Pivotal Paths is the story of a teenage basketball phenomenon growing up in Compton during the gang and drug explosions of the late 1980’s. He comes from a single parent home that thanks to a limited income is confined to poverty.
Despite a commitment to ride his talents to a better life, Quic chasing instant gratification in the form of a fast buck, tries his hand at drug dealing. Though he excels in this area, he holds steadfast that the life style which ushered his father an early generation Crip into a premature grave is not for him.
Quic rationalizes the contradiction that becomes his life by maintaining that the drug dealing thing is a temporary hold over. he doesn’t gang bang but everyone in his peer group from his best friend Lil Jay to his basketball teammates does. His undoubting loyalties to these guys keep him in the line of fire and provide an erroneous perception.
Quic’s proximity to the hood and its seductive allure places him at a crossroads that will determine whether he actively pursues his hoop dreams or set them aside for the trap that is hood life.