The Mary D. Talk Show Presents, “It’s A Wrap!”

By Mary D. Welch

Today, you’re witnessing a dream come true! My fascination with the movie industry has always been strong, and I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out how to break into it. As you might know, I started my writing career with Children’s Books. While I’ve continued to write and publish in that genre, I’ve also ventured into screenwriting.

On top of that, I’ve been working on movie sets, and here’s a surprising twist—I’ve got a couple of scenes in the movie that was wrapped up last Friday! I can’t even begin to describe how thrilling it was to be a part of those scenes. Even if I end up on the cutting room floor, it was an experience worth every moment!

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to follow your dreams, wherever they may lead. I’m absolutely loving what I’m doing, even though I never imagined it would be possible. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue to write Children’s Books and screenplays. Taking risks in life is the only way to truly live. Will you always win? Not necessarily, but as Nelson Mandela wisely said, “You will never lose; you will only learn.”

I’m at the start of this exciting and nerve-wracking journey, and I’m so glad you’re here with me. You are always appreciated and loved. Embrace your purpose, and if you’re not sure what it is yet, that’s okay—give yourself the grace to discover it. Try out classes and activities that interest you, and remember, it’s all about having fun without any pressure!

I have so much to learn, and I mean that sincerely, but I’m having an incredible time along the way. While Children’s Books will always hold a special place in my heart, I’m thoroughly enjoying the path of writing movies. I’ll keep you updated on my progress and let you know what’s happening.

Author: Wallace

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