Noelle Lilley covering out in the field covering a story for Cronkite News. (Photo courtesy of Facebook)

Where Are They Now: Former WSS Intern Noelle Lilley

By Naomi K. Bonman

As an Editor or any training professional for that matter, you feel like a proud parent when you see one of your former interns out there doing amazing things within their chosen career path. Noelle Lilley, a senior and Journalism major at Arizona State University, interned for the Westside Story Newspaper in the summer of 2014 during her senior year of high school.

So, what is Miss Noelle up to now? She is an investigative reporter for Cronkite News in Arizona. She also completed an internship in the summer of 2017 with 12 News. In addition to paving the path for her journalism career, Lilley is also a part of the National Association Black Journalist (NABJ) ASU Chapter. She was afforded the opportunity in attending the NABJ Convention and Career Fair last year in New Orleans.

Noelle is on the move and is not playing any games when it comes to propelling her career for after college. We are so proud of this one, but I knew she was destined for greatness from the beginning because her work ethic as an intern was exceptional.

To view the video interviews from the beginning of Noelle’s career to now, watch below:

Naomi K. Bonman
Author: Naomi K. Bonman

Naomi K. Bonman is a Digital Content Curator, Journalist, Marketing Manager, and Editor. She is the editor of the westside Story Newspaper. She is also the Founder and CEO of Awakened Lounge (

About Naomi K. Bonman

Naomi K. Bonman is a Digital Content Curator, Journalist, Marketing Manager, and Editor. She is the editor of the westside Story Newspaper. She is also the Founder and CEO of Awakened Lounge (