. Cardinal represents the high school at local events with co-royalty Miss Cardinal City. The pageants were named to honor San Bernardino High’s status as a chartered city, Cardinal City. Local businesses and community groups interested in supporting the event should contact Jamie Rios, bilingual school outreach worker, by phone at 909-881-8217 or by email at jamie.rios@sbcusd.com. Mr. Cardinal City 2013-2014 sponsors included Stater Bros. Markets, Trophy House, San Bernardino High Class of 1952, The Sun newspaper, Toyota of San Bernardino, D’Arca Formal Wear, Angel’s Closets, San Bernardino City Unified School District, Virginia Marquez, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arellano, Miss Corina Borsuk, and San Bernardino High School Associated Student Body. Tickets for the April 5 Mr. Cardinal City pageant are $7 pre-sale and $10 at the door. Tickets are available from any contestant and Jamie Rios.

Former Los Angeles Laker Speaks at Valley College

Joe Smith

Joe Smith

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- To promote awareness and education about mental awareness in the African American community, the Department of Behavioral Health’s African American sub-committee in partnership with the African American Coalition and San Bernardino Valley College will be presenting a day honoring African American Mental Health Awareness week on Tuesday, February 11 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Library of San Bernardino Valley College, 701 S. Mt. Vernon Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92410.

There will be a special message by guest speaker, Joseph Smith, former Los Angeles Lakers player. Smith, born and raised in Norfolk, Virgina, played power forward with the Lakers. He was the College Player of the Year at Maryland in 1996 and the umber 1 draft pick of that season;’s draft. Smith has created an Independent Record Label, novaunitrecords.com, signing his first Latino artist Dino Durand, Smith is intent with breaking boundaries, and bridging gaps between all nationalities. Alter ego “Joe Beast” enjoys writing, rapping, and performing, and has braced many stages through–?out the U.S. Joe Smith continues to participate in several charitable events per year, and enjoys motivational speaking to youth all across the country. For more info email: lynlaneliaison@gmail.com


PAFF Celebrates a Night of Tribute

Honorees with their awards posing with PAFF Founders Ja'Net DuBoise(left) and Ayuko Babu (right)

Honorees with their awards posing with PAFF Founders Ja’Net DuBoise(left) and Ayuko Babu (right)

LOS ANGELES, CA- On Saturday, February 1, the Pan African Film Festival kicked off its’ festivities with ‘A Night of Tribute’ where they honored legendary icons Charles Dutton, Roz Stevenson, Jeff Clanagan, Emayatzy Corinedaldi and Tequan Richmond for their achievements in the film industry.

Bling It On: The Sad Redundancy of a Show and Tell Mentality

Hakim Hazim

Hakim Hazim

It’s lamentable when I turn on the radio and hear many young men talking about what they have, did or will do. This show and tell false bravado seems to permeate the air waves.  Attention-seeking behavior rarely appreciates the level of appreciation it receives. It’s never enough. Modern day hip-hop culture has helped to norm this approach to life for many of our young. Now this begs a question about a certain segment of our culture, the poor and marginalized youth who seem to use self-glorification as a way to build their persona due to the fact that most visible means of support are missing from their lives, and the question is this: why? Why do so many feel compelled to act in this manner? Dr. Ryan T Howell hits the nail on the head when he wrote this article “What Drives Us to Get Our Bling On?” (Psychology Today):

“According to the urban dictionary, the term bling came in to the modern vocabulary in the 1990s, possibly imported from Jamaica by American rappers, and meant to indicate either the imagined play of light bouncing off shiny jewelry, or the sound of the metally bits of jewelry “blinging” against itself.

Whatever the specifics of its origin, it turns out to be no accident that a term meant to describe and draw attention to shiny, expensive possessions grew out of low-income, inner-city environments. As a new study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology demonstrated, the ostentatious display of expensive personal adornments is most likely to be practiced by people who perceive themselves to be of low status.”

As a black male raised in an athletics-oriented family, I remember a gnawing desire to distinguish myself and be good at something. Muhammad Ali was my idol so I learned to talk trash, play the dozens and stay witty. Most of this was fun, but some of it was insecurity and false bravado. Fortunately I had a strong father who curbed a lot of this. I learned from his example that self hype was meaningless. He said, “Let someone else toot your horn. If you are really worth something they will.” Sadly, many of our youth don’t have a strong male figure in their lives to curb the excessive showmanship that constantly competes with peers in the form of possessions, women and trash talk. Stuck in a state of perpetual adolescence, the music reflects the wounds of children screaming for affirmation, even when they are well into adulthood.

This social commentary is about a chronic insecurity that has caused many of our young, disadvantaged youth of today to substitute gimmickry, fashion, sexual prowess, material possessions and catch phrases in the place of substance and gravitas. The unfortunate thing is this: once that behavior sets in it proves difficult to change and continues well into adulthood. The cries for attention can be concealed in religiosity, business, sports, entertainment, athletics and just about every other platform. Sadly, no amount of applause, bling or recognition can fill that void. Bling is to fool’s gold what character is to a good name. This is what we need to teach. This is what we need to live.

Saturday, February 1 – Get Your Relationships in Check

The 3rd Annual State of Black Male/Female Relationships Conference will take place Saturday, February 1 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Western University of Health Sciences 701 East 2nd Street Health Education Center in Pomona. ATTENDANCE FEE is $10 for adults  and $5 for teens. Fee includes lunch. Pre-register now at www.pvacdst.org, but remember space is limited! On-Site Registration is available from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at $15/Adults  and $5/Teens. Please note that on-site registration is limited and based on space availability. Couples, singles, and teens are all welcomed.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Celebrates 106 Years

L to R 1st Row: Mrytle Foster, Ruth Harris, Annette Weathington (President), Rev. Paul S. Munford, Darnetta Duncan, Twillea Evans-Carthen, Harriet Moore, Joni Wright; 2nd Row L to R: Devorlynn Celestine, Carol, Yvonne Ashe, Geri Fox-All Kater, Earnestine Warren, Alice LaTouche,  Olivia Taylor-Smith, Lorraine Melbourne)

L to R 1st Row: Mrytle Foster, Ruth Harris, Annette Weathington (President), Rev. Paul S. Munford, Darnetta Duncan, Twillea Evans-Carthen, Harriet Moore, Joni Wright; 2nd Row L to R: Devorlynn Celestine, Carol, Yvonne Ashe, Geri Fox-All Kater, Earnestine Warren, Alice LaTouche, Olivia Taylor-Smith, Lorraine Melbourne)

RIVERSIDE, CA- Members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Eta Nu Omega Chapter of San Bernardino-Riverside chapter celebrated the founding of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.106 years of “Service to All Mankind” on Sunday, January 26 at New Joy Baptist Church in Riverside.  The ladies were the guest of golden member, Ms. Darnetta Duncan who has been a member of the sorority for over 50 years and a current member of Eta Nu Omega Chapter.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is known for being an international, community service organization of college women founded on January 15, 1908, at Howard University in Washington, D.C. by 16 courageous young women. It is the first Greek letter sorority for black college women with over 260,000 members in more than 900 chapters around the world. It is an organization whose mission is to provide “Service to All Mankind.” The sorority implements this through its many service projects such as the Emerging Young Leaders Program for middle school girls, which benefits the Inland Empire.  Happy Founders’ Day! For future events, please visit www.etanuomega.org

Congratulations Miss Black San Bernardino 2014, Noelle Lilley

Miss Black San Bernardino 2014, Noelle Lilley

Miss Black San Bernardino 2014, Noelle Lilley

The Westside Story would love to send out a congratulations to one of our interns, Noelle Lilley, who was crowned the 2014 Miss Black San Bernardino this past Saturday, January 25. She will also be graduating from Arroyo Valley High School this summer, and will be attending Arizona State University where she will major in Journalism.


 Noelle Lilley, Queen (Left); Leanna Pollard, 1st Runner Up (middle); and Bobbie McFerson, 2nd Runner Up (right)

Noelle Lilley, Queen (Left); Leanna Pollard, 1st Runner Up (middle); and Bobbie McFerson, 2nd Runner Up (right)

45th Annual Black History Super Expo is Back!


Rap Artist  Nappy Tee

Rap Artist Nappy Tee

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- The Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce,(Inland Cities East Chapter) will be hosting the 45th Annual Black History Super Expo Celebration on Saturday, February 1 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. The event will be held at the Youthbuild Charter School, 606 E, Mill Street in San Bernardino.

The theme for this year is “Transitioning to New Beginnings” which will feature inspirational speakers, dancers, bands, drill teams, poetry, fashion, food and vendors. There will be a Battle of the Bands competition between San Bernardino and Arroyo Valley High School. In addition, a few familiar faces from television will also be in attendance which include rapper Nappy Tee who appeared as “Sweetie” in the reality show ‘Flava of Love’ and ‘America’s Got Talent‘; 10-year-old comedienne Leroya “Roya” Sanford from Disney’s hit show ‘Shake it Up’ and ABC’s ‘The View’ will also be making an appearance.

The Southern California Black Chamber would love to thank the Black Culture Foundation for all of their support and wonderful work they have done over the last 44 years with this event. For more information visit blackchamberofcommerce.org or call 888-466-7408 ext. 12 or 2.

Inland Empire Professional Basketball Player Gives Hope to Cancer Patient

Davie Champagnie at Ronald McDonald House

Davie Champagnie at Ronald McDonald House

LOMA LINDA, CA- Inland Empire Invaders are doing an amazing job on and off the court. They are currently ranked number 23 in the NATION. Not bad for their first season in the largest basketball association in the United States. While they are doing work on the court making the IE proud, they have had some very special moments. Coach Al Smith of the Novastars wrote a brief description capturing the emotions from a visit to Ronald McDonald House over the holidays.
Ronald McDonald house in Loma Linda Davie Champagnie, an ABA Basketball Player, made one lucky girl’s night the most amazing night ever! It will be a moment she will remember for the rest of her life. The basketball player spent time to speak with her that was staying at the home in Loma Linda, CA. He took the time to listen to her story and by the end of the night he felt in his heart that she would get more strength from having his ring and he gave it to her without blinking an eye. It was a moment where you could feel the blessings all around you and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.
The ABA is MUCH MORE than just a game and Davie Champagnie is a perfect example of what we can do when we are in support of each other. He is coach Al’s new ‘Lord of the Ring’. To Contact Christy Lancaster with the Inland Empire Invaders  call 855-434-6823 Ext. 6, email clancaster@abaieinvaders.com or visit their website at www.abaieinvaders.com.

Tribe of Judah Brings Hope to Haiti

Gloria, Olivia, Janine, Joan, Tammie, Beth, Tamera, Charmaine, Audrey, Eleanor, Below: Dr. Theresa, Dorcas, Andrea, Pauline, Donna, Dorla, Suezanne and Lea’ann

Gloria, Olivia, Janine, Joan, Tammie, Beth, Tamera, Charmaine, Audrey, Eleanor, Below: Dr. Theresa, Dorcas, Andrea, Pauline, Donna, Dorla, Suezanne and Lea’ann

Devastation, disaster, agony — words that still speak volumes in the hearts of lives of those affected by the 2010 earthquake near Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  At least 300,000 people were injured and over 316,000 were killed.  This earthquake left many children as orphans in the surrounding cities. Although there have been many programs created by generous organizations throughout the years, Haiti still needs help.  A youth outreach program called Tribe of Judah World Outreach has decided to help Haiti on a continual basis. After 13 years of serving in ministry, working with youth and families across the United States, their focus is on the orphans left to fend for themselves on the streets of Haiti.  They have partnered with Dr. Michelle Corral and her ministry Breath of the Spirit and have also started Chesed for Jesus, Youth World Missionary Team.  An orphanage was purchased in the beginning of 2013 in Gonaives, Haiti and named The Fathers Treasure Orphan Home, where 100 children now live and are cared for daily.  Along with the orphan’s home, Chesed for Jesus runs medical clinics, feeding programs, educational instruction, provides spiritual care for the children in Haiti, and gives school supplies, school uniforms, and room and board.  Their main goal is to share the love of Jesus in practical ways by giving specific and direct support to those who are in need.
The team stayed in the County from December 5th to 10, where they interacted daily with the children; making arts and crafts, playing educational games, teaching English, singing worship songs in their native language of French and Creole as well as English.  The team taught the children a stomp routine which they wanted to do every minute.  Daily feeding for the children was done, along with a toy give away.  School uniforms given to every child, along with a medical clinic for the children and all the people in the village.
If you are interested in contributing to the cause, please visit www.sosyouthandfamily.com, or mail in a payment to Tribe of Judah, P.O. Box 2223, San Bernardino, CA 92406. All donations go directly to the children for their day to day care.  As a 501 c3 nonprofit organization, all donations are tax deductible.