WSSN Stories

In Unexpected Move, Calif. Republican Lawmaker Bill Essayli Introduces Reparations Bill

By Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey? ?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?

Last month, about 100 reparations advocates met at the State Capitol to build support for bills they backed that didn’t make it to the Assembly floor for votes during the last legislative session.

During the day-long event — titled Reparations Education and Advocacy Day (R.E.A.D) — members of 20 grassroots organizations announced that they were willing to work with any lawmaker, Republican or Democrat, who would help to advance their cause.

Last week, the advocates found support in an unlikely campaigner: Bill Essayli (R-Corona), a Republican lawmaker, who just last year stated he does not support using taxpayer money to pay for reparations.

In a Feb. 21 press release, the Coalition for a Just and Equitable California (CJEC) stated that the “movement to recognize and support American Freedmen residents is a non-partisan effort” that prioritizes sound “policy over political affiliation.”

CJEC is the statewide organization at the forefront of mobilizing grassroots efforts for reparations and reparative Justice for “Freedmen,” a term used to describe Black Americans who are descendants of slaves in the United States.

“Over the coming days and weeks, additional provisions will be added to further honor the state’s responsibility to serve and develop policies for American Freedmen residents directly, such as in areas of business, housing, and education, instead of non-profit organizations with little to no transparency and public accountability,” CJEC’s release stated.

Essayli, a former Riverside County prosecutor and the first Muslim American elected to the California Legislature, introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 1315 Feb. 21, legislation that would create the California American Freedmen Affairs Agency (CAFAA). Essayli says he is presenting the bill with the support of members of CJEC.

“I have introduced AB 1315 to deliver on a broken promise and engage in an honest discussion about creating opportunities for American Freedman instead of more empty political rhetoric from the Democrat Party,” Essayli shared with California Black Media (CBM) on Feb. 22.

But some political watchers and skeptical Democrats are questioning the motives behind Essayli’s sudden and unexpected support of reparations policy.

At press time, Essayli had not announced the introduction of AB 1315 on his website or social media pages.

Some are also pointing out the inconsistency in his position on reparations.

For example, the Black LA Young Democrats reposted a screenshot of Essayli’s post on X form last year, stating that he doesn’t support taxpayer-funded reparations.

“All Black Folks in California are watching y’all getting played,” the Black LA Young Democrats wrote, referring to CJEC.

“The drum beat for reparations is growing louder,” Essayli posted on X last year. “Today’s resolution, ACR 135, was the first step and formally recognized the harms of slavery committed by the State of California (even though we were never a slave state.)”

Essayli followed that post with this: “I’m very much opposed to CA taxpayers paying reparations.”

Essayli made that statement following a floor speech acknowledging an Assembly resolution that apologized for slavery.

In Essayli’s new bill, AB 1315, he proposes the creation of the California American Freedman Affairs Agency (CAFAA) a state-level department that would create a genealogy office to process eligibility requests and provide a legal arm to support reparations claims.

The bill mirrors many of the provisions in Senate Bill (SB) 1403 authored by former state Sen. Steven Bradford, who represented the 35th District in Los Angeles County before terming out last year.

Bradford’s bill, SB 1403, also called for establishing CAFAA as a state- level department that would administer all reparations activities.

However, some members of the CLBC did not support the bill moving to the Assembly floor for a vote because they said it “ceded legislative authority, which is critical given the generational impact this legislation would have.”

“We understand the legislative process is complex and does not always unfold as initially envisioned,” the CLBC’s said in a statement. “However, we remain committed to our long-term goals and recognize that this is a multi-year effort.”

CJEC has however blamed the stalling of the bill on the CLBC and expressed their disappointment and outrage.

Last year, according to Bradford, Essayli offered to bring his bills up for a floor vote. but Essayli told Bradford then that he would not vote for the legislation he sponsored. Bradford declined the offer.

“I seriously wonder if @billessayli will be able to keep a straight face if this comes to the floor. Half the audience will laugh, then protesters will start yelling and boom – the GOP has enough footage of the scene to covers years of campaign ads,” wrote OakSyder, a commentor on X.

News of Essayli’s AB 1315 arrived a day after the CLBC presented a 16-bill package with several reparations and reparative justice priorities.

“This bill (AB 1315) does not require further study before it can become operable, instead, it initiates real steps toward progress immediately,”

CJEC stated in response to the CLBC bill package.

“For too long, the Democrat Party has lied to Black voters and delivered nothing decade after decade,” Essayli told CBM. “This was most recently on display with the bait and switch by the California Legislative Black Caucus which killed SB 1403 in the final hour of the legislative session last year.”

Assemblymember Isaac Bryan (D-Ladera Heights) says he looks forward to questioning Essayli when a hearing on AB 1315 is held.

“The author won’t publicly claim CJEC’s bill, or clarify if he believes all debts owed to American Descendants of Slavery should be paid in full – including monetary compensation,” Bryan posted on X.

“There’s one Black man on the Judiciary Committee who gets to ask all the right questions,” Bryan said, referring to himself.

“Ha! Ha! Ha!”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

Hear the voice of something out there “laughing at us.”[Robert Jenson]. Something laughing in the darkness! Cracking up!

Enters Satan, Rolling in the aisles! [Job 42:1-6]. Busting a gut!

Out of all the warnings given to them, they did not listen. [Jeremiah 7:24]. Ha! Ha! Ha! Assignment Completed!

Satan roams the Earth, seeking to corrupt humanity, and he does so with much success. [1 Peter 5:8-9].

I guess as Bob Dylan sang in his song, “Gotta Serve Somebody. It may be the Devil, or it may be the Lord, but you’re going to have to serve somebody.”

Dylan leaves little to the imagination as to who he is serving when asked by Ed Bradley of 60 Minutes, why he is still out there performing after all these years [five decades now]. Dylan gives a chilling answer regarding a bargain he made with an invisible spiritual entity that he feels he must keep:

Dylan: Well, it goes back to that destiny thing. You know, I made a bargain with it, you know, long time ago. I’m holding up my end.

Bradley: What was your bargain?

Dylan: Get where I am now.

Bradley: Should I ask who you made the bargain with?

Dylan: With the Chief . . . you know, the chief commander.

Bradley: On this earth?

Dylan: This earth, and the world we can’t see.

While Bob Dylan’s admission on 60 Minutes to having made a bargain with the unseen entity that rules the wicked world is more common than most people know, Jesus resisted a far greater temptation from the evil one. Satan offered Jesus worldly power over the nations of the world in exchange for Jesus’ worship, but Jesus rebuked Satan and declared: Be gone, Satan! For it is written; You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve. [Matthew 4:1-11].

Jesus warned that there is no profit in serving the Devil and declared: For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? [Mark 8:36-37].

Know this one thing for sure, in the end Satan and his angels will be cast into the Lake of Fire [Revelation 20:11]. But so will all who have rejected God. [Matthew 25:41 & 46; Revelation 20:14-15].

So don’t be fooled. You ride with the Devil in this life, you die with the Devil in the afterlife. It is not worth it to compromise your life for a quick fix with the devil.

You have an enemy. His number one weapon against you is a lie, and if you believe that lie, your onward progress will stop with God.

However, if you have committed to fill your mind, your heart and your life with truth, there is not a weapon formed against you that will stand. No lie will be able to stop your onward progress. [1 Peter 5:8; Hebrews 3:12].

So, be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone whom he may devour. He is not to be joked about; he is not to be made fun of. He is a serious, formidable foe. [1 Peter 5:8]. He’s a schemer and he will do anything to win.

Understand, the Devil wants to totally destroy you. He seeks to ruin you. He is filled with fury and hatred toward you. He has no kind thought towards you, no pity for you, no sympathy for you. He would rejoice over your downfall.

Satan’s agenda is to get you to turn away from God and take you with him to Hell. For the Devil knows that a time of judgment is coming. He knows that he ultimately will end up in the lake of fire, and he wants to take as many as he can with him. [Revelation 20:10].

No good can come from allowing the Devil to ride shotgun.  So, as the song “Shake the Devil Off” says: Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake the Devil off in the name of Jesus. Don’t let him ride, he might want to drive. Don’t let him get you down, put you on the ground. He’s out there seeking, whom he may devour. But you’ve got to rebuke him. He’s under [your] feet. Shake the Devil off in the name of Jesus. [Dorothy Norwood].

No good can come when the Devil is the captain of the ship and is at the helm driving the ship.  Don’t let the Devil ride. Tell Satan what Jesus told him: “Get out of here, Satan,” [Matthew 4:10].

God has given you authority to resist the devil. Exercise the authority delegated to you. [Luke 10:19]. If you don’t the Devil will wreak havoc in your life and then laugh. Know that nothing in the Devil’s arsenal is able to inflict a mortal blow on the child of God. No matter how violently he attacks us, God has promised that, because of Jesus Christ, we will remain standing to the very end.

Listen to the confidence that the Apostle Paul expresses about this. “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Then he adds, “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 8:37-39]. Such promises give us strength and courage to engage fully in the fight.

The war is real. The battle is raging. The stakes are all high. Will you run? Will you hide? Will you disengage? Will you quit? Or…will you FIGHT?

Are you ready to say, “Enough is enough! I am not laying down and letting the Devil run over me anymore! I will not run! I will not hide! I will not disengage! I will not quit! I am getting up and suiting up in God’s armor. I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ! I am engaging the enemy of my soul in battle. I’m getting my FIGHT back! I will win! [James 4:7].

The Devil thought he had me. He thought he won but God saved me and kept me in His arms. [Devil Thought He Had Me by SETTLER].

The tide has turned. [Luke 6:21; Psalm 2:4]. Ha! Ha! Ha! Victorious in the Lord! Thank you Jesus for all you done for me.

California Legislative Black Caucus 2025 Legislative Package Includes Reparations Priorities

By Antonio Ray Harvey | California Black Media

The California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) has unveiled its 2025 legislative priorities. Titled the the “Road to Repair 2025,” the bill package continues the CLBC’s effort to address the generational harm caused by slavery and systemic discrimination against Black Californians.

Informed by the recommendations of the California Reparation Task Force, the CLBC leadership says the package includes a series of legislative measures that aim to promote equity, economic opportunity, and justice for Black communities.

“The Road to Repair 2025” package is about addressing the centuries of harm inflicted on Black Californians,” said Sen. Akilah Weber Pierson (D-San Diego), Chair of the CLBC. “This is an opportunity to turn the promise of equality into a reality.”

The package highlights efforts to reduce health, wealth, housing, and education disparities. Key proposals include Assembly Bill (AB) 7, which would prioritize higher education admissions for descendants of American chattel slavery, and AB 57, which seeks to allocate home purchase assistance funds to first-time home buyers who are eligible Black Californians.

Weber Pierson, Sen. Laura Richardson (D-Inglewood) and Sen. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas (D-Los Angeles) introduced Senate Bill (SB) 518, which would establish the Bureau of Descendants of American Slavery.

To meet the criteria, SB 518 would require the bureau to contain a genealogy division, a property reclamation division, an education and outreach division, and a legal affairs division.

“When fully implemented, (SB 518) will provide an in-depth database of records of land and property once owned by Black Californians,” Weber-Pierson said. “It will provide families documentation that may help reclaim lost assets or provide historical displacements.”

Other significant measures include SB 503 (Weber Pierson) which aims to regulate artificial intelligence in healthcare to mitigate racial biases, and SB 510 (Richardson), which calls for a comprehensive K-12 curriculum on racial disparities, including slavery and segregation. Another bill proposes requiring the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to develop voluntary work programs for institutional residents.

CLBC Vice Chair Assemblymember Isaac Bryan (D-Ladera Heights) emphasized that the package is part of the CLBC’s ongoing commitment to repair the harms of the past and ensure a more equitable future.

“As we confront socially regressive policies at the national level, California remains committed to standing up for justice and opportunity for all,” said Bryan.

The CLBC is calling on Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers to support these measures, which aim to create long-lasting change for Black communities across the state.

Weber Pierson said the CLBC’s bill package aims to eliminate the generational pain and racial disparities developed from inhuman policies in health, wealth, housing, and education.

The package also includes directing the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation to identify and address ongoing mortgage lending discrimination and require and K-12 curriculum that takes an accurate look at the historic impacts of segregation, slavery, and systemic discrimination.

The package is more than the acknowledgment of past wrongs,” Weber  Pierson said. “It’s ensuring a more just and equitable future for everyone. We are committed to working with our colleagues in the legislature, Gov. Newsom, and the people of California to move these policies forward.”

Darlene Crumedy, a Bay Area resident and a member of the Coalition for a Just and Equitable California (CJEC) — a reparations advocacy organization — says she has taken a critical look at the bill package which she says is not “bold and strong enough.”

“Right now, there’s a 30-day wait before they start going through committees and amendments. So, we do want to wait to see if there will be any changes,” said Crumedy, who has participated in many pro-reparations activities across the state.”

“These are the same amendments that Newsom put last year for SB 1403 and Bradford rejected them,” Crumedy said. “This is just cut and paste. It’s just a stall tactic for another two years.”

According to the CLBC, SB 437 (Weber Pierson) would require the Director of Finance to allocate $6 million to the CSU to conduct the research recommended by the Task Force. Newsom had already allocated $12 million in the 2024-2025 budget for the implementation of reparations.

“We will engage in conversations, push for bold solutions and ensure California leads the way in addressing historic wrongs with meaningful action,” Weber Pierson said. “This work will not be easy and change of this magnitude does not happen overnight.”

B.L.A.C Pop a Latin Nights Story

The Haitian American recording artist Shaney Poo Celebrates Culture and Connection

Haitian-American recording artist Shaney Poo is excited to announce the release of his vibrant new single “Latin Nights,” a pop-rap track that beautifully intertwines his Haitian roots with the rich textures of Latin music. This track not only showcases the diverse rhythms of Latin music but also pays homage to the rich cultural tapestry of the Haitian community. “Latin Nights” is the debut single from Shaney Poo’s upcoming project, Welcome To The New World. The track celebrates his passion for Latin culture while highlighting the universal bond that unites us all. “Latin Nights” celebrates the rich musical heritages that define the Latin and Haitian cultures. With infectious beats and dynamic melodies, Shaney Poo invites listeners on a sonic journey that echoes the pulse of Latin nightlife and the spirited essence of Haitian festivities. This crossover is more than just a collaboration; it’s a blending of traditions and an exploration of shared experiences.

With “Latin Nights,” Shaney Poo brings together the influences of his life experiences and the warmth of friendships cultivated over the years. The talented Miami-based Colombian producer Kae Alis played a key role in shaping the instrumental, while notable Argentine graphic designer Federico Sanchez crafted the captivating cover art. Shaney is renowned for bridging cultures as the founder of Show & Tell Boston, a popular cultural podcast platform in Boston, Massachusetts. He is also the CEO of B.L.A.C Pop Music, an entertainment label where he leads music production and organizes local showcases, working closely with a diverse range of talents. In a town lacking local entertainment resources for creatives, emerging bands, musicians, singers, and artists, B.L.A.C Pop and Show and Tell Boston have become the go-to hubs for indie talent, as well as for local businesses, corporate, and community events.

Follow the Journey of “Shaney Poo” & Experience “Latin Nights,” available on all major streaming platforms.

Bottomline: “Who We Boycott Is Interesting… Who We Support Is Important!”

Publisher’s Commentary by Wallace J. Allen, Iv.

The proposed February 28th boycott against spending is an attempt to impress corporate America with the power of the Black Dollar; to show corporate America our displeasure with their retreat from Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)! We, Black people are requested by civil rights activist and organizations to ‘spend no money’ at all on this Friday, February 28, 2025! However, understanding the difficulty of getting everyone to be able to, or truthfully, want to, participate in the boycott, the follow-up statement is a request to spend as little as necessary.  There is much to be desired relative to our (Black Folks) ability to successfully manipulate our Trillion-Dollar-Plus annual spending power!

In the past, we have successfully refused to spend with businesses where we were not allowed to work… We have been able to successfully impress corporate America with our spending power. However, somehow, we have not perfected our ability to successfully promote and market the obvious benefit of directing our spending power towards developing Black Owned Businesses (BOB)!

I agree that using our spending power to respond to disrespect and mistreatment is something we should do. I think that using our money to develop our self-respect and to assure proper treatment is also something we should do! Just as we can target who not to support financially, we have the ability, some would say responsibility, to target Black Owned Businesses (BOB) with our support!   Many of us are supporting BOB on a regular basis. However, I think you will agree that if we come together to recycle 10% of our Trillion-Dollar-Plus spending, which would amount to about 150 billion Dollars Annually, we would not only impress corporate America, but we would also impress the world, and more importantly, we would impress ourselves!

New Report Highlights Wage Gap for Black Women in California

By Bo Tefu | California Black Media 

A new report, Disrupting Disparities: Ending the Black Women Wage Gap in California, reveals that Black women, particularly single mothers, continue to face significant wage disparities, earning far less than White men in the state. At the current rate, the report highlights that California’s Black women wage gap will take 100 years to close.

The report found that in 2022 Black women earned an average of $54,000 annually, while Black single mothers earned $50,000 compared to $90,000 for White men. When factoring in total income, Black women earned $60,000, while single mothers earned $53,000, still well below their White male counterparts. This means Black women earn just $0.60 for every $1 a White man makes, with single mothers making only $0.56.

The financial impact extends beyond paychecks, affecting access to housing, childcare, and basic necessities. If paid equitably, the report states, a Black single mother in California could afford an extra year of rent or two years of childcare.

To address these disparities, the report recommends expanding pay transparency laws, increasing access to affordable childcare, investing in workforce development programs, and implementing region-specific minimum wage increases. It also calls for enhanced workplace protections, leadership development initiatives, and a statewide task force to focus on Black women’s economic equity.

Advocates argue that closing the wage gap is critical not only for Black women and their families but also for strengthening California’s economy.

Asm. Isaac Bryan Wants Incarcerated Firefighters to Earn More on Assignment

By Edward Henderson | California Black Media

Assemblymember Isaac Bryan (D-Ladera Heights) wants to amend the state’s penal code to increase the salaries incarcerated firefighters earn while they are actively fighting fires.

Assembly Bill (AB) 247 would require inmate firefighters who have completed training for assignment to a state or county facility to be paid an hourly rate equal to the lowest nonincarcerated firefighter in the state (around $28 per hour).

“I think every time we have a major wildfire, we call in incarcerated firefighters who step in heroically to help suppress these fires. And every time that that happens, we have a long conversation about how they’re risking their lives for subminimum pay,” Bryan told California Black Media (CBM).

“I refuse to let this moment where California and Los Angeles in particular, has experienced its largest wildfire, be another moment where we just talk about this issue,” Bryan continued.

During the wildfires that raged in Southern California last month, more than 900 incarcerated firefighters were dispatched to battle the flames. Incarcerated firefighters work on teams called ‘hand crews,’ using hand tools to clear vegetation and create firebreaks that slow the spread of wildfires. During the emergencies, it’s common for responders to work in 24-hour shifts despite the grueling conditions.

While the position is voluntary, the work can be dangerous and even deadly, says Bryan.

Despite the life-threatening conditions the incarcerated firefighters face, their pay is between $5.80 and $10.24 per day, earning an additional $1 per hour when responding to emergencies and up to $26.90 over a 24-hour shift. These wages are lower than what the lowest-level firefighters earn for only an hour of work.

Under existing law, a prisoner can reduce his or her term of imprisonment by earning a two-day credit for every one day served fighting a fire. This would not change under the new bill.

The lower wages incarcerated firefighters earn are legal due to provisions in the U.S. and California constitutions that permits involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime.

Last November, California voters rejected a ballot initiative, Proposition (Prop) 6, that would have amended the State Constitution to outlaw involuntary servitude in California.

“While it’s disappointing that our measure to remove slavery from California’s constitution was not approved by the voters, this setback does not end the fight,” said Assemblymember Lori Wilson (D-Suisun City) in a statement after the election.

Wilson, a member of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC), authored the legislation that became Prop 6.

 “Together, we will continue pushing forward to ensure that our state’s constitution reflects the values of equality and freedom that all Californians deserve,” added Wilson.

Prop 6 sought to repeal language prohibiting involuntary servitude except to punish crime and replace it with language prohibiting slavery and involuntary servitude absolutely.

Bryan’s AB 247, however, has more modest goals. It would increase pay only for incarcerated firefighters actively fighting wildfires, aiding in structure fires and responding to overdoses and roadside accidents. They are often put in harm’s way responding to these situations as well.

“Every single firefighter that is out there right now, I’m sure they’re proud to be there,” said former incarcerated firefighter Amika Mota in an interview with The Marshall Project. “Every single one of those people has signed away their rights to any sort of compensation if they die on the fireground. They’re putting themselves on the frontlines without really understanding the health impacts long-term.”

Bryan visited a base camp for incarcerated firefighters in Pasadena last month to spend time with some of the incarcerated firefighters and hear their stories firsthand.

“Many of them are coming home in the not-too-distant future. Being paid a dignified wage for your life-saving work, fighting these fires is actually part of helping folks succeed in their reentry back into society,” said Bryan.

A few celebrities have also recently shown their support for inmate firefighters. Kim Kardashian has been outspoken about the need for wage increases. NFL quarterback CJ Stroud and singers John Legend and Chris Brown also visited the same Pasadena base camp Bryan visited to speak with program members.

“Not supporting folks who are doing this kind of work is setting them up to continue to cycle from poverty to incarceration. They were all incredibly excited, grateful to be seen,” said Bryan.

Black Caucus and Black Chamber Host Black History Event Recognizing Businesses

By Antonio? ?Ray? ?Harvey? ?|? ?California? ?Black? ?Media?

In celebration of Black History Month, the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) and the California Black Chamber of Commerce (CBCC) recognized 16 honorees at the annual Black Business Brunch on Feb. 10 at the Citizen Hotel in Sacramento.

The small business owners from every corner of the state were recognized for their entrepreneurship, contributions to their respective communities, and vital roles in improving California’s economic landscape.

The proprietors were chosen by members of the CLBC and CBCC. They were honored on the Assembly floor at the State Capitol later that afternoon.

“We gather here today to honor the incredible African American, small business owners of California,” Jay King, President and CEO of CBCC, told California Black Media. “We have to show them some love because they are the heart and soul of our communities. Their tireless work and unwavering dedication show what it means to be leaders”

CLBC members Sen. Laura Richardson (D-Los Angeles), Sen. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas (D-Los Angeles), Assemblymember Tina McKinnor (D-Inglewood), Assemblymember Corey Jackson (D-Moreno Valley), and Assemblymember Rhodesia Ransom (D-Stockton) presented awards to respective honorees.

Assemblymembers Lori D. Wilson (D-Suisun City), LaShae Sharp-Collins (D-San Diego), and Mia Bonta (D-Alameda) also paid homage to Black business leaders.

CLBC chair Sen. Akilah Weber (D-San Diego) was unable to attend due to a prior commitment. CLBC Vice Chair Isaac Bryan (D-Ladera Heights) spoke on her behalf.

“While we recognize you today, you are recognized in your communities every single day,” Bryan told the honorees. “We need you and we rely on you. You were not just picked at random (to receive this award).”

Featured speakers at the brunch were California Secretary of Transportation Toks Omishakin and California State Treasurer Fiona Ma. Tara Lynn Gray, Director of the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA), was also present at the annual brunch.

Omishakin’s message was brief, highlighting ways the state helps support Black small businesses. The Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) allocates substantial amounts each year to finance construction projects started by state and local governments, public transit agencies and airport authorities.

Omshakin said Caltrans’s most important tool for meeting its commitment to inclusion of minority-owned businesses has been its Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) program. Small businesses must be DBE-certified to receive state funding.

Caltrans ensures that firms competing for state-assisted contracts for these projects are not disadvantaged by unlawful discrimination. In fiscal year 2022-2023, nearly $1 billion was awarded to small businesses in the state. African American small businesses received about $40 million, leaving “money on the table,” Omishakin said.

“That’s hundreds of millions of dollars,” Omishakin said about possible procurement opportunities for Black businesses. “There’s a lot of work still to do, with Caltrans and other places, to make sure that African American and Latino owned firms get more opportunities to get that work.”

CLBC member, Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson), was presented with the Chairman’s Award for his significant leadership in fostering economic empowerment and his dedication to his constituents in the 65th Assembly District.

The Legacy and Literacy Leadership Award was bestowed upon Georgia “Mother Rose” Peat West, the founder and owner of Underground Books in Sacramento.

West passed away in December. Her son, Ronnie West, accepted the award on her behalf.

The year’s business honorees were Nelson German (alaMar Kitchen and Bar); Jonathan Kinnard (Coffee del Mondo); Brad Cooper (Coop’s West BBQ); Victor Headley (Every Little Thing Jamaican); Eugene Bennett (Grocery Outlet Bargain Market); Marques McCammon (Karma Automotive); Joseph Cannon (KJ’s Barber and Hair Creationz); and Jauneice Munoz (La Casa Azul Design).

Rounding out the awardees were Malik Muhammad (Malik Books); Aimbrell Shanks (Partytime Machine Rentals), John Cleveland (Post and Beam); Mark Jenkins (Preferred Cremation); Herb Hudson (Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles); Dennis Peterson (That Guy Eye Wear); Eric Calvin (Ultra Unlimited); and Kedrin Johnson (WAYS Home Care and Health Agency).

“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy,” King said. “Your role within this large framework cannot be overstated. Black small businesses bring innovation, creativity, and vital services to every corner of California. Today, we stand together to honor and celebrate you.”

“Get Going… Walk if You Have to But Finish the Damned Race.”

By Lou K. Coleman | WSS News Contributor

“Destiny demands that you dig deep and finish strong. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. Dig deep, finish strong, and make yourself proud! Get going. Walk if you have to but finish the damned race.”  [Gary Ryan Blair ? Ron Hill] and get under the Umbrella of the Almighty God NOW! There is no time to waste.

Bible prophecy is quickly being fulfilled in rapid succession. One after another. The progression and convergence of all the fulfilled end time prophecies in our current generation is not by coincidence. This fast progression and convergence of fulfilled prophecy is revealing to us that we can appropriately say that we are extremely close to the Mark of the Beast crisis, Intense Persecution of the True Remnant, the Loud Cry, and the Latter Rain experience. [Isaiah 58:1-9; James 5; 1 Corinthians 2:1-12; Matthew 5:13-20; Revelation 12:17; Revelation 13:16-18].

We are being plunged into a period of time which the Bible talks about more than any other period in history, including the time when Jesus walked the shores of Galilee and climbed the mountains of Judea. [Matthew 15:29]. The Bible says that the end of this age will have distinct signs, telling us what would be taking place. [Matthew 24 and Luke 21]. I tell you; the proverbial writing is on the wall, and it is telling us that the end of the Age of Grace is at hand and that the pause in Daniel’s timeline that occurred at the 69th week is about to end.

The stage has been set, and the actors are in place.

What Prophecies Reveal ?

(1) The Unification of Europe

Scripture Reference: “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast.” [Revelation 13:1-7; Revelation 13:5-7]. A turning point in human history that will dramatically change the course of world events. [Daniel 2:40–45; Daniel 7:8-24].

Fulfillment/Pending: The full unification under a single authority, which will affect the whole world as described in Revelation, is still pending. [Revelation 13:16; Revelation 17:12].

(2) The Rise of a Global Government and Economy

Scripture Reference: “He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead.” [Revelation 13:16].

Fulfillment/Pending: The rise of a global government and economy, along with the implementation of a mark for buying and selling, has not yet occurred. However, the increasing push toward globalism and digital currencies suggests that this prophecy is nearing fulfillment.

(3) The Great Apostasy

Scripture Reference: “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.” [2 Thessalonians 2:3].

Fulfillment/Pending: The great falling away from the faith, known as the apostasy, is already occurring in many parts of the world, where churches embrace false teachings. This prophecy is currently being fulfilled, with more to come as the end approaches.

While there’s no definitive timeline for when all this will occur, we are urged to discern the times and stay spiritually vigilant. [Matthew 24:42; 1 Peter 5:8].

Why? Because Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled, and every prophetic sign seems to point to an imminent rapture. [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54]. If you want to be saved, get under the Umbrella of the Almighty God NOW! For the Bible tells us that once the entire world “sighs” and says finally, we have “peace and safety,” that is when total destruction comes.

The Bible also tells us that there will be a final world battle, the battle of Armageddon, with the East. There will be a 200-million-man army in which it is said that [China or India are the only countries who have or could do this] that will rise up against the global world order and that nearly three quarters of the world population will perish in this horrific war.

We now have this undeniable convergence of prophesied events in the natural realm, in the political realm, and in the economic realm, yet – so many do not know and are not paying attention. Jesus said, when you see all these things happen, “Look up!”

Jesus is urgently letting His people know how soon His coming will be. Even though it is impossible to know the exact day and hour of Jesus coming at this time, we are instructed by Jesus that we need to carefully “watch and pray” and know His coming is “even at the doors.” [Luke 21:35; Matthew 24:33].

Get Going… Walk if You Have to But Finish the Damned Race – [Gary Ryan Blair]. The time is short!

But they say, “When I have a convenient season, I will call for you.” [Acts 24:25]. The same presumption that condemned Felix and will condemn many.

[Acts 24:27] reveals that Felix never received Christ. Felix made three tragic assumptions: that convenience will come, that conviction from the Holy Spirit would continue, and that conflicts would cease, but he forgot as many of us do… tomorrow may never come. [James 4:14].

So I say again, “Get Going… Walk if You Have to But Finish the Damned Race.” [Quote by Gary Ryan Blair].

California Flu Rates are Highest in 4 Years: Here is how to Protect Yourself

By Edward Henderson | California Black Media

Flu cases in California have surged to the highest levels the state has seen in years.

By the end of January, 26% of tests sent to state laboratories had come back positive for influenza. This is a significant increase compared to flu season peaks over the past 4 years, according to the most recent data captured by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on respiratory viruses.

Flu-related deaths in California are also on the rise. As of Jan. 25, 2.4% of deaths in the state (484 people) were attributed to influenza this season, compared to 1.6% last season.

California Black Media (CBM) spoke with Dr. Jerry P. Abraham, a Los Angeles-based Physician and Public Health advocate who currently serves as the Director & Chief Vaccinologist of the CDU-KEDREN Mobile Street Medicine program in Los Angeles. He explained why cases of the flu may be increasing and preventative measures people can take to protect themselves until the flu season ends next month.

“Be fully vaccinated. It’s not too late to get the flu shot for this flu season. We stop giving it out about March every year,” said Abraham.

“Be fully boosted with COVID-19 vaccines as well. This is a very tenuous time because people are not fully vaccinated,” he continued.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that “everyone 6 months or older get a flu shot — ideally by the end of October to boost protection against the disease during high-circulation winter months.

Dr. Scott Flinn, regional medical director for Provider Partnerships at Blue Shield of California, says people should be aware of flu symptoms and be able to recognize them.

“These symptoms can come on suddenly and hit hard,” says Flinn. “If you start feeling unwell, it’s important to rest and monitor your condition closely, especially if you are in a higher-risk group, including elderly individuals, pregnant women, young children, or those with chronic health conditions.”

Typically, those symptoms include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue and, for some people – especially children – may experience vomiting and diarrhea.

Flu symptoms typically last five and to seven days, though fatigue and cough can persist for two weeks or longer in some cases.

If contracted, Flinn recommends getting plenty of rest, using over-the-counter meds, and taking steps to not spread the flu like staying home for 24-hours after avoiding close contact with others. He also advises that people fighting the flu should get plenty of rest; use over-the-counter medication; and consult a healthcare professional.

Abraham also recommends wearing masks when out in public if you are exhibiting flu symptoms. He also urges individuals who have insurance to schedule appointments with their primary physician as emergency rooms and urgent cares have become overcrowded.

While the cause of the spike in flu cases is still unknown, Abraham attributes some of the causation to changes in climate and rising temperatures across the state.

“That is why these bugs, these viruses, these bacteria are behaving in these new novel ways because we’re just not used to living amongst them like this; living in these warmer temperatures, getting more infected. There’s more of us too, and we’re interacting in different ways. We’re interacting with animals in different ways, industry, all those things. They’re all coming together and so we’ve got a perfect storm,” he said.

The Bay Area is reporting the highest rates of flu-related hospital admissions in the state at 9.9 per 100,000 people, compared to 9.1 in Southern California, 7.5 in Los Angeles, 7.3 in the Greater Sierra-Sacramento region, 5 in Central California and 2.8 in the rural northern part of the state, according to the California Department of Public Health.

“It really is incumbent upon us and each other to do what we did during COVID when no one came for the Black community to help us. We need to look after each other. If you’re sick, stay home. Remember, there are elders and there are cancer patients and people living with all sorts of conditions that they cannot afford to get sick.”