ONTARIO, CA- Eta Nu Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., San Bernardino-Riverside chapter, will present a new, different and diverse fashion show production on Sunday, October 13 at 5 p.m., at Ontario’s Radisson Hotel Grand Ballroom, 2200 East Holt Blvd. The show entitled “SophistAKAed Fashions with Timeless Service,” combines the experienced fashion and beauty expertise of Franzine Beauty, Onlave Signature Productions and Nikol Talent Group, all of whom represent Los Angeles’ best in the fashion entertainment industry. The model casting will showcase a group of talented children, youth, male, female, full-figured and mature models. The audience should be prepared to “expect the unexpected” as the models grace the runway in an array of beauty featuring all shapes, sizes and colors. The featured commentators are the dynamic duo of Lauren Venise LaGrone and David Briggs.
This fashion event is a benefit for the sorority’s scholarship and community service programs. In addition to the show, guest will be served Hor D’oeuvres, a chance to win a vast selection of door and raffle prizes, and enjoy shopping at a variety of vendors. Tickets are $40 per person and can be purchased online at www.etanuomegafashionshow.eventbrite.com.
Life-Changing Experience on the West Coast of Africa
Recently I got back from one of the most life-changing experience of my life. Ghana, a beautiful place on the West Coast of Africa. It was eye opening, enriching, challenging, and amazing all in one.
As I traveled out of the United States for the first time in my life, I had no idea what to expect, but I was not expecting the gift I was about to receive.
When I first arrived, the scenery wasn’t what I first pictured. It was indeed a culture shock! It wasn’t America. The city was busy. People were selling all kinds of goods on the streets. Traffic was overly crowded, but there was much freedom. Some parts of the city were underdeveloped. Roads were poor, and it was hard considering that the City was growing so fast generally. There were electricity and water in some areas, not all areas. But every day brought something new. It was as if the whole world had changed for me. Actually it was the other way around, as I started to see things differently.
The Ghanaians celebrate life. They appreciate life. There is so much beauty and peace in the day-to-day lives of the people. From the start I was welcomed with open arms and became very spoiled by the kindness of the people, their attention and appreciative present-tense way of living. It’s just an entirely different mindset than what I am used to, and it was a breath of fresh air.
I went to Ghana with the Founder of Behind the Veil Intercessory Prayer, Ms. Eva Appenteng. Our mission was to provide a borehole/water pump system that would provide clean water to the people who lived in the Fawoman Village outside of Kumasi. I am happy to announce, mission accomplished! Not only did we complete the water project, but electricity was installed. The laying of foundation to build a school was also being poured. (Special thanks to Pastor Jim Colye and the entire Sunrise Church family in Rialto, CA who provided the resources to be a blessing to God’s people). We are excited about what God has done and continue to do. Our next project is to begin construction for the school. If you would like to be a part of this great ministry for God and His people, please call (909) 649-8148.
Of course, I can’t conclude without mentioning my experience at the “Beautiful Gate Church” where Pastor Richard Yeboah is Senior Pastor. Talking about praising and worshiping God, as I stood in the sanctuary I felt like I was standing on sacred ground. Often times we can sense the Spirit’s presence. On some occasions His presence is so real, so obvious, it’s almost as though we can touch Him. We become sensitive, motivated, and spiritually alive. We find ourselves lost in wonder, love and praise. We catch a glimpse of the Lord as Isaiah saw Him: “high and exalted”. This extra glimpse of God we crave; we want it, we need to feel it, to sense it, to experience it, to taste it, and to touch it. And when we do, like the paralytic, we will forever be changed. The Beautiful Gate Church, God inhabited their praise, and the dedication was marvelous! It’s time to bring back this God-given expression of adoration.
I could go on and on, but really to understand what I am trying to say you would really need to experience Ghana first hand. It’s a beautiful place that has not forgotten its roots; one of the oldest and most traditional cultures is still in its most pure form even in these very modern times. My experience in Ghana will never be forgotten!
American Diabetes Association to Host Annual Step Out Walk at Knott’s Berry Farm
BUENA PARK, CA- The American Diabetes Association (ADA) will host its annual ‘Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes’ on Saturday, October 5 at Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park. The walk will be 2.5 miles through the scenic grounds of the theme park. Walkers will be able to get a behind the scenes look as they pass through the park grounds and Soak City. There will also be a shorter walk for participants who are not ready for the full walk. Check-in time for the event is at 6:30 a.m. and the walk will begin at 7:45 a.m. at Independence Hall.
Step Out is the signature fundraising walk of the ADA. Each year participants come together to walk and raise funds in order to aid the organization in its mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all those affected by diabetes. There is no cost to participate in this event, but participants are encouraged to raise a minimum of $125 to get the official 2013 Step Out t-shirt on the day of the event. All registered walkers will receive 50 percent off a regularly priced adult admission to Knott’s Berry Farm and free parking the day of the event. This event would not be possible without the generous support from sponsors, which include United Health Care, Knott’s Berry Farm, Hoag Mary & Dick Diabetes Center, Sweet Leaf, Walgreens, Sela, Stock Cross, Fountain Valley Regional Hospital & Medical Center, Jackson Hewitt, Orange County Breeze, and Corner Bakery.
For more information and to sign up for the event visit diabetes.org/stepoutoc or contact Step Out Event Manager Tiffany Updike at tupdike@diabetes.org or (714) 662-7940 x7517.
ITVS Community Cinema Returns to the Inland Empire
RIVERSIDE, CA- OneNation Media Services, Inc., a producing partner with the Independent Television Service (leader in independent public media), is pleased to announce the return of Community Cinema to the Inland Empire. The largest public interest outreach program in public or commercial television, Community Cinema features sneak peeks of documentaries set to broadcast on the award-winning PBS series ‘Independent Lens.’ OneNation Media Services will launch the 2013-14 season with the free public screening of “The Graduates/Los Graduados.” Independently produced by Bernardo Ruiz, “The Graduates/Los Graduados” explores pressing issues in education today through the eyes of a diverse array of Latino and Latina adolescents from across the United States in an eye-opening documentary on the challenges facing both, the students, their families, educators and community leaders. The screening will be held Sunday, September 29 at 2 p.m. at the Riverside Public Library. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring community-based organizations and special guest speakers. The screening is free to attend; however, registration is encouraged as seating is limited. To register, visit www.eventbrite.com/event/7858851035.
OneNation Media Services will screen six different films this season, including “The Trials of Muhammad Ali,” which tells the story of the famed boxer’s toughest bout of all: his battle to overturn the prison sentence he received for refusing U.S. military service. The complete list of films scheduled for screening during 2013-14 season may be downloaded from www.onenationmedia.org. To inquire about a particular film or appear as a guest speaker, contact OneNation Media Services at 909-657-0578, ext. 1.
22 Contestants Compete for the Title of Miss Cardinal City
SAN BERNARDINO, CA- This past weekend, Saturday, September 6, 22 young women competed for the honor of representing San Bernardino High School, Cardinal City and the City of San Bernardino. During the pageant, Miss Cardinal City contestants were ranked by a panel of judges in on-stage categories ranging from sportswear, evening gown and an on-stage question. Off-stage categories included grades, attendance and personal interviews.
According to pageant director and Bilingual School Outreach Worker Jamie Rios, two of the goals for Miss Cardinal City and related pageant Mr. Cardinal City are to develop students’ confidence and raise community awareness and pride in San Bernardino High and the city.
“San Bernardino High is the oldest public high school in the entire county,” she states. “It is also part of two cities. Many people don’t realize the high school itself is a chartered city, Cardinal City. With that kind of history and community significance, I felt we needed ambassadors, young people who could represent all these different and note-worthy aspects of San Bernardino High School.”
Sponsors that helped to make the pageant a success were Stater Bros. Markets, D’Arca Formal Wear, Angel’s Closet, Fairview Ford, The Way World Outreach, Marinello Schools of Beauty, San Bernardino Sun newspaper, San Bernardino High School Class of 1961, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hickey, Mrs. Pat Williams, First Ward Councilwoman Virginia Marquez, Mr. Jim Smith, Mr. Anyabwile Naazir, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Noble, Ms. Charlene Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Arellano, Mr. Richard Carlos, San Bernardino City Unified School District, and San Bernardino High School Associated Student Body (ASB).
Give Love Tour Honors Veterans with Free Family Festival
ONTARIO, CA- While millions of Americans will celebrate Veteran’s Day with parties, barbeques and a day of rest, the Marcus Heart Foundation will charge the communities of Southern California to “get up, remember, give thanks and to love a veteran!” The “Give Love Tour” 2013 is a three day star studded, celebrity filled, politically honored and community supported weekend from November 9th to 11th. The event will start at the Citizens Bank Arena, 4000 E. Ontario Center Parkway (Lot F) in Ontario, with the Free Family Fun Festival taking place on November 9 from 10 a.m. to p.m. The festival will include over 100 vendors, live performances, kid zones, a food drive, giveaways and more. All veterans who attend will be honored with a meal and special notes of love from the community on the “wall of love” and they will also receive special thanks from city, state and government officials.
The food drive is a city-wide call to the communities of Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties to bring non-perishable food to various business locations from now until the festival. Those who attend the festival are encouraged to bring their food items on the day as well. The donated food will be given to the families of deployed, wounded and fallen heroes, as well as Veterans in need. A list of locations to drop of food will be available at www.givelovetour.com.
The festivities will continue at the same location with a night of remembrance Mega Concert with R&B Songstress Ledisi. The Mega Concert is a charity fundraiser through Marcus Heart Foundation and a portion of the proceeds go towards various Veterans organizations servicing local areas. Doors to the concert will open at 7 p.m.
The finale concert will take place at the Valley View Casino in San Diego where Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, The Whispers, Howard Hewett and many others will be performing. The closing night performance concert is also a charity fundraiser sponsored by the Marcus Heart Foundation. Once again, portions of the proceeds will benefit area Veterans. Doors open at 7pm.
In between the festival and concerts is a Veterans Appreciation Motorcycle Run, which begins Saturday, November 9 in Los Angeles and will travel to the festival at Citizens Bank Arena. On Sunday, November 10, the riders will continue from Ontario to San Diego ending their salute at the Valley View Casino Center.
For more information on how to attend, volunteer opportunities and more visit www.givelovetour.com.
‘A Bug’s Light’ Teaches Electrical Safety to Students Across Southern California

Photo Caption: From Left to Right: Michael Van Schoick, The National Theatre for Children; Beverly Powell, Region Manager-Public Affairs-Southern California Edison; and Wendi West, The National Theatre for Children, take a photo after the production of ‘A Bug’s Light’ at Rio Vista Elementary School in San Bernardino.
SAN BERNARDINO, CA- Last week, a superhero insect toured 10 under-served elementary schools across Southern California Edison’s (SCE) service area to teach students about electrical safety through a live theatre production of ‘A Bug’s Light.’ Among those elementary schools, Rio Vista Elementary School in San Bernardino was one of the schools where students received the treat of watching the production.
The production was produced by The National Theatre for Children (NTC), a production company that engages students in learning what they and their families can do to stay safe around electricity. Approximately 5,400 students seen the production during the week of September 16 to 20, as part of National Preparedness Month.
Edison International, parent company of SCE, donated $25,000 to NTC to produce the play to educate children in schools in Southern California, which included Compton, Alhambra, Santa Ana, Moreno Valley, San Bernardino and Oxnard.
“Safety is our number one priority and we want children, as well as adults, to know how to safe around electricity,” said Janet Clayton, senior vice president, Corporate Communications for Edison International and Southern California Edison. “When we saw how well students and teachers reacted to ‘A Bug’s Light!” last year, we were excited to bring it back again to continue educating children about electrical safety in a way that makes learning fun.”
For more information about SCE, follow them on Twitter at www.twitter.com/SCE and Facebook, www.Facebook.com/SCE. (Photo by Naomi Bonman).
Film Makers Discuss Projects and Casting on ETB Radio

(LtoR) Andrew Valles, CEO SafeCare Financial Services; Wallace J. Allen, Host Empire Talks Back Radio; Mitchell McDowell Jr., Film Maker; Erik Jones, Film Maker
Film Makers Mitchell McDowell and Erik Jones will return to the “Empire Talks Back radio program this Sunday September 22nd… They will discuss their casting call for “BUCK WILD”, a movie that they plan to film in the IE. The Casting Call is scheduled for Saturday September 28th at 577 N. “D” Street, in San Bernardino. Empire Talks Back airs on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 on KCAA 1050-AM Radio… ETB is streamed live, audio and video, via www.kcaaradio.com. The toll free call-in line is 888-909-1050.
This week I am highlighting Freddie Washington, photographer extraordinaire. Some may not realize that photography is an art and hard work. I can’t stand it when I see a photo of myself and I look a hot mess because the photographer didn’t care or fully understand that photography is more than just pointing and clicking a camera.
Currently working with Nikon Pro staff, I first met Mr. Washington at an event in the Inland Empire where he was taking photos of artists performing. I noticed how professional and serious he was about his craft, due to the sweat pouring down his face and the expensive equipment used. Once finished, I approached Mr. Washington and asked if he could do some work for our production company, LUE Productions. I was so impressed with the finished product that I knew at that moment he had to be a part of our LUE Productions team. Mr. Washington is now our full-time photographer. Some of his photos have already appeared in the Westside Story Newspaper. When I go out on location on behalf of the paper, Mr. Washington is with me.
Photography is the result of combining several technical discoveries. His ability to choose a subject and compose it effectively is amazing. He’s worked with several models, venues and organizations throughout the Inland Empire and surrounding cities. When you’re in need of a professional photographer for your next photo shoot or special event, please contact FWPhotography at 714-833-3196 or email fw4photo@yahoo.com .You can also look his work up on Facebook under FWPhotography. He provides Quality work at affordable rates. Mention this article and receive a discount. Remember photographs can say a thousand words. Until next week! (By Lue Dowdy) Photo of Sunrise taken in Loreto, BCS Mexico
Bridging the Gap Between Africans and African American 2013 Empowerment Conference
RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA- Dr. Kodjoe and Akosuah Sumney would like to invite the community to attend the annual Mission African 2000 Inc., ‘Bridging The Gap’ Empowerment Conference and Banquet on Saturday, September 21 at 10 a.m. Come out and be empowered with vision for building support and humanitarian relief for the people in Ghana, West Africa. There will be African music, African attire and an African empowerment experience with testimonies and witnesses from Global Dominion for Christ. Special guests include Dr. J Gueste, Pastor C. Campbell, Dr. Reginald Woods, Mrs. V. Cunningham, Bishop Philip Powell and the Mission Africa global partners. Tickets are $35 in advance or $40 at the door. To purchase tickets or for more information, please call 951-500-2609 or 909-238-6891. The conference will be held at City of Rancho Cucamonga Central Park, 11200 Baseline Road in Rancho Cucamonga.