Lou Coleman

“This is GSWS ?The Official God Severe Warning Service!”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

If you haven’t already done so, get under the Umbrella of the Almighty God NOW to keep yourself safe from the impact of what is about to happen. Maximum readiness and an immediate response is required. Be vigilant. Dangerous times are imminent and inevitable. Follow the advice of the Almighty God. Repent NOW before it is TOO LATE!

The Bible makes it very clear that there is a time coming when you won’t be able to be saved. [Hebrews 12:17]. Do not to take for granted the grace of God. These are the End Times, the Time of Great Tribulation, when God will pour out His wrath and judgment on an unbelieving world. The Bible says God will give them up. They will curse God as they are being scorched with hailstones. [Revelation 16:9-11]. They will try to hide from His wrath in vain, they will seek death, but death will flee from them. [Revelation 9:6]. This is GSWS – the Official God Severe Warning Service. Follow the advice of the Almighty God. Repent NOW before it’s TOO LATE! Don’t gamble with your soul. God hand is outstretched, find grace in the eyes of the Lord today.

For thus saith the Lord, If you do not repent, when you spread out your hands in prayer, pleading for My help because of your rebelliousness and stubbornness, I will hide My eyes from you; I will not be listening. It will be too late! [Isaiah 1:15; Jeremiah 8].

Don’t be like Belshazzar. [Daniel 5]. When Belshazzar saw the writing on the wall, he realized that judgement had been declared. It was TOO LATE! That night Babylon fell, and Belshazzar was slain. The Bible records his trembling, his fear, his knees smote together in terror. He found no place of repentance, he found no mercy, he found no grace. God was done with him forever. You think you have all the time in the world to decide. Not so! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. [James 4:14]. The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand. [Mark 1:15]. Repent NOW!

In Genesis, when the angels came to Sodom, judgment had already been declared. Their fate was sealed. The angels came to save Lot and destroy the city. All the inhabitants were dead men walking even before the angels arrived in Sodom.

The longsuffering of God in Genesis with the old story of Noah. The invitation to be saved and avoid judgement was extended for many, many years. But one day, the offer was withdrawn. It was over, even before the raindrops began to fall, before the fountains of the deep were broken up, before there was any sign of the impending deluge. One can only imagine the icy hand of terror which took hold of their hearts as the rain fell and the water exploded up from underneath. Pleading to be let in. Noah, Noah, let us in! Noah, Noah, we believe you now! The door was shut forever. They took God’s grace and longsuffering for granted.

The sheer terror of realizing one having refused God one too many times. Listen, if God did not spare the angels, nor Sodom, God will not spare this current world. [2 Peter 2:45; Genesis 18:16-33; Romans 11:21]. God is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. [2 Peter 3:9]. Don’t delay coming to Christ. Satan whispers “some other time”—but the Bible says, “NOW is the time of God’s favor, NOW is the day of salvation.” [2 Corinthians 6:2].

Jesus says of those who refuse to be saved, “These shall go away into everlasting punishment and be lost forever.” [Matthew 25:26].

God has commanded you to repent. [Acts 17:30]. Surrender your life to Jesus immediately and be saved. [Revelation 3:19]. If you do not, know that He has bent His bow and made it ready. [Psalms 7:12] and you shall go away into everlasting punishment and be lost forever. [Matthew 25:26].

This is GSWS ? The Official God Severe Warning Service – State of Alert! Defcon 2! God’s Army is ready and prepared.

Like the boy who cried “wolf,” the people dismiss God’s warnings. They say, “Time passes on, but these threats never happen.” They felt quite justified in ignoring the Word of God because they thought it would be no downside for disobedience.

To this God says “Enough.” He will withhold their punishment no longer and will fulfill all that He said. There will be no more delays. [Ezekiel 12:21-28; Revelation 10:6; Jeremiah 30:24].

Defcon 1 – War is imminent!

Though “they sought for it with tears”, they discovered that no matter how “sorry” they were, like Esau, “there was no place for repentance” — it was too late. [Hebrews 12:17].

Author: Wallace

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