Tag Archives: slider

A Servant Heart Outreach

The 14th Annual Christmas Outreach was held on Friday, December 19 at a Servant Heart Outreach in San Bernardino  where 3,800 children received toys with special help and donations from 29 Palms Marine Corps Toys for Tots, Nestle, Stater Bros., Elegant Shoe Collections, San Bernardino County School District, and the Pacific High School Cheerleaders.

There were also Christmas characters that included Santa Clause, the Red Queen of Wonderland, the Mad Hatter, and the White Queen of Wonderland.

Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown Named Legislator of Year by the Alzheimer’s Association

Cheryl Brown

Cheryl Brown

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino) was unanimously selected as the 2015 Legislator of the Year by the Alzheimer’s Association for authoring AB 1744, The California Family Caregiver Act of 2014. The Alzheimer’s Association will present Assemblymember Brown her award on Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 on their annual legislative advocacy day in Sacramento.

“I am honored to be named the Alzheimer’s Association Legislator of the Year for 2015,” Assemblymember Brown said. “As the Chair of the Aging and Long-Term Care Committee, I look forward to working with the Alzheimer’s Association to ensure that as California’s population ages, the state provides the necessary resources for research while providing the best possible care for seniors living with Alzheimer’s.”

The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. To learn about how you can help in the fight against Alzheimer’s visit www.alz.org.

Loma Linda University Health Breaks Ground for San Bernardino Health Care and Educational Initiative

.  Pictured (L to R) are:   Ted N.C. Wilson, PhD, president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; Nancy Young, president and CEO, SACHS; Pat Morris, MD, former mayor, City of San Bernardino; Dale Marsden, superintendent, San Bernardino City School District; Tommy Ramos, education committee member, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians; Ken Ramirez, tribal secretary, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians; Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH, president, Loma Linda University Health; Pete Aguilar, congressman-elect, California 31st District; R. Carey Davis, mayor, City of San Bernardino; Lowell Cooper, MDiv, MPH, vice president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and chair, Board of Trustees, Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center

. Pictured (L to R) are:
Ted N.C. Wilson, PhD, president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; Nancy Young, president and CEO, SACHS; Pat Morris, MD, former mayor, City of San Bernardino; Dale Marsden, superintendent, San Bernardino City School District; Tommy Ramos, education committee member, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians; Ken Ramirez, tribal secretary, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians; Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH, president, Loma Linda University Health; Pete Aguilar, congressman-elect, California 31st District; R. Carey Davis, mayor, City of San Bernardino; Lowell Cooper, MDiv, MPH, vice president, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and chair, Board of Trustees, Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center

LOMA LINDA, CA- Groundbreaking ceremonies were held today for Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino, the new health care and educational initiative in downtown San Bernardino. The ceremonies were held at 250 South G Street, where the center will be built across the street from San Manuel Stadium.

Richard H. Hart, MD, DrPH, president of Loma Linda University Health, said that the project will help support the San Bernardino economy and promote health and wholeness in the community for years to come.

“Studies of the infrastructure of San Bernardino have found that there are two large unmet needs in this community,” Hart said.  “The first is a lack of skilled workers. The second is a lack of quality health care. Our new project will shore up both of those sectors of the economy by providing career education and health care for area residents as well as creating employment opportunities.”

The project involves three distinct, yet related components. The first is an educational center to be known as San Manuel Gateway College. Funded in part by a generous gift of $10 million from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, it will provide a variety of 6- to 12-month certificate training programs to prepare graduates for a number of rewarding career options in the healthcare field.

The second is an expanded and relocated multi-specialty medical clinic to be operated by Social Action Community Health System (SACHS), currently located at 1455 E. Third Street in San Bernardino. The third is a vegetarian restaurant designed to showcase the longevity-enhancing benefits of a plant-based diet.

Bradley P. Gilbert, MD, CEO of Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP), noted that the expanded SACHS clinic will become a critical component of the IEHP delivery system with the increased primary care and specialty services it will provide to IEHP members.  Gilbert said, “Given the large growth in our membership, which will reach one million members soon, we need high quality, accessible services such as will be delivered at the expanded SACHS clinic.”

SACHS, which was started by Loma Linda University Health students in the 1960s, has grown to become the largest provider of health services in San Bernardino. The new location will not only offer considerably more space than the old one affords, but will also offer expanded healthcare options for downtown residents.  With a full complement of primary behavioral health, clinical, dental, health education, laboratory, pharmacy, urgent care, and women’s health services, the clinic will feature world-class health care provided by Loma Linda University Health faculty, students, and residents.  SACHS is a teaching health center, funded by the federal Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to educate medical residents.

“SACHS is the second-largest teaching health center in the nation,” noted Nancy Young, MHES, president and CEO of SACHS.  “Research shows that physicians trained in a community health center are three times as likely to stay working in community health throughout their careers.”

Hart said Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino is designed as a LEED-certified architectural showpiece intended to beautify the downtown area with trees and gardens that promote healing and a sense of community.  The LEED acronym stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and indicates that the center will be environmentally responsible and will use resources wisely in accordance with the highest industry standards for green buildings.

The new center represents a unique partnership of local organizations eager to create a revolutionary educational opportunity in the region.  The City of San Bernardino, the County of San Bernardino, the San Bernardino Community College District, the San Bernardino City Unified School District, several non-profit organizations, and SACHS are partnering with the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians and Loma Linda University Health in this comprehensive project.

San Bernardino Mayor R. Carey Davis, MBA, said the new center will symbolize the city’s economic development to local residents as well as the surrounding communities and visitors who will view the new architectural display from the 215 Freeway.

“This represents a great opportunity to revitalize our downtown area,” Davis remarked.  “It will also begin to change the image of San Bernardino as a result of the building that is going on. It will show that economic activity is returning.  We see the collaboration and partnership as one that is very important to the rebirth of our downtown.”

More information about the Loma Linda University Health – San Bernardino project can be found online via this link:  www.lluhealth.org/sanbernardino

Legendary Jazz Chanteuse, Barbara Morrison, is Nominated for a Grammy

Barbara MorrisonLOS ANGELES, CA- The dazzling Miss Barbara Morrison’s achievements within the community and music have been paying off. She has been nominated for a 2015 Grammy for “Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album.” In addition to her nomination, she will also be coming to the Arrowhead Elks in San Bernardino on Sunday, December 28 where she will be doing a Pre-New Years Eve concert and performing a special blend of Jazz, Blues, and Gospel.

Morrison will be bringing her quartet along with her to perform. The concert starts at 4 p.m. and doors open at 3:30 p.m. General admission tickets are $25 and $55 for VIP and a meet and greet. All proceeds will benefit The Barbara Morrison Performing Arts Center in Los Angeles. The Arrowhead Elks is located at 1073 Mt. Vernon in San Bernardino (92411).

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Observes World AIDS Day 2014


WASHINGTON — On December 1, the global community observes and honors World AIDS Day, remembering all those affected by HIV and AIDS.  Since 2009, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Incorporated (CBCF) and 18 national black and Latino civil rights organizations have worked as Act Against AIDS Leadership Initiative (AAALI), a coalition funded by the Centers for Disease Control. AAALI partners have implemented 2,400 HIV/AIDS related events in collaboration with their 400 chapters and collaborative partners, which yielded more than 3.6 million attendees.

“World AIDS Day serves as an opportunity to educate the public on key issues driving this epidemic,” said A. Shuanise Washington, president and chief executive officer, CBCF. “Unfortunately, African Americans represent the highest rate of new HIV infections. The CBCF and its partners will continue engaging the public to reinforce that knowledge is our strongest weapon against the disease.”

The CBCF has also been a key partner working with Howard University Hospital in organizing the International Stigma Conference, currently in its fifth year.  “Stigma is one of the leading causes of people not getting and staying in treatment,” stated Washington.  “In order to have an AIDS-Free generation, we must not only educate, but work on how to change behavior.”



The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Incorporated, established in 1976, is a non-partisan, non-profit, public policy, research and educational institute intended to broaden and elevate the influence of African Americans in the political, legislative and public policy arenas.

Dominguez Elementary School Grand Opening and Partnership Ceremony

Ms. Dorene Dominguez with student tour guides from H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School

Ms. Dorene Dominguez with student tour guides from H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School

Dominguez & Vanir Leadership" - (left to right): -- Ms. Terri Anderson-Cardinal, Program Facilitator, H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School -- Mr. Alejandro Hernandez, Principal, H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School -- Ms. Dorene Dominguez, Chairman, Vanir Foundation -- Ms. Adrienne Cisneros-Selekman, President, Vanir Foundation

Dominguez & Vanir Leadership” – (left to right):
— Ms. Terri Anderson-Cardinal, Program Facilitator, H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School
— Mr. Alejandro Hernandez, Principal, H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School
— Ms. Dorene Dominguez, Chairman, Vanir Foundation
— Ms. Adrienne Cisneros-Selekman, President, Vanir Foundation

SAN BERNARDINO, CA-Dorene Dominguez, Chairman of The Vanir Foundation in Memory of H. Frank Dominguez, San Bernardino Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Dale Marsden and the Vanir Foundation Board of Directors celebrate the grand opening and partnership of the H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School. The festivities included a school adoption by Cross Walk Church, first grade singers, and a special presentation of the H. Frank Dominguez plaque by Dorene Dominguez. After the ceremony, a mariachi band led guests to a reception followed by school tours by Dominguez Elementary school students.

The Vanir Foundation is pleased to announce their new partnership with H. Frank Dominguez Elementary School. As stated by Ms. Dominguez, “Since its inception in 2004, the Vanir Foundation has helped thousands of students by brining academic enrichment programs to our partner schools.” The Vanir Foundation has provided funding for:

  • Apple iPad Airs for use of technology in the classroom;
  • Science & College focused field trips to enhance learning outside the classroom;
  • Honor Roll incentives to encourage student achievement;
  • School Uniforms;
  • and the highly successful “Engineering is Elementary” Program which exposes students to engineering concepts through a hands-on workshop approach.

This partnership will engage students in learning activities that stress critical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills that are required for success in high school graduation, college, career, and life. Principal Alejandro Hernandez said, “We’re a 21st century skills school, planting the seeds of Hope, Inspiration, Knowledge, and Relationships.”

The Vanir Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3), is dedicated to partnering with schools in underserved communities by promoting achievement in math, science, language arts and engaging students in the field of engineering.

For more information and to donate to the Vanir Foundation, please visit www.VanirFoundation.org.

SBCUSD Students Reminisce About Participating in Local History

Vice President Joe Biden (Photo Credit Angela Coggs)

Vice President Joe Biden (Photo Credit Angela Coggs)

By Angela M. Coggs

How often can someone say they attended an event in their own backyard where the current sitting Vice President of the United States was a speaker? Most people can go their entire life without having such an opportunity. But two students from the San Bernardino County Unified School District had the chance to do just that. On Saturday, November 1st at a “Get out the Vote” Rally at Colton High School, Yonathan Habtemariam (8th grader- Richardson Prep Middle School) and Jonathan Rodgers (9th grader- Cajon High School) were two students in a sea of several hundred adults in the Colton High School gymnasium. Both young men attended the event with their respective mothers, both whom are officers of the SBCUSD District African American Advisory Council (DAAAC), whom were also elated to see history up close and personal.

Vice President Biden was on the campaign trail for then candidate Pete Aguilar. Aguilar, the former Mayor of Redlands, went on to win his election bid for the 31st Congressional District seat held by the retiring Rep. Gary Miller, R-Rancho Cucamonga.  The 31st district stretches through San Bernardino County from Rancho Cucamonga to Redlands.

Joe Biden arriving to event. (Photo taken by Izaiah Frazier)

Joe Biden arriving to event. (Photo taken by Izaiah Frazier)

During the rally, Biden referred to Aguilar’s childhood and being raised in a working-class family in San Bernardino. He also mentioned how Aguilar paid his way through college with two jobs and federal grants and loans. Biden urged the attendees in the Colton High School gymnasium to “pick a son of America who understands what it’s like to work hard, who understands what it’s like to put a family together, who understands what it means to struggle and get through school, who understands that every single solitary child out there deserves the same chance he had.”

“I never thought I would have an opportunity to see the Vice President in person. I didn’t believe it was really happening until he walked on stage. We were so close,” said Yonathan Habtemariam, who was taking pictures on his phone for proof. “Nobody will believe I was actually here. I can’t believe that I’m in the same breathing space as the Vice President”.  When asked what he remembered most about Biden’s speech he stated, “It was sad to hear how he had to move in with his grandfather and his father had to leave the family for a year just to find work. He also could not get a loan to send him (Biden) to college. Even though he was really good in baseball and football, it wasn’t enough to pay for school. That’s why he (Biden) is in favor of Pell grants. Having a Pell grant helped him get through college and he said everyone deserves an equal chance.” Hearing the speakers talk about the future in regards to making college an equal opportunity reality really resonated with Habtemariam who will be a high school freshman next year. “Anyone who wants to go to college should have the opportunity. I look forward to going to college, like my sister, in a few years.”


Yonathan Habtemariam, Angela Coggs, Jonathan Rodgers, and Gwen Rodgers

For the self-declared future civil rights attorney Jonathan Rodgers, having an opportunity to see Vice President Biden at this time in his life made him think about what more lies ahead. Rodgers was equally impressed with and motivated by what was said during the rally.  He had the chance to hear firsthand what the Aguilar political platform was and how Aguilar plans on achieving it.  “It was a once in a lifetime experience. Knowing that I’m 15 years old, and I got to be in the same room as the Vice President. I think waiting in the rain was worth it for the reward.” Rodgers is planning ahead because he knows that college is in his future. “I’m grateful to have that moment at such a young age.”

Another student on the scene was 10 year old Izaiah Frazier. He was given a “special assignment” from his grandmother, Cynthia Frazier, to figure out where to position himself to get pictures of Biden’s motorcade. After strategically studying his environment, he decided to stand on the corner of Valley Blvd and Rancho Avenue across from the 10 freeway exit ramp. Although he did not know what direction the Vice President was travelling to the event, he believed that the corner he stood on would allow him an opportunity to get a good picture. Frazier was baffled and bewildered that local residents had no idea that the Vice President of the United States was due to arrive in their neighborhood. “It was awesome to see the Vice President and his motorcade. It is something that I will remember when I grow up,” Frazier said. Frazier was correct about is location. Minutes later after an initial police escort, the official motorcade exited the freeway and Frazier was able to take a few good pictures as he waved at the limo in hopes that Biden would see him. Even at such a young age, he knows the importance of voting and that he had a rare opportunity to see a Vice President in his community.

A valuable lesson these three young boys learned is the importance of getting involved in community events no matter what one’s age is. Another lesson they learned is that it is important to allow one’s voice to be heard at the ballot box.  Although the opportunity to attend the rally was not available to many young students, the message conveyed clearly resonated with these three.

Grad Summit: Increasing Graduation Rates through Career Pathways

San Bernardino County School Board District Members  and Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown gather for a group shot during the Grad Summit ceremony on Saturday, November 15. (Photo credit: Angela M. Coggs)

San Bernardino County School Board District Members and Assemblymember Cheryl R. Brown gather for a group shot during the Grad Summit ceremony on Saturday, November 15. (Photo credit: Angela M. Coggs)

By Angela M. Coggs

On Saturday, November 15th, Grad Summit 2014 was held at California State University, San Bernardino from 8:30am to 3:00pm. The event was organized by a coalition of local, state and national organizations that joined forces to make college and career readiness a core educational priority in San Bernardino.

The summit convened in partnership with America’s Promise Alliance and National GradNation Campaign and the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) and CSUSB, among other groups, which was attended by parents, students, and community officials.

The primary goal of the National GradNation Campaign is to achieve a 90% graduation rate nationwide by 2020 with no high school graduating less than 80 percent of its students.

The summits goal is to build on dropout prevention efforts by elevating San Bernardino County-Wide efforts to link classroom innovation with career development to improve graduation rates and college/career readiness. The day-long summit featured inspirational speakers and dynamic workshop sessions that demonstrated rigorous academics emphasizing real-world application critical for college and career.

Dina Walker (Photo Credit:: Angela M. Coggs)

Dina Walker (Photo Credit:: Angela M. Coggs)

Officials in attendance included SBCUSD Superintendent Dr. Dale Marsden, SBCUSD Communications Director Linda Bardere, Superintendent Elect SBCS Ted Alejandre, CSUSB President Dr. Tomas D. Morales, SBCUSD Board President Mike Gallo, SBCUSD Board Member Abigail Medina, and Executive Director Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement (COPE) Rev. Samuel Casey.

Two SBCUSD students helped to kick off the morning with encouraging and inspirational words. Raihanah Medlock, Grand Terrace High School sophomore, recited an uplifting spoken word and Alexander Mattison, San Bernardino High School senior, also represented the student voice and challenged students to graduate from high school and to sign the pledge banner. His speech reverberated with the audience.

Dina Walker, newly elected member of the Rialto School Board and President/CEO of BLU Educational Foundation, was the moderator for the event.

“I thought the Summit was excellent. We had great buy-in from many community leaders, educational leaders, as well, parents and students. The connection for career and college was definitely evident. The feedback I received from some of the students was that they were very interested in everything especially about the entrepreneurship. It gave them ways to connect what they want to do and make money out of it. Even if they did not go onto college how they would be viable,” said Walker.

The keynote speakers, Eric Schmidt, Co-Founder of Exquadrum Inc. and Garner Holt, Garner Holt Productions, Inc. addressed the attendees with their inspirational stories of how their passion was realized at a young age and how they made a living from something the loved. Their message really resonated with the students, as well as the parents, in the audience. Walker agreed, “One of the things they (students) got out of the speakers today was taking their personal interest, even as a young person, and making into a business opportunity.”

Rev. Sam Casey with members of the SB County Sheriff Department (Photo Credit: Angela M. Coggs)

Rev. Sam Casey with members of the SB County Sheriff Department (Photo Credit: Angela M. Coggs)

In addition to the speakers and the many valuable workshops, including Building Ideas for Teen Entrepreneurs, Career Pathway Success in Public Safety Academy, College Knowledge 101, and Building Ninjas Robots, there were vendors on hand with information and giveaways. Edison International representative, Wendell Jones, attended the summit to promote their 2015 Edison Scholars Program and was very impressed with the day-long event. “The Summit was amazing. It had a lot of valuable information for the students and the parents here. It was a great informational session and I look forward to being a part of it again next year.” Jones spoke to many students and parents about the scholarship opportunity from Edison in hopes to motivate them to apply for the program. “Edison is offering thirty (30) $40,000 scholarships to high school seniors looking to go into a four year university in an S.T.E.M (Science Technology Engineering and Math) program. They must live or go to school in an Edison region, have a 2.8 grade point average. The application pool was low last year and this is why I am out here and going to other events and schools and letting students know about this opportunity.”

Performances from local schools Richardson PREP Jazz Band, San Gorgonio High School Dance Group, and Arroyo Valley High School Dance Company in the afternoon were a real crowd pleaser. All the students put on a flawless routine and received standing ovations.

Brianna Robertson, 9th grader from Cajon High School, was empowered after the Summit. “I was really surprised how much of a good time I had. I learned a few new things that will better prepare me for college. Plus, I had friends there and we will remind each other of what we learned and to stay on track. The school band, BSU dancers, lunch and raffle prizes made the day even better.” Robertson attended the event with her mother who was also a vendor. Devona Robertson is an engage mother of three, community leader, District African American Advisory Council (DAAAC) Officer and Vice President of Young Women’s Empowerment Foundation (YWE), signed the San Bernardino 2014 GradSummit Call to Action Pledge banner after accepting the challenge given to the educational leaders, parents/caregivers and students during the opening welcome and remarks.

As a growing movement of dedicated individuals, organizations and communities working together to end America’s dropout crisis, this day-long summit to help ensure that all students graduate from high school prepared for college and a career was a success.


Black Women and Youth Analyze Election Results: Black Voter Turnout Exceeded Expectations

black women and youth election results

Washington, DC – Long before the final results of the Midterm Elections were reported on Tuesday night, a team of esteemed women from Black Women’s Roundtable, students from Howard University, and young professionals from Black Youth Vote and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, had determined that Black voter participation surpassed expectations and outnumbered turnout in 2010. The intergenerational team at the eighth biennial National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) Ronald Walters Election Day National Command Center (NCBCP RWCC) communicated with on-the-ground field operations in twelve states  to monitor problems at the polls,  disseminate important information via social media, and analyze voter turnout and election results.

“This is the first time the Command Center was held on a historically Black college campus, but not the last. The Ronald W. Walters Leadership and Public Policy Center (RWLPPC) is the perfect partner to co-host the Election Day Command Center,” said Melanie L. Campbell, president and CEO, NCBCP and convener Black Women’s Roundtable. “Nearly fifty young people volunteered throughout the day. It was refreshing to see the young people pair up with seasoned experts sharing knowledge and telling our own story. The NCBCP looks forward to expanding its partnership with RWLPPC to provide civic leadership, engagement and non-partisan campaign management training opportunities for Black women, students and community organizers on a year-round basis.”

Elsie Scott, PhD, founding director Ronald W. Walters Leadership and Public Policy Center at Howard University and co-host of the NCBCP RWCC adds, “We were honored to host the Command Center and look forward to compiling the data to produce a detailed report of what happened on the ground. Dr. Walters would be proud to see the effort that the Howard University Student Association put into making this a resounding success.”  An internationally recognized political scientist, professor and scholar, the late Ronald W. Walters was on a founding board member of the NCBCP and an early framer of their voter empowerment campaign and Election Day Command Center.

The get-out-the-vote operations in the states were conducted by affiliates of the NCBCP’s Black Women’s Roundtable & Black Youth Vote; A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI), and the National African American Clergy Network. Here are some of the highlights from the ground reported to the Command Center:

  • Field organizers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina reported higher than expected early voting in counties with large African American registered voters.
  • Clerks in Alabama rejected 300 out of 1500 absentee ballots for not enough postage.
  • The website of the Georgia Secretary of State had an outage so voters could not find out where to vote and some polling locations listed on the website were incorrect.
  • In 25 Virginia Beach precincts, 34 out of 820 voting machines were out of service.
  • In Georgia and North Carolina, there were reports of untrained poll workers denying voters the right to cast a ballot when a name did not appear on the electronic registration lists.  In some cases, poll workers did not offer a provisional ballot or check the paper voters’ rolls. For example, in Wake County,  North Carolina poll workers turned away 247 voters.

Clayola Brown, president,APRI,stated, “Our field coordinators from North Carolina to California, were able to tell us first-hand what problems they were experiencing so they could be addressed immediately. Their anecdotal accounts on the ground validated that Black women were showing up in phenomenal numbers. We know Black women vote to improve conditions for families and the community, that’s why we saw state ballot initiatives for minimum wage and paid sick days passed.”

“The African American faith community has been a vital part of every major advancement of Black people in our nation,” said Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner, Ph.D., co-chair, National African American Clergy Network.  The Black faith community worked in coalition with community groups and produced a larger than expected Black voter turnout.”

“Black Youth Vote coordinators on the HBCU campuses reported that Black youth showed up at the polls enduring historical barriers even in 2014,” comments Lisa Fager, senior advisor, Black Youth Vote.  “As we move forward we must continue to fight for our right to vote for quality candidates that stand for improving our communities and daily lives.  Working with young people from Black Youth Vote, HUSA and RWLPPC gives me the confidence that the next generation of leaders willunderstand their history and the importance of protecting their vote.”

Other national partners and women leaders facilitating the Command Center included: Waikinya Clanton, National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women; Holli L. Holliday, Esq.,  Holliday Advisors;  Rene Redwood, Redwood Enterprise, LLC; Leslie Baskerville, NAFEO; Joycelyn Tate, Esq.,  Black Women’s Roundtable; Enid Doggett, INSPR Media; Muriel Cooper, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation; Lisa Paris, Pew Charitable Trust; Jan Temple, APRI; Carol Joyner, Black Women’s Roundtable; Michelle Mitchell-DuBois, Values Partnership and Avis Jones-DeWeever, PhD, Incite Unlimited. For more information on the RWCC visit www.ncbcp.org.

# # #

Founded in 1976, the NCBCP is a   non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to increasing civic engagement and voter participation in Black and underserved communities. The women’s initiative, BWR stays at the forefront of championing just and equitable public policy on behalf of Black women and girls.  Established in 1996 to address the chronic decline in Black youth voter participation, Black Youth Vote! has served as one of the leading youth-led movements focused on training the next generation of civic leaders and organizers, and increasing Black youth voter participation and engagement.

The RWLPPC was established by Howard University to serve as a focal point for research, publications, service, policy discussions and leadership development activities in areas involving the engagement of African Americans in the U.S. political process and in U.S. national and foreign policy. The Center is an interdisciplinary center that will preserve the legacy of Dr. Ronald Walters, a scholar-activist who conducted research, served as a mentor to students and political leaders, provided strategic direction and thinking in the political and civic arenas, was a prolific writer and served as a political commentator.

Tavis Smiley Visits Valley College

(left to right) Tavis Smiley; Assmeblymember Cheryl Brown, 47th District; and Dr. Gloria M. Fisher, Interim president of SBVC. (Photo credit: John Coleman)

(left to right) Tavis Smiley; Assmeblymember Cheryl Brown, 47th District; and Dr. Gloria M. Fisher, Interim president of SBVC. (Photo credit: John Coleman)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA- On Thursday, October 23, renowned media personality, Tavis Smiley, paid a special visit to San Bernardino Valley College where he enlightened the crowd on different issues within the community. Smiley has received 16 honorary doctorate degrees for his 30 years of dedicated and committed service as a talk show personality, political commentator, activist, author, advocate, producer, and benefactor.

During his speech at Valley College, Mr. Smiley urged both the young and seasoned individuals in the crowd to assist in changing the world to make it a better place. After the event guests were able to take photos and get an autographed copy of Smiley’s latest book.