Letter to the Editor: States Must Ban Guns at Places Where People Vote

By Sunita Sohrabji, EMS | Special to California Black Media Partners

Voting and elections have become the targets of threats and intimidation as the nation faces a proliferation of guns, more frequent gun violence, and fewer legal protections, noted Brennan Center for Justice and the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in a report released this week.

The proliferation of guns in American homes has increased dramatically since 2008, when the Supreme Court ruled for the first time that the 2nd Amendment allows US residents to possess an operable handgun in the home for self-defense.

“This was a considerable change from what the court had long held, which was that possessing a firearm had to be related to militia service,” Robyn Sanders, Counsel for the Voting Rights and Election Reform Democracy Project at the Brennan Center, told Ethnic Media Services.

The Supreme Court did caution that the rights secured by the Second Amendment are not unlimited; it identified laws that would forbid firearms in sensitive places, such as schools and government buildings. “And so there, while the Supreme Court handed down what was a dramatic decision at that time, it did specify that regulations are still permissible in places that are sensitive,” said Sanders, who co-authored the report.

But the Supreme Court further weakened gun restrictions last year in its ruling on the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. vs. Bruen case. The opinion, written by Justice Clarence Thomas, stated that the American public has the right to carry guns in public for self-defense, and that states cannot require applicants to demonstrate a need for owning a gun.

“The decision in Bruen has invited more legal challenges to gun regulations. But the court also explicitly states that sensitive places are places where states can regulate where guns can be carried, and they were unequivocal about polling locations being one of those,” said Sanders.

In a Sept. 20 interview with EMS, Sanders discussed the threat gun violence poses for US elections. “We believe this report served a significant purpose in alerting states that there are ways that they could help to maintain the confidence that voters historically had in our elections as being safe and secure from violence and intimidation,” she said.

Excerpts of Conversation with Sanders:

What types of justifications are states using to allow concealed guns at polling sites and drop-off boxes?

The Supreme Court was unequivocal in its decision in Bruen that prohibiting firearms in polling places is constitutional. And so, while I can’t speak for why states have not filled the voids that we recognize in our report, what I can say is that we are offering policy proposals for states to enact laws that would better protect voters and election officials and workers from threats and help voters and the public remain confident that our elections will continue to be by and large peaceful.

Older adults traditionally account for the majority of election workers. Have you seen a drop-off of older adults choosing to work at the polls, given the uncertainty of protection from violence at those sites? 

We were experiencing a global pandemic in 2020. And so there was a downturn in retired or elderly folks serving as election workers due to the vulnerabilities related with COVID -19. But it is true that election officials have reported that it’s been harder to recruit the more elderly folks to serve in that capacity.

Compared to anything prior, there was dramatically more harassment and threats lodged at election officials and poll workers over the last two election cycles. Poll workers have reported experiences of harassment and threats of abuse in recent years.

Are election workers of color more likely to face harassment, violence and intimidation?

We found that election officials serving what’s known as majority minority jurisdictions were more likely than election officials overall to report having been threatened, having been harassed or abused because of their job. And they were also considerably more likely to be concerned about being assaulted.

This is alarming, it’s concerning, and it’s unacceptable in a democracy.

One out of every 3 election workers have reported harassment or threats, according to the report.

As a result of the shifts in how our electoral process was being carried out, we started to observe trends in elected leaders and others who were spreading disinformation and misinformation about our elections as it relates to various methods of voting, including voting by mail and the use of drop boxes as a result of the uptick in mail voting.

And so based on that climate, we started to see an increase in threats and intimidation and threats of violence being lodged at election workers and officials. And that was also tied to the election denial movement that took hold at the time as well, where various elected leaders were sowing disinformation and misinformation about our elections and raising conspiracy theories about various methods of voting and really increasing the fear among the electorate that the voting process was insecure and was not fair. So, we think that’s what inspired this increase in the climate of threats and intimidation against election officials.

Could you talk about some of your policy recommendations? 

One of the key findings in our report is that only 12 states and Washington, D.C. have laws prohibiting open carry and concealed carry at polling places. And even fewer states have laws that prohibit guns where other sensitive election activity occurs drop boxes as well as places like election counting facilities.

And while it is illegal to intimidate voters in all 50 states, neither federal law nor any state law explicitly acknowledges that guns in or around places where people are engaged in voting or conducting election activity can constitute illegal intimidation.

In our report, we offer two main policy proposals. One: we recommend that states enact laws to prohibit guns at and around all sites of voting and vote counting. And we recommend that states strengthen their laws, protecting voters and election workers and officials from intimidation and violence, but explicitly addressing the void that is currently present and addressing the intimidating effect of guns.

I would reiterate to voters that — because our elections have remained by and large peaceful — the proposals that we offer in our report are simply action items that states can take to further strengthen legal protections that are already in place

TEDASHII Releases New EP “Dead Or Alive Pt. 1”

Tedashii releases “Dead Or Alive Pt. 1,” the first EP of a series he intends to rollout over the coming months.

Listen to “Dead Or Alive Pt. 1” here.

Throughout his life and this rollout, Tedashii has been vocal about the various trials and tribulations he’s endured from losing his 1 year old son, Chase, to more recently, the serious fall he took backstage on the We Are Unashamed Tour. He’s always felt attacked by the enemy in a spiritual and in many cases literal way and through that journey has learned to survive.

“Dead or Alive Pt. 1,” is the first of a series of EP’s where Tedashii’s vulnerably sharing the various ways he has “fought for his life” and what he has learned in that process. With features from Aha Gazelle, Richdanfamous, Lecrae, Trip Lee and more, this project is a lyrically introspective and sonically ground shaking offering from Tedashii speaking to the hardship he’s lived through and the desire that remains in him to keep going and obtain all that God’s has for his life.

“At several points in my own life, I’ve felt crushed under the weight of so many hardships and I’ve even attempted to end it all. It was in that moment I was faced with a choice, to live or die. Dead Or Alive is my journey of choosing to live, while saying to the listener what I said to myself: Dead or Alive, you decide,” says Tedashii.

On Monday of this week he released this video, symbolizing the struggle he’s endured. This video was a visual representation of the artwork for his new EP showing the dichotomy of Life and Death. Designed by Kevin Hackett, you see an illuminating white light on one side of Tedashii’s face amidst darkness and laser sights aimed at his head from another.

Alongside the release of the new EP, Tedashii posted this performance video on his social media to the single “VICTORY LAP” leaning into the imagery of the lap a nascar driver takes after winning a race and symbolizing the victory Tedashii feels at this moment in his life. “Life is a choice you must choose. The victory I feel after having consecutive days of choosing life is indescribable. Even in the midst of facing so much hardship and enemies I feel victorious, because I choose to live,” says Tedashii.

Consisting of mostly raps and hard hitting 808s, this project shows Tedashii in a bag that his fans haven’t seen from him in a minute. He is very much the rapper that people grew to know him as in his earlier days as an artist, and this is just the start. See the full track-list for the EP below:

Whether it was on “Below Paradise” or more recently on his latest EP, “This Time Around 2,” Tedashii has always been vulnerable about everything he’s gone through in the hopes that it would become someone else’s song. He has become a beacon of hope for those going through tough times themselves and continues to do the same walking into this new season.

To stay tuned in on more from Tedashii, follow him on socials below:



For more information on Reach Records, please visit www.reachrecords.com and on social media @ReachRecords.

About Tedashii:

Tedashii is a tenured artist, musician, public speaker, writer, and communicator burdened to see people become who they were born to be. Growing up in Texas on the fringes of society, family and football were everything – then he found faith. With this faith, he ventured into vocational ministry and eventually artistry as a member of the 116 on Reach Records. He graduated from the University of North Texas with a duel Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Sociology to further his ambitions to reach those beyond his city limits.

For the last twenty years he’s devoted his life to encouraging others to find their identity in God and leading a movement of unashamed believers who desire to engage the world for His glory. He is the founder of the Chase Foundation—an organization to serve families who have lost children by being a present help for future hope, the originator of Chase Wellness, the CEO of Unashamed Ministries, and the host of his podcast The Dash. Tedashii and his wife (Danielle) live in Atlanta, GA and are the proud parents of four amazing boys.

About Reach Records:

Reach Records is an Atlanta based independent hip-hop label founded in 2004 by Lecrae and Ben Washer. Long before acclaim, awards, plaques, chart positioning, and radio play, the two started the label because they both love hip-hop and Jesus. Reach Records was launched with no strategy, no funds, no big players, but they made big moves! Today Reach Records is a trailblazing label with a roster of nearly 10 artists and a staff of 20 who are unashamed about sharing their faith and passionate about hip-hop. Reach Records is committed to building a movement that combines faith with music and popular culture.

California Has a Critical Shortage of Black Teachers

By Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?

Numerous studies have shown that Black teachers can improve Black students’ academic outcomes, but in California, where Black Students are the lowest performing sub-group of all ethnic groups, the state has an extremely low count of African American instructors working in school districts across the state

According to the California Department of Education’s 2018-2019 Ethnic Distribution of Public-School Teachers, Black teachers disproportionately make up 3.8% of the state’s 12,000 public school classroom instructors.

Blacks account for about 5.7% of California’s total population of almost 40 million people.

“Addressing the educator shortage is one of the most important things we can do to support student achievement,” stated Tony Thurmond, the state’s Superintendent of Public Instruction.

“We must increase compensation, prioritize training, improve working conditions, and pursue all strategies that can help our schools add staff to help our students thrive,” Thurmond continued.

Thurmond made this assessment at a news conference before he hosted a Teacher Recruitment Summit at the California Department of Education (CDE) in Sacramento last month.

The Teacher Recruitment Summit was opened to individuals from all organizations focused on reducing the teacher shortage. The event formally launched a coalition to engage in direct recruitment of teacher candidates statewide,

The summit included information about teacher credentialing programs affiliated with school districts and county offices of education, pipeline programs, and AmeriCorps programs.

CDE is addressing the needs of Black educators but there some people who found channels to enter the profession outside of the traditional process, including Nisha Britton who is employed at Angelo Rodriguez High School in Northern California.

Britton, 37, is a Special Education specialist at the school located in Fairfield, 45 east of San Francisco. She just started her first year working with special education students where there are about five Black teachers among the faculty.

Britton, who has a bachelor’s degree in communications/Journalism from Morgan State University — a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in Maryland — says she is aware about the shortage of Black teachers in the state. She’s motivated to combat the issue on multiple levels.

“There is a lot of diversity at this school, but I feel like these kids need someone like me,” Britton told California Black Media (CBM). “I want to help these kids figure out what they want out of life.”

Angelo Rodriguez High School opened in 2001 and is the newest of the three comprehensive high schools in Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District. Angelo Rodriguez High School is located in Fairfield.

Britton is not fully certified as an educator. She found a pathway through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing program (CTC) which certifies her for two years. CTC is committed to ensuring the integrity, relevance, and high quality in the preparation, certification, and discipline of the educators who serve the state’s diverse students, according to the organization’s website.

There were more than 10,000 teacher vacancies across California during the 2020-2021 school year. The state has allocated $3.6 billion in funding over the last four years to improve recruitment, training, and retention.

Dr. Travis Bristol, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Education Policy at Berkeley School of Education, was one of the guest speakers at Thurmond’s news conference.

Through his extensive research, Bristol has been at the forefront of increasing Black male participation in public school education.

According to the U.S. Department of Education’s the State of Racial Diversity in the Educator Workforce,” educators of color account for less than 10% of all public-school teachers across the country. Black males represent 1.9% of that total.

Based on CDE’s 2018-2019 figures, Black male teachers in California accounted for one percent (3705) of 307,470 instructors in the state. The student population in the state was 6,186,278 during the last school year.

While doing research in Boston, Bristol discovered that Black male educators had one of the highest rates of turnover. Most of them left the profession due to poor working environments, feelings of isolation and the perception that they are the overseers of problematic students rather than educators, and the inability to receive adequate tools from school administrators.

Bristol and other Black educators have facilitated professional learning networks across the state where Black male teachers can discuss their challenges. s.

Bristol, who majored in English as an undergrad at Amherst College, expressed gratitude and urged caution in recruitment, saying that there are other “critical issues” as to why there is a low count of Black men and women educators. The UC Berkeley professor said he does not advocate for a “replacement theory.” White students perform well academically and benefit from having Black teachers, too.

“The research and evidence are clear that when students of color have a teacher of color they persist in school. They are less likely to get suspended, and have higher achievement,” Bristol said. “But as we spend some time thinking about recruitment, let us not lose sight of thinking about and pushing for recruitment, supporting and sustaining ethnic racial diversity in the workforce.”

San Bernardino City Unified School District Appoints New Associate Superintendent

SAN BERNARDINO, CA— The San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) proudly announces the appointment of Terry Comnick as the District’s new Associate Superintendent.

With an extensive background in education finance and administration, he brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his new role, overseeing the district’s budget and leading the Business Services, Facilities, and Operations Divisions.

Officially joining the SBCUSD leadership team in July 2023, Comnick will take on the responsibility of managing the approximately $1.1 billion budget for California’s eighth-largest school district.

The Board of Education and Superintendent Mauricio Arellano have placed their trust in Terry’s capabilities, recognizing his proven track record in financial management and dedication to optimizing resources.

“I’m excited to be returning to San Bernardino because it’s where my heart is,” Comnick said. “In San Bernardino and Highland, our work in public education is truly life changing, and I want to be part of that renaissance.”

Terry’s journey in the education sector began as a substitute teacher in 1992, and he has since held various positions that have showcased his unwavering commitment to public education. Most recently, Comnick served as an assistant superintendent at the Upland Unified School District, where he made significant contributions to the district’s financial stability and success.

Returning to SBCUSD, Comnick brings a unique perspective and a passion for improving educational outcomes for students. Previously, he served as the Director of Categorical Programs in SBCUSD for seven years, from 2014 to 2021, during which he demonstrated exceptional leadership and an ability to allocate resources effectively. His leadership proved instrumental during the LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan) process.

In his new role as Associate Superintendent, Comnick will play a vital role in ensuring the allocation of financial resources aligns with the educational needs of SBCUSD’s more than 47,000 students and 9,000 staff members. With a focus on collaboration, transparency, and accountability, he aims to foster a culture of innovation and equity, guaranteeing that all students have access to high-quality education and opportunities for success.

Comnick’s belief in the transformative power of public education, combined with his dedication to supporting educators and empowering students, makes him an invaluable asset to Superintendent Arellano’s leadership team.

“We are thrilled to welcome Terry Comnick to our leadership team,” Arellano said. “I look forward to working closely with Terry as we shape a bright future for the children of the San Bernardino City Unified School District.”

Comnick’s vision and expertise position him to lead the District forward, driving positive change and creating a bright future for the students of SBCUSD.

“So, You Mean to Tell Me, You’re Not Concerned At All?”

By Lou K Coleman

Your whole world is about to be turned upside down and you are not concerned. What’s wrong with you? We are constantly moving forward toward the Biblical description of the last era of human history prior to Christ’s return and you aren’t concerned. Woe unto you! Repent before it is too late! For “My spirit will not always strive with man.”  And know that every tender warning, every word of mercy, every expression of compassion, every act of grace and every extended breath within the framework of My patience is not to be treated lightly or trivialized. Right now, you are living in a time of grace. Enter the ark, before it is too late! If you do not, death and destruction will be your portion. I the Lord have spoken!

Final Invitation. Final Instructions. Final Response. Final Judgment. [Genesis 7:1-24].

God is not a man that He should lie…If God says it, He means it. And the Bible warns us in the New Testament…that Judgment is coming again…and the earth will be destroyed one more time. [Jeremiah 4:5-7].

Burning like a furnace, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.” [Malachi 4:1].

But nobody responded.

Legislative Black Caucus Chair “Extremely Disappointed” by Gov. Newsom’s Veto of Child Gender Identity Bill

By Tanu Henry and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

Assemblymember Lori D. Wilson (D-Suisun City) says she’s extremely disappointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision to veto Assembly Bill (AB) 957, legislation that would have required judges in custody cases to consider a parents’ affirmation of their child’s gender identity in their application of the law.

Wilson, who is the chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus and who has a transgender child said, “I know the Governor’s record. He has been a champion for LGBTQ+ rights even before it was popular to do so.”

“However, on this point, the Governor and I disagree on the best way to protect transgender kids,” Wilson continued.  “I’ve been disheartened over the last few years as I’ve watched the growing hate and heard the vitriol towards the trans community. My intent with this bill was to give them a voice, particularly in the family court system, where a non-affirming parent could have a detrimental effect on the mental health and wellbeing of a child. Whether the roadblock comes from the opposition or even a supporter, it only hardens my resolve. I’m far from done, this fight is personal! Not just for my family, but to all the trans kids that deserve a brighter and safer future.”

The Governor announced his decision in a press release his office sent out Friday that listed bills he has so far signed and others he has vetoed.

Oct. 14 is the deadline for Newsom to sign bills lawmakers introduced during the 2023 legislative session.

Explaining his decision to veto AB 957 in a message, Newsom said people elected officials could point to the legislation as precedent to “diminish the rights of vulnerable communities.”

“I am returning Assembly Bill 957 without my signature,” Newsom wrote.  “I appreciate the passion and values that led the author to introduce this bill. I share a deep commitment to advancing the rights of transgender Californians, an effort that has guided my decisions through many decades in public office.”

That said,” the Governor continued in his message, “I urge caution when the Executive and Legislative branches of state government attempt to dictate – in prescriptive terms that single out one characteristic – legal standards for the Judicial branch to apply.”

Former L.A. County Prosecutor Christopher Darden Announces Run for LA County Superior Court Judge

By Tanu Henry and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

Last week, Christopher Darden, an attorney, bestselling author, law professor and former L.A. County prosecutor announced his candidacy for L.A County Superior Court judge.

The elections will be held next March.

Darden, 67, a Richmond native, gained national prominence when he served as a co-prosecutor in the 1994 O.J. Simpson murder trial.

County receives $2 million for improvements to Wellspring Crisis Residential Treatment Center in Fontana

San Bernardino County’s Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) contracts with five crisis residential treatment facilities to provide care for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, most commonly for those struggling with psychosis or who may be at risk of becoming a danger to themselves or others. The Wellspring Crisis Residential Treatment Center located in Fontana is one of these key treatment facilities.

Thanks to Assembly Majority Leader Emeritus Eloise Gómez Reyes, $2 million will fund the rehabilitation of the Wellspring Center. This will allow substantial improvements to be made to the building, which will enable our programs to continue to comply with licensing requirements.

This project reflects the department’s commitment to ensuring that individuals in San Bernardino County receive the highest quality of care, especially in a residential environment that will serve as their home for up to 90 days while in this program. The efforts funded by this award will serve to enhance this environment and the services provided by this program.

The main initiative of these improvements will be to replace all the residential appliances with commercial-grade appliances, intended for high-volume use. The appliances have heavy wear since the facility serves over a hundred residents each year. The funding will help replace items such as the stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, washer, dryer, and microwave.

This funding allocation will not only directly impact the client care provided by San Bernardino County but also demonstrates our administration’s support of behavioral health and our resident’s wellness. For more information regarding the Department of Behavioral Health services, please visit www.sbcounty.gov/dbh.


Mr. and Miss Cardinal City Pageants Really Shine for Students

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—- On Saturday, September 23, San Bernardino High School (SBHS) celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Mr. and Miss Cardinal City Pageants.

Beyond the pomp and circumstance, this event has focused on academics, and it has helped hundreds of former students gain real-world skills that have led to success beyond high school.

Pageant founder and Bilingual School Outreach Worker Jaime Rios conceived of the pageant to promote SBHS and the City of San Bernardino through the young people who he said are the future of the community.

“The Miss and Mr. Cardinal pageant isn’t just about glitz and glamor,” Rios said. “It’s a platform where character is honed, leadership is cultivated, and resilience is fortified. Our participants aren’t merely contestants, they are the embodiment of ambition, grace, and unwavering determination.”

Gustavo Alvarez is one of those former students. He credits the pageant with helping him become the man he is today.

As the SBHS Class of 2012 alum and former Mr. Cardinal City, he is currently a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at Cornell University.

“Being Mr. Cardinal provided a space that encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. As a truly shy high school student, I was able to gain more confidence in myself and my abilities to give back to the community,” said Alvarez.

Alvarez also works at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source and with Argonne National Laboratory. His research into the study of heat transfer to semiconductors is on the nanoscale.

If all that sounds like rocket science, that’s because it just might be. The applications of Alvarez’s research could lead to space probes that can study the outer corona of our sun.

This year’s Mr. Cardinal City contestants are Alejandro Davalos, Oswaldo Diego, Salvador Gaeta, Isaac Garcia, Alexis Quinteros, Angel Ramon Jauregui, Carlos Andres Robb Godoy, Victor Cham Rodriguez, and Nicholas Sebastian Virgen.

This year’s Miss Cardinal City contestants are Jocelyne Aguilar, Alexandra Xitlalli Barrera, Leslie Caldera, Angelina Cipres, Stephanie Dominguez, Alisson Janine Duque, Andrea Gonzalez, Victoria Ilene Guerrero, Wendy Madariaga, Dalia Aracely Mendoza, Camila Martinez Vargas, Lisa Mariah Morfin, Daisy Torres, Danielle Francesca Villanueva, Kayanna Aaliyah Marie Walker, and Angelina Lucy Waterson-Lopez.

“They have dedicated countless hours to refining their talents, perfecting their public speaking skills, and mastering the art of self-expression. They have navigated the ups and downs of competition, exemplifying the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie,” said Rios. “But what truly sets this program apart is its profound impact on our students’ futures. It fosters the ability to communicate confidently, work tirelessly, and strive for excellence. These are qualities that transcend the stage and become the cornerstone of success in their academic, professional, and personal lives.”

As part of preparing for the pageant and possibly being crowned Mr. or Miss Cardinal City or being a member of the Cardinal City Court, all contestants volunteer many hours of service to San Bernardino and travel around the community.

Alvarez said of his experience, “Mr. Cardinal provided me the opportunity to experience San Bernardino County in a new perspective as Jamie (Rios) and I attended several community service and pageant events. I am truly grateful to all that the Mr. Cardinal pageant had to offer.”

State Controller Malia Cohen to Chair State Task Force on Charter School Audits

By Tanu Henry and Joe W. Bowers Jr. | California Black Media

California State Controller Malia Cohen announced last week that she will chair a “statewide multi-agency task force charged with developing audit criteria and best practices for identifying and preventing fraud in charter schools.

San Diego Superior Court Judge Robert Longstreth formed the task force after the state charged 11 defendants – including a school superintendent — for defrauding taxpayers of nearly $400 million by enrolling fictitious students in A3 Education, an online charter school, to collect state funds to educate each student.

Cohen says the leading defendants in the case Sean McManus and Jason Schrock have agreed to turn over all the assets of A3 Education and its subsidiaries to the state – and $215 million which will be put back in the “state’s coffers.”

“As the State’s chief fiscal officer and the office responsible for developing audit guidelines to be followed by auditors when auditing school district, I could not in good conscience allow this matter to proceed through the judicial system without offering my office’s assistance in drafting guidelines to detect and prevent a recurrence of this untenable situation,” said Cohen. “To do otherwise would be to neglect the confidence placed in my office to safeguard taxpayers’ dollars.”