Edited By Naomi K. Bonman via CAIR-Greater Los Angeles
On Monday, May 18, 2020, the community lost one of its pivotal leaders, Dr. E. Abdulmu’min. He was also a was a pillar of the American Muslim community in the Inland Empire.
“My father Dr. Abdulmumin was something to everyone. He was a pillar to his community, always giving to others, a mentor and a father figure to many,” Rabyya Abdulmumin, daughter of the late Dr. Abdulmumin stated. “He always had a smile on his face, he laughed and made others laugh. He more than anything loved Ramadan. For as far my memory goes back my dad spent every Ramadan feeding others. He spent every Ramadan night at the front row praying taraweh prayer. May Allah reward him for his good deeds and give him the highest level of Jannah.”

In 2000, Dr. Abdulmumin established the DuBois Institute which specialized in nurturing and empowering youth and families, especially within the underserved African American community in Riverside’s Eastside community.
Dr. Abdulmumin was a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and professor with more than 35 years of university teaching experience and working with youth and adults in the community, educational, mental health and juvenile/criminal justice settings.
He was a compassionate, respected, and loved servant leader within the African American, Muslim, and larger communities.

“Imam/Dr. E.M. Abdulmumin is the man that found me Wayward and full of Rage and introduced me to Islam. When I wasn’t even allowed to attend school along with general population, he encouraged me to attend college where I would later earn a bachelor’s degree from the University of Laverne in behavior science,” Keasuc Hill explained. “He saw in me a leader of people when I had forgotten that I was even a person. He flipped the prison industrial complex by doing the undoable; he transformed a population of juvenile delinquents into grown men. He was my Mentor.”
We are saddened by his loss. We pray Allah has mercy on him for he has returned to his Lord during the blessed month of Ramadan. We also pray that Allah makes these difficult times easy on his family and we offer our sincere condolences to them and to the many people who loved Dr. Abdulmumin.
Verily, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.